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What have you dressed up for for Halloween?


08-10-10 11:03 AM
Videogamegod is Offline
| ID: 221234 | 20 Words

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I'm just gonna say my most epic costume, which was easily when I dressed up as Mario. Best Halloween Ever!
I'm just gonna say my most epic costume, which was easily when I dressed up as Mario. Best Halloween Ever!
The Master at Video Games

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08-10-10 11:19 AM
Fishergirl7 is Offline
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Let's see...I've dressed up as a witch, a vampire, zombie, a skeleton, Rogue from the X-Men, Sara Sidle from CSI, a ghostbuster, a care bare (Cheer Bear I think), Avril Lavigne, and one time me and my friends went to a party as the Buffy cast, where I was Willow.
Let's see...I've dressed up as a witch, a vampire, zombie, a skeleton, Rogue from the X-Men, Sara Sidle from CSI, a ghostbuster, a care bare (Cheer Bear I think), Avril Lavigne, and one time me and my friends went to a party as the Buffy cast, where I was Willow.
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08-10-10 09:05 PM
Arget33 is Offline
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I've dressed up as a clown and a cowboy for Halloween. I've only dressed up a few times.
I've dressed up as a clown and a cowboy for Halloween. I've only dressed up a few times.

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08-11-10 09:57 AM
jmc1097 is Offline
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Spiderman, Ghostface (the killer from Scream) two years in a row, one time with the bloody mask, I think I was a Red Power Ranger one time, a pumpkin when I was about 2 years old, and Freddy Krueger. Those are all I remember. This year I want to be Jason Voorhees
Spiderman, Ghostface (the killer from Scream) two years in a row, one time with the bloody mask, I think I was a Red Power Ranger one time, a pumpkin when I was about 2 years old, and Freddy Krueger. Those are all I remember. This year I want to be Jason Voorhees
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08-23-10 09:44 PM
Shane is Offline
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Years in ages (like 3=3 years old)

1/2 idk

3: Po (From the teletubbies)

4: A pirate (Hand over ye candy or ye be walkin' da plank!)

5/6: I think a power ranger.

7/8/9/10: I think different kinds of ninjas or something.

11/12: Hooded reaper thingy with glowing red eyes. I'm sticking with this one for a few years.

That should be it, but I think I squeezed in a Spiderman somewhere.
Years in ages (like 3=3 years old)

1/2 idk

3: Po (From the teletubbies)

4: A pirate (Hand over ye candy or ye be walkin' da plank!)

5/6: I think a power ranger.

7/8/9/10: I think different kinds of ninjas or something.

11/12: Hooded reaper thingy with glowing red eyes. I'm sticking with this one for a few years.

That should be it, but I think I squeezed in a Spiderman somewhere.

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08-25-10 05:06 PM
JazzCoon is Offline
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Mail-box a few years, Bat-Man one year, and this year as Boba Fett!
Mail-box a few years, Bat-Man one year, and this year as Boba Fett!
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Mandolorian Shock Trooper

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08-25-10 05:11 PM
DarknessinZero is Offline
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Lets see..I will put the one's I can remember:
A Power Ranger (can't remember which one
A dead Softball Player
A dead Basketball Player
An old woman
A vampire
Dart from Legend of Dragoon
A Pimp (lol)
Yeah...that is all I can recall..
Lets see..I will put the one's I can remember:
A Power Ranger (can't remember which one
A dead Softball Player
A dead Basketball Player
An old woman
A vampire
Dart from Legend of Dragoon
A Pimp (lol)
Yeah...that is all I can recall..

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08-26-10 08:03 PM
Emmy is Offline
| ID: 229965 | 36 Words

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From what I can remember:
Zombie soccer player
Cat, multiple times
Pirate wrench
Hermione from Harry Potter
She Devil
Megara/Meg from the Disney movie Hercules
Mall Goth

That's all I really remember.

From what I can remember:
Zombie soccer player
Cat, multiple times
Pirate wrench
Hermione from Harry Potter
She Devil
Megara/Meg from the Disney movie Hercules
Mall Goth

That's all I really remember.


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(edited by Emmy on 08-26-10 08:03 PM)    

08-26-10 08:06 PM
Namrea is Offline
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I have been alot of things.. many many things in the first 16 years of my life.. but from 17 to now.. I normally just throw on a brown cloak and a glowing sword and tell everyone I'm a Jedi.
I have been alot of things.. many many things in the first 16 years of my life.. but from 17 to now.. I normally just throw on a brown cloak and a glowing sword and tell everyone I'm a Jedi.
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Goomba Stomper

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09-16-10 06:45 PM
Kerubi is Offline
| ID: 241770 | 41 Words

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When I was little I was the blue power ranger and Oscar the grouch. When I was a little older I was a zombie and Jason Voorhees. And in high school I dressed as Gaara from Naruto for a halloween dance.
When I was little I was the blue power ranger and Oscar the grouch. When I was a little older I was a zombie and Jason Voorhees. And in high school I dressed as Gaara from Naruto for a halloween dance.
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The Exiled Artist

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