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  Views: 3,265,328,942     06-09-24 06:57 AM  

Main Profile Uzar's Profile Game Profile : Wishlist : Collection

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    Airship Bostonius
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Uzar's Last Game Comments
George Foreman's KO Boxing This game makes me want some delicious low fat grilled burgers...
Super Mario Bros for Sega Genesis Muaa the bootlegs. Always celebrated for their excellence.
Tomodachi Life All hail the Virtual Boy!
Half-Life 2: Episode Three David, why must you tease me with this page's existence?

Uzar's Last 25 Game Reviews
Super Mario 64 DS
02-10-16 09:43 PM
Super Mario (65 - 1) DS
Super Mario 64 2 was a real game! Or...Super Mario 65, or Mario 128, or whatever you want to call it. Super Mario 64 DS was a remake of Super Mario 64 for, well, the DS. Shockingly, this is one of the only 3D games on the DS, but also one of the older ones for it as well! It really showed what the DS was capable of. And...Nintendo completely forgot about it, and moved on to New Super Mario Brothers. But what about this forgotten gem of the DS? Was it any good? Well, yes, yes it was. Let me tell you about it!

Graphics: 7/10

The graphics haven't aged well. But for the DS, these are the best 3D models you're going to come across. It's impressive how much work went into how everything looks. I mean, sure it doesn't look great anymore. But in it's time it was mind blowing! Although I never liked how the shading was actually just certain areas with the shading just stuck on them because they are part of their models. But that small bit of obvious effort to pretend there was shading really killed this game getting a higher grade.
Like it's predecessor; the graphics haven't aged all that well. But it still doesn't look TOO bad. Although it is certainly becoming dated. But Diddy Kong Racing DS, Mario Kart DS, and other 3D games on the DS are much worse.
The levels and backgrounds all look amazing! It's not exactly mind blowing, and like in the 64 version, you can clearly notice reused assets. It's something that sort of kills the sense of all these levels being totally different. But they did a good job with what they had. It's just that everything begins to look very familiar near the end of the game. :P

Sound: 9/10

The sound in this game is fantastic! The music is more or less exactly the same as the original. There are a few new songs thrown in there too. Those are just a bit rarer however. But the music from the N64 sounds just as great as it did back then. And even by today's standards it's still great. The new tracks ar... Read the rest of this Review
02-04-16 03:20 PM
Portal: Real Science for Real People
Portal took the gaming world by storm back in 2007, and it's still popular all these years later. This game was never supposed to be as big as it is, it was just a engine demo, if anything. But it's tremendous popularity spawned an obscene amount of "memes", as well as a sequel years later. It was a huge fad, but is this game legitimately good? Or was it all just some passing fad. That...Is entirely up to the beholder. But while that is me, I am going to tell you what I think. :P

>>Graphics: 7/10

The graphics for this game aren't that impressive. It's a Half-Life 2 mod, and it has the same materials mainly. But the most you'll be seeing are white walls and floors, and later, grey walls and floors. Eventually you'll even get to see the deadly pools of...Neurotoxin I think? Maybe it's swamp water or something. That bit is never really explained to any degree. Well, regardless, they look decent enough. Decent enough is really all that the graphics of this game can be summed up as. It's very bland. It's intentional, and eventually we do get some other visuals. But...I am going to judge the graphics be what you're going to be seeing for 95% of this game.

>>Addictiveness: 6/10

This game is pretty addictive! I ended up playing through the game three times. All with very few breaks in between. And that...Is partially because of how short this game is. But the other part would be because of the fact the game is so much fun! It is a lot of fun, although really, there isn't much to come back to once you've played through it a few times, and did the Challenge Mode.

>>Sound: 5/10

This is a very quiet game, there isn't really any background music for the most part. But there is a radio you can take with you the entire game. It plays a happy little tune. So there's that, if it makes you feel any better. The bulk of this score comes from the credits. Instead of something boring you'd skip right through, t... Read the rest of this Review
I am Bread
01-14-16 08:15 AM
Y'all Bready For This?
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a slice of bread? Perhaps
you wonder how a bread naturally deals with it's day to day tasks. Well,
friends, wonder no more. For I Am Bread answers all of these questions
and more.

I Am Bread is a PC game in which you are a slice of bread. As such,
it is your nature to want to become toast by any means possible. And
through wacky controls, your own sheer determination, and clever
thinking; your toasty dreams just may become reality! But one can never
be truly bready for this game at first. So it's up to one such as I to
at yeast give you my personal view on this game.

Graphics: 7/10

The graphics are pretty nice. It's strange when you see a wacky
indie game have graphics this...not vomit. They aren't exactly the best
I've seen on the PC. But they are worlds better than the likes of
*anything* Simulator, or older games.

The environments and levels all look pleasing. All the objects and
backgrounds had effort put into them, it's not exactly ground breaking.
But nothing in the levels and background look bad by any means.
Everything works together to...Actually look like a believable house.
Probably one set in some cgi cartoon, but, it looks normal. It doesn't
do anything ground breaking graphically speaking, but it is one of the
few humor games who aren't riding on the "These graphics suck even
though it's new xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" train. And that gives I Am Bread
almost a sense of dignity.

