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Are you scared of seeing blood?


07-27-13 03:41 AM
Legs_Ftw is Offline
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No I'm not, but I know someone who gets disgusted by blood, even if there is 1 drop of blood.
No I'm not, but I know someone who gets disgusted by blood, even if there is 1 drop of blood.

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07-29-13 05:35 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
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I'm not scared of seeing blood at all. It grosses me out a lot, though.
I'm not scared of seeing blood at all. It grosses me out a lot, though.
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07-30-13 04:17 PM
jose2307 is Offline
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im not scared of blood its just blood but when i was a kid i got scared of blood from chicken when my mom would make food but now im like its just blood inside our body 
im not scared of blood its just blood but when i was a kid i got scared of blood from chicken when my mom would make food but now im like its just blood inside our body 

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07-30-13 05:06 PM
Mr. Zed is Offline
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I am not afraid of seeing blood because I have seen way more terrifying things in my time. But some people who see blood to much will develop a fear of seeing it.
I am not afraid of seeing blood because I have seen way more terrifying things in my time. But some people who see blood to much will develop a fear of seeing it.
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08-02-13 07:34 AM
mh246 is Offline
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No not really blood is not scary at all
No not really blood is not scary at all

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08-12-13 03:08 PM
Pokegeek is Offline
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If I see some blood just drop onto my hand from a surprise nosebleed, then I am shocked, but not freaked out.
If I see some blood just drop onto my hand from a surprise nosebleed, then I am shocked, but not freaked out.
Hit OPS Syndrome on 09/08/13 and 12/08/13

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08-18-13 12:16 PM
goodboy is Offline
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Nah, not at all. From my body or someone else's, it's just blood. No biggy. We all have it in our bodies, and it's not that gross, really. Why would it be? Just don't touch it.
Nah, not at all. From my body or someone else's, it's just blood. No biggy. We all have it in our bodies, and it's not that gross, really. Why would it be? Just don't touch it.
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08-19-13 03:13 AM
NintendoFan0513 is Offline
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No, seeing blood doesn't scare me. I'm not one of those people that freaks out at the sight of blood. It doesn't matter if the blood is from me or someone else, or the amount of blood because it doesn't bother me at all. We all have blood in our bodies, so why should it scare us when some of it comes out?
No, seeing blood doesn't scare me. I'm not one of those people that freaks out at the sight of blood. It doesn't matter if the blood is from me or someone else, or the amount of blood because it doesn't bother me at all. We all have blood in our bodies, so why should it scare us when some of it comes out?
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09-03-13 11:06 AM
thephantombrain is Offline
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No way, mass media has got me so desensitized to blood that it could be covering the walls, ceiling and floors and I wouldn't lose any sleep. My own blood? I guess that just depends on the volume of blood that is pouring out of me. If there was a lot, I'd probably go into shock quickly.
No way, mass media has got me so desensitized to blood that it could be covering the walls, ceiling and floors and I wouldn't lose any sleep. My own blood? I guess that just depends on the volume of blood that is pouring out of me. If there was a lot, I'd probably go into shock quickly.
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