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WWE Part-Timers
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WWE Part-Timers


11-17-14 04:21 PM
RIPL@nce is Offline
| ID: 1105228 | 104 Words

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I think  it is ok for part timers to come back but only if they come back to help out the company as a whole. I dont like it when they bring in the "legends" for ppvs such as the royal rumble. No one wants to see jimmy snuka enter the royal rumble when he cant even walk up the steps!!! i guess thats not consifered a part timer but i just had to state my case on that one! no as far as like brock and y2j and those guys its ok but only if they job to the guys in the end.
I think  it is ok for part timers to come back but only if they come back to help out the company as a whole. I dont like it when they bring in the "legends" for ppvs such as the royal rumble. No one wants to see jimmy snuka enter the royal rumble when he cant even walk up the steps!!! i guess thats not consifered a part timer but i just had to state my case on that one! no as far as like brock and y2j and those guys its ok but only if they job to the guys in the end.

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11-17-14 04:49 PM
thing1 is Offline
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RIPL@nce : Naw, I think that counts as more as a guest appearance. 

I don't think Brock is ok. I don't think he is around enough to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion actually. It's why I stopped watching WWE about 4 months ago. 
RIPL@nce : Naw, I think that counts as more as a guest appearance. 

I don't think Brock is ok. I don't think he is around enough to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion actually. It's why I stopped watching WWE about 4 months ago. 
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11-17-14 05:07 PM
RIPL@nce is Offline
| ID: 1105268 | 64 Words

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thing1 :
i do agree abut the first this i just had to get that out of my system i HATE that! and the thing with brock is it gives some value back to the title. if its not around all the time then when it is defended it shoud feel special. it wont cuz cena is just gonna win it back but it should.
thing1 :
i do agree abut the first this i just had to get that out of my system i HATE that! and the thing with brock is it gives some value back to the title. if its not around all the time then when it is defended it shoud feel special. it wont cuz cena is just gonna win it back but it should.

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11-18-14 12:48 AM
MysteryMan007 is Offline
| ID: 1105476 | 162 Words

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I have no problem with the part-timers, myself especially as I feel they DO bring value to the company. Jericho, Rock,Hogan, and yes, even Brock, these guys put butts in the seats and are recognizable amongst fans of all ages and eras. Thing is, something's wrong with the current roster talent & the creative team if it's the part-timers headlining and turning heads. I don't see very many guys these days that bring it in terms of mat skills or mic skills as they used to pre-2006. I want to give the current roster a chance but there's nobody, just a few potential prospects like Roman Reigns. It's easier to be a good heel, it's harder to be a good face that most can embrace. WHO on earth is it? It's not John Cena, even if he's the guy WWE always wanted to push ever since Rock & Brock first left 10 years ago. That's all I have to say about that.
I have no problem with the part-timers, myself especially as I feel they DO bring value to the company. Jericho, Rock,Hogan, and yes, even Brock, these guys put butts in the seats and are recognizable amongst fans of all ages and eras. Thing is, something's wrong with the current roster talent & the creative team if it's the part-timers headlining and turning heads. I don't see very many guys these days that bring it in terms of mat skills or mic skills as they used to pre-2006. I want to give the current roster a chance but there's nobody, just a few potential prospects like Roman Reigns. It's easier to be a good heel, it's harder to be a good face that most can embrace. WHO on earth is it? It's not John Cena, even if he's the guy WWE always wanted to push ever since Rock & Brock first left 10 years ago. That's all I have to say about that.

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11-21-14 05:03 PM
ghostfishy is Offline
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RIPL@nce : I agree with you on your opinion. If the WWE wants to bring back old wrestlers, they should at least go for the ones who are still in shape and not crippling old like Hulk Hogan who can barely do his famous leg drop. Some old wrestlers are just way past their time. I don't really want to see Cena win the WWE title again and let him beat Ric Flair's title reign. Ric Flair has definitely earned his title reigns and it took quite some time for him to get so far.

thing1 : We might as well put up missing advertisements on Lesnar and the WWE title since they both have been gone for so long. I mean have you seen this person (Lesnar) and the championship (WWE title)

MysteryMan007 : It is easier to become a heel because most adult male fans love them. They think that faces are very overused and too cheesy especially with the PG era that we are in. I can think of a few more wrestlers who have great potential. Dean Ambrose is on a good lead so far. Cesaro should be pushed since he has great wrestling abilities. Roman Reigns could be another one but too bad he's off the shelf for now.

RIPL@nce : I agree with you on your opinion. If the WWE wants to bring back old wrestlers, they should at least go for the ones who are still in shape and not crippling old like Hulk Hogan who can barely do his famous leg drop. Some old wrestlers are just way past their time. I don't really want to see Cena win the WWE title again and let him beat Ric Flair's title reign. Ric Flair has definitely earned his title reigns and it took quite some time for him to get so far.

thing1 : We might as well put up missing advertisements on Lesnar and the WWE title since they both have been gone for so long. I mean have you seen this person (Lesnar) and the championship (WWE title)

MysteryMan007 : It is easier to become a heel because most adult male fans love them. They think that faces are very overused and too cheesy especially with the PG era that we are in. I can think of a few more wrestlers who have great potential. Dean Ambrose is on a good lead so far. Cesaro should be pushed since he has great wrestling abilities. Roman Reigns could be another one but too bad he's off the shelf for now.

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01-28-15 02:51 PM
Spicy is Offline
| ID: 1130803 | 35 Words

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Hmm... Well, I have no real problems with part-timers to be completely honest with you, it's always exciting seeing there matches, and just look at how Brock lesnar performed at the royal rumble! Awesome match.
Hmm... Well, I have no real problems with part-timers to be completely honest with you, it's always exciting seeing there matches, and just look at how Brock lesnar performed at the royal rumble! Awesome match.
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