Sound: 5/10

The soundtrack to this game can be summed up as elevator music. It
isn't particularly exciting, memorable, or...Vital to the game at all.
In fact, it may be a good thing that the music isn't very captivating.
You really need to focus on controlling your slice of bread! Sometimes I
get so co... Read the rest of this Review
Half-Life: Opposing Force
01-06-16 01:04 PM
Half-Life 1/2: Call of Not A Generic FPS
Half-Life Opposing Force is an expansion pack to the original Half-Life that is now sold as it's own game. Opposing Force is a side story to the original Half-Life. Only this time you're in the boots of one of the Marines this time around. Although if it makes you feel any better, you never knew about the whole killing everyone part thanks to your helicopter crashing.
Opposing Force is a weird mixture of old mechanics and weapons, along with totally new ones. But in this colliding series of old and new ideas, the fun of the original is thankfully not lost at all! In fact, I almost like this more than the original Half-Life. But enough about my general view on this game. Let's actually review it!

Graphics: 7/10

The graphics were better in their time. These haven't aged particularly well. But what's stranger is that all the old Half-Life models are slightly improved. They don't look quite as bad as the original Half-Life, but they are still pretty bad. While all the new models stick out from the rest because they are more well done than the original's are. The new characters, enemies, and weapons all stick out pretty clearly. Especially one security guard who looks vaguely like Paul Blart...
The new graphics aren't bad. It is just kind of clear that this game was made later than the base game was. All the characters look slightly better than before, like I said before. But it still hasn't aged too gracefully either.
There are new textures and backgrounds as well. These are...Actually pretty good. They fit in just fine with the older textures. They are obvious that they are new, but they don't stick out in the way new models do. These look very much like they could have been in the original game. There isn't quite as obvious of a quality gap as with characters. But shifting quality aside, the graphics all seem to mesh together brilliantly.

Sound: 7/10

The sounds are pretty good as well. The voices, for one, aren't ... Read the rest of this Review
12-15-15 08:17 AM
I've put it off for long enough! The time has come, friends, for me to write an Earthbound review!
Earthbound is a game I became interested in because of our capped hero's shenanigans in Super Smash Brothers. But I slowly grew into liking the game for what it is, and not because of Smash at all. I began seeing what all the fuss about the game was about, and why people grew so attached to this silly little game. So without farther adieu, et's begin!...Actually let's wait a minute. Mom says I need to change out of my PJ's first. :P

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics to this game are spectacular! The sprites are all well detailed. And while there's limited animation, and a lot of reuse that goes on. The charm to the characters are really solidified through the spritework. Yes Bootleg Mr. T and big eyed man, I'm looking at you two. :P There are even times when the dialogue box is used as a joke.
The battle screens are a league of their own. Each enemy has a unique psychedelic background when you fight them. And they have a slightly higher level of detail since there's not much else going on in battle. There is a lot of recolored tougher versions of enemies later in the game. But at least they keep that spectacular design in tact. Just...A little note of reduced effort on the graphical buffet.
The environments are all really cool too. They are all very distinct from each other. You'll have a hard time trying to confuse different places. Onett and Twoson look very different, Fourside is enormous, and Deep Darkness looks like it was lifted straight from Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy!
This game is a graphical delight, but it isn't without flaws. The reusing sprites and recoloring enemies can get really obnoxious at times.

Sound: 10/10

The sound in this game is phenomenal, especially by SNES standards. The sound effects are pretty cool. Each PSI Power has it's own sound effect. And they range from recognisable, to a sound ... Read the rest of this Review
12-06-15 10:08 PM
Get Ink'd! Splatoon Review
Hold on to your tentacles! It's review time!
Splatoon is a somewhat recent release at the time of writing this. It's notability exploded quite literally seconds after it's first announcement. But three years later it's finally out! This was Nintendo's first step into what...literally every developer has done for the past 7 years. An online shooter. But as Nintendo typically does, they spun the concept around completely! And in a way that anyone of any age can enjoy. Not just 12 year olds hyped up on mountain dewritos. This is a third person shooter where you shoot...Everything! Not just each other. :P

Graphics: 9/10

This game's graphics are great! The levels all look stunning. It's almost a shame you'll be covering it up with ink moments into the game. But they really do look amazing. Although there's no real theme to each map. Some take place in a city, some are on a port, and some are in a summer camp! They look beautiful, but I think our Inkling friends prefer it to ll be one color or another. Good thing the ink dissolves after each round...
The weapons all have different designs to them. So you need to keep an eye out for what your enemies are holding, and how to react to them. Some weapons look identical, but others are radically different. But all are very creatively designed.
The Inklings (Squid kids) look great too! Problem is, the boys all look alike. So do the girls...So what do we do? Throw in hats and customizable clothing! But unlike a certain notorious Pay2Hat game...These are all free! Everything only costs in-game currency to buy. (Something every game with extras should have instead of real money...)
Anyway, those all make you look like the freshest squid on the block. And you'll start playing like it with time. The graphics, in every respect, are amazing. Except for maybe the somewhat empty skyboxes in single player mode.

Sound: 8/10

The sounds are very...unique in this game. You see, these are ... Read the rest of this Review
Boom Blox
11-14-15 09:14 AM
Boom Blox
Ladies and gentlemen! Breaking news! As it turns out; there actually is a fun casual game on the Wii!
Boom Blox was a game I honestly had forgotten about until fairly recently. But I had fond memories of it. This is a somewhat puzzle game. It's like a mixture of angry birds, jenga, and minecraft. So after some replaying I have gathered enough information to write a review on it! So let's delve into this game that seems to have gone unnoticed by most.

