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    The fourth dimention
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    27 / 07-23-97

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Registration: 02-28-12 09:39 PM (4762 days ago)
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bombchu link's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Sonic Adventure 2 Just over 1GB in size. Davideo have mercy.
Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog well technically they would have to reorder the way the art is loaded for knux sprites/set aside an extra set just for when locked onto sonic 1, but yes, it was mainly laziness.
Sonic Classic Heroes - Rise of the Chaotix Super Charmy has his own theme
Pana Der Hejhog (Sonic 1 hack) best proof-of-concept hack I have ever seen.
Super Mario Bros - Fast Foes 4-1 is much easier because you don't have to jump over the pirana plants.
Snail Maze Not a bad Homebrew. :)
Pole Position (Sonic) The game crashes with the Plugin. :(
Dr. Robotnik's Creature Capture yes, it does.
Dr. Robotnik's Creature Capture This game is so underestimated
Chip McCallahan in Sonic the Hedgehog This game is terrible

bombchu link's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
The S Factor - Sonia and Silver (v2.0)
01-28-14 03:16 PM
The S Factor; Sonia and Silver (GEN) review
Well, It's been a while since I've sat down and written a review...


The S factor Sonic and Silver Is an ongoing project and Sonic 1 ROM hack made by Aquaslash and Pals.

---A Little bit of History---

 The original Game started as nothing more then a [url=] basic pallet hack[/url] first released on April 11 2007 sticking Sonia (Sonic's sister from the TV series Sonic Underground) and Silver ( along with their super forms) in Sonic 1 along with replacing Eggman with Eggman Nega (of the future).

Other then that it's basically identical to Sonic 1 except "All music has been replaced. In essence, all of it is ported, but many are not in the way you think."

The Game has progressed in many ways since it started including completely new zones, (over pallet edits) new bosses and even Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and a Female Metal sonic called A.N.N (I know it sounds lame, but it's not)

Now to talk about the graphics, they are simply stunning, the sprites for Sonia and Silver are simply amazing, the look like SEGA made them themselves.

And also the characters on the menu screen and the title screen looks awesome all the way.
The badniks look alright, I meant there are repainted by Nega to look like his stuff, but he was in a pinch so that's what came out. 
The only part I'm gonna complain about is the unfinished Ring land and the ending sprite for silver, but other then that The graphics are really good, the Environments look right and Placid Sapphire it amazing.

This section does not deserve the name sound... "Simply Beautiful music" fits much better.
The Music is different for each act of the game, and unlike other hacks, it flows together.
it isn't Frankensteined together from oth... Read the rest of this Review
Pana Der Hejhog (Sonic 1 hack)
11-23-13 12:14 PM
Pana der Hejhog (Sonic 1 hack) Review

-------======Pana Der Hejhog Review=======------

Pana Der Hajhog is a hack of Sonic 1 that was made
by MarkeyJester and Cisico, It is possibly the
single best made Sonic 1 mod in existence when
striving for quality is key.


The Graphics I have to give a Solid 10
Why? Because, the movement of Pana (the protagonist)
is SO FLUID he has twice as many sprites as Sonic
does and it makes the game seem so much more polished
now. I would spend a few minutes just making Pana walk
slowly back and forth to see how smooth and fluid it
really is.
And also there are other graphical improvements.
such as when you enter the snowy area of the game, you
can see pana breathing in and out and making puffs of
air from the cold, and the SEGA and title screen.
The enviorments are very interesting. The first
area (the island) Is very similar to Isolated Island
in Knuckles Chaotix. And the second one is identical
to the first except it has a blue (icy) pallet instead
of the normal summer like pallet.


The Music in the game is fairly good. The music
for the first area is a remix of "Door into Summer"
from Knuckles Chaotix, but the snowy area is a new
song completely. It very much fits the enviorment
and sets the scene.


This Game is very short. Only about 5-10 minutes
playtime at most. The game consists of two areas,
"Mystic Island Zone" and "Mystic Island Zone covered
in ice". The areas have enemies from Green Hill zone
only. The playing style is exactly like the original
Sonic 1 this mod is focused more on polishing up the
original elements th... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic Adventure 2
04-17-13 06:00 PM
Sonic Adventure 2 (GCN) Review
                                    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (GCN) Review
   So, Now it's time to tackle one of the better Modern sonic games out there, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. SA2 was released back on Febuary 12 2001, it was the first sonic game to ever be released for a Nintendo
system. (and went on to make the 10th best selling game for the system) the game was first released for the Sega dreamcast, but the dreamcast and nintendo make to long of a story to post here, so onto the review.

~Gameplay~ 8
   Game play is very similar to other Sonic games, you start at the beginning and have to run to the end. The idea is to get points in the level and with enough points and rings you would get an A rank for the level
(kind of like a grade). also their are challenges for the levels, like collecting 100 rings, not getting hit, and finding the lost chao. so their is a lot to do But that's not all, there are levels where you play as Tails and
Robitnick in walkers and must shoot baddies to advance. And even levels where Knuckles and Rouge get some screen time to hunt for the Master emerald shards or Chaos emeralds. all in all there is a LOT for
the game to offer. there is a "Hero" and a "Dark" side to the game. On the Hero's side you play as Sonic (duh) Tails, and Knuckles. SONIC HEROE- never mind. . . On the "Dark" side you play as Shadow, Robotnick,
and Rouge. each side has (if i remember correctly) 13  stages including a special final stage if you clear them all. Oh and don't forget the MILTIPLAYER MODE! you can race you buddies a Sonic, Shadow, Metal
Sonic or Amy Rose. Each character has different abilities ('cept Shadow is a carbon copy of Sonic) Such as Metal Sonic having a shield and Amy needing less rings to perform abilities. And you can also clamber
around as Knuckles, Rogue, Tikal, ... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Bros 2
04-08-13 08:05 PM
Super Mario Bros 2 (NES)review
                                                      Super Mario Bros 2 (NES) Review.

