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Do you have a fear of elevators?


09-07-12 01:39 PM
whitetiger24 is Offline
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No, i love elevators. If there working properly that is. if there were some mechanical problems, yes i would be scared.
No, i love elevators. If there working properly that is. if there were some mechanical problems, yes i would be scared.

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09-07-12 04:42 PM
mr.keys is Offline
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No, i don't have a fear of elevators. I actually like elevators because it sometimes feel like im going into outer space because of the gravity change when you go up floors. Its so cool to me.
No, i don't have a fear of elevators. I actually like elevators because it sometimes feel like im going into outer space because of the gravity change when you go up floors. Its so cool to me.
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09-12-12 01:51 PM
eprentice6289 is Offline
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I hate elevators. When I was around 7 years old I got stuck in an elevator between floors for roughly 4 and a half hours. Now I go out of my way to avoid them.
I hate elevators. When I was around 7 years old I got stuck in an elevator between floors for roughly 4 and a half hours. Now I go out of my way to avoid them.

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09-15-12 02:03 AM
SunflowerGaming is Offline
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I always loved elevators. I don't know why. Maybe it's because when I was little, I always asked my Mom if I could push the buttons. I loved pushing buttons. I thought it was so neat when I was a kid. Dorky I know. LOL. Uhm I did have a fear of escalators when I was little though. My Dad tried to push me down one once when I was small and for a long time I refused to go on them. I don't mind them now though.
I always loved elevators. I don't know why. Maybe it's because when I was little, I always asked my Mom if I could push the buttons. I loved pushing buttons. I thought it was so neat when I was a kid. Dorky I know. LOL. Uhm I did have a fear of escalators when I was little though. My Dad tried to push me down one once when I was small and for a long time I refused to go on them. I don't mind them now though.
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Courage is not having the strength to go on, it's going on when you don't have the strength. ????

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09-15-12 02:23 AM
Mobouis1 is Offline
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Nope I not afraid of elevator but if they do get stuck then I would fear them but that is a rare chance that would happen.
Nope I not afraid of elevator but if they do get stuck then I would fear them but that is a rare chance that would happen.
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09-15-12 03:10 AM
sonicboom212 is Offline
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I still have a fear of elevators. Especially when the elevator stops and does not open for a while
I still have a fear of elevators. Especially when the elevator stops and does not open for a while

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10-03-12 08:57 PM
Oldschool41 is Offline
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Sometimes only if elevator is doing something that scares me.
Sometimes only if elevator is doing something that scares me.
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10-03-12 10:25 PM
Singelli is Offline
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I only fear rickety old elevators.  Even then though, they don't bother me that much.  I think sometimes I might think about the risks for a few moments, but other than that, it doesn't really cross my mind.  LOL
I only fear rickety old elevators.  Even then though, they don't bother me that much.  I think sometimes I might think about the risks for a few moments, but other than that, it doesn't really cross my mind.  LOL
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10-03-12 10:39 PM
Bwrutherford is Offline
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I do not have a fear of elevators. Does anyone else ever try to do the jump thing where you time the elevator before it stops and jump? I do every time just to see if I can get that little extra hangtime. I have never got that to work. 
I do not have a fear of elevators. Does anyone else ever try to do the jump thing where you time the elevator before it stops and jump? I do every time just to see if I can get that little extra hangtime. I have never got that to work. 

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10-03-12 10:43 PM
mr.keys is Offline
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Do i have a fear of elevators, no not really i haven't been on an elevator or watched any elevator movies like that. All the movies i watched dealing with elevators they end up escaping so i know how to escape from one if it gets stuck or jam. I know just about everything i need to know when an elevator gets stuck. Hopefully some day i get to put my skills to use.
Do i have a fear of elevators, no not really i haven't been on an elevator or watched any elevator movies like that. All the movies i watched dealing with elevators they end up escaping so i know how to escape from one if it gets stuck or jam. I know just about everything i need to know when an elevator gets stuck. Hopefully some day i get to put my skills to use.
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10-03-12 10:47 PM
Clovertheclever is Offline
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I have a fear of elevators a bit. So I get a little jumpy inside an elevator.   Given the option, I'll take the stairs!
I have a fear of elevators a bit. So I get a little jumpy inside an elevator.   Given the option, I'll take the stairs!
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