Graphics: 5/10

The graphics aren't too great. Even by the Wii's standards. But it's at least passable. The backgrounds aren't the greatest, but I honestly don't see much more they could have done, aside from some more 3D models; as opposed to sprites.
The characters are what I can only describe as pre-minecraft minecraft style. They all share the same base, but with different skins on top. Only unlike Minecraft these characters are all rectangles instead of squares. :P
The blocks are simply...blocks. Although each type of block has it's own distinct skin. No two kinds of blocks look alike! Although like blocks look identical. So in a way it's unique...Do a degree. Once you get a lot of similar blocks you can tell that there was a lot of copy + paste going on. But honestly there isn't that much else that could be done. So it's forgivable, I guess.

Sound: 7/10

This game doesn't have too much music in it. Each map has one song on it. And by song, I mean somewhat appropirate music for the setting. Like, the Volcano level has tribal chanting, the wild west level has the typical western music going, the spooky forest has organs going...You get the picture. It sounds pretty nice when playing it. But I don't think it's anything one would want to listen to on a playlist.
Sometimes the NPC's spout little bits of gibberish. And sometimes they make their animal noises. (The sheep go baahh, the bear roars, etc.)
Another thing, an d my personal favorite feature here is, you ca... Read the rest of this Review
11-06-15 08:52 AM
Undertale Overhead
Undertale is a fairly recent game. But it's one that has quickly built up a huge following. And...For good reason? Perhaps that may be so. I personally liked the game. Not because of the developer's previous works. But as a standalone work. It's one of the most creative games to come out recently, in my opinion. It reminds me a lot of the Mother series. But it does it in a way that it's not blatently ripping off Mother. And originality is something that I always love seeing. Especially in this age of awful indie games. I LOVE how much DETERMINATION this game gave me from the moment I started playing. ;)

Graphics: 6/10

The graphics They are somewhat reminiscent of an NES game. Although with more, and less detail depending on your location in the overworld. It's charming, but also simplistic. It's pleasant though. The pixel art never looked lazy, except for maybe the main character. :P
In the battle screens, the artwork takes a step up. It's fair to say the graphics of this game fall somewhere between NES and GBA. You're treated to a green wire frame screen with a slightly more detailed sprite. The attacks look cool too. Some more than others. Although almost everything but the background is white. Save for a few attacks with different colors, which signify that you need to do a different action. It's pretty cool, which I'll admit. Plus some of the attacks made me burst out laughing.

Addictiveness: 7/10

This game is pretty addicting. With all the different endings, and the plain humor of playing the game the <strike>right</strike> way is more than enough to keep me going. If you find RPG's addictive. Then this is a game for you! As for me...It's addictive for awhile, then I need a break from it for a little while. But that's just my personal habit of playing. But I feel like most would agree with this score.

Sound: 9/10

I love the music in this game! All of it sounds amazing. This game's v... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Maker
10-14-15 09:22 AM
Build a Better Mario
Let's-a-get building! Super Mario Maker is a fairly recent game at the time I write this. But after playing it, I realized it was my destiny to review it!
Super Mario Maker was a game I didn't expect from Nintendo. A way to make your own levels instead of a ton of pre-made ones tied together with a map screen and story. I originally had low expectations for the game until E3, when they showed that you could make more than Super Mario Bros. levels. In addition to that game you can have levels for Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, and New Super Mario Bros. Each play like their respective games. Sounds interesting right? Well if you ask me it is!

Graphics: 6/10
The graphics are an odd thing to go through here. You'll notice the high quality artwork. But that's not how the game looks. You'll see them in the starting screen though. From there on, the game's graphics perfectly match the game the level you are making, or playing, is based on. The simplistic Super Mario Bros, the somewhat more detailed Mario Bros 3, the 16-bit Mario World, or the HD New Super Mario Bros. And all items, enemies, and Mario change design to whatever is being used.
There is only one background for each level version you choose as well. You can pick a Ground, Underground, Underwater, Castle, Ghost House, or Airship level. And the cool thing is you can pick these for games that didn't feature them! And their design changes to match that of the games too. It's a neat addition.

Addictiveness: 8/10
This game is pretty addictive! Both for making levels and for playing levels others have made. In a way, making a level feels like a game itself. You can get really caught up and invested into your level design. And you can also be determined to finish a course somebody made. And the 10 and 100 Mario challenges only enable that farther. Needless to say this is a very addictive game. Mostly because there are two very different kinds of gameplay. Actual gameplay, and creat... Read the rest of this Review
Half-Life 2
10-07-15 09:03 AM
Two Half-Lives Make a Whole
Half-Life was a pretty unique game, no doubt about that. It was a FPS that actually made you think as well as blow the heads off various baddies. So when you think about a sequel to a game which mainly consists of running down steel corridors, and fighting aliens with a crowbar, do you think "Dystopiaian post-apocalyptic world where the oceans are being drained, aliens have conquered earth, and what is left of humanity being in jeopardy"? Well, if you do, step on down because you've won today's round of "Do You Think Like Gabe Newell?"!

