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Celestial Knight's Last Game Comments | Riviera - The Promised Land | Not the type of game I'd normally choose to play..glad I decided to play it tho I've fallen in love with this game! | Metal Warriors | More people need to play this game I have no idea why it isn't mainstream yet or summoned multiple squeals | Mario Bros | Wooohooo just beat my high score now I'm ranked #4 for the high score board for this game!! |
Celestial Knight's Last Game Reviews |
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - Battle Assault 11-23-15 11:38 PM |
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault Review Are you a fan of the mecha anime genre and also a fan of fighting games such as Tekkin or Mortal Kombat or Street fighter?,.. you are?, well I have the perfect game for you that's based off of the successful and moderately popular mecha anime Gundam.In this game you are basically in a mecha suit and fight just like you would in a Street fighter, Tekkin or Mortal Kombat title. To put it simply Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault is basically what is said in the description, it "pits eight (plus four unlockable) Alliance and ZAFT pilots against each other in armored combat in the Bloody Valentine War. Each Gundam's attacks are split between physical close range attacks and long range beam/gun attacks. Gundams can boost to quickly move on the ground or change directions in mid-air, as well as enter Berserk mode that trades reduced armor for increased attack power as well as unlocking their Ultimate Attack. Before the game starts the player can reduce their boosting ability to increase their Gundam's armor or HP.Game modes include a simple story mode, training, time attack, survival, free battle, and 2-player versus." But unfortunately Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault doesn't use any source material from the anime except character designs and mecha armor and mecha armor attacks and the game doesn't take the initiative to incorporate any actual storyline or decent dialog into the game and feels generally rushed. Overall I felt Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault deserved a rating of 6 out of 10. I rated Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault this rating because unfortunately the gameplay and main story in the game really has no plot structure or depth and the dialog is rather basic and repetitive,the main character repeats himself after each victory saying the same dialog. Another reason why I felt Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault deserved the overall rating it received is the game felt generally rushed to me, one of those "fly by night"... Read the rest of this Review |
Super Contra 11-23-15 01:33 AM |
All I have is my gun and my humanity A Super Contra Review Put aside your morals, pick up your gun, and blast away the alien threat. For you solider you are the Earths one and hope, you a lone wolf, you the under dog, must beat the odds, you must rise to the challenge and you must defeat the alien oppressors again from ending all humanity and life as we know it.This is reality as you know it, this is Super Contra.Super Contra is incredibly different from the original and in many attributes better than its predecessor which you should expect from a game that came out during what I like to call the second coming of the 8 bit era Nintendo NES games. I would categorize Super Contra as a Nintendo NES classic and must have. In addition you don't have to play the original Contra to get into it's squeal Super Contra. Overall I rated and deeply felt Super Contra deserved it's rating of a perfect 10/10 for a number of reasons.Just to name a few of the top of my head,the movement and overall mechanics of the game.The games player movement is simply better and more free flowing than the original and really feels fast and loose compared to the originals slow and stiff.In addition you can now shoot in any/all directions and move around in any direction during boss fights and in the basic stages.In addition what earned Super Contra this overall rating is the environments that are seen throughout the game, they are really interactive and visually stunning and look/feel alive (so to speak) very good animations and backgrounds that really sell the story and set the dark theme/mood of the game. For the graphics I felt Super Contra deserved a 10/10. The programmers really went above and beyond what was expected and created an environment the really came alive and set the mood for the game. The backgrounds are would I would describe as gif images and are constantly moving and making the player feel as though the world of Super Contra is really going on around them, they just visually pull you into the game.The background... Read the rest of this Review |
Contra 11-18-15 12:08 AM |
(Rambo VS Alien Oppressors) A Contra Review Rambo VS Alien Oppressors is how I would begin to describe the incredible Nintendo NES classic game, Contra. In the game Contra you the player are basically fighting an up hill battle against a(n) hostile alien fleet hell bent on the destruction of earth and or enslaving the earth,the main character is insanely out numbered, out gun'ed and the odds of survival are slim to none considering it's literally one man(you) a gorilla warfare type solider vs an entire alien fleet/faction. Overall I'd say Contra deserved its rating of a 9.8/10. I gave Contra this rating because the game managed to capture the players attention with its story and hold the interest of the player which resulted in long hours of playing.I'd recommend Contra for any gamer that is a fan of action adventure/side scrollers and basic "shoot'em up's". For Contra, the graphics I felt deserved a 10/10. The graphics are about as good as it get's considering it is a game that came out in the 8 bit era of gaming. While the characters(sprites) in the game basically have no distinguishable facial features(hard to see eyes, mouth,nose etc.)you can clearly make out the sprites bodies and unique physical forms.The game is in full color in the sense of the sprites and level designs themselves are diverse in color scheme and rich in diverse color(like realistic). The soundtrack for Contra really helps set the overall mood for the game, and makes the player feel as though they are right there in the battle to stop the alien menace. It really helps the player get into the mind set/hyped to play and progress thru the game. So I felt Contra deserved the rating of 10/10 for sound. As if it wasn't all ready apparent, I was high addicted to playing Contra for a number of various reasons. The first reason being the story, the storyline really kept me interested and intrigued to see it thru to the very end. I felt as though I was really in the game and zoned out of the real wor... Read the rest of this Review |
Celestial Knight's Last Game Guides |
Metal Warriors 11-28-15 07:30 PM |
Metal Warriors Guide/Walkthrough Part I (of III) Ok so to begin this will be a walkthrough guide/series and will contain three parts, I am dividing the game into three parts because I don't wish to spoil the game and because the game has nine stages/missions you have to beat before the game is complete. SO without further a due, let's play some Metal Warriors! Mission one ,Rescue your fellow mecha pilot. , in this mission you are tasked with the objective of locating and rescuing agent/private Marissa and get her out of the stage (enemy base) . From the beginning of the stage, fly towards your right until you reach the elevator and the platforms, then proceed to go down one and then head right until you can't go further. The while in your mech shoot through the floor and continue down the course to the right. Next, fly up the opening until you come come to an orange wall then keep right. (if you wait a bit a enemy will spawn and blast an opening through the right of the wall or you can get the rocket launcher equipment and break through yourself) But after that continue right and destroy the cannon, then continue right, along the lower path to a large room filled full with orange blocks. While in your mech shoot your way through the blocks to the lower left corner of the stage/room to find the missing pilot. After picking her up in your mech, fly straight to the left, once again shooting through orange blocks and keep left until at which point the mission(stage)ends. Mission two:, Hijack the enemy ship, in this mission your main objective is to seize control of the enemy ship, you basically just make a mad dash to the operating center of the ship itself.From the beginning of the stage, drop down the shaft , then continue right along the upper path until you walk into a room with huge missiles.then proceed to go up and to the right until you reach a point where your mech is to big to fit through the path. When you reach this point simply hit (whatever ... Read the rest of this Guide |
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Game Boy Advance Games Celestial Knight owns (14) |
Super Nintendo Games Celestial Knight owns (12) |
Nintendo NES Games Celestial Knight owns (17) |
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