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Main Profile gamerforlifeforever's Profile Game Profile : Collection

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    Somewhere in Ohio
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    31 / 11-06-92

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Registration: 07-04-12 08:19 PM (4357 days ago)
Last Activity: 06-07-24 12:10 AM

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Last Post: 07-31-23 09:57 PM
    in Pokemon Elimination! 2.0 (Pokemon)
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FA Tetris   Rank 1/1 : 186,210
Beamrider   Rank 1/5 : 12,234
NBA Jam 2001   Rank 1/1 : 243
NBA Hoopz   Rank 1/1 : 73
Tecmo Super Bowl - Mutant League Roster   Rank 1/2 : 71
Frogs and Flies   Rank 1/2 : 46
Tecmo Super Bowl '04 Roster   Rank 1/2 : 32
Tecmo Super Bowl   Rank 1/1 : 21
Mutant League Football   Rank 1/1 : 15
Mutant League Hockey   Rank 1/1 : 4
Tecmo World Cup '92   Rank 1/1 : 3
Tecmo Super Hockey   Rank 1/1 : 3
Tecmo World Cup   Rank 1/1 : 2
Mario Bros.   Rank 2/4 : 41,920
Pinball Castlevania   Rank 2/2 : 40,400
Tetris   Rank 2/2 : 38,440
Toy Story 2   Rank 2/2 : 31,200
Mario's Revenge by Salem Frost   Rank 2/2 : 28,200
Tetris   Rank 2/2 : 12,525
Tetris Blast   Rank 2/4 : 1,084
Mario Bros.   Rank 3/7 : 92,400
Tecmo Super Bowl 2017 ( hack)   Rank 3/3 : 119
Super Mario Land   Rank 5/42 : 415,520
Galaga   Rank 5/5 : 47,150
Donkey Kong   Rank 5/7 : 25,400
Tecmo Super Bowl 2016 ( hack)   Rank 6/6 : 91
Star Fox Competition - Weekend Edition   Rank 8/22 : 126,435
Dig Dug   Rank 12/44 : 54,590
Mario Bros   Rank 18/30 : 71,670
Donkey Kong   Rank 22/117 : 77,200
Galaga - Demons of Death   Rank 46/89 : 45,820
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gamerforlifeforever's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Chrono Trigger I still consider this game to be one of if not the best video game of all time.
Bubsy 3D I can't imagine how furious someone would've been back in the day if they had bought this game.
Akira Honestly, you're better off just watching the movie.
Huang Jin Tai Yang yes, it is
Banjo-Tooie Kazooie's much better
F-ZERO X havik: because of Nintendo
Conker's Bad Fur Day This is one of the most hilarious video games I've ever played.
F-ZERO X Yes it is
Dragon Knight IV One thing this game's got going for it is the Title Screen theme. One of the best I've heard.

gamerforlifeforever's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Legend of Zelda, The: Skyward Sword
03-31-19 07:09 PM
Skyward Sword...
Back in 2011, Nintendo celebrated The Legend of Zelda franchise's 25th anniversary by releasing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Wii. The game relied solely on the Wii's motion controls, which were always unreliable to say the least. Did this game get motion controls right, or did it suffer as a result? I'll give you my take by making this review.

Graphics: 9/10 Skyward Sword is definitely one of the better looking games on the Wii. Unlike Twilight Princess which had a more realistic look to it than other games in the series, Skyward Sword had a less realistic look to it. Certainly not to the extent of Wind Waker of course, but somewhere in between that and TP. The game also appears to have a cel-shaded look somewhat similar to that found in Breath of the Wild. The many environments as well as the characters themselves are designed to best of the Wii's capabilities. It's not the most visually stunning game on the system, but the graphics are more than worthy of a 9 at least.

Sound: 10/10 Legend Of Zelda games are for the most part well-known for having fantastic soundtracks, and Skyward Sword is no exception. In fact, I'd say that this game has one of if not the best soundtrack in the entire series! It has amazing boss themes such as the Koloktos theme, as well as one of the most epic final boss themes I've ever heard! Aside from Xenoblade Chronicles and Super Smash Bros Brawl, there aren't many Wii soundtracks that can compete with the music found in Skyward Sword. This soundtrack is more than deserving of a 10.