Graphics: 8/10

This game's graphics are amazing at times, even to this day! But at other times it can be obvious that this game is pretty old. It still looks decent, even by today's standards! But certain areas, and a few enemies make you remember that this was made long ago. The people, and environments especially look great. But then there are things like the headcrabs, zombies, and Vortigaunts stand out like a sore thumb in terms of graphics. It feels like those cheesy CGI special effects you'd see in a older movie. There is a good amount of detail put into every aspect of the game's levels and characters when it comes to graphics. It's pleasantly surprising really.

Sound: 9/10

The sound is almost perfect...Almost. The voice acting if great, and they really fir their respective characters as well. The only real complaint I have voice-wise is the Combine Overwatch. Because, even with captions turned on, it rarely shows what its saying. But when it actually does the dialogue stays on the screen for a good two seconds. In general, it's really hard to process the blaring voice you hear through about half the game. It was something that really bugged me more than it should.
There isn't really any music in the game. But like it's predecessor it has a handful of times where music DOES come on. When the music decides to show up it's awesome! Although it's like...probably four times in the entire g... Read the rest of this Review
Fire Emblem
09-15-15 03:54 PM
Fire Emblem: A tragically underrated series
Fire Emblem for the Gameboy Advanced. Just Fire Emblem. But actually it's Fire Emblem 7 in Japan. But this is the first game us...Non-Japanese got. :P Two more were released for the GBA, and they are both playable in the RGR. But for now we're focusing on FE7. This game...blew me away, to say the least. But now it's time for me to go more in-depth to why this game is great.

Graphics: 8/10

  The graphics have a few layers of effort done into them. The maps themselves all look nice. But there are a lot of reused sprites. Making each map look alike, albeit structured differently. It's not the worst visuals though. The intro, and all the still images in cutscenes look amazing, however. You can tell tons of time and effort went into them all.
  Each character has a few different sprites. One for how they appear on the map, one for when they are talking, and one more for when you select them on the map. Each class of character shares a similar map sprite. Only your team's sprites will be colored in to look like the characters they represent. Everyone else just has a red sprite. Each class has their own art depicting each class. It's relatively pointless, but neat. :P
The dialogue sprites are basically close ups of each  character from mid-waist up. These are impressively detailed. Like, seriously, these are some amazing examples of spritework. Anyway, one of my favorite details here are mouth movements. I don't know why, but I like how it all syncs up.
  The sprites that appear next to each unit's name is just a rough version of their dialogue sprite. Nothing special really. Actually, it looks a little shabby. But what can you do?

Each sprite, along with each character, looks incredibly unique. You can easily identify classes, along with who's who with just a glance. Which is really helpful seeing as how the actual gameplay is going to take up most of your focus. :P

Sound: 7/10

  The ... Read the rest of this Review
Metroid Fusion
09-08-15 04:25 PM
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Fusion was one of the last good-I mean the last Metroid game canonically, so far anyway. This is also one of the very few games that linked to the Gamecube. This came out two years before Zero Mission, but the engine is the same so there is virtually no difference gameplay-wise. I've seen some mixed opinions to the game also. Which I'll add my own comments to when the time comes. But for now...Samus is a bit more funny looking this time around isn't she? I wonder what's up with that...

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics to this game are actually pretty good! Although I can't think of many examples where there aren't good graphics on the GBA. The backgrounds have nice attention to detail, and they aren't recolored and reused as often as in Zero Mission. Which is something I highly appreciate. The cutscenes and artwork are also really good. They have a spectacular amount of detail in each piece of artwork used. It's actually my favorite out of all the Metroid games in this regard. Samus herself has a lot of detail in her sprites. The Fusion suit is organic. And the yellow parts of her new suit pulsate and move around a lot. I just found it interesting.
A lot of the sprites for enemies are very detailed. I always love that! They are all very different from each other. And there aren't many instances of recolored, yet stronger enemies. There are a few of them, but not as much as Zero Mission did. Which strangely enough, ripped quite a few sprites from this game. The only thing I'd call ugly in this game are the X-Parasites. They just feel like something someone edited into the game. Kinda like a bad special effect. They really stick out, and don't feel like they really belong in the game.

Sound: 9/10

The sounds are really nice here. Almost all of the background music is catchy, and memorable. Each location has it's own theme, and so do certain situations too. I really liked the music here. All the music has notes to it that make... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Party 10
08-15-15 03:45 PM
Mario Party 10
It's Party time!...For the 10th time now! But this time the party has been taken to the Wii U. But in it's change to the Wii U, would the series move on from the (many) mistakes made on the Wii? The answer is...No, no it didn't. Mario Party 10 keeps all the unwanted, unneeded gimmicks from Mario Party 9. But ever so slightly improves on them. (I'll talk plenty on these improvements later).  One new feature to this game is this; this game can be played by 5 players! While it is possible to have a bit of fun with this game with friends. There is a lot missing from this game. Too many things have been removed and reworked when it was never needed. But let's start this review already! I'm tired of stalling you guys.

