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Last Post: 03-21-21 05:24 PM
    in Ultraman Fighting Evolution GBA style! (Game Reviews)
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Ultramanzenith's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Taiketsu! Ultra Hero
03-21-21 05:24 PM
Ultraman Fighting Evolution GBA style!
IF you ever wanted to know what an "Ultraman Fighting Evolution" game would look like on either SNES, or GBA, this would be your answer! As a near-addict of Fighting Evolution, this game satisfies that itch, despite its shortcomings. Starting with the pros:

1. Graphics: For a handheld-made game, the graphics look SNES/SEGA Genesis worthy! The characters all look and even move really damn well, and even the background stages look rendered from real locations/sets!

2. Sound: Sound's decent, as a handheld allows. Music is remixed from various series in the franchise, as expected, and sounds pretty good, while the various grunts, growls and roars of the characters add to the decency factor.

3. Gameplay: Here's where I expect to split with many players and fans: the gameplay's not that bad. As your standard 1v1 fighting game, the controls are simple; while the moves/finishers take a minute to get used to at first, you'll be spamming them in no time to beat your enemy!

1. Bare bones story: The main story and side quests have barely any meat on them. Just a handful of levels on the main story, and a three-round challenge side game that hardly offers anything. If it weren't so addicting for me, In would hardly bother with it.

2. Lack of substance: There's not a lot of characters to choose from: 8 Ultras, and seven Kaiju/Seijin to play as, all going through the same levels with no destructible environments; There's hardly any gameplay aside the main game, side game, and 1-on-1 multiplayer; no achievements or unlockables, save for "leveling up" the Ultras. This game is about as bare bones as it gets with its substance.

Despite its flaws, I find it to be a little addicting, and find it to be decent background noise when watching long youtube videos.
Body Harvest
04-07-20 03:08 PM
The Only Good Bug Is A Dead Bug!
You: A super soldier from the future sent back in time to save the human race from an alien menace
Them: A race of extraterrestrial insects hellbent on devouring the human race, one person at a time.
The mission: KILL THEM ALL!

Story/gameplay: You play as Drake, a genetically-enhanced soldier from the year 2050 sent back in time to prevent the human race from becoming extinct by a race of insects out to devour the entire universe, one planet at a time! With your trusty laser carbine, and weapons and vehicles you later acquire throughout the game, you clear each level of the horde of arthropodic abominations, from the drones to the queens and guardians, until you have the final climactic battle on the aliens's ship.
The gameplay is pretty easy to grasp, and the tutorial is able to to clear up any loose ends you might have. Not only are you able to acquire different weapons, some convential and others mystical(personal favorite will ALWAYS be the Sun Shield), but you're able to drive all sorts of vehicles, either hindering or helping your progress through the game.

Graphics: This, I think, is where the game suffers because I've seen better graphics on the N64(Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Mario 64 come to mind), but they're not God-awful. While the characters, enemies, blood effects, and even setting don't look great, they do their job decently enough to where they don't bleed your eyeballs.

Sound: Both the sound design and soundtracks are top notch here. The subtle sounds of Drake's footprints to aliens blasting away while being blasted by either laser, gun, or cannon fire is almost cinematic worthy. And as for the soundtrack, it sounds superb, ranging from the subtle and mood-building slower themes, to the increasing-in-danger themes, to a slightly more upbeat theme. What I really like is how you're able to choose the background music everytime you pause the game. I often do that, scrolling thro... Read the rest of this Review
King of the Monsters 2
04-07-20 02:43 PM
What Godzilla: King Of The Monsters(NES) Should Have Been
Take control of a terrifying titan of mayhem and murder and tear your way across several levels, destroying everything in your path with a mix of physical and special attacks, tearing your enemies asunder and leaving yourself the true KING OF THE MONSTERS!!!

