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    Dillon Sheil
Age / Birthday:
    27 / 10-30-97

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Scored On11:32 am 17-06-2011
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Scored On11:40 am 17-06-2011
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Scored On11:36 am 17-06-2011
Times Played27
Win Percentage25%

dazzsheil's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Zombi According to Ashens, ZombiU is a reboot of this game, which in fact, is UbiSoft's first!
Sonic CD (european version) Best soundtrack ever
Killer Instinct C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
Pac-Man Oh crap, someone get rid of that score >_< I thought it would show the 5200's score and not the NES'
Sonic the Hedgehog - Genesis Mario321: You're joking aren't you?
Shadow the Hedgehog We all got it in Marble Zone aswell! XD
Sonic 1 Beta Remake Also, wasn't Labryinth Zone the second level in the Beta?
Sonic Drift GG "Why the hell am I in a car?" AND THAT'S WHY SONIC DRIFT SUCKS! :D
Eggman the Dictator in Sonic the Hedgehog Hmmm
Sonic Generations You can't. It's a page just for information on the game :)

dazzsheil's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection
11-16-12 05:41 PM
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Review (IN PROGRESS)

Solid 2 will be first, done on Friday. 3 on Saturday and Peace Walker on


Metal Gear: The early days


Metal Gear franchise was first introduced in 1987 on the Japanese MSX2

Home computer by Microsoft. The first game, simply titled  Metal Gear

was a revolutionary game at the time. It required stealth and sneaking

skill over straight up run n' gun gameplay that players back in the NES

days were accustomed to. It followed the events of Operations Intrude

N313, an Operation to be carried out by FOXHOUND Special Ops soldier

Solid Snake, in his efforts to infiltrate the enemy fortress Outer

Heaven and destroy a Weapon of Mass destruction called TX-55 Metal Gear.

As a result of the games popularity, an unofficial sequel was made only

three years later, entitled Snake's Revenge for the NES (which I

already reviewed here on Vizzed, check it out it's an okay game).

Snake's Revenge was hated by fans as it was not made by the original

team and it had Side-Scrolling action areas, contradictory to Metal

Gear's stealth element. Later in 1990, the official sequel to Metal Gear

was released on the MSX2 entitled Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. It was a

huge step over Metal Gear and Snake's Revenge in terms of overall design

and structure. It followed Solid Snake in his journey to find a

scientist pivotal to help stop the worlds decreasing oil levels. It was a great game, but alas, it was not released in English officially until 2006.

In 1998 however, one of the most important games to ever be released hit the market. Metal Gear Solid.

Gear Solid was released for the P... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic Generations
10-13-12 04:09 PM
Sonic Generations (HD) Review
You know you have a good franchise on your hands when it can still be "Unstoppable after 20 Years" and has a high fun factor and some triple A titles. Sonic Generations is a 3D Platformer/Action game released in November 2011 for HD Consoles, Steam and the 3DS. It's an anniversary title that takes environments from Sonic's past and gives them a HD (Well, bar two of the levels) makeover and adds 3D To some of them. What you get is "Three Eras. Two Hedgehogs, ONE EPIC ADVENTURE! :D" .


Since you've got two Sonic's, you also have two completely different gameplay styles, one for Classic and one for Modern.


Classic Sonic tries to emulate the feel of the SEGA Mega Drive Sonic games (1 - Knuckles) and, while not perfect, plays much better than Sonic 4 : Episode I. You can Spin Jump with X and Spin-Dash with either holding down and then mashing X OR holding the Square Button. Rolling barely works though, it's almost as bad as Episode I maybe even worse because there are some parts of the level where you'd think that rolling would be beneficial to gain speed but it's not. The Spin-Dash however is really powerful, I'd go as far to say OVERPOWERED. You can gain so much speed with it it's unreal. 