Graphics: 8/10

I'll admit this. The graphics of this game are pretty nice! All the characters have nice amounts of detail to them. HD really does a lot for these characters. Although a few characters seem like they are made of plastic at times. But the HD graphics really do the characters justice. The vehicles, as much as I hate everything about that semi-new mechanic, look pretty nice as well. But nothing too special can be said about them. The levels all look really nice. Sometimes they look like they are lifted straight out of other games.
But one gripe I do have is that the stages feel so...empty. When the camera is zoomed out and you get a higher view. You can see a good portion of the board. But aside from a few features of the level. It's really barren and empty. The undersea level gets SOME mercy because it's the bottom of the sea. But Mushroom Park and Airship Central have NO excuse.
The minigames look really nice though!Nothing TOO much can be said about them that hasn't been said about the stages in general. The graphics are great!

Sound: 9/10

The sound is pretty nice in this game. All of the music is catchy, and overall pleasant to listen to. Although as nice as they are; I can only end up rememb... Read the rest of this Review
Metroid - Zero Mission
08-05-15 03:14 PM
Metroid: Ground Zeros
Emergency Order! Review all games!

...I'm on it!

Metroid Zero Mission came out for the Gameboy Advanced in an era long past. An era where Metroid was a series taken seriously by Nintendo. But this game did something that I've genuinely never seen before. It is an updated version of the very first Metroid game, but actually serves to replace the first game canonically. As in, the NES Metroid is now only mostly canon. Anyway, this game is really what really got me into the Metroid series. But without further adieu, we've got a mission to start!

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics for this game are fantastic! Like one would expect from the GBA, the sprites look great! They all have varying amounts of detail to them. From the tiny Geemer, to Samus herself, to even bigger guys. There is a fantastic amount of detail! Although obviously the bigger the enemy the higher detail they have. But seeing the tiny spikes on Geemers; along with the little legs (tentacles?)those Rippers have wiggling about. And Samus both with and without the power suit look amazing as well. That just blew me away! The Bosses all look threatening, but I can't help but stare at them in this game.
One thing that takes away from all this is this; similar to an old RPG, you'll find slightly stronger recolors of enemies. Which is a sign of laziness if you ask me.

The backgrounds and stages themselves are a slightly different tale. If you pay enough attention the floors and ceilings look mostly the same. Again, with only color differences. The backgrounds also suffer from this. Although areas like Crateria and Chozodia all had a spectacular amount of detail and attention put into them. They had a lot of work put into level design and backgrounds. At least a lot more than the rest of Zebes' caverns...Overall, none of the background and levels look particularly bad. It's just a lot of reusing a select few constantly.

Sound: 9/10

This game sports som... Read the rest of this Review
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
07-15-15 08:54 PM
Mario and Luigi: Babysitting RPG
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga was fairly popular and successful. And soon after the Nintendo DS Lite came out; developers asked themselves "How do we follow up this game?" and someone at the back of the room said "Well, how about babies?" A silence came across the room. One of them slowly clapped, and others joined in until the whole room bursted with applause...
Mario & Luigi Partners In Time is the second game in the Mario & Luigi series. It's similar to it's predecessor, and very different as well. How does it hold up? Is it worth playing? Well let me give my thoughts on that subject.

Graphics: 8/10

These graphics look pretty good! They are a definite improvement to Superstar Saga's graphics. The animations each versions of the bros have are smooth and fluid. The bros themselves look really nice. And they have two versions of a lot of actions such as jumping, or walking, and fighting depending on whether or not the Baby Bros are with you or not. Then when the babies are by themselves they have their own different animations. If anything, the way their hats bobble around when they walk is so adorable...(Not to mention the best use of jiggle physics since Luigi's Mansion)
The NPC's look nice as well. Their animations (if any) are fluid as well. And all the enemies look impressive too. Although there are a few instances where enemies are just recolors.

The backgrounds and locations you visit look really good too. They are all interesting to look at, and really leave an impression on you. They all fit the atmosphere set by the story pretty well. With that being said; there is a lot of rubble and destruction here. Probably moreso than any other Mario & Luigi game. Or any Mario game for that matter. A lot of charred broken walls, caved in buildings, things like that. But you also have bright and vividly colored Shroob bases, and the peaceful Peach's Castle. It all leads to a fantastic visual experience, the kind you'd e... Read the rest of this Review
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
07-09-15 09:31 AM
Super Smash Brothers...In Smashing 3D!
It's safe to say that Super Smash Brothers 4 is highly popular. But the first version is often overlooked. A version that always gets the blame on for things we didn't get on the Wii U. Which is honestly fair to say because, yes, the 3DS isn't as powerful as an HD home console. But for what it is, the 3DS does a good job.

Most people stopped playing this game when it's other version came out. But to the few who still regularly play this game; this review is for you!

Graphics: 7/10

The stages in this game look great. Especially in 3D! Prism Tower, and Wrath of the Reset Bomb are good examples of the visuals the 3DS can pull off. Of course, when observed up close the individual textures are pretty low resolution, they still look nice when zoomed out. I got to hand it to the cleverness of the developers. Combining a bunch of low-res graphics together to make them seem like something bigger and much better when combined, and viewed from about 5 steps back.

The characters are a different story. In 3D, or just certain stages, it's really easy to lose track of where you are. The characters themselves They look good considering the hardware limitations. They look better than in 64 and Melee for sure. But not quite as good as Brawl or WiiU's versions. A cool thing is that in gameplay the characters have lower resolution models. But if you pause the game it switches those out with models with much higher detail! I see a lot of gripes about that feature because "The 3DS is so underpowered guise.". But I see it more like this. The 3DS wasn't made to handle something like Smash Brothers. The fact it runs smoothly is really impressive if I dove into the hardware of both things. But I'm not doing that here or now. :P The fact is; some things had to be taken out to make it run smoothly. Because unlike some other developers, Nintendo prefers to release games that both work and run smoothly.