Addictiveness: 1/10 Skyward Sword may have great visuals and music, but it has what I would consider to be the worst controls in the entire series (not including the CDI games). Unlike it's predecessor Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword is only playable using motion controls. The problem with motion controls is they're extremely unreliable. They make even the most basic of actions feel like a chore sometimes. For exam... Read the rest of this Review
Golf Story
03-18-19 10:25 PM
Golf Story Review
On September 28, 2017, the Nintendo Switch finally got a very interesting exclusive indie game called Golf Story. It was made by Sidebar Games, and it was heavily influenced by the old gameboy color and gameboy advance Mario Golf games. With those games being a big part of my early childhood, I just had to buy it and try it out for myself. Does it live up to those classics? I'll tell you my answer with this review.

Graphics - 7/10 The visual style for Golf Story is in a top-down perspective, similar to how the Mario Golf games I mentioned earlier are. There's a good amount of variety in terms of areas in the game as well, ranging from a traditional golf setting to a snowy area, as well as haunted and desert areas as well. The visuals won't blow you away, but it's got a good visual style for an indie game. I'm giving the graphics a 7.

Sound - 5/10 Golf Story's music doesn't stand out at all compared to other games on the switch. The music that plays in certain areas of the game fit the areas they play in, but overall the soundtrack is very mediocre. I've certainly heard worse though, so I'm giving the sound a 5.

Addictiveness - 5/10 I enjoyed my experience playing Golf Story for the most part. It reminded me a lot of what the old GBC/GBA Mario Golf games were like. As you progress through the game, you'll earn experience points and level the main character up, which allows you to upgrade one of his stats such as power or control. The RPG element is the main reason why the GBC/GBA Mario Golf games were loved by fans, and that aspect was handled perfectly in Golf Story.

There is one glaring issue that severely impacts the golfing aspect of the game however, and that is the putting mechanics! Unlike the Mario Golf games (the GBA one being released 13 years prior to Golf Story), there's no way to tell where the slopes are on the green. If you're wanting to try to make a long putt, then good luck because you're pretty much putti... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
02-27-19 10:29 AM
My first Switch game review
Back in April 2017, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came out on Switch. As someone who bought MK8 on the Wii U along with the DLC packs, I was disappointed to find out that I'd essentially wasted more money than I should've on the Wii U version, yet I knew I absolutely needed to buy Deluxe. I never got around to reviewing MK8 on Wii U, so I've decided to instead review Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and make it my 1st Switch game review. Hopefully this will help anyone who's not yet gotten a switch, but still has the wii u decide if they too should buy this game.

Graphics: 10/10 - The visuals in this game are about the same as they were in the Wii U version. Even so, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still the most visually stunning racing game I've ever played. Whether you're getting ready to drive off an aircraft carrier onto a snowy mountain on Mount Wario, racing along the streets of Toad Harbor, or making your way through the fire and lava of Bowser's Castle; you'll find yourself enjoying the sights in each track no matter how many times you end up racing on them. All the tracks in the game look fantastic, so the graphics for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe are more than worthy of a 10.

Sound: 9/10 - The Mario Kart franchise has always had some of the catchiest music you'll find in racing games, and MK8 Deluxe is no exception. There's a lot of variety found in this soundtrack featuring some great jazzy tunes with a lot of emphasis towards the saxophone, plenty of electric guitar, and other various instrument sounds can be heard in this game.

Some of the big music highlights found in MK8 include Big Blue and Hyrule Circuit, which both contain a perfect mix of saxophone and electric guitar. Mute City, Dragon Driftway and Mount Wario are also worthy of being mentioned as highlights for the soundtrack. In addition, there were plenty of tracks brought back from older games, some of which got remixes as well. While a majority of the soundtrack is fantastic, there's 1 remix that N... Read the rest of this Review
Dig Dug (rev 2)
02-15-19 10:33 AM
Dig Dug Review
In the early 80's, arcade gaming was at it's peak in popularity. Pac-Man had already become a cultural phenomenon, and other arcade games were seeing large success as well. In 1982, Dig Dug was created. Was it as good as some of their other great arcade hits? I'll give you my take by making this review.

