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  Views: 3,544,614,190     02-05-25 09:46 AM  

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Registration: 04-13-12 11:55 AM (4680 days ago)
Last Activity: 01-02-14 07:11 AM

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ProGamer135's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Mario Kart 64 Spammer*
Mario Kart 64 Spmmer
Mario Kart 64 WHAT?
Mario Kart 64 Hello, everyone! How are you, guys currently doing?:)
Super Mario World DD32-6DAD Invincible(Super Mario World) 7e001902 Invincibility Cape(Super Mario World) DF64-A7D7 1-UP Coins(Super Mario World)
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars Bed...?
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars Why?
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars I beat the game twice on the Wii...XDXP
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars I past that just now.XD
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars I am at Mario's Pad.

ProGamer135's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Mario Kart 64
05-22-12 07:19 PM
Mario Kart Sixty-Four
Welcome to my retro video game review of Mario Kart Sixty-Four. I wish you the best whilst reading over all of the details I have typed up. Good luck, all of the fellow Vizzed users who read over my review of Mario Kart Sixty-Four!;)

Overall: Mario Kart Sixty-Four is an awesome retro video game and deserves to be added inside the Retro Game Room. I seriously enjoy Mario Kart Sixty-Four, so I rated the overall 9.3. I hadn't rated it ten because I don't think all of the stats are perfect. An example is that Mario Kart
Sixty-Four doesn't include much extensive content and I had rated the depth seven.

Graphics: The graphics for Mario Kart Sixty-Four are swell, but when riding inside the karts the characters use, it seems a tad different and a barely near strange. The course graphics are astounding and the items are perfectly perfect. Other than the issue I had mentioned earlier, the graphics seem perfect.

Sound: Similar to my opinion about most Mario video game tunes, most of the background soundtracks in each course grasp a catchy tune and rhythm. I enjoy humming along with most of the tunes that grasp catchy tunes. The background soundtracks for each course compare swell with the background scenery, fixed objects, and movable objects. I agree with most positive opinions about the soundtracks for Mario Kart Sixty-Four.

Addictiveness: I will most likely play Mario Kart Sixty-Four multiple time periods into the recent future because I agree with everything I had mentioned, above. Plus, it is another original Mario Kart video game included inside the series. I think that Mario Kart Sixty-Four should be featured in other areas and other websites.

Story: There isn't a story included inside Mario Kart Sixty-Four, as it is a racing video game and many racing video games don't include a story inside them. I agree Mario Kart Sixty-Four should include a story inside it, though, because I agree it would hook the video game player ... Read the rest of this Review
New Retro Mario Bros
05-08-12 11:54 AM
New Retro Mario Brothers
Overall: Well, this is my review of Super Retro Mario Brothers. I had given the overall of this retro game ten. This retro game resembles New Super Mario Brothers. The background soundtracks are highly similar and grasp the exact tune from New Super Mario Brothers. Super Retro Mario Brothers offers a decent amount of content, but not as much content. Each world in this retro game are short and highly simple. I dashed through world one like a cheetah. Mario and the enemies own giggly appearances. It is somewhat difficult to tell Mario's size apart. Anyways, the story constantly begins when Bowser must capture Princess Peach. Bowser is allowed to resist it, well, that is the way I gander at it. Mario must rescue Princess Peach from the idiotic dinosaur named Bowser. Wish Mario good luck!:D

Graphics: This is the paragraph about the graphics. Super Retro Mario Brothers has decent graphics. The only unstable problem about the graphics is Mario, every enemy, and every object and item that had originated from New Super Mario Brothers seriously stand out, too much. Other than that, the graphics are just perfect and highly stable. The graphics for the maps are decent, but they aren't exactly perfect. Most of the graphics are swell and as decent as many other retro games.

Sound: The background soundtracks are actually swell. Most of the background soundtracks resemble ones from other Mario video games and mostly New Super Mario Brothers. Off that subject... Many of the background soundtracks grasp a catchy tune, as similar as New Super Mario Brothers' background soundtracks. Most of the background soundtracks grasp a decent speed when active.

Addictiveness: Super Retro Mario Brothers is an okay retro video game, but not perfect. It isn't a retro video game I would constantly play, unlike Super Mario World. I constantly play Super Mario World. Anyways, Super Retro Mario Brothers isn't seriously addicting, but I may play it another time period. Since ... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Bros
05-04-12 07:00 PM
Super Mario Brothers
Well, this is my retro game review about Super Mario Brothers. Of

course, Princess Peach had been nabbed by the evil dinosaur, Bowser.

