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Retro or Modern?
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Retro or Modern?

Which do you prefer? Retro or Modern games? Pick one!
78.9%, 15 votes
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08-04-12 01:29 PM
Dualage is Offline
| ID: 629165 | 159 Words

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taterii :
Sadly that's the way it'll be for companies that are NOT Nintendo; since all they do is develop for simplistic kids while Nintendo actually tries new things while Sony/Soft politely steals their ideas in the process. AFTER those two companies preemptively stated that said gimmick "won't go anywhere". 

So then kinect and move were made... featuring motion controls... which Microsoft stated would go nowhere.

I don't know about anyone else, but how can you seriously respect companies like this? They say something sucks or won't be successful then all of a sudden "Oh, since it sells, we'll do it too; even though it sucks".

I know that's the point of marketing, but it just annoys the hell out of me (I'm omitting my own swearing for the sake of /rules). Watch as Sony or Microsoft make some gimmick in their next console that features a tablet controller of some kind with a touch screen, like the Wii U.
taterii :
Sadly that's the way it'll be for companies that are NOT Nintendo; since all they do is develop for simplistic kids while Nintendo actually tries new things while Sony/Soft politely steals their ideas in the process. AFTER those two companies preemptively stated that said gimmick "won't go anywhere". 

So then kinect and move were made... featuring motion controls... which Microsoft stated would go nowhere.

I don't know about anyone else, but how can you seriously respect companies like this? They say something sucks or won't be successful then all of a sudden "Oh, since it sells, we'll do it too; even though it sucks".

I know that's the point of marketing, but it just annoys the hell out of me (I'm omitting my own swearing for the sake of /rules). Watch as Sony or Microsoft make some gimmick in their next console that features a tablet controller of some kind with a touch screen, like the Wii U.

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Registered: 07-14-12
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08-04-12 03:14 PM
taterii is Offline
| ID: 629216 | 29 Words

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Dualage : YES exactly. Nintendo will always be the best game developer, they try new things and really know how to make games. Unlike other companies. I completely agree with you.
Dualage : YES exactly. Nintendo will always be the best game developer, they try new things and really know how to make games. Unlike other companies. I completely agree with you.
Simply Gaming

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08-05-12 12:23 AM
Latinxassassin is Offline
| ID: 629514 | 34 Words

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I think Retro games are better, and what I mean by Retro are those games in the late 1990's and early 2000's. The stories... they were just so awesome. Today's games don't impress me.
I think Retro games are better, and what I mean by Retro are those games in the late 1990's and early 2000's. The stories... they were just so awesome. Today's games don't impress me.

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08-12-12 12:00 AM
natethefox is Offline
| ID: 633431 | 28 Words

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Retro is better than modern. just think about it. don't get me wrong though. modern was bit good but retro is way more better. just think about it
Retro is better than modern. just think about it. don't get me wrong though. modern was bit good but retro is way more better. just think about it
the one formaly knowen as Mrkirby77 or Nate the fox

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08-12-12 12:02 AM
CC23 is Offline
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retro they are classical games. better story line games to
retro they are classical games. better story line games to
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08-14-12 06:03 PM
Musiccontrol is Offline
| ID: 634672 | 14 Words

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Even though there are some great modern games, I think retro games are better.
Even though there are some great modern games, I think retro games are better.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-12-12
Location: Snake Way
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