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Super Smash Bros. 02-03-14 12:29 PM
Super Smash Brothers N64 Review!
Ahh Nintendo 64, how many awesome games you spawned! There were some really good gems on the N64, like Super Smash Bros! I'm pretty sure almost everyone has already played the game, but for you that haven't, here's a review for it! First off, 1962 emulator glitched on my PC, and didn't work to play, so I had to play using Mupen 64, which glitched and had no sound. So I reviewed the game-play using Vizzed, and the sounds using my Wii, cause I have it on my Wii. Graphics: Now first off is graphics! Now its definitely not the best graphics on the N64, but its there first attempt on putting multiple characters from multiple games fighting together while running really good, so the graphics are a-ok! And there are only a few glitches on a few levels, and I show some of them in my screenshots. Graphics 8/10! Sound: Now this is where the game really shines! The sounds and music in this game is amazing! The sounds are not only pretty good quality, but something about them is just awesome! And this music is the awesome orchestra music from Nintendo that everyone loves! It even has what sounds like some original music! Sound 9/10! Addictiveness: Now this game is some SERIOUS ADDICTIVE!!! You find yourself playing for hours beating Classic mode with every character, or pummeling your friends on all the different stages and with all the different characters! Addictiveness 9/10 Story: OK so the story isn't that good, its just the opening cutscene, but I really wouldn't complain about it, cause its just a fighting game, but I have to score it. Story 7/10 Depth: This game believe it or not has a lot to it! Cause there's classic mode with every character, unlocking new characters and stages, Getting good with characters, and playing with friends! That may not seem like a lot, but you have to play it to believe it! Depth 8/10! Difficulty: At first, you'll think this is the easiest game in history, but you'll learn that once you c... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon - A Grand Day Out 09-27-12 10:25 PM
pokemon a grand day out review
This is a review for pokemon A Grand Day Out. Okay First of all this game has good graphics compared to a lot of other games graphics 8. the sound is super awesome its not scratchy or buggy its perfect sound 10. You will never stop playing it, most addictive game I ever played addictiveness 10. The story is super funny (since this is a hacked game) There's a lot of funny parts in the beginning your mom kicks you out because your 10 and still don't have any pokemon. LOL LOL LOL LOL. Any way the story AWESOME story 10. This game is not very long its a short hack, but its still fun and funny. depth 5. This game is very herd, at some points your pokemon are not strong enough and you have to spend a lot of time training on wild pokemon. Anyway the difficulty is definitely a 7. Overall this is an amazingly fun and funny game, I recommend this game to anyone who wants to have lots of fun. I love this game. overall rating 10. By the way the name of the guy that hacked this is. Cutlerine.......... So I guess this is the end of my review. Like I said I highly recommend this game hack of pokemon leaf green. SUPER AWESOMELY SUPER FUN. Oh and one last thing if you wanna be my friend here, just click on the reply button at the bottom of the page and then write me. If you haven't signed up yet you have to, to add me as your friend to signup just go to the top left corner of the page and click on signup. And don't worry they don't ask for personal information. After you have signed up, just click on reply at the bottom of the page and tell me. after you tell me, I will give you instructions on how to add me to your friends list. than you can private message me any time I hope we become friends, and I hope you signup! here's a link to pokemon a grand day out!
[url] Hope[/url] you enjo... Read the rest of this Review
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