Graphics: 8/10 For an arcade game of the era, this game has good visuals. The character sprites are as detailed as you could expect from an early 80's arcade game, especially the enemies. The underground areas were given good colors, especially early on. The flowers above ground look visually appealing, and the rocks underground look about the way I'd expect them to from a game from that era. The visuals are very solid for the time period. The graphics are worthy of an 8 in my eyes.

Sound: 4/10 This is the category that Dig Dug falters in compared to other arcade games of the era. While Dig Dug has a catchy tune that plays throughout the game, it only plays when you're moving. If you're standing still, no music plays at all. If you're blowing up an enemy, you hear a sound effect. It would've been nice if at the very least, the music would keep playing even if you're standing still. The overall sound quality is greatly effected due to these issues, therefore I'm giving the sound a 4.

Addictiveness: 10/10 Dig Dug has as much replay value as other arcade games of the time. In this game, you have to defeat underground enemies by either inflating them until they pop or by dropping rocks on them, the latter being much tougher to pull off. The enemies you'll face are Pookas (a red ball with goggles), and Fygars (green dragons that can breathe fire). When there's only 1 enemy left, they'll try to flee above ground and leave the screen. After either you've killed the last enemy or they escape, you move onto the next level. You keep going until you lose all of your lives. Like most arcade games at the time, the premise is simple enough, yet the... Read the rest of this Review
Double Breakout
03-06-17 01:06 AM
Breakout x Pong
Several months ago, I found a game on the Wii U eshop that caught my eye, so I decided to buy it. The game is Double Breakout, and it was made by an indie company called nuGAME and was released on September 22 2016. It's pretty much a game that combines arcade classics Breakout and Pong. Now that I played it, I'm going to start this review.

Graphics: 7/10 For being a retro-styled game, Double Breakout has decent graphics. The backgrounds and colors of each level are diverse, and the blocks look just like ones found in any other breakout game. The balls have a color trail with the color of the player who hit the ball last so that you can tell who's hit each ball last, because there are 2 balls on the screen. Aside from the balls and level backgrounds, Double Breakout's looks the way you'd expect a breakout game to look. The graphics for Double Breakout get a 7 from me.

Sound: 1/10 Double Breakout has what I would consider to be one of the worst soundtrack I've ever heard in a video game. Imagine hearing 8 bit music that sounds like nails on a chalkboard, that's what you'll hear in Double Breakout. The best example of this is the title screen theme. For a retro style game like this, the absolute worst first impression a game can have is the very first sound you hear sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Obviously, the sound category is getting a 1 from me.

Addictiveness: 7/10 The reason I bought this game is because it combines Breakout and Pong to create a fresh Breakout/Pong experience. As I expected, Double Breakout met my expectations. In this game, you and your opponent both get one ball each to start with. You have to break through the blocks in your way, and then get the ball to go into your opponents goal. At the same time, you have to avoid giving up goals, and make sure you don't end up getting the ball into your own goal after it bounces off a block. Hitting your opponents goal gives you points, while giving up goals causes you to ... Read the rest of this Review

gamerforlifeforever's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)
Pokemon Red
07-27-16 10:50 PM
Pokemon Red Major Battle Guide
Hello and welcome to my newest game guide, the Pokemon Red Major Battle Guide! Here, I'll be going over some good strategies on how to defeat gym leaders, elite four, and the champion of Pokemon Red. Now without further ado, let's get this started!

Gym Leader 1: Brock: Pewter City Gym Leader

Recommended Pokemon: Squirtle (if you chose it), Bulbasaur (If you chose it), Butterfree

Use only in case of emergency: Charmander

Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader, uses rock type Pokemon. He has 2 Pokemon at his disposal: a level 12 Geodude and a level 14 Onix. If you chose either Squirtle or Bulbasaur as your starter, you should have no trouble taking down both of his Pokemon with Bubble (if using Squirtle), and Vine Whip (if you're using Bulbasaur). If you chose Charmander, then you're in for an extremely tough battle. If you don't have one already, I'd suggest getting a Caterpie or Metapod and evolve it to Butterfree specifically for this battle. Why would you want a Pokemon that's 4x weak to rock you ask? That's because of the fact that it learns the move confusion at level 12. It's easily the best special move at this point of the game, and it'll make taking down Geodude and Onix easy because of their low special stat. If your Butterfree goes down before you take out Onix, then switching to Charmander and using ember should be enough to bring it down. Even though fire's weak to rock, the STAB combined with Onix's low special defense should cause enough damage for you to get the win.

