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Xbox 360
Wanako Studios

Released: 12-08-10
MS Points:

Game Genre:
Racing & Flying


Doritos Crash Course (X360) - Xbox 360

Doritos Crash Course is a Racing & Flying game developed by Wanako Studios in 2010 for the Xbox 360.

Doritos Crash Course

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Rating: 7.1 (4 votes)

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Doritos Crash Course Featured Review

Doritos Crash Course Review by: