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Precognitive Dreams
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Precognitive Dreams


11-25-10 04:04 PM
flambeau is Offline
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hackerman : it's the kind of dream that end up becoming true or that give you some real clues for future time. Kind of a vision, but it's actually a dream

I have never had any of them but I wish I could dream w/ lottery numbers
hackerman : it's the kind of dream that end up becoming true or that give you some real clues for future time. Kind of a vision, but it's actually a dream

I have never had any of them but I wish I could dream w/ lottery numbers
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11-25-10 04:06 PM
hackerman is Offline
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flambeau : wow ok i sometimes get the feelings i had those dreams but i can never remember them
flambeau : wow ok i sometimes get the feelings i had those dreams but i can never remember them
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02-23-11 03:43 PM
DBDonald is Offline
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alexanyways : I have them quite often or I used to just not as frequently. I found all sorts of theories but I figure in my case its genetic since it ran in my family but skiped my mom. Whats really creepy is my moms brother who died before I was born had dreams of drowning for weeks before he died. He died when he went off a bridge when it flooded and his jeep went off the bridge in to a river and drowned! Most of my moms family has foreseen their own deaths so it seems to be genetic in my case.
alexanyways : I have them quite often or I used to just not as frequently. I found all sorts of theories but I figure in my case its genetic since it ran in my family but skiped my mom. Whats really creepy is my moms brother who died before I was born had dreams of drowning for weeks before he died. He died when he went off a bridge when it flooded and his jeep went off the bridge in to a river and drowned! Most of my moms family has foreseen their own deaths so it seems to be genetic in my case.
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02-24-11 12:33 PM
Resanub is Offline
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I usually have dreamless sleep, so no, I don't usually have precognitive dreams. Deja vu on the other hand, I have every other day.
I usually have dreamless sleep, so no, I don't usually have precognitive dreams. Deja vu on the other hand, I have every other day.

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02-24-11 01:03 PM
UserMike is Offline
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I too have experienced this, sometimes aware that its happening when I have memory of having experienced it through dreams. Other times i have a feeling of deja vu. It is the strangest feeling. This has only happened on occasion, even less when I think I know that I had it happen in a dream.
I too have experienced this, sometimes aware that its happening when I have memory of having experienced it through dreams. Other times i have a feeling of deja vu. It is the strangest feeling. This has only happened on occasion, even less when I think I know that I had it happen in a dream.
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