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  Views: 3,399,938,698     09-28-24 12:51 AM  

Posts by GamingMonkey on the board: (718 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#838324 518 754 07-06-13 07:50 PM #61853 - Pokemon Emerald - Good Or Rubbish?
#838282 517 42 07-06-13 07:15 PM #61851 - Who is the best team mate in shining force 1?
#838272 516 41 07-06-13 07:10 PM #61847 - 500 viz for some beta testers. Who is interested.
#838264 515 34 07-06-13 07:05 PM #61016 - Just me introducting myself
#838245 514 26 07-06-13 06:49 PM #61846 - Definitely worth a shot
#838222 513 44 07-06-13 05:58 PM #60843 - Who would you like to see promoted to Staff?
#838205 512 45 07-06-13 05:40 PM #61817 - Kick Ass 2
#838203 511 38 07-06-13 05:37 PM #61845 - The boy who thought creatures were pokemon
#838202 510 36 07-06-13 05:36 PM #61835 - Vizzed Pests
#838194 509 1264 07-06-13 05:30 PM #61845 - The boy who thought creatures were pokemon
#838031 508 55 07-06-13 01:49 PM #61830 - Writing short stories for Viz
#838028 507 41 07-06-13 01:43 PM #61738 - If you need some Viz: TornadoMudkip is giving you some!
#838017 506 35 07-06-13 01:33 PM #61824 - What game franchises do you want to have level ranking characters for on Vizzed?
#837951 505 35 07-06-13 12:12 PM #61819 - A Poem About Every Day People
#837942 504 83 07-06-13 12:08 PM #61785 - I made it to post #1,000!!!!
#837929 503 48 07-06-13 12:00 PM #58084 - Compliment the user above you
#837890 502 35 07-06-13 11:30 AM #61339 - Oldest and newest game you own
#837849 501 52 07-06-13 11:02 AM #61328 - Do you think it is weird when you see a senior playing games
#837828 500 55 07-06-13 10:30 AM #59790 - Stoped smoking
#837824 499 47 07-06-13 10:25 AM #27706 - Longest you've been awake?
#837818 498 46 07-06-13 10:22 AM #52553 - Tattoo/percings
#837811 497 41 07-06-13 10:12 AM #42473 - Time travel
#837799 496 42 07-06-13 09:53 AM #60340 - Mario and Mother ELIMINATION!
#837791 495 35 07-06-13 09:32 AM #25916 - Jackie Chan? Jet Li? Or Tony Jaa?
#837788 494 35 07-06-13 09:21 AM #61493 - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team: Tips and Useful things to know.
#837781 493 19 07-06-13 09:05 AM #42888 - oh my gosh there is a _______ under my bed
#837779 492 33 07-06-13 09:02 AM #15020 - Whats the 1st thing that comes to your mind when you see the username above you?
#837777 491 35 07-06-13 08:56 AM #61661 - What writing utensil do you use?
#837747 490 36 07-06-13 08:09 AM #61813 - Star wars Battlefront 1 Review - Good or Rubbish?
#837745 489 53 07-06-13 08:06 AM #60815 - How do you watch most movies?
#837742 488 38 07-06-13 08:03 AM #61769 - Do you keep Kosher or Halal?
#837738 487 33 07-06-13 07:58 AM #28166 - Cookies or Donuts?
#837733 486 40 07-06-13 07:50 AM #60800 - When upset
#837732 485 34 07-06-13 07:47 AM #48395 - Showers or Baths?
#837721 484 80 07-06-13 07:02 AM #61503 - What to use your master ball on
#837720 483 38 07-06-13 06:55 AM #61744 - Your favorite villain
#837719 482 54 07-06-13 06:51 AM #60990 - With or without laugh track?
#837718 481 34 07-06-13 06:48 AM #54785 - favorite childhood tv show?
#837716 480 53 07-06-13 06:43 AM #4668 - Who Is Better Mario Or Luigi?
#837714 479 33 07-06-13 06:36 AM #48397 - French Fries
#837711 478 388 07-06-13 06:30 AM #61813 - Star wars Battlefront 1 Review - Good or Rubbish?
#837706 477 45 07-06-13 06:23 AM #52893 - Who like's snowballs
#837705 476 36 07-06-13 06:21 AM #56277 - Types of food your allergic to?
#837703 475 33 07-06-13 06:18 AM #56582 - Last Meal
#837702 474 44 07-06-13 06:16 AM #53614 - Places To Eat.
#837701 473 48 07-06-13 06:14 AM #61085 - hi every one i am new
#837698 472 41 07-06-13 06:08 AM #42611 - The awesome little professor
#837697 471 43 07-06-13 06:06 AM #59708 - Hi everyone!
#837695 470 38 07-06-13 06:03 AM #37590 - How old were you when you got your first handheld?
#837693 469 33 07-06-13 06:01 AM #61434 - When did you buy your first video game?
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