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How did you discover music?

83.3%, 15 votes
TV(Advertisements, Movie, Shows, etc.)
0.0%, 0 vote
16.7%, 3 votes
Elsewhere on the internet(Specify)
0.0%, 0 vote
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03-22-16 05:40 PM
Titan127 is Offline
| ID: 1255612 | 117 Words

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Well, I really got it through youtube. The first song I ever payed attention too, really, was the Minecraft parody "Fallen Kingdom," and if you asked me early sixth grade, four years ago, what my favorite genre was, I'd say Minecraft Parodies. 

Now, after about a week, youtube led me to Linkin Park. And then I realized my stepdad had been playing it for years and I'd just kind of zoned it out, so it was awesome. Now, I listen to various bands, Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed being the main ones, and that shared taste in music is a bonding thing for my stepdad and I, since I live a few hundred miles away with my dad.
Well, I really got it through youtube. The first song I ever payed attention too, really, was the Minecraft parody "Fallen Kingdom," and if you asked me early sixth grade, four years ago, what my favorite genre was, I'd say Minecraft Parodies. 

Now, after about a week, youtube led me to Linkin Park. And then I realized my stepdad had been playing it for years and I'd just kind of zoned it out, so it was awesome. Now, I listen to various bands, Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed being the main ones, and that shared taste in music is a bonding thing for my stepdad and I, since I live a few hundred miles away with my dad.
Iiiii'm the best!

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04-05-16 01:11 PM
TheTrueUlti is Offline
| ID: 1259404 | 45 Words

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Radio, definitely. I had very little when I was growing up. I had no TV, and most certainly no Internet. The earliest I can remember is age five (5), listening to some rock song on the radio in my mother's minivan. Ah, such nostalgia. :')
Radio, definitely. I had very little when I was growing up. I had no TV, and most certainly no Internet. The earliest I can remember is age five (5), listening to some rock song on the radio in my mother's minivan. Ah, such nostalgia. :')
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04-05-16 08:24 PM
austipokedude is Offline
| ID: 1259490 | 53 Words

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Yeah I discovered music from listening to the radio and I have had a chance to listen to enough songs within each genre to actually have a preference in music. The first song I found most memorable however was Yeah by Usher so I've grown accustomed to hip hop music in my childhood.
Yeah I discovered music from listening to the radio and I have had a chance to listen to enough songs within each genre to actually have a preference in music. The first song I found most memorable however was Yeah by Usher so I've grown accustomed to hip hop music in my childhood.
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