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Happy Halloween!


10-31-13 08:22 PM
Momo Aria is Offline
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Momo Aria
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Happy Halloween!

I actually didn't plan anything on what to do this year... but I went out with my neighbors and their children. I had fun this year, though I did not have a costume (and I don't really care for one). I got some candy too, even though I don't really eat candy. I had a lot of fun this year.
Happy Halloween!

I actually didn't plan anything on what to do this year... but I went out with my neighbors and their children. I had fun this year, though I did not have a costume (and I don't really care for one). I got some candy too, even though I don't really eat candy. I had a lot of fun this year.
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10-31-13 08:30 PM
tgags123 is Offline
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Jordanv78 : Safe is the most important part. My friends and I only went out for a few hours and we saw a group of 10th graders smoking pot, another group of 10th graders drunk out of their mind (and holding large mugs of beer), and a brawl between a bunch of (probably drunk) kids. Fortunately I was able to avoid it all.

I went as a phantom thing. It was basically a black robe that covered my hole body and my face.

Cyro Xero : That is what my friend did! All of the little kids thought he was the real Batman.
Jordanv78 : Safe is the most important part. My friends and I only went out for a few hours and we saw a group of 10th graders smoking pot, another group of 10th graders drunk out of their mind (and holding large mugs of beer), and a brawl between a bunch of (probably drunk) kids. Fortunately I was able to avoid it all.

I went as a phantom thing. It was basically a black robe that covered my hole body and my face.

Cyro Xero : That is what my friend did! All of the little kids thought he was the real Batman.
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10-31-13 10:37 PM
SacredShadow is Offline
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I went as a grim reaper sort of thing, I had a skull mask on, a long cape with a hood, and I dressed in all black as well to look extra menacing. I also carried around a long thick bladed sword thing that was plastic, but it looked pretty scary and real. It sort of resembled something an orc would use in lord of the rings because of the thickness of the blade and pointed upward end. 

I made a lot of candy though, I got 87 pieces, I originally had 92 but I ate a few of them *Wipes face and hides candy rappers*

So i had a pretty awesome Halloween and I didn't feel weird at all going trick or treating at 15, heck its free candy! Plus a lot of other high school kids bigger and older than me did it, so I didn't feel weird at all.

I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween and made lots of candy! 
I went as a grim reaper sort of thing, I had a skull mask on, a long cape with a hood, and I dressed in all black as well to look extra menacing. I also carried around a long thick bladed sword thing that was plastic, but it looked pretty scary and real. It sort of resembled something an orc would use in lord of the rings because of the thickness of the blade and pointed upward end. 

I made a lot of candy though, I got 87 pieces, I originally had 92 but I ate a few of them *Wipes face and hides candy rappers*

So i had a pretty awesome Halloween and I didn't feel weird at all going trick or treating at 15, heck its free candy! Plus a lot of other high school kids bigger and older than me did it, so I didn't feel weird at all.

I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween and made lots of candy! 
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11-01-13 12:39 AM
UFC is Offline
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What's so happy about it *grumble grumble*   
What's so happy about it *grumble grumble*   
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Heil Satan

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11-01-13 02:31 AM
Markeith21 is Offline
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Well this time I didn't really do anything, I just had the family over and we had dinner and talked for a couple of hours.
Well this time I didn't really do anything, I just had the family over and we had dinner and talked for a couple of hours.
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11-01-13 02:37 AM
merf is Offline
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We did absolutely nothing for Halloween. Well, ok, to be fair I did go into town (we live 30 mins outside of town) with my Grandpa and cousin. That time was spent dodging pedestrians and getting to places though, not a whole lot of amusement or excitement. Around here, you just don't do that kind of thing. We live out in the woods, redneck land, you can certainly count on being met at the door by a man ready to protect his home however necessary. Yeah. We usually don't go out much after dark either. lolol.
We did absolutely nothing for Halloween. Well, ok, to be fair I did go into town (we live 30 mins outside of town) with my Grandpa and cousin. That time was spent dodging pedestrians and getting to places though, not a whole lot of amusement or excitement. Around here, you just don't do that kind of thing. We live out in the woods, redneck land, you can certainly count on being met at the door by a man ready to protect his home however necessary. Yeah. We usually don't go out much after dark either. lolol.
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