Story/gameplay: This, right here, is what I feel Godzilla: King Of The monsters for the NES should have been. It's similar to it, in that you select a monster and wade through waves of enemies through each level to the boss battle. It's simple, but that's all it needs to be. The gameplay, likewise, is indicative of my previous point, except maybe a little bit more needlessly complicated. Basic attacks are easy to figure out, but the special movies had me going online to figure out how to execute...AGAIN! Not enough to completely derail the game, but it's hard not to notice.

Graphics/presentation: Holy hell, do I love how this game looks. I love how stuff just explodes and crumbles whenever I destroy whole swaths of civilization, enemies disintigrate whenever I burn them to ashes with either Geon's fire or Atomic Guy's special ray, and the animation is really smooth, the characters not breaking stride when they destroy smaller buildings and watching buildings crumble to dust and burn!

Sound: From the metal soundtrack to the sound of destruction, this game sounds awesome! The roars and bellows made by the monsters, the explosions, and falling buildings are a near joy to behold!

Another classic for the SNES library and from my childhood. If Super Godzilla ain't doing it for you, or you feel like you need to play a better version of G:KOM, this is the game for you, you will NOT be disappointed.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
04-07-20 02:25 PM
It's Morphing Time!
Rita's back, and she's worse than ever! Take control of one of the five original Rangers and progress through seven levels pounding Puddies and thrashing the boss monster into oblivion, eventually culminating into a final battle with the classic Megazord!

Story/gameplay: The story is simple, and that's fine. you run through levels, beating up bad guys through either your civilian form, or your Ranger form, until the final two bosses where you play as the Megazord itself. For those familiar with the SNES TMNT game, this game may feel similar: The gameplay allows the characters to switch between their civilian and Ranger modes on the fly(not unlike Kamen Rider, from the Super Famicom Kamen Rider game). The controls are a little wonky, especially when playing as the Megazord, but they don't derail the game too much.

Sound: From the MMPR theme playing in the background, the soundtracks used for the levels, boss fights, victory and defeat, and the final boss fights, the music used is top notch! I could almost spend hours listening to them...ALMOST. As for the sound effects, they're practically perfect. From you beating the hell on the henchmen and monsters, to the Megazord and monster fights, the game sounds awesome!

Graphics: This is one of the best-looking games I've seen for the SNES, only the likes of Mario and Primal Rage are better. the walking, running, and fighting animation is super smooth, the details for the characters are great, and the backgrounds are almost gorgeous to look at, ALMOST, there are a few hickups here and there, but nothing too egregious.

This is a classic game for the SNES, and should be in every gamers, classic and SNES-wise, collection. My one gripe is that the Green Ranger isn't in it.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Fighting Edition
04-07-20 02:01 PM
Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!!
A childhood favorite of mine! You choose between either the Thunder Megazord or the Mega Tigerzord, and fight your way through enemies until the final battle on the moon!

Story/gameplay: The story and gameplay is typical of a fighting game: You got through each level fighting an opponent until you reach the final boss(it's TOTALLY Lord Zedd, *wink, wink*), using a variety of moves and finishers. If you're looking for depth or engaging story-telling, you're going to be disappointed, and I question why you'd look for it in a Power Rangers game. As for the gameplay and controls, I can't complain too much. Again, typical fighter, but the controls are easy to figure out and there are other features aside from the basic story line, such as a versus mode where you can go against other Megazords and monsters.

Graphics: For an SNES, the graphics look pretty good. The colors are bright and vibrant, the backgrounds look great and detailed, and the effects for when the blows land and characters crash on the ground have an anime-style to them and are satisfying.

Sound: Again, the sound looks great. From the original MMPR theme playing at the title screen, to the rest of the sound track, to sound effects of the Megazords and monsters fighting each other and performing special moves just sounds epic.

As a Toku fan, I've fallen away from the Power Ranger fandom since my childhood. However, the Megazords, whom I thought were the real stars of the franchise and thought of them as my favorite Power Rangers myself, hold a very special place in my heart. And this game is basically a tribute to that!

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