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Do you like being watched while you play video games??

Do like being watched while you play video games? do you (lolol)
Yes, I do
38.8%, 45 votes
No, I dont
50.9%, 59 votes
Lol thats a stupid question
10.3%, 12 votes
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05-27-13 03:10 PM
camjim12 is Offline
| ID: 804843 | 75 Words

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Yeah, I can be honest and say it bugs me just a little to be watched. My abilities go from decent to totally lame when someone watching, making their comments, I guess I get nervous that I'll mess up. But I can deal with it, I guess. I have fun playing multiplayer games, and if another persons watching, it doesn't mean the end of the world to me. But I prefer playing alone, by myself.

Yeah, I can be honest and say it bugs me just a little to be watched. My abilities go from decent to totally lame when someone watching, making their comments, I guess I get nervous that I'll mess up. But I can deal with it, I guess. I have fun playing multiplayer games, and if another persons watching, it doesn't mean the end of the world to me. But I prefer playing alone, by myself.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-04-12
Location: Pa
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Last Active: 3517 days

05-27-13 03:20 PM
SacraRain is Offline
| ID: 804858 | 113 Words

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Well, depending on the game... yeah sure. But to be honest, what I really wanted to do since I started using youtube was to upload my game plays onto that site for others to enjoy and comment on... but at the same time, I don't exactly have the money for the equipment nor the computer properties to run that kind of software... so yeah, unable to do that.

But yeah, when it comes to certain games... it does help when I have like a friend watching me, they often tell me I'm a moron and that I'm doing it wrong... then they point out what I did wrong. Good times, good times.
Well, depending on the game... yeah sure. But to be honest, what I really wanted to do since I started using youtube was to upload my game plays onto that site for others to enjoy and comment on... but at the same time, I don't exactly have the money for the equipment nor the computer properties to run that kind of software... so yeah, unable to do that.

But yeah, when it comes to certain games... it does help when I have like a friend watching me, they often tell me I'm a moron and that I'm doing it wrong... then they point out what I did wrong. Good times, good times.
Homeless (5/31/13)

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Registered: 05-14-13
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05-27-13 03:22 PM
GamingMonkey is Offline
| ID: 804859 | 17 Words

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Only games that I am good at.
I am kind of a show off to be honest.
Only games that I am good at.
I am kind of a show off to be honest.
Vizzed #1 Fallout fan

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-21-13
Location: Shoal Cave - Hoenn
Last Post: 3292 days
Last Active: 2632 days

05-27-13 03:22 PM
Jaiven is Offline
| ID: 804862 | 25 Words

Level: 19

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LVL EXP: 33833
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VIZ: 11172

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Due to the fact I am a show off, yes, yes I do.
Especially if a Girl gamer is watching.
I need a life, seriously.
Due to the fact I am a show off, yes, yes I do.
Especially if a Girl gamer is watching.
I need a life, seriously.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-21-13
Last Post: 4137 days
Last Active: 4117 days

05-27-13 03:30 PM
twilight is Offline
| ID: 804870 | 11 Words

Level: 18

POSTS: 12/57
POST EXP: 1847
LVL EXP: 28205
CP: 341.2
VIZ: 10712

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I don't like being watched while playing my precious video games
I don't like being watched while playing my precious video games

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-03-13
Last Post: 3139 days
Last Active: 1728 days


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