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Nintendo NES
Bandai America
Advance Communication Company
UPC: 45557071004

Released: 3-31-89
Players: 1

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Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $13.01
Complete:  $19.95
New:  $99.99
Rarity:  9/10

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Amazon: $12.44
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Play Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (NES) - Online Game | Nintendo NES

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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Featured Review

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Review by: JOKER3852 - 2/10

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Revenge
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... A game that is not very popular and for good reason. The game is well known for it's Internet review by none other than James Rolfe, a.k.a. The Angry Video Game Nerd. From the way he reviewed it with acting it out and putting on a show, it made some gamers interested in playing the game. That's what happened to me.

Story: The story is you're Jekyll, who is on his way to his wedding, and that's pretty much it. Not really anything huge, it's just Jekyll going to his wedding. There are towns people, a kid with a slingshot, bugs, birds drooping poop, dogs, cats, guys with bombs, and a peeing fountain.

Game-play: It's a side-scrolling game where you have to go from point A to point B. You have a Life Meter, if it runs out, you turn into Hyde. But first, let me talk about game-play as Jekyll. When you're Jekyll, the only weapon you have is his cane. The cane doesn't do anything and is a pretty useless accessory unless you want to kill bees with it. The enemies you face in the game as Jekyll are the enemies listed above in the story section. Of course, this is part of what makes the game so tough. Since you have no means of defense, you're almost constantly taking hits. The kid with the slingshot is actually in love with Jekyll's fiancée and is trying to stop the wedding by stopping Jekyll from getting there. Once you die as Jekyll, you turn into Hyde, and this is where it actually starts feeling like a game. When you're Hyde, you have a weapon that the game calls the Psycho Wave that moves in a random pattern that kind of destroys your enemies, which are skeletons, demons, and floating heads. Hyde is moving to left this time as Jekyll was moving to the right. When you're Hyde you have to relieve your Rage Meter in order to advance in the game and transform back into Jekyll. If you die as Hyde, the game is over. If you get struck by lightning, the game is over. The reason for the lightning strike is that you reached the same point in the game where you died as Jekyll. Pretty much the stage you're playing on as Hyde is reversed and you're going back. Best to relieve your Rage Meter and continue as Jekyll. It's not the worst game-play, but it doesn't really keep you interested long enough to reach the end of the game. It's very bland and the only time you have fun with it, is when you're Hyde, but the game doesn't want you to be Hyde. (Or is it called the Stress Meter?)

Graphics: There's nothing really special about the graphics in this game. It's your typical standard NES graphics, yet it seems... more blurry. But other than that, I do not have anything bad to say about the graphics.

Sound: If you listen to the sound, it's not a very good example of 8-bit music. The title music is an exact copy of the Guru's theme from Rygar. But it is somewhat nice to hear. When you get to the sound effects, they are really bad. Especially the sounds when you get hit or when there is something falling from the sky.

Difficulty: One thing that stands out about this game is it's really high difficulty. There is no option to adjust your difficulty level and you go in there wondering why you're not advancing. This is somewhat good for those that like a challenge, but for me personally, I like to have some options when playing a game. Also, the game may be challenging, but it's not addictive. It's not the type of game that makes you want to play more.

So in final conclusion, I give would give this game a 2/10. There are some good things, but they're barely noticeable and they're not enough to make this a good game.
  Graphics 5   Sound 4   Addictive 1   Depth 2   Story 2   Difficulty 9

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Game Description

The classic tale of horror comes to vivid life in this fast-moving video game! Dr. Jekyll succeeds in separating a man's personality into GOOD and EVIL - but he experiments on himself! Now, without warning, the kind Dr. Jekyll transforms into the monstrous Mr. Hyde. Follow Dr. Jekyll as he fights off enemies in hazardous 19th century London, only to be suddenly plunged into Mr. Hyde's World of Demons! Here Mr. Hyde must battle attacking monsters and ghouls with his secret weapon - the deadly PSYCHO-WAVE! But the excitement doesn't end there - as you do battle in each of the two worlds of this game, the worlds themselves are struggling with each other for control! Which will triumph - GOOD or EVIL? DR. JEKYLL or MR. HYDE?

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Reviews

Overall 3.6    Graphics 3.7    Sound 2.6    Addictive 1.4    Story 1.6    Depth 2.2    Difficulty 9.5

Take AVGN'S advice, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME, PERIOD.   RedHotToddy
If any of you guys know who the Angry Nintendo nerd Is, then chances are you guys have watched his r...
  Graphics 4   Sound 3   Addictive 2   Story 5   Depth 1   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4.4/5     Submitted: 07-25-13     Review Replies: 5

the worst game on the nes   cosmic5
Ah dr.jekell and mr.hyde on the nes. What has been said about this game that hasn't already been sai...
  Graphics 3   Sound 2   Addictive 1   Story 1   Depth 2   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4.2/5     Submitted: 08-21-12     Review Replies: 4

The most terrible game for the NES.   DannyMyers1978
This game is like the most impossible game ever to be played on the Nintendo Entertainment System. T...
  Graphics 5   Sound 3   Addictive 1   Story 3   Depth 1   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 4.2/5     Submitted: 08-21-12     Review Replies: 9

