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What Really Grinds Your Gears?


10-02-10 09:08 PM
darkillusion is Offline
| ID: 250268 | 29 Words

Level: 20

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LVL EXP: 37797
CP: 5.0
VIZ: 18436

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What grinds my gear is when im having a conversation with someone and somebody else rudely interrupts and keeps talking until i forget what i was going to say.
What grinds my gear is when im having a conversation with someone and somebody else rudely interrupts and keeps talking until i forget what i was going to say.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-04-10
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10-02-10 09:22 PM
Nksor is Offline
| ID: 250280 | 37 Words

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You know else gets me going? Those 'jock' guys who think they're above everybody else. And I hate it when all the girls follow them too. W/E, they'll be bagging my groceries in a few years anyways.
You know else gets me going? Those 'jock' guys who think they're above everybody else. And I hate it when all the girls follow them too. W/E, they'll be bagging my groceries in a few years anyways.
Vizzed Elite

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10-03-10 10:36 AM
Joker13 is Offline
| ID: 250657 | 26 Words

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what really grinds my gears?
it would have to be a huge upset when im driving,if plp dont use there turn signal it grinds my gears!!!!
what really grinds my gears?
it would have to be a huge upset when im driving,if plp dont use there turn signal it grinds my gears!!!!

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Registered: 10-01-10
Location: Delavan,wisconsin
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10-03-10 05:39 PM
retro_lover is Offline
| ID: 251023 | 74 Words

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Do you know what really grinds my gears telemarketers and people who think they are gods gift to women and think they know everything. And anotherthing that really grinds my gears is the sears store I mean you go in there just to buy about three movies and you can never find out where the cheack out couter is. No wonder why there are so many shop lifters and people who steel out there.
Do you know what really grinds my gears telemarketers and people who think they are gods gift to women and think they know everything. And anotherthing that really grinds my gears is the sears store I mean you go in there just to buy about three movies and you can never find out where the cheack out couter is. No wonder why there are so many shop lifters and people who steel out there.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-03-10
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10-03-10 05:57 PM
supernerd117 is Offline
| ID: 251035 | 20 Words

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I cannot stand the noise of chalk on the chalkboard. It drives me insane. Oh, no...I HeAr It COmInG... ARRRGGHH!!!
I cannot stand the noise of chalk on the chalkboard. It drives me insane. Oh, no...I HeAr It COmInG... ARRRGGHH!!!
Vizzed Elite

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10-03-10 06:29 PM
tony3067 is Offline
| ID: 251039 | 2 Words

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(edited by DarkHyren on 11-07-10 08:45 AM)    

10-04-10 02:44 PM
LordLucario21 is Offline
| ID: 251542 | 44 Words

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Shoelaces. THose goshdarned shoelaces. i hate it when they look like they're tied, but then the laces come loose and if you tie it again, it becomes too knotted for it to be undone. When can they make self-tying shoelaces, i need them now!!!!!!
Shoelaces. THose goshdarned shoelaces. i hate it when they look like they're tied, but then the laces come loose and if you tie it again, it becomes too knotted for it to be undone. When can they make self-tying shoelaces, i need them now!!!!!!
The videogame-obsessed supernerd

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12-09-10 12:33 PM
NotJon is Offline
| ID: 291576 | 35 Words

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Sponges...I can't even. Also, when people don't get quiet when I tell them to (mostly my sister) and people who think they know everything about a certain subject but they don't really grind my gears.
Sponges...I can't even. Also, when people don't get quiet when I tell them to (mostly my sister) and people who think they know everything about a certain subject but they don't really grind my gears.
Vizzed Elite
More Not than the average Jon

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12-09-10 02:01 PM
Cyprian is Offline
| ID: 291613 | 64 Words

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You know what really grinds my gears? Smug know it alls who think just because they have a brain cell or two and a little "education", that they are superior and smarter than everyone else. I'm sorry, but two months at the community college simply means you will be the most well read peon at the McDonald's flipping my burger.

Just my two cents.
You know what really grinds my gears? Smug know it alls who think just because they have a brain cell or two and a little "education", that they are superior and smarter than everyone else. I'm sorry, but two months at the community college simply means you will be the most well read peon at the McDonald's flipping my burger.

Just my two cents.

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12-09-10 04:01 PM
jmc1097 is Offline
| ID: 291705 | 30 Words

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I also HATE when people summon me to my own friggin threads. It's so annoying, especially because 99.9999999% of the time it's not even for something I care about.
I also HATE when people summon me to my own friggin threads. It's so annoying, especially because 99.9999999% of the time it's not even for something I care about.
Perma Banned

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12-10-10 04:24 PM
Glyphomancer is Offline
| ID: 292383 | 41 Words

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Well, I'm pretty sure I could post a list, but to keep it short, I HATE IT when people tell me to do something right as I'm about to do it. It's like they read my mind just to annoy me!
Well, I'm pretty sure I could post a list, but to keep it short, I HATE IT when people tell me to do something right as I'm about to do it. It's like they read my mind just to annoy me!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-02-10
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12-10-10 04:43 PM
mr.keys is Offline
| ID: 292394 | 16 Words

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LVL EXP: 5476780
CP: 15.1
VIZ: 1318

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What really grinds my gears is when a black guy makes fun of his own kind.
What really grinds my gears is when a black guy makes fun of his own kind.
Perma Banned
Astronaut Status

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12-10-10 08:30 PM
diabeticzach is Offline
| ID: 292527 | 38 Words

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You wanna know what really grinds my gears? Its people that dont know how to signal when merging on the freeway or the idiots that dont know how to turn in the proper lane from a stop light.
You wanna know what really grinds my gears? Its people that dont know how to signal when merging on the freeway or the idiots that dont know how to turn in the proper lane from a stop light.
Vizzards United

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