Gym Leader 2: Misty: Cerulean City Gym Leader

Recommended Pokemon: Pikachu, Clefable, Ivysaur (if you chose Bulbasaur as your starter)

Despite this only being the 2nd gym, I personally think that Misty is by far the toughest gym leader to beat in gen 1. A huge reason for that is her Starmie, which is level 21. Her level 18 Staryu can be taken down pretty easily with a thundershock from Pikachu. Her Starmie however is a whole o... Read the rest of this Guide
Pokemon Platinum
04-27-16 06:53 PM
Pokemon Platinum Major Battle Guide
Hello my fellow Pokemon fans, and welcome to yet another major battle guide of mine! Today, I'll be going over the major battles from Pokemon Platinum, including gym leaders, the elite four and the champion. For those of you who haven't had the chance to play this gem, I hope this guide will come in handy for when you finally get the chance to play it.

Gym Leader 1: Roark: Oreburgh City Gym Leader

Roark, the 1st gym leader in the Sinnoh region, has 3 pokemon on his team. He has a level 12 Geodude, a level 12 Onix, and a level 14 Cranidos. If you chose Chimchar as your starter, make sure it's evolved to Monferno before you begin this gym battle. His Geodude and Onix are both very easy to take out. Just use either a water, grass or a couple of fighting moves to take them down. Onix should be fought with the a Pokemon that you won't be using against Cranidos though, because Onix can use screech, which will pretty much guarantee the Pokemon that got hit with screech to get KO'd. Now comes the hardest part of the battle, Cranidos. Cranidos is easily the hardest Pokemon that a first gym leader has in the entire series. We all know how powerful the Cranidos family is, and when you give that Pokemon Headbutt and Pursuit, you know you're in for a brutal battle. If you have Monferno, a couple of Mach Punches will take it out. If you chose Piplup or Turtwig, then as long as you're a couple of levels higher than Cranidos, you should be able to take it out, assuming that Cranidos' moves don't land a critical hit. In case that happens though, it's wise to have a high leveled Machop, Budew, or Psyduck on your team to finish the job.

Gym Leader 2: Gardenia: Eternia City Gym Leader

Gardenia specializes in grass type Pokemon. She has a level 20 Turtwig, a level 20 Cherrim, and a level 22 Roserade. Her Turtwig is the wall on her team, since it can use Reflect. It would be wise to try and take this Pokemon out before it can use Reflect, because it w... Read the rest of this Guide
Pokemon Crystal World (hack)
04-07-16 10:46 PM
Pokemon Crystal World Johto Gym Leader guide
Well, I'm back with a new guide. It's been awhile since I made one of these, and honestly, after Nintendo removed the roms from vizzed and I could no longer find the pages for the hacks anymore, I thought I'd never be able to do something you don't ever see on the internet, make a game guide for a rom hack. Well, after google searching, I managed to find the game page for Pokemon Crystal World, so now I'm going to make a Johto gym leader guide for this hack. Someday, I might add more major battles to this guide, but for now, I feel like the only part I can give a quality guide for is for the Johto gym leader battles.

Gym Leader 1: Falkner

Surprisingly, Falkner is the only gym leader in the game who's Pokemon types match what his specialty is supposed to be: Flying type Pokemon. He has a level 14 Aerodactyl and a level 16 Skarmory. If you chose Articuno or Moltres as your starter, his Aerodactyl will destroy you with rock throw unless you have a Pikachu in your party.  If you chose Zapdos, then you should be able to withstand Aerodactyl's rock throws long enough to take it down. His Skarmory, despite being his higher leveled Pokemon, is much easier to defeat. Steel Wing is Skarmory's strongest attack, but even if you chose Articuno, it'll be bulky enough to take a few of those hits as long as it's at least level 16. Even if it goes down, a thundershock from Pikachu should be enough to take down Skarmory and win the battle for you.