So annyoing   cplegogame25
Story: The story is about Dr.Jekell make a potion in his lab which he then drinks and at night he tu...
  Graphics 4   Sound 2   Addictive 1   Story 1   Depth 1   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 11-28-13     Review Replies: 1

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Revenge   JOKER3852
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... A game that is not very popular and for good reason. The game is well kno...
  Graphics 5   Sound 4   Addictive 1   Story 2   Depth 2   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 08-19-13     Updated: 08-22-13     Review Replies: 6

Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde - Is it really that bad?   Zircron Swift
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde....Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... It can't be that bad....can it? I'm here to p...
  Graphics 4   Sound 4   Addictive 3   Story 1   Depth 3   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 3.3/5     Submitted: 04-21-11     Updated: 08-04-11     Review Replies: 0

Everything Hates Jekyll   endings
This game is deservedly bashed by all humanity. It sucks. But there is a hidden surprise that almost makes playing it-haha I'm just kidding, its still trash with the endings....
  Graphics 3   Sound 2   Addictive 1   Story 5   Depth 5   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 07-12-23     Review Replies: 0

Dr Jekyyl and Mr Hyde   angryvideogamen..
I can describe this in a way as bad as it can be or as good as it can be. The bad part is at first y...
  Graphics 6   Sound 6   Addictive 6   Story 1   Depth 9   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 08-11-12     Review Replies: 0

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde   Totts
The Game that is so bad it is possible 'good'?...
  Graphics 2   Sound 2   Addictive 1   Story 1   Depth 2   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 2.5/5     Submitted: 10-11-10     Updated: 06-24-11     Review Replies: 2

What the hell is wrong with this game!!?   murut87
Yeah,this game is based on Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde but the problem is,it fails. Why,becaus...
  Graphics 2   Sound 1   Addictive 1   Story 1   Depth 1   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 1.5/5     Submitted: 02-01-13     Review Replies: 6

What the f*udge...   kdoggbb
Okay I'm just gonna get this out of the way before I start the review...THIS GAME SUCKS...REALLY BAD...
  Graphics 6   Sound 3   Story 2   Depth 1   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 1/5     Submitted: 05-28-17     Review Replies: 4

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Comments for Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

jonathanzygorodi 02-02-17 - 04:00 PM
 dead f***ing serious
AwesomeTrinket 02-02-17 - 01:36 PM
 Ick. This game is just...ick.
osazemccurley 04-14-16 - 09:49 PM
Nincompoco 02-26-15 - 11:40 PM
 its amazing. if not for the preaching of someone saying how horrible it is we would'nt be here today
grinder665 12-30-14 - 08:21 AM
 To Quote a famous cartoon character from the 90's: "No sir. I don't like it". I played this game for just a few minutes, and in that short time it already started to get on my nerves. It's just so annoying.
ARedLetterDay 11-01-14 - 08:15 PM
 Oh, Vizzed. Thou hast fallen to the AVGN curse as well.
Delgis 11-01-14 - 08:12 PM
 I saw this game today at angry video game nerd, omg he was right. This game is not terrible, IT'S HORRIBLE.
superluigi1 10-08-14 - 11:53 PM
 This is one of the worst games i have played!
chappy1997 05-23-14 - 10:42 PM
 This game should've been called "Sunday-walk Simulator." Seriously! That's literally what I feel like I'm doing in this game! Well, until you go into the Mr. Hyde phase, of course.
Patrick Star 05-17-14 - 06:16 PM
 I'm scarred for life.
PoundDotBlam 03-22-14 - 03:14 PM
 This game is not great, but it is not terrible.
QuigMaster1 02-03-14 - 04:52 PM
 Yeah Angry Video Game Nerd was right. I got to level two on my first try. It is not so hard until you are Mr. Hyde, then it becomes tough. Dr. Jekyll is not the smartest doctor.
computernorman12 01-03-14 - 02:12 PM
 the angry video game nerd was 100% right this game sucks!
gamemaster759 11-18-13 - 09:20 PM
 avgn was right about this game it sucks
Sidewinder 11-06-13 - 06:25 PM
 I was actually hoping this was going to be a good game, because Jekyll and Hyde wasn't so bad, but lots of peeps saying it's a horrible game. Dang lol.
Jordanv78 11-04-13 - 02:52 AM
 This is easily one of the worst games ever created. I mean it's shockingly bad. Worse than Back to the Future for NES, worse than Action 52. Just bad.
RjGunner111 06-24-13 - 09:59 PM
 worst game ever
Deleted Account.. 06-17-13 - 05:51 AM
 Man, this game is hard. D: I wonder if there's a second level because I can't get anywhere off the first lol
ls95 02-24-13 - 08:52 PM
 Keep the game on the site, David! I need it to learn from the book more than I can because I already gave it to the library....but in all seriousness, reading the book actually makes this games and why you die make sense. so all of you, go read the book.
nedflanders34 01-09-13 - 08:26 PM
 never playing it again
nedflanders34 01-09-13 - 08:24 PM
 I've seen the avgn say it was aewful lets see how it is
naco26withcheese 10-30-12 - 08:24 PM
 LOLLL @ madison
totaldramaman2 10-30-12 - 08:08 PM
 Game of the Day!... wut. da.
madison 10-30-12 - 12:47 PM
 Years ago, Gamestop offered me one penny to trade in this game. Needless to say, I was one cent richer that day.
super0mariofan0 10-30-12 - 12:35 PM

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