Read the rest of this Review
Mario & Sonic at Bejing Olympics
06-18-15 09:23 AM
Mario & Sonic's Olympic Adventure
Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Games. Boy that's a mouthful, and sounds mildly exciting. Surely with a title that long we would have a game just as big exciting too right? I Well if that's what you expected, stop right there and leave. This is not the game for you. :P
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games came out in 2008 alongside the Beijing Olympic Games. They have continued alongside Olympic events ever since as sort of a tie-in. And this being Mario and Sonic's first meeting outside of Smash Bros, who wasn't excited? Well...We still really need a crossover game from Nintendo and Sega. But until then, they'll always have Beijing...And Vancouver, and London, and Sochi, and Brazil...

Graphics: 9/10

The graphics in this game are actually pretty good! It's not exactly HD graphics, but these guys all look great on the Wii! Mario and co all look like they were lifted straight from their games. And so does Sonic's crew. And then they are thrown into a very real looking stadium. So as great as it all looks, there's an obvious clash of art styles at times. They look great! And great as the time. They soon both got sequels which showed them all off better. But for the shining moment of that summer, Mario and Sonic never looked better!
The backgrounds are okay. The stadiums are all well made, and look pretty close to their real life counterparts. However unlike those real life counterparts, they filled the viewer areas with an audience of chaos, toads, flickies, koopas, and other small critters from both games. This is really cool to see such a huge audience. But at closer distances, you can see how incredibly bad they look. They are really low resolution sprites. While having that many high detailed sprites plus the game going on, I can see how that would be hard on the Wii. But they up close it just looks...Bad. But it looks much better at a distance
But very unlike reality are the Dream Events. I'll dive a bit deeper i... Read the rest of this Review
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
06-04-15 03:47 PM
Dreamy, Just Dreamy!
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is the most recent installment of the Mario & Luigi series. It's often overlooked in my opinion. Seeing as how everyone raves about Bowser's Inside Story, along with the original Superstar Saga (Praise for this game are as rare as praise for Partners in Time). Rightfully so, but despite the minimalistic cover, this game has earned it's place as a sequel to those fantastic games.
So, let's not dilly dally along any farther. We've do...Zzzzz...

*dream portal to Dreamy Vizzed opens*

Graphics: 9/10

How can I describe these graphics. They're, well, dreamy! Most of this game is all in sprites, like the games before it. But these sprites look fantastic! Who says sprite games are irrelevant?
The scenery is pretty good. Most locations can be described as Superstar Saga on steroids. Places like Mount Pajamaja, and Driftwood Shore have visuals similar to SSS. But with new visual perks to them. Then you have a few places like Somnom Woods and the Dream World that look and feel totally new. The Dream World especially is totally new.
About the Dream World; half of the game is spent in there. And it looks and feels very different to the normal world. I'll touch more in depth on it in a later segment though. But graphically, it's pretty impressive. For starters; on the bottom screen we've got a 3D Starlow and Luigi. Luigi reacts to things that happen in the dream, which is pretty cool. As for the visuals, it's a strange version of what you've already gone through in the normal world's version of each location. Sometimes you might find dream versions of people also. There are also Luigi's that run around every now and then. And sometimes you may even see a thought or two.
When you get a pile of Luiginoids (Luigi's dream clones. About 400 of them to be exact) they all do different things during each action. And the fact they are all animated is impressive.
Anoth... Read the rest of this Review
Portal 2
05-20-15 02:50 PM
Portal 2: Scientific Boogaloo
Portal was an amazing game, no doubt about that. But six years went with literally no games from our lovely Valve. Until one day, the silence broke for one shining moment with...Portal 2. And now, we'll look at this fantastic game, is it a good sequel? Is it a good final game Valve made? All this and more will be answered...After you complete this next test. Another thing; the multiplayer campaign is literally nothing original gameplay-wise, or graphically. It's all reused elements, save for a few incredibily forgettable tracks, and a lot more GLaDOS dialogue. And only one thing of any note happens, so yeah. :P And for that reason all my critique is coming from the single player mode.

Graphics: 9/10

This game looks amazing! There are parts of the game where things all look the same. But you'll eventually reach a point where things look...a lot differently. And those bits are honestly my favorite parts of the game. Instead of the same grey panel and white panel forever. You're treated to huge rusted structures, conveyer belts, and a bunch of cool looking science stuff. It's a game where you can really tell what's just copy and paste, and what got a lot of detail. The robots, all [spoiler]6[/spoiler] of them look pretty nice, but are simplistic in overall design. Just a basic design, with a few cool pieces of depth that you don't often see. It's aged sort of well, but some of it didn't feel as amazing to me as it did the first time around.

