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08:56 AM
Hasbro Interactive
UPC: 76930996904

Released: 12-01-99
Players: 1-2

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person, Platform

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $4.95
Complete:  $7.95
New:  $19.98
Rarity:  5/10

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Q-bert (PSX) - Playstation

Q-bert is an Action game developed by Atari and published by Hasbro Interactive in 1999 for the Playstation.


Q-bert Title ScreenQ-bert Screenshot 1
Q-bert Box Art FrontQ-bert Box Art BackQ-bert Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.8 (10 votes)

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Q-bert (Playstation) Screenshots

X Q-bert
by GameBoy1023 (3/5)
Level 1-3: Stage 1-3
by GameBoy1023 (3/5)
Level 1-1: Stage 1-1
by GameBoy1023 (3/5)
Level 1-5: Stage 1-5
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Level 1-1: A puzzle
by tRIUNE (3/5)
by tRIUNE (3/5)
by tRIUNE (3/5)
by mrkool078 (3/5)
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Introduction : The game's name
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Level Select : Selecting a level in section 1
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Level Select : Selecting a level in section 2
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Level Select : Selecting a level in section 3
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Q*Bert receives the blue slice of his disc
by mrkool078 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Q*Bert receives the green slice of his disc
by GameBoy1023 (3/5)
Menus Main Menu: Main Menu

Videos of Q-bert Gameplay

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Q-bert Featured Review

Q-bert Review by: FaithFighter - 9/10

It's the Cube Hopper!
Q*Bert, this is another one of those games that I have had for a long time--since I was really little, and never got around to beating it until I was in my teens. Like most of my old games, I did not have the luxury of a memory card. That forced me to become a better player, to become faster and better than what I was. It was a lot of fun hopping around, trying to fool enemies and change all the colors on your quest to rescue Q*Dina. The game has a lot of things going for it that would make me want to play it even today...So let's see what they are.

Graphics: 9. I must say that the graphics were really sharp on this one. There were tons of beautiful backgrounds, some of the most beautiful came from Q*Dina's Dimension. There were also some really good ones from the dimension of the troublesome triplets. My favorite scenes included a beautiful fall world, space level, (of course, you probably knew that was coming!) jungle, snow, and even a dark maze. Everything was very well done. I have no complaints whatsoever on this one. I will say that the backgrounds are the biggest asset that the graphics department has. While the characters look pretty smooth, and the world interactive points are all well done, nothing really stands out to me except for the background of the world that you are in. Ok...I lied, I do have one complaint, in the Q*Magician's world, the background shapes that swirl and spin can really get distracting! Like that one coil that I always seem to think is coming through the cubes; it draws my attention and concentration away from the game, and I usually end up hitting a ball or Coily. Stupid shapes! Why don't you stand still! But other than that, I really cannot recall and graphical issues. 

Sound: 9. Sound was pretty good, probably the best part of it was the music. The music that I liked the best was from Q*Builder's world and Q*Dina's world. Q*Builder just had a tune that made you feel like getting 'er done, while the Q*Dina music was very peaceful. The final level was also very memorable as far as the music goes. There are not any bad sound effects, and there is one that is very memorable. In the Dark Maze on Q*Dina's world, there are strange little monsters that wield hammers. They have the most frightening growls that really make for a scary atmosphere in that dark maze. I realize that it is really just the sound when you get a bunch of Coily's; but to me, it really worked extremely well, even for a duplicate sound. The rocks from the snow land make a very convincing thud, while the rubber balls sound like just that...rubber balls. While nothing was super extraordinary or anything like that, I felt that everything was pretty good.

Addictiveness: 9. This game had a lot of fun puzzles and challenges, so giving this any less than a 9 would be unfair. There are many enemies to battle and avoid. (Okay, maybe not battle, but there are some enemies that you  can step on, and some like Coily, that are so dumb they'll follow you over the edge when you jump on the flying disc!) In addition to the many puzzles of the adventure version, there is always the arcade style...from which you can choose two graphics--modern and classic. Q*Bert is just too much fun to me, bouncing around on cubes and outwitting not too bright snakes. Not to mention whenever you can get one of those freeze balls that freeze all enemies on screen. Did I mention anything about the bonus areas that you can find for major bonus points? Well, there is that too!

Story: 7. Somewhat common story. Enemy kidnaps the girl. Beat the bad guy, and save the girl. Pretty run of the mill if you ask me. Thing I liked about it was that you had to collect the 4 pieces of the dimensional disc that takes you to...Ooops! forget about that! Anyways, the part I liked best was getting to see how those four shield looking things actually came together to form the disc. That was pretty cool in my opinion! But other than a couple little things like that, it is a somewhat ordinary story. I will say that it was well done, especially making you feel congratulated at the end. (and I am not going to say how!) Overall, between the part at the beginning with that epic kind of tone, and a couple of things throughout, I would say that a 7 is a fair estimate.

Depth: 9 I do have to give Atari and Playstation some credit on this one. They made a game with 4 worlds, 6 levels each. (technically, that is how it is divided.) feel like a long, really long journey over many worlds with multiple levels. What do I mean? Well, each level was divided into little stages, where you would have to tackle a whole other set of puzzles and blocks. Each level had a different theme, so it really made you feel like you were going through a lot of different worlds. I would say that between that, the inclusion of the arcade levels, and the bonus levels that you can find throughout the game, this game definitely deserves the 9.

Difficulty: 9. This game, to me is very difficult. Even now, I cringe at the thought of running in the dark, trying to jump under the monsters with hammers, or needing to open the gate, but not knowing what to do about the snake that it is holding back. Or at the time where you had to jump down an aisle lined with hammers that swung back and forth, hitting one side and then the other! There were a lot of things that just made this game a challenge. Not to mention the fact that I had no memory card. If I had a memory card, it probably would not be as hard, but I am going with the rating of my experience. Besides, they still did an awesome job of pulling enough stunts to keep me on edge for so many of the levels. 

Overall: 9. Yes, I realize that I gave the story a 7 and that the score should be a bit lower. But remember, this is one of my old time favorites. I still think that this game is one of the best, and I would love to see another like it in today's world. Grab your controllers and take this orange cube hopper out for a spin!

  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 9   Depth 9   Story 7   Difficulty 9

Q-bert Reviews

Overall 8.8    Graphics 9    Sound 9    Addictive 9    Story 7    Depth 9    Difficulty 9

It's the Cube Hopper!   FaithFighter
Q*Bert, this is another one of those games that I have had for a long time--since I was really littl...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 9   Story 7   Depth 9   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 10-22-14     Review Replies: 0

Q-bert Highscores

1. 3,450
TimeTrial: 00:03:42
01-31-15 04:00 PM
Q-bert - Done! - User Screenshot

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Comments for Q-bert

tRIUNE 04-30-16 - 05:53 AM
tRIUNE 04-30-16 - 05:49 AM
 to configure the 2nd controller, first double-click on the game to configure the 1st-player then hold Alt and left Shift keys and press '2'.
NoxHardigan 04-29-16 - 06:15 PM
 How can I configure the 2nd controller? I can't start the game unless I do.
MysteryMan007 12-13-14 - 12:47 AM
 Will be trying this.
FaithFighter 10-24-14 - 03:52 AM
 This is one of my old favorites. A classic by any standard!
GameBoy1023 08-09-14 - 05:12 PM
 Never mind.
GameBoy1023 08-09-14 - 07:44 AM
 "Error: Unable to find ROM file in downloaded"

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