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I got the job!


10-31-11 08:20 PM
The Planned Accident is Offline
| ID: 489162 | 12 Words

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Congratulations on getting the job, geeo. How was your first day?
Congratulations on getting the job, geeo. How was your first day?
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10-31-11 09:25 PM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 489208 | 56 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 18873/29311
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LVL EXP: 428938835
CP: 52798.3
VIZ: 566216

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Davideo7 : I work 8-4:30 but adding in the commute it's more like 7:15-5:30. I'm really happy with it though. I love the job so far. Things are going so much better with this job than my last one.

j4m3zizk0olo07 : It was great. The new job is exactly what I was hoping it would be.
Davideo7 : I work 8-4:30 but adding in the commute it's more like 7:15-5:30. I'm really happy with it though. I love the job so far. Things are going so much better with this job than my last one.

j4m3zizk0olo07 : It was great. The new job is exactly what I was hoping it would be.
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11-01-11 11:42 PM
silverthundr is Offline
| ID: 490001 | 29 Words

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Whoa. Sorry I'm so late. I knew about this for a while, but just now got around to congratulating you. So congrats, Geeogree. Make lots of money, or something.
Whoa. Sorry I'm so late. I knew about this for a while, but just now got around to congratulating you. So congrats, Geeogree. Make lots of money, or something.
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11-02-11 12:54 AM
NotJon is Offline
| ID: 490030 | 28 Words

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You are right! 

Congratulations on the job, geo! It must feel great. I am always in a good mood when good things happen to good people. Good luck.
You are right! 

Congratulations on the job, geo! It must feel great. I am always in a good mood when good things happen to good people. Good luck.
Vizzed Elite
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11-02-11 10:43 PM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 490583 | 40 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 18880/29311
POST EXP: 1956571
LVL EXP: 428938835
CP: 52798.3
VIZ: 566216

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silverthundr : I don't actually care about making lots of money. I just want to make enough money that my family can do what we want to do. I really just want a simple life where I can be happy.
silverthundr : I don't actually care about making lots of money. I just want to make enough money that my family can do what we want to do. I really just want a simple life where I can be happy.
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11-02-11 10:44 PM
silverthundr is Offline
| ID: 490585 | 31 Words

Level: 101

POSTS: 1169/2808
POST EXP: 132342
LVL EXP: 10431159
CP: 4425.2
VIZ: 20523

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Heh. It was just a joke. But you do what you have to to get by. And if it turns out for the best, well, good for you. Enjoying your job?
Heh. It was just a joke. But you do what you have to to get by. And if it turns out for the best, well, good for you. Enjoying your job?
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11-02-11 10:48 PM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 490589 | 59 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 18882/29311
POST EXP: 1956571
LVL EXP: 428938835
CP: 52798.3
VIZ: 566216

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silverthundr : I knew what you meant but I felt like saying it anyways.

As for the job, I'm loving it. I finally feel like I'm doing what I enjoy. I'm not jumping out of bed in the morning to get to work or anything but I feel like I've accomplished something by the end of the day
silverthundr : I knew what you meant but I felt like saying it anyways.

As for the job, I'm loving it. I finally feel like I'm doing what I enjoy. I'm not jumping out of bed in the morning to get to work or anything but I feel like I've accomplished something by the end of the day
Vizzed Elite
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11-02-11 11:54 PM
septembern is Offline
| ID: 490630 | 12 Words

Level: 203

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CP: 3859.9
VIZ: 235880

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Congratulations man!

That's great! It must feel great to be employed again.
Congratulations man!

That's great! It must feel great to be employed again.
Vizzed Elite
Winner of the April 2012 Tour de Vizzed

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11-03-11 12:28 AM
Davideo7 is Online
| ID: 490662 | 92 Words

Level: 353

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VIZ: 125484223

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geeogree : " I don't actually care about making lots of money. I just want to make enough money that my family can do what we want to do. I really just want a simple life where I can be happy."

I respect that kind of attitude because that's the same kind of attitude I have.  As long as I'm making enough to support my family and we're all happy, that's all that really matters.  I'd rather have a job that I enjoy instead of a high paying job that I hate.
geeogree : " I don't actually care about making lots of money. I just want to make enough money that my family can do what we want to do. I really just want a simple life where I can be happy."

I respect that kind of attitude because that's the same kind of attitude I have.  As long as I'm making enough to support my family and we're all happy, that's all that really matters.  I'd rather have a job that I enjoy instead of a high paying job that I hate.
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11-03-11 12:34 AM
legacyme3 is Offline
| ID: 490663 | 89 Words

Lord Leggy - King of IT
Level: 270

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LVL EXP: 325205874
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VIZ: 2986181

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geeogree :

" I don't actually care about making lots of money. I just want to make enough money that my family can do what we want to do. I really just want a simple life where I can be happy"

This. I've told you many times in the past how I feel the same way, so I won't tire you with that again =P

At least you are enjoying your job.

All that matters in life is being happy. If you are happy, your life is well used.
geeogree :

" I don't actually care about making lots of money. I just want to make enough money that my family can do what we want to do. I really just want a simple life where I can be happy"

This. I've told you many times in the past how I feel the same way, so I won't tire you with that again =P

At least you are enjoying your job.

All that matters in life is being happy. If you are happy, your life is well used.
Vizzed Elite
6-Time VCS Winner

One Leggy.
One Love.
One Dream.

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11-03-11 07:49 AM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 490731 | 78 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 18886/29311
POST EXP: 1956571
LVL EXP: 428938835
CP: 52798.3
VIZ: 566216

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septembern : yup!

yeah, it's nice to just be working again. As much as I enjoyed being home with my wife and kids and not having to get up at 6:30 every morning just to get into work on time and working all day and then coming home in time to have dinner and put the kids to bed.... it is satisfying to feel like I'm contributing somewhere else in the world besides just in my own home.
septembern : yup!

yeah, it's nice to just be working again. As much as I enjoyed being home with my wife and kids and not having to get up at 6:30 every morning just to get into work on time and working all day and then coming home in time to have dinner and put the kids to bed.... it is satisfying to feel like I'm contributing somewhere else in the world besides just in my own home.
Vizzed Elite
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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