Gym Leader 2: Bugsy

This is where things start getting weird. In this hack, Bugsy's specialty is FIRE! He has 4 Pokemon at his disposal: a level 20 Charizard, a level 24 Ho-Oh, and a level 22 Entei. The best strategy to use against this formidable team is to have a Azumarill on your team that knows Rollout. Why should it use that move over a water type move you ask? Well, that's because his Charizard and Ho-Oh are Fire/Flying type, which means rollout will deal 4x damage to those Pokemon. Once you ta... Read the rest of this Guide
Pokemon Y
01-27-16 10:58 PM
Pokemon Y Major Battle Guide
Hello and welcome to my newest game guide, the Pokemon Y battle guide! In this guide, I will be going over good strategies that you can use for gym leaders, the elite four, and Champion Battles. Even though this is one of the easier games in the series, I feel like it's still important to make a battle guide for this game so that people who may be having trouble can get the help they need. Now, I'll go ahead and start this game guide!

Gym Leader 1: Viola: Santalune City

The first gym leader in Pokemon Y is Viola, the Santalune City leader. Her specialty is bug type Pokemon. She has a level 10 Surskuit and a level 12 Vivillon. Surskit doesn't take much to bring down. Make sure you have a level 10 Fletchling because at that level, it can learn peck, and it makes Surskuit go down in about 1 hit. As far as her Vivillon goes, that one can also be taken down by a Fletchling very quickly, or as long as you didn't pick Chespin as your starter, you can use your starter to take down her Vivillon.

Gym Leader 2: Grant: Cyllage City

The 2nd gym leader is Grant, the Cyllage City leader, and he uses Rock type Pokemon. More specifically, he uses the 2 pre-evolved fossil Pokemon, a level 25 Tyrunt and level 25 Amaura. Since both Pokemon are rock types, using fighting, and ground are the two most recommended types to use for the battle. Tyrunt is part dragon, so water and grass moves are NOT super effective against it.  Amaura on the other hand has many weaknesses that can be exploited, at this point in the game, such as fighting, water, grass, ground, and even rock. As long as you have a super effective move to use against his Pokemon, you should have no trouble here.

Gym Leader 3: Korrina: Shalour City

The 3rd gym leader in Y is Korrina, the fighting type specialist. Unlike the previous 2 leaders, she uses 3 Pokemon: a level 29 Mienfoo, level 32 Hawlucha, and level 28 Machoke. Mienfoo is of course the easiest one on her team to... Read the rest of this Guide
Pokemon Black: Version 2
10-04-15 11:58 PM
Pokemon Black 2 Major Battle Guide
Hello and welcome to my Pokemon Black 2 major battle guide, where I will be going over strategies you can use for gym leader, elite 4, and the Champion battles. I'll be going over the normal mode only, since the only way you can unlock challenge mode is by beating the game, and you can't even restart the game using challenge mode. Someone who's already beat the game has to give you challenge mode via Unova Link. As for this guide, I hope it will be just as helpful as my Pokemon Black major battle guide. Without further ado, let's get this game guide started!

Gym Leader 1: Cheren: Aspertia City: Specialty: Normal Type

The first gym leader in Pokemon Black 2 is Cheren, who was one of the rivals in Black 1. Here, he's a normal type specialist. He has a level 11 Patrat and a level 13 Lillipup. No matter who your starter is, this battle shouldn't cause any problems. His Patrat can quickly be taken out with your starter, as can his lillipup. Both of his pokemon have the same moveset, except for their 4th moves. Patrat knows Detect, while Lillipup knows helping hand, which of course is useless in single battles. This is in my opinion the easiest first gym in the history of Pokemon, so  you shouldn't have any trouble here.

Gym Leader 2: Roxie: Virbank City: Specialty: Poison Type

The second gym leader you'll face is Roxie who is the poison type specialist. The Pokemon she has are a level 16 Koffing, and a level 18 Whirlipede. Her Koffing knows Smog, Assurance, Tackle, and Clear Smog, which is an interesting that has 50 power and removes any stat changes that your pokemon has had in the battle. Her Whirlipede knows Venoshock, Poison Sting, Protect, and Pursuit. If you chose Snivy as your starter, then you'd better have another pokemon capable of winning this battle for you, like Flaffy, Pidove, even a Riolu could do some damage if it has counter. Her Koffing's pretty easy to take down, though Smog could poison your pokemon, which will... Read the rest of this Guide

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