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Least Favorite Anime?


08-27-14 06:00 PM
CalvinFan64 is Offline
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Apocalypse Zero.
Just... Apocalypse Zero.
I can't say anything about it, because of it's content, but if you're strong, watch Bennett The Sage's review. He hits all the marks.
Apocalypse Zero.
Just... Apocalypse Zero.
I can't say anything about it, because of it's content, but if you're strong, watch Bennett The Sage's review. He hits all the marks.

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09-09-14 04:25 PM
blahblahblah213 is Offline
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OOOH that is tough. It would have to be the first anime I've ever dropped so that would be...Maken-Ki! I got so bored halfway through the anime that I'm surprised that I was even able to get to the halfway point! Dropped it shortly after.
OOOH that is tough. It would have to be the first anime I've ever dropped so that would be...Maken-Ki! I got so bored halfway through the anime that I'm surprised that I was even able to get to the halfway point! Dropped it shortly after.
The Gaming Anime Loving Geek

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12-17-14 04:33 PM
olamar is Offline
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"Dantalian No Shoka" was my least favourite. It has been a long time since I watched it, but as I remember the pacing was terrible. The ED wasn't even animated something which gave me the feeling that the creators were lazy. The characters wasn't memorable at all, their personalities was about as shallow as a kiddies pool, the only one I remember is Dantalian and that is because of the cute artwork. Well I could go on for hours, but this is really the worst I have seen, and that is from a poor soul forced by a friend to watch "Boku No Pico" yes it was that bad.
"Dantalian No Shoka" was my least favourite. It has been a long time since I watched it, but as I remember the pacing was terrible. The ED wasn't even animated something which gave me the feeling that the creators were lazy. The characters wasn't memorable at all, their personalities was about as shallow as a kiddies pool, the only one I remember is Dantalian and that is because of the cute artwork. Well I could go on for hours, but this is really the worst I have seen, and that is from a poor soul forced by a friend to watch "Boku No Pico" yes it was that bad.

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12-19-14 11:48 PM
greatmaningrey is Offline
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Least Favourite anime... well there is an easy one for me School Days (DO NOT WATCH)

That may seem like a cheap way out but... really I hate it with every bone in my body... I mean there are some anime that I didn't like for example K-On (please don't hurt me) but I can find at least one good thing in it. School Days is an anime that I can't find anything good with. So ya, I don't like it.
Least Favourite anime... well there is an easy one for me School Days (DO NOT WATCH)

That may seem like a cheap way out but... really I hate it with every bone in my body... I mean there are some anime that I didn't like for example K-On (please don't hurt me) but I can find at least one good thing in it. School Days is an anime that I can't find anything good with. So ya, I don't like it.
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12-22-14 08:38 PM
Brain-Splattered is Offline
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For least favorite animes I will have to list a few because I can't narrow it down to just one. They would be Shin Chan, Green Green, Naruto, Itazura Na Kiss, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Hamtaro, Romeo X Juliet, and Sumomomo Momomo. I could name more but those are the main ones I dislike. 
For least favorite animes I will have to list a few because I can't narrow it down to just one. They would be Shin Chan, Green Green, Naruto, Itazura Na Kiss, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Hamtaro, Romeo X Juliet, and Sumomomo Momomo. I could name more but those are the main ones I dislike. 
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12-25-14 03:56 PM
Afirael is Offline
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I honestly had to really think about this one. I tend to like things once I give them a chance but there is one anime that I can think of that I would never recommend to anyone and couldn't even sit through the first episode of and that, my friends is a little something called B Gata H Kei.

I was looking for something to watch one night and remembered my friend telling me about it. She swore it had an interesting plot and was hilarious. Let me note here: she has a completely different sense of humor than me. That alone should have been enough to forewarn me that this was a mistake but I was naive. I hopped on Netflix, pulled it up and read the synopsis. At this point, I should have shut down my PS3 and found a book to read, but no, I continued. It sounded.....odd, but I figured it would be fine. Perhaps it was a hidden gem? Who knows. I tend not to judge before I watch, no matter the opinions on the internet.

Long story, short, the plot is horrible. The characters, lame. The overall quality of the show, horrible. Never again.
I honestly had to really think about this one. I tend to like things once I give them a chance but there is one anime that I can think of that I would never recommend to anyone and couldn't even sit through the first episode of and that, my friends is a little something called B Gata H Kei.

I was looking for something to watch one night and remembered my friend telling me about it. She swore it had an interesting plot and was hilarious. Let me note here: she has a completely different sense of humor than me. That alone should have been enough to forewarn me that this was a mistake but I was naive. I hopped on Netflix, pulled it up and read the synopsis. At this point, I should have shut down my PS3 and found a book to read, but no, I continued. It sounded.....odd, but I figured it would be fine. Perhaps it was a hidden gem? Who knows. I tend not to judge before I watch, no matter the opinions on the internet.

Long story, short, the plot is horrible. The characters, lame. The overall quality of the show, horrible. Never again.

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01-02-15 09:03 AM
MisakiMei is Offline
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That is a pretty easy question for me: Sword Art Online ._. Everyone hyped this one for no reason, so I decided to start watching it... It got more and more annoying, and at episode 14 or something around, I stopped...
That is a pretty easy question for me: Sword Art Online ._. Everyone hyped this one for no reason, so I decided to start watching it... It got more and more annoying, and at episode 14 or something around, I stopped...

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01-02-15 10:27 AM
thecrzyguy is Offline
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I don't understand half the things going on, it's too slow paced, and I've watched seven episodes out of twenty six episodes. The things that I do understand, I only understand because of the similar concepts from other anime.

I don't understand half the things going on, it's too slow paced, and I've watched seven episodes out of twenty six episodes. The things that I do understand, I only understand because of the similar concepts from other anime.

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Registered: 11-06-12
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01-23-15 11:44 AM
cless alvein is Offline
| ID: 1128464 | 69 Words

cless alvein
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Someone already said it for me,haha! xP.The answer is School Days,without a doubt(:I mean....Nah,never mind.I think the best thing for those of you who don't know anything about the anime or the VN is to just go and check it out via Wikipedia and then and ONLY then you WILL understand why this is my least favorite anime...Actually,School Days is probably the WORST anime I've seen in my life
Someone already said it for me,haha! xP.The answer is School Days,without a doubt(:I mean....Nah,never mind.I think the best thing for those of you who don't know anything about the anime or the VN is to just go and check it out via Wikipedia and then and ONLY then you WILL understand why this is my least favorite anime...Actually,School Days is probably the WORST anime I've seen in my life

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(edited by cless alvein on 01-23-15 11:50 AM)    

01-24-15 12:32 PM
Hidden Phantom is Offline
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Hidden Phantom
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The worst (not counting school days, ugh) is Sword Art Online. Pretty much, the entire franchise hangs on its fan base, which is understandable considering how godawful it actually is.
The worst (not counting school days, ugh) is Sword Art Online. Pretty much, the entire franchise hangs on its fan base, which is understandable considering how godawful it actually is.
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