Before we get to Modern Sonic, let's talk about Classics level design. Classic Sonic's levels do have alot of alternate paths, which I like bit alot of them are gimmicky. Sure, gimmicks are what practically drive the Sonic series (At least, since 2004 anyways) but Classic Sonic's levels are really gimmicky. Green Hill isn't too bad, although it does have alot of swinging pendulums. Chemical Plant feels the least gimmicky to me, but it does have a few of those annoying "Block" platforming sections that plague most 2D Platformers. Sky Sanctuary has Teleporters and alot of hidden paths (which are a plus in my o... Read the rest of this Review
08-27-12 08:05 AM
F-ZERO (Super NES)- Review
The year was......1988. SEGA had just Unleashed their Mega Drive onto the world and was dominating the market with such titles as Altered Beast and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. It took Nintendo 2 full years to release the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Because a Super Something is automatically better than everything else in the world) and along with it came 4 games: Super Mario World, Pilotwings, SimCity and F-ZERO. It was a VERY solid launch line-up, each game showing what the SNES was capable of. Starting off my SNES Launch title marathon of reviews, we blast off to 2526 to F-ZERO!The control was unlike anything done by anyone at that point for a racing game. B accelerated your machine and Y was the brake. When you had enough "S" power you could do a boost with the X button. The speed was just obliterating at the time, only being rivaled by Sonic the Hedgehog. F-ZERO uses a live-based system, run out of lives and you're out of the tournament. You also have a "Power" bar which is essentially a life bar, run out of that and you lose a life. It's simple yet fun and it really keeps you on the edge.The graphics were only equalled by Pilotwings, as they both used Mode-7 scaling technology which basically allowed the background to rotate at it's own speed whilst the foreground rotated at a faster speed giving a 3D effect. F-ZERO Needed graphics like this, as a traditional top-down view just wasn't enough at the time. It needed something new and F-ZERO's POV was the standard of all racing games to come. The actual environments and characters were pretty solid for 1990, everything was detailed and crisp.The sound was just perfect. Mute City and Big Blue are definetly the standout's of the entire soundtrack. The soundtrack is one of the most memorable on the SNES and it was the perfect starter to the systems life.I'm more than likely to play F-ZERO again, just not over other titles. Once you've beaten all 3 cups there's not a whole lot left to do. I'd still pop it b... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2
08-26-12 11:54 AM
Sonic 4 Episode II- REVIEW
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I was a VERY controversial game. Fans of the series claimed that the physics were not correlated with those of the classic Sonic games on the Mega Drive. However, it was a very sucessful game and it sold very well and it was the beginning of the rise of our hero, Sonic. Over a year and a half later we get the highly anticipated sequel, Sonic 4: Episode II which is for some odd reason, tied in with Sonic CD (probably because of the appearence of Metal Sonic) and brings back Sonic's best friend, Miles "Tails" Prower. With a new physics engine and gameplay gimmicks, is Sonic 4: Episode II just like the classic games, or is it a failed attempt at a cash-in on gaming's fastest mascot?Let's start with control and physics, I'm presuming you're playing on the Xbox 360 so if you're playing on the PS3, PC, an iDevice or Android look somewhere else. You move Sonic (or Tails) with the left analouge stick and jump with the A button. Pressing the A button again in mid air whilst no enemies or springs are on screen causes Sonic to air dash, helping him build up speed faster. If there is an enemy or spring on screen pressing A again in mid air will cause Sonic to do his Homing Attack, which works basically the same as in Episode I. At certain points, Sonic and Tails will have to use team attacks to overcome certain obstacles. The flying attack makes the game wayyy to easy as you can save yourself from certain doom just by hitting X. The physics are improved and feel way nicer. Sonic no longer does a "huzzah" pose after coming off a slope and rolling can now help you gain speed. They're not perfect but they are better than Episode I's. Also, Super Sonic runs off of Episode I physics. I don't know why.The graphics are much better than Episode I's, as the game now uses full 3D environments instead of just 2D Cutouts. It runs really well and the environments look really well polished and nice. Cutscenes are okay-ish I guess.The sound is by far the best par... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic the Hedgehog - Genesis
07-31-12 12:17 PM
Sonic Genesis- Review (WHY? WHY? WHY?)
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY IN THE NAME OF GOD DOES THIS EXIST? Sonic the Hedgehog: Genesis is an attempt to port the classic SEGA Mega Drive game, Sonic the Hedgehog,  to a system that is- on a technical standpoint- more powerful than the Mega Drive, the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Released in 2006 to celebrate Sonic's 15th anniversary alongside Sonic Riders and Sonic the Hedgehog for the PS3 and 360 (and we all know how amazing Sonic '06 was *SARCASM*), Sonic Genesis just PURE SUCKED. It's probably the worst attempt at a port of any game I've ever seen. "Oh, but you can Spin Dash dazzsh-" SHUT UP. That doesn't change anything. Ayways, onto my review of this "game" ------------------------------------The game feels totally different from the 16-bit version. The basic controls are the same, A or B to jump and the D-Pad to move, so at least the input is the same from the original (Well, sort of. The GBA does have a different D-Pad and buttons to the Mega Drive). There's a new mode called "Anniversary Mode" and simply put it's basically Sonic 1 with a Spin-Dash. AND IT SUCKS. The Spin-Dash adds nothing to the game and you can't even increase the speed of it by Spamming the button. The physics are wacked out because this game uses the Sonic Advance engine, which would be fine IF THE LEVEL DESIGN WAS COMPATIBLE WITH SAID ENGINE. The screen crunch is MASSIVE, the biggest problem being that Sonic retains his original pixel count from the first game, instead of re-sizeing him to the proper resolution for the GBA'S screen. The slooooowdooown is also another big issue. It's not as though a system that came out in 2001 can't handle a game that came out 10 years before hand! "It's missing Blast processing!" Oh, it can handle the Blast Processing, I just think Sonic Team got lazy :P------------------------------------The Mega Drive Sonic games are well known for their colour's and details. I love the environments in Sonic 1 and they hold up well in Sonic Genesis. With the e... Read the rest of this Review

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Famicom Disk System Games dazzsheil owns (7)

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