    Super Mario Bros 2 is a classic title, but if your not a "Super" Mario fan or a Retro gamer. You most likely have memories of Super Mario Bros 1, or 3, why? Well,let's take a quick look back at the history of the game. . .

    Super Mario Bros 2 started out as a Game called Yume Kojo, or in English, Doki Doki Panic. . .yes, I'm not fooling. . .Doki Doki Panic was a Japinese only title that would feature 4 Ninjas who were out to stop an evil King called Wart. But about 2/3 way throught development Nintendo saw that the Mario series was about to blow through the roof. super Mario Bros 3 was quite away off, so they though it would be best to release Super Mario Bros 2 by using the Doki Doki Panic engine and finish the game really fast, and avast, we have Super Mario bros 2. Instead of featuring the 4 Ninjas like originally planned, they were replaced with Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad. this really explains why their are no Goombas or Koopas or (yours truly) Bowser in the Game, And we have Shy guys, Pokeys and Wart instead. not to mention that you pickup baddies and throw them at other enemies to kill them instead of the traditional goomba stomping fun. Now that I have given you a little history lesson, on to the review!

~Graphics~ 6
   Not to much to say here, the Graphics are clean but a tad darker was used then you would expect to see in a Mario (or really Doki Doki Panic) game. As for the enemies and Bosses, they are not exactly original, unless you can call a three headed snake or a spiked walking cacti "original" . But were looking at Doki Doki Panic more then we are Mario at this point, so I better get used to it. I would have honestly put more down for graphics, but I h... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Star Road
03-28-13 04:29 PM
Super Mario Star Road (N64) Review
                                                          Super Mario Star Road (N64) Review

   Super Mario Star Road is a Hack of Super Mario 64 made by Skelux it features Many new tunes, levels and graphics. The game has many features, 121 stars and even a couple secrets at the end of the game. let's get this review under way.

   The graphics of this game are so clean, The bright colors of Mario's world create such a nice atmosphere. The quality of the graphics are nice as well, I know that they lack textures, but Mario is about clean and bright graphics with smooth surfaces. The lighting is also on the bright side, (even for gloomy garden) but I honestly didn't like stumbling around in the dark much. :P
   The environments are very Mario-y and meet all the standards of a Mario game, You have a jungle, a Giant toy land, a sky isle arena, and even a train station. By my favorite has to be Piranha plant pond, it was the most creative place In the game.

  Like any other hack ever made, this one increased the difficulty. . .Dramatically. To put things in perspective the 1st through the 40th Star are not that hard to get (provided that you have beaten Super Mario 64) but after you hit the upper room of the castle, the stars all of a sudden get much harder to nab and will really require some concentration and some good jumps to advance. But the difficult really hits when you go to collect the last 20 stars getting 100 coins at some courses are nearly impossible (not to mention the courses that have little land and it's easy to accidentally slip off) But the Final secret star is the most painful, difficult, annoying, purely frustrating star to get in the whole game. And you have to do it twi... Read the rest of this Review

bombchu link's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)
Cave Story
04-26-13 08:39 PM
Cave Story Sacred Grounds Speedrun Walkthrough
                                                         ~Cave Story Sacred Grounds Speedrun Walkthrough~         The Sacred Grounds is by far the hardest part of all of Cave Story, you need to have the best of skill, speed, and luck, if you are to merely survive. Or is it that hard? . . . Can one really master such a devilish place? and even get a decent time? well this walkthrough will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the sacred grounds, and more! now, let's get started.                  -Table of Contents-  Prologue
 Weaponry/Baddies  Walkthrough   Ballos  Spur Run                                                                                          -Prologue-
   This walkthrough it mainly a Speedrun walkthrough, (for both Cave Story and Cave story + Wii and Steam release) but I will help you who are just having problems defeating Ballos. This walkthrough will help those who cannot beat Ballos, or let alone get to him. BUT let's get one thing straight, I can give you tips, but I cannot guarantee that you will be able to beat the world record, or even improve your skill. The only thing that can do that is practice. It took me about 4 hours before I got under 5 minutes, and an additional 2 hours to get under 3 minutes, so this is NOT for the faint of heart, or those who suck at Cave Story. So now, shall we?                              ... Read the rest of this Guide
Zelda's Nightmare
03-08-13 09:34 PM
Zelda's Nightmare Hack Walkthrough
So this is my walk through of my first Hack I have ever made, Let's begin. 


~PART 1~ 




Start the game and put in your name for the file. You will begin on this panel 



 Go into the Cave and speak to the old man, he will tell you that the "Palace" is east and to be careful. BUT before we enter this "Palace" we will need some essential weaponry and some Cash. 


Head west two panels and enter the cave on the right side wile avoiding the enemies and get 200 RUPPIES from the generous moblin. Now It's time to go shopping. There are you will need the following items listed from most to least importance.



Lion's Key

Bow + Silver Arrow 

Magic Sword 

Red Potion

Candle (red) 

Boomerang (magic) 

And everything else is just to make life a little easier. You should have also added the Magic Sword to your collection of goodies by stumbling on the panel east of the starting panel. On this panel there is a woman that want's the letter, give it to her and buy the RED potion off her. 


Now that your ready, Head East to the entrance of the palace. 


 The first thing that you should notice is this. 




 You will be stuck inside the southern wall in this. . . Strange room head DOWN or else you will be trapped forever in the room! When you head south, you'll be in a dark room with some odd enemies. And also... Read the rest of this Guide

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