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Is All The Bible True?


07-24-14 05:40 AM
SoL@R is Offline
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Well, ALL the Bible should be true or it shouldn't.  You can't have a section that is true and one section that isn't.  It would insinuate that God, who is Perfect, Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient is a liar and deceiver which would totally contradict His character since it is His Word after all.  God cannot lie.  Numbers 23:19, "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.  Does he speak and then not act?  Does he promise and not fulfill?"

The question is, do you believe God?  Do you believe that He is what He says in His Word or not?  You either do or you don't.  From what I've experienced in my own life in my relationship with Him, I would give that a big YES.  So that would naturally follow that I believe every single word in His Word, the Bible.
Well, ALL the Bible should be true or it shouldn't.  You can't have a section that is true and one section that isn't.  It would insinuate that God, who is Perfect, Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient is a liar and deceiver which would totally contradict His character since it is His Word after all.  God cannot lie.  Numbers 23:19, "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.  Does he speak and then not act?  Does he promise and not fulfill?"

The question is, do you believe God?  Do you believe that He is what He says in His Word or not?  You either do or you don't.  From what I've experienced in my own life in my relationship with Him, I would give that a big YES.  So that would naturally follow that I believe every single word in His Word, the Bible.
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07-24-14 09:26 AM
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SoL@R :  It's so refreshing to meet other Christians that feel that way. Nowadays, it seems like nearly all self-proclaimed Christians disagree. I don't know if they've been affected by media or feel pressured by society, but it always makes my heart ache a little. It seems like many Christians who doubt the Bible's accuracy always find excuses.... or use that doubt as an excuse.
SoL@R :  It's so refreshing to meet other Christians that feel that way. Nowadays, it seems like nearly all self-proclaimed Christians disagree. I don't know if they've been affected by media or feel pressured by society, but it always makes my heart ache a little. It seems like many Christians who doubt the Bible's accuracy always find excuses.... or use that doubt as an excuse.
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07-24-14 11:05 AM
Changedatrequest is Offline
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SoL@R :

Is Jesus God? Is Jesus Human?

I too think all the bible is true, but I think it shouldn't be read as a history or science textbook.
SoL@R :

Is Jesus God? Is Jesus Human?

I too think all the bible is true, but I think it shouldn't be read as a history or science textbook.

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07-24-14 03:34 PM
RS_Chrisseh is Offline
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I realize, of course, that many people have responded to this post since it first made it's way onto this board. I am, however, going to post my own response as well, haha.

Disclaimer: All these opinions are my own. I am not accusing anyone of being wrong, nor am I saying I'm better than others.  

To answer the first question, yes I do think the Bible is true in every retrospect. However, I do also believe that how you read the Bible and interpret it is your own. So while one person may read the Old Testament and see the destruction only, another may read it and see G-d's love. I'm in the later group. 

Every person in the Bible is very real, from Moses to Paul. Yes, it was written by different people, however it's not really that much of a surprise. As it stands Paul wrote the most books in both Old and New Testament, standing at thirteen(possibly fourteen if you want to go with him writing Hebrews as well). Moses wrote five, though his were considerably longer than any others(Genesis through Deuteronomy). 

Back onto the subject: In regards to Orthodox Judaism, they follow the first five books of the Bible, as well as the teaching and scrolls. It is simply their belief, and if I'm not mistaken it's mentioned in Isaiah that this would happen(forgive me, I'm still reading Isaiah...slowly. Oh so slowly). They are still waiting on the Messiah to come down from the Heavens, thinking Jesus to simply be a prophet. 

Why people choose to pick what they believe to be true in the Bible is beyond me, though I truly feel that it has a lot to do with how they read and view G-d. 

An example-If I were a person who had a harsh past with homosexuality, and being told that you are nothing but dirt and that G-d did not love you because of your sin, and then later having come to Christ I would only see the judgmental side of G-d, and in turn judge others, completely forgetting to love others-like He says to do in His Word. I wouldn't believe that G-d truly loved unconditionally, but rather it was a conditional love. 

Now that's an extreme example, but it's one none the less. Everyone sees things in a different light and it causes one to dismiss something as true when in all reality it could be. 

Txgangsta :

Is Jesus God? Is Jesus Human?

I think Jesus was very much a human. Yes he did incredible miracles and healings, but he did those works through his Father, G-d.
I realize, of course, that many people have responded to this post since it first made it's way onto this board. I am, however, going to post my own response as well, haha.

Disclaimer: All these opinions are my own. I am not accusing anyone of being wrong, nor am I saying I'm better than others.  

To answer the first question, yes I do think the Bible is true in every retrospect. However, I do also believe that how you read the Bible and interpret it is your own. So while one person may read the Old Testament and see the destruction only, another may read it and see G-d's love. I'm in the later group. 

Every person in the Bible is very real, from Moses to Paul. Yes, it was written by different people, however it's not really that much of a surprise. As it stands Paul wrote the most books in both Old and New Testament, standing at thirteen(possibly fourteen if you want to go with him writing Hebrews as well). Moses wrote five, though his were considerably longer than any others(Genesis through Deuteronomy). 

Back onto the subject: In regards to Orthodox Judaism, they follow the first five books of the Bible, as well as the teaching and scrolls. It is simply their belief, and if I'm not mistaken it's mentioned in Isaiah that this would happen(forgive me, I'm still reading Isaiah...slowly. Oh so slowly). They are still waiting on the Messiah to come down from the Heavens, thinking Jesus to simply be a prophet. 

Why people choose to pick what they believe to be true in the Bible is beyond me, though I truly feel that it has a lot to do with how they read and view G-d. 

An example-If I were a person who had a harsh past with homosexuality, and being told that you are nothing but dirt and that G-d did not love you because of your sin, and then later having come to Christ I would only see the judgmental side of G-d, and in turn judge others, completely forgetting to love others-like He says to do in His Word. I wouldn't believe that G-d truly loved unconditionally, but rather it was a conditional love. 

Now that's an extreme example, but it's one none the less. Everyone sees things in a different light and it causes one to dismiss something as true when in all reality it could be. 

Txgangsta :

Is Jesus God? Is Jesus Human?

I think Jesus was very much a human. Yes he did incredible miracles and healings, but he did those works through his Father, G-d.
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07-25-14 06:04 PM
Changedatrequest is Offline
| ID: 1056981 | 35 Words

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Sincerely_Chris :

The correct answer is that Jesus is 100% human and 100% God. My statement was a critique of interpretation of Numbers 23:19. I am Trinitarian through and through.

Do you deny the Christ's divinity/deity?
Sincerely_Chris :

The correct answer is that Jesus is 100% human and 100% God. My statement was a critique of interpretation of Numbers 23:19. I am Trinitarian through and through.

Do you deny the Christ's divinity/deity?

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-04-13
Last Post: 2887 days
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