Bowser is always committing a mischievous event. Bowser doesn't know

when to lay off for awhile. Anyways, the retro game features eight

average difficulty worlds. Let me post about the eight worlds.

World One- World one is simple. It includes three important items---the

mushroom, fire flower, and the invincible starman. World one has four

stages exactly similar to the future worlds. The stages included inside

world one are extremely simple. On world 1-2, there is a hidden warp

area. If you don't know about this, I won't explain where the location

of the warp is. I will describe it, though. There are three warp pipes.

The first warp pipe travels to world two, the second warp pipe travels

to world three, the final warp pipe travels to world four. I used the

world four warp pipe. I enjoy dashing through world four. There are more

warp areas in the future, but I forgot which world it is included

inside. Now, let us travel to world two using the warp pipe. *Enter


World Two- This world is highly similar to the first world. All the

stages are simple, there are four stages, and you may dash through the

stages. World two is an exotic area with many simple obstacles. You will

most likely meet more enemies along Mario's adventure to rescue

Princess Peach. There isn't much to explain about world two, so, let us

travel to world three. *Rescues Two Toads*

World Three- World three is a more difficult area, but not as difficult

in the future worlds. The future world will be explained in the... Um...

The future?XD A... Read the rest of this Review
Luigi\'s New Adventure Mario Is Missing 2
04-29-12 08:29 PM
Luigi's Rescue Adventure
Well, it seems like Bowser is at it, again. Bowser has captured Mario and has imprisoned him. Luigi is forcing himself to attempt and rescue his brother. Luigi is constantly on the lookout for action, enemies, and obstacles that he must face in order to complete his rescue adventure. Mario is most likely terrified to be behind bars. It is up to Luigi to rescue the date, well, at least rescue his brother, Mario.

I had rated the overall ten because this retro game offers and extensive amount of content, sharp graphics, catchy background soundtracks that don't sound ancient, this retro game is highly addicting because I enjoy jumping around, the story is interesting and hooks me, and the retro game isn't as difficult. The control are a tad difficult to use.

The graphics are highly sharp. This retro game includes enemies from older Mario video games, and different objects and items. They are highly sharp and aren't pix-elated.

The background soundtracks grasp a catchy tune that is highly addicting to hum along with in my or aloud. Most of the Mario tunes are astoundingly catchy. I have a disc that includes an extensive amount of Mario soundtrack content. I haven't checked it out yet, though.

This retro game is extensively addicting because of the sharp graphics, the background soundtracks, the astounding story, the extensive amount of content offered to me, and the easiness of the retro video game. I will most likely give this retro game a go in the recent future.

The story is astoundingly amazing. This is the story: Well, it seems like Bowser is at it, again. Bowser has captured Mario

and has imprisoned him. Luigi is forcing himself to attempt and rescue

his brother. Luigi is constantly on the lookout for action, enemies, and

obstacles that he must face in order to complete his rescue adventure.

Mario is most likely terrified to be behind bars. It is up to Luigi to

rescu... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario 64
04-28-12 04:36 PM
Super Mario Sixty-Four
Well, this is a retro game review about Super Mario Sixty-Four. This video game includes an extreme amount of content. Mario is constantly on the motion in these adventurous video games. Super Mario Sixty-Four includes a bunch of power-ups for the main character named Mario. An example would have to be the wings that are received from the red surprise box. There are a mother load of courses. Another example is an underwater course. Although, the controls for this current version are difficult to learn. I started to receive the hang of it.

I would have to say that the overall for this video game would be quite lower than I had expected. Super Mario Sixty-Four is remains awesome, though. The controls are difficult to learn on this current version, the graphics are a tad off, the background soundtracks don't grasp a catchy beat, the addictiveness is a decent amount because I've played this video game a plentiful amount of time periods, the story doesn't include much flare, Super Mario Sixty-Four does include an extensive amount of content, and the video game isn't as challenging. It is one notch above medium.

The graphics are a tad off because most of the included characters, enemies, and objects and items are too much pix-elated. There isn't much flare added to the graphics and there isn't much to include about the graphics.

The background soundtracks don't grasp a catchy tune, but they're original. Most of the soundtracks are decent, a tad amount of them are horrible, but some of the background soundtracks are amazing. There are an extensive amount of background soundtracks included in Super Mario Sixty-Four.

The addictiveness is a decent amount because I've played this video game a plentiful amount of time periods and it starts to become ancient, although, this video game is still an original video game because it includes Mario and all the other original characters, enemies, and objects and items.

There isn't much of a s... Read the rest of this Review

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