Sound: 10/10

There is a lot in this game, music-wise. From start to finish there's an amazing selection of music. Most of it being forms of techno/electronic sounding music. Which is actually rather pleasant when a game (or anything recent in general), in fact, NOT obnoxiously loud dubstep. Yes, you've heard it right. No obnoxious "drops" and dubstep. Just simple, catchy, atmospheric pieces of music. It even mixes in strings in some of the songs, which of which are my favorites. :P
The vo... Read the rest of this Review
Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Heartbreak
05-18-15 02:38 PM
A Hamtastic Game!
Hamha! Sometimes gaming gets a bit glum. Whether it's a game where a character you like died, you got a bad ending, or maybe you just felt ripped off. What we need is a happy game in our lives every now and then. If you've ever thought that; then Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak is just the game for you! With it's cute characters, cheerful settings, and it's Vas-T amount of Hamchats. Good thing there's the Trust-T Hamchat dictionary to let you keep track of them all...

Graphics: 9/10

These are some Bestest (Fantastic) graphics! Goodgo (Good luck) on finding a game that has such cute, and high detail on the GBA as this one does. (Want me to stop the Ham-Chats? Fiiiiiiiiine....) The hamsters look cute and mostly unique. The worlds are both generic in location, but they're done so fantastically that it's forgivable! The grasslands give way to a mountain (Read: hill), the haunted house is 2spooky4me, FunLand and the beach have a lot of nice, and interesting visuals to them also. It, just like the Hamtaro series, is cute and charming. It's atmospheric, you feel as tiny as the Hamsters do, and little bits here and there show that these big places may not be as huge and vast as they seem to you.  You'll most likely fall in love with each location. And the Hamsters are fantastic as well. :3

Sound: 10/10

There's some great bits of music in this game. My personal favorites are the Spat's theme, Sunny Peak, and Boo Manor. This game's music is amazing! Like, I was NOT expecting music this good to come from a kiddy hamster puzzle game. It's simply amazing.
There are some nice little sound effects to actions also. Like for using Ham-chats, climbing, collecting sunflower seeds, or even *gasp* collecting rocks! Although the one that plays for when you say "Hamha!" (hello) is the one I remember the most. Although that may just be because it will play before them menu comes up.

Depth: 8/10

This game has an impressive amount o... Read the rest of this Review
04-19-15 07:33 PM
Half-Life, Half-Mind, and a Half-Charged Battery
Half-Life is an older game. But it's regarded as a classic to this day. With it's unique design, and needing to use your head as well as the rooty tooty point 'n shooty. The classic had a few faults, but there is a surprising number of people that still play the game!
Prepare yourselves, readers. Looks like you're in the barrel today. As for me? Well, I got to find my files. You go on ahead, yeah. No danger at all...

Graphics: 6/10       

The graphics for this game are...outdated, to say the least. Granted that this game was made in 1998, I'd say it looks pretty good. It's on-par with N64 and probably PS1 games actually. It hasn't aged too well, but it's still a decent game. The aliens look creepy, the HECU Marines look threatening, and the scientists...are the same 4 people over and over again. And probably the worst looking of our bunch. But at least they have one thing going for them, the security guards are all the same person. :P Although they look better than the scientists...
The backgrounds and environments look great also, but haven't aged that gracefully either. But they capture the feeling of being trapped in a huge, cold, laboratory that meets NONE of the local building codes. :P The deserts outside the lab look a little bit better, but the rocks are probably the worst texture you'll find in the game. The final area, however, arguably looks the best, although the factory section is really easy to get lost in because ALL THE WALLS LOOK THE SAME! *Ragequits*

Sound: 7/10

*loads saved game*
There isn't many times when background music plays, but oh man...It's AWESOME! Even by today's standards, this game has some great music! Until you die, that is, then the music stops...
The sound effects range from "Fantastic" to "Lackluster". The aliens would be an example of some good sound effects. So would be the scientist's lines in the beginning, and a few other areas. The HECU, Barny the <... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Kart DS
04-14-15 08:40 PM
Mario Kart DS!
Plumbers, Princesses, Fungi, start your engines!!! Mario Kart DS has earned the right to be called a classic. It's pure unrivaled fun! Mario Kart DS was the second ever portable Mario Kart game. It's a huge leap from the GBA with it's 3D Models, more karts, more characters, and most importantly, more tracks!
Sure, no game is without it's flaws. But Mario Kart DS's are nothing too major. But, this game being the first time I ever played as Waluigi, it holds a special place in my collection. :P So, with a paragraph or two done already, let's....**Beep, beep, BEEP!* GO!

Graphics: 8/10

These graphics aren't the worst, but they're not the best either. Most of the characters look great! Although the fact Mario and Luigi's mustaches look painted on takes a few points off my rating. (Those beautiful things deserve to SHINE!).
One more thing I complain about is that all the items are sprites, while everything else is a 3D model. Every item but the Fake Item Block was a sprite. It makes them stick out a bit too much from everything else. The shells don't even spin, it's like in an art application where you can drag a picture around. That's how they move. Granted they go just as fast as their animated cousins, and the lack of animation does NOT make them any less dangerous.
Besides that, the characters look great, and have little layers of extra detail to them! The karts all look very nice also. You can tell the wheels are spinning FAST, which I like to see.
But what blows it all away is the tracks. They look amazing! I'll admit they haven't aged too well. But when I was little Bowser's Castle, Waluigi Pinball, and all the rest blew my mind! Even now I still think they're some of the coolest looking tracks you can find. They are made with lots of creativity, and lots of little things that will catch your eye while you race.
These are amazing graphics for the DS, especially a 3D DS game. The graphics haven't aged too well, but 5 years a... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario 3D Land
03-20-15 07:54 AM
Super Mario 3D Land!
Hey, paisanos! It's The Super Mario Brothers Super Show!...Wait it's not? Oh, wrong script! We're reviewing Mario 3D Land, that's right.

We all know the Gameboy classic, Super Mario Land. Super Mario 3D Land is...Not a sequel to that game at all. This game combines 3D levels with 2D platformer mechanics. Kind of like Mario 3D World, but...not. The two games are different in as many ways as they are similar. But how is this game by itself? Would I recommend it? Is it really that fair to compare a portable game to a console one? Well, this looks like the start. Level 1-1...Let's a go! YAHOO!!!!!

*Gets hit by a Goomba*

Graphics: 8/10
These are some pretty polished graphics for the 3DS. I'm actually impressed by them. The levels look great, and the enemies look great. They don't look realistic, but that's not the kind of graphic style Mario goes for. This is, however, the best they all looked until 3D World came around. The levels look like someone took one of the classic games, and mashed it into Super Mario Galaxy. So you get some wood planks, buzzsaws, and pipes mixed in with beep blocks, electrodes, and all kinds of other crazyness. They exceeded my expectations, and that says a lot. The enemies look like you'd expect. Just a high quality version of the same old guys you've loved to stomp. All in all, the graphics are fantastic, one of the better ones on the 3DS; but not THE best you'll find on the 3DS.

Sounds: 9/10
The sounds are awesome! Good enough to where a lot of the sound effects went onto the WiiU remake, and probably beyond. You can tell for this game they didn't just copy and paste old sound effects. They got together and recorded some new ones! :D I always like those little steps of extra effort. The enemies however, some of them have new, original sounds. But some also are just pasted in from Galaxy. The music...That's the funny thing about this rating. The music didn't contribute much to this score. All except... Read the rest of this Review
Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga
03-07-15 07:35 AM
Mario and Luigi's Saga of Superstar Proportions
There are bland RPG's. You know the kind. Stuck in an ambiguous medieval setting, a squishy wizard, and a dark lord/dragon threatening the Kingdom of Generica!
This however, is the total opposite of a generic RPG. One full of color, one with vibrant dialogue, fun music, an abandoned trait of Luigi, and most importantly a parody of coffee shops! Ladies and Mentlegen, I present to you the first RPG I ever played: MARIO AND LUIGI: SUPERSTAR SAGA!

Graphics: 9/10

This game looks great on the GBA! The colors are bright when they need to be. And also can be dark and mellow too. The characters all look great! Mario and Luigi look great. And so do the Toads and Beans. Although there are a few characters that you'd swear are just copied and pasted. The enemies look great too. They are all bright and unique. And the recolored harder versions of enemies are kept to a minimum. :P
The backgrounds and each location look amazing as well. They all look amazing! Some are really unique like Stardust Fields, or Joke's End. But then again, places like Bowser's Castle or some areas of Chucklehuck Woods look exactly how you'd expect. But it's a overall pleasing visual experience.

Addictiveness: 7/10

There in an incredible amount of addictiveness to this game. Not entirely because of replayability, but really just because it's so fun! During your first playthrough you'll have trouble putting the game down. There's not much else to say about it other than WARNING: HIGHLY ADDICTIVE! :P

Sound: 10/10

Superstar Saga has some of the best music you'll find on the GBA! Each location's music is incredibly catchy. They all fit their locations perfectly also. You may end up traveling back to locations just to hear the music there. :) The battle themes are great too! To this day I still have some of those in my head. My personal favorites are the one that plays when you fight a normal enemy, and the one when you fight Popple.
The sound... Read the rest of this Review
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
02-18-15 08:47 AM
One Top Hat, One Spiky Haircut, Three Dimensions
One porcupine head, one top hat, together must meet in the city of fate...That is what the prophesy foretold. And then the fated day arrived: Capcom made a good decision and let Level 5 write this game. :P But in seriousness, Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright, the two biggest names in semi-interactive visual novels, are finally coming together in the classiest, suit wearing-ist, most puzzling set of contradictions since...Well, last games they were in. And just what might these two big brains. Well...One big brain and one big head come together to talk to us about? Drugs? Immoral Politicians? The corrupt legal system? No, friends. They have come together to face the threat of...Witches!
Behold, citizens of Vizzed, for your new story...Begins! *throws paper everywhere*

Graphics: 9/10

The graphics for this game are simply fantastic! :D The visuals are great, lots of time and attention went into every location. From London, to the Witch's Court, and all throughout Labyrinthia, you can expect some great sights. All the characters look great as well. Layton and his motley crew look about the same as they did in Miracle Mask, only a little more polished. On the other hand, Phoenix Wright looks just as he did in Dual Destinies, and Maya is basically a 3D version of her normal appearance. Their various animations when talking to then transitioned very well into 3D. It makes the game all the more charming. The anime cutscenes all Layton fans are familiar with, and Ace Attorney fans have recently been introduced to, are included in this game as well. And they're as beautiful as you'd expect! Great animation and voice acting.
On the flipside, however, on a few occasions the game lags when there is a lot of stuff moving on the screen. It's rare, but frustrating. Thankfully, this issue doesn't last long. Just a few lines of dialogue before it turns to someone else.

Sound: 10/10
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright has some of the most fant... Read the rest of this Review

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