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Tom Brady Punishment


05-12-15 10:29 PM
gamerforlifeforever is Offline
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I feel like the suspension was definitely fair. I certainly didn't expect Brady and the Patriots to get as stiff of a punishment as they did because of Roger Goodell's reputation for being to lenient when handing out punishments (look at the Ray Rice fiasco), but I'm glad that this time he actually decided to step up and hand out a stiff punishment. I just hope that Brady won't win his appeal...
I feel like the suspension was definitely fair. I certainly didn't expect Brady and the Patriots to get as stiff of a punishment as they did because of Roger Goodell's reputation for being to lenient when handing out punishments (look at the Ray Rice fiasco), but I'm glad that this time he actually decided to step up and hand out a stiff punishment. I just hope that Brady won't win his appeal...
Vizzed Elite
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(edited by gamerforlifeforever2 on 05-12-15 10:30 PM)     Post Rating: 1   Liked By: NintendoTails,

05-13-15 01:11 AM
Kruzer is Offline
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What I don't get is why does everything bad that happens in the NFL have to end with the word "gate." Spy-gate, Bounty-gate, and now Deflate-gate? What the hell? How about we just boycott the NFL as a whole and give it a rest already XD

Another thing I don't get is why did Jackson ( Dqwell? or D'Qwell? or something ) have to say anything to the officials in the first place. Come on man! You just picked off the ball and could have potentially turned the game around in the Colts favor, but no, you gotta go up to the Ref and say "Hey, this ball seems a little flat," and start all this commotion with the officials, which probably jinxed any chances you had left for winning the game. And don't give me that "good sportsmanship" crap because that does not work in the NFL anymore since it is so corrupt now more than ever.
I definitely do not consider myself as a Patriots fan because I absolutely despise Boston. Not the city itself ( of course ), but just the sport teams in Boston give off that rivalry / negativity feeling. But that is just me and I'm a Yankees fan... so... yeah, there's that XD. But I do consider myself a Bill Belichick fan without a doubt. The guy is a freaking genius when it comes to rosters and picking the right players for his team but surely he can not be doing it all by himself ( or could he? ). Knowing that he is a genius when it comes to football, why would he cheat? He is probably the only coach who would not cheat because he does not have to; there is no reason. Same thing goes for Tom Brady. Belichick would get rid of him in an instant if he knew he was cheating and he would replace him with a guy who is twice as good within a week, lol. Just like Spy-gate ( and Bounty-gate with N.O. as well ), this team is not the only NFL team who use these methods when playing on the field and they are certainly not the first and it is pretty much naive of us to think "they got caught" doing what every other team is doing. And if that is true, then how is that cheating?

No matter how you put it, they are looking at another 16-0 regular season start this year ( just like in '07, remember? ) but hopefully this time they will win the Super Bowl ( and make it 19-0 )
What I don't get is why does everything bad that happens in the NFL have to end with the word "gate." Spy-gate, Bounty-gate, and now Deflate-gate? What the hell? How about we just boycott the NFL as a whole and give it a rest already XD

Another thing I don't get is why did Jackson ( Dqwell? or D'Qwell? or something ) have to say anything to the officials in the first place. Come on man! You just picked off the ball and could have potentially turned the game around in the Colts favor, but no, you gotta go up to the Ref and say "Hey, this ball seems a little flat," and start all this commotion with the officials, which probably jinxed any chances you had left for winning the game. And don't give me that "good sportsmanship" crap because that does not work in the NFL anymore since it is so corrupt now more than ever.
I definitely do not consider myself as a Patriots fan because I absolutely despise Boston. Not the city itself ( of course ), but just the sport teams in Boston give off that rivalry / negativity feeling. But that is just me and I'm a Yankees fan... so... yeah, there's that XD. But I do consider myself a Bill Belichick fan without a doubt. The guy is a freaking genius when it comes to rosters and picking the right players for his team but surely he can not be doing it all by himself ( or could he? ). Knowing that he is a genius when it comes to football, why would he cheat? He is probably the only coach who would not cheat because he does not have to; there is no reason. Same thing goes for Tom Brady. Belichick would get rid of him in an instant if he knew he was cheating and he would replace him with a guy who is twice as good within a week, lol. Just like Spy-gate ( and Bounty-gate with N.O. as well ), this team is not the only NFL team who use these methods when playing on the field and they are certainly not the first and it is pretty much naive of us to think "they got caught" doing what every other team is doing. And if that is true, then how is that cheating?

No matter how you put it, they are looking at another 16-0 regular season start this year ( just like in '07, remember? ) but hopefully this time they will win the Super Bowl ( and make it 19-0 )
Vizzed Elite

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(edited by Kruzer on 05-14-15 03:36 PM)    

05-27-15 08:36 PM
patar4097 is Offline
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Enough time has passed that any further discussion on this can go in the offseason thread. And personally, I think this was a punishment that made sense, although I really didn't expect them to levy  something like this on a team like the Pats. 

Enough time has passed that any further discussion on this can go in the offseason thread. And personally, I think this was a punishment that made sense, although I really didn't expect them to levy  something like this on a team like the Pats. 

Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-28-10
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