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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


12-08-12 12:20 AM
Mother3fan5 is Offline
| ID: 699047 | 126 Words

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Honestly, I have no idea much about the show at all. Mostly, when I was younger, I was usually in classes who thought the show was absolutely girly. Of course, I gave no interest.
Of course, ever since I came here to Vizzed (Thanks to Sonicmcmuffin ) the series seems to drag me in a little. Mainly because there is literally a Pony named "DERPY" Hooves. I really don't know if that was taken from the meme or not... Also, the other ponies seem to have cool, cute, and sometimes hilarious parts, which also drags me in a little.
Anyways, My Little Pony doesn't seem that bad anymore... I just may join the Brony club if I do put in interest and research into this cartoon. 
Honestly, I have no idea much about the show at all. Mostly, when I was younger, I was usually in classes who thought the show was absolutely girly. Of course, I gave no interest.
Of course, ever since I came here to Vizzed (Thanks to Sonicmcmuffin ) the series seems to drag me in a little. Mainly because there is literally a Pony named "DERPY" Hooves. I really don't know if that was taken from the meme or not... Also, the other ponies seem to have cool, cute, and sometimes hilarious parts, which also drags me in a little.
Anyways, My Little Pony doesn't seem that bad anymore... I just may join the Brony club if I do put in interest and research into this cartoon. 
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the mothcan

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12-08-12 12:23 AM
patar4097 is Offline
| ID: 699049 | 36 Words

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OK, I still don't get why people like it! I find it very annoying, and just a waste of time. If you like it, then fine, but I don't like it, and it just seems stupid.
OK, I still don't get why people like it! I find it very annoying, and just a waste of time. If you like it, then fine, but I don't like it, and it just seems stupid.
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