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  Views: 3,396,206,506     09-23-24 02:25 PM  

Posts by smotpoker86 on the board: (465 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#540815 315 355 02-07-12 06:30 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#540749 314 155 02-07-12 01:15 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#540743 313 197 02-07-12 12:42 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#540662 312 6 02-06-12 09:35 PM #36080 - If you could have anything for a pet...
#540653 311 691 02-06-12 09:18 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#540410 310 220 02-06-12 04:53 AM #35214 - Doctrine of Creation
#538955 309 31 02-02-12 03:57 PM #33976 - What is evil?
#538954 308 63 02-02-12 03:55 PM #35925 - Super mario world 2
#538952 307 135 02-02-12 03:49 PM #34208 - Kid Icarus: Uprising
#538770 306 183 02-02-12 01:48 AM #35984 - Visual Novels
#538741 305 97 02-02-12 12:57 AM #35925 - Super mario world 2
#538727 304 182 02-02-12 12:01 AM #34208 - Kid Icarus: Uprising
#538718 303 51 02-01-12 11:49 PM #35982 - MLB2K12 may be the final PS2 game
#538714 302 271 02-01-12 11:45 PM #33976 - What is evil?
#538695 301 90 02-01-12 10:57 PM #35840 - A curious question
#536649 300 429 01-28-12 01:19 PM #35865 - Stop Pollution
#535387 299 70 01-25-12 06:53 AM #34209 - 3DS Circle Pad Attachment
#533989 298 356 01-21-12 02:08 PM #35665 - dead man billed $600 for running water
#533959 297 38 01-21-12 01:10 PM #35575 - My brother's friends...
#533956 296 107 01-21-12 01:01 PM #35665 - dead man billed $600 for running water
#533662 295 30 01-20-12 05:36 PM #31447 - How big is your tv?
#533661 294 37 01-20-12 05:16 PM #28908 - if potatoes took over the world what would u do
#533656 293 137 01-20-12 04:57 PM #35650 - Site shut over copyright
#533652 292 141 01-20-12 04:46 PM #35665 - dead man billed $600 for running water
#532224 291 76 01-16-12 02:15 PM #12631 - Prove God Exists
#532184 290 524 01-16-12 01:26 PM #24986 - Geothermal Energy?
#532166 289 649 01-16-12 12:33 PM #12631 - Prove God Exists
#530226 288 21 01-12-12 11:54 PM #35235 - Government Overtaxing Us?
#530224 287 309 01-12-12 11:35 PM #24986 - Geothermal Energy?
#530146 286 184 01-12-12 10:17 PM #35201 - Biological Mom Kept From Child in Lesbian Legal Case
#530101 285 221 01-12-12 09:56 PM #35235 - Government Overtaxing Us?
#530028 284 133 01-12-12 08:53 PM #29082 - should weed be legalized?
#530009 283 7 01-12-12 08:17 PM #12631 - Prove God Exists
#530001 282 390 01-12-12 08:12 PM #35214 - Doctrine of Creation
#529960 281 104 01-12-12 07:13 PM #12631 - Prove God Exists
#529639 280 18 01-12-12 05:35 AM #31169 - Soul and Spirit
#529635 279 185 01-12-12 05:06 AM #12631 - Prove God Exists
#525831 278 212 01-06-12 03:50 AM #31169 - Soul and Spirit
#525826 277 1009 01-06-12 03:03 AM #35041 - A serious question
#524251 276 151 01-03-12 11:26 PM #35041 - A serious question
#524241 275 481 01-03-12 11:14 PM #20790 - Atheisim=religion?
#523594 274 338 01-03-12 05:13 AM #20790 - Atheisim=religion?
#523571 273 76 01-03-12 04:31 AM #20790 - Atheisim=religion?
#522023 272 52 01-01-12 06:35 PM #31169 - Soul and Spirit
#521752 271 355 12-31-11 08:40 PM #34271 - NHL Restructure
#521742 270 153 12-31-11 08:13 PM #29082 - should weed be legalized?
#521739 269 57 12-31-11 08:03 PM #23643 - What do you find attractive about the opposite sex?
#521732 268 68 12-31-11 07:55 PM #34925 - The best prank you've ever pulled
#521730 267 36 12-31-11 07:49 PM #17278 - Can I give you a______?
#521727 266 221 12-31-11 07:38 PM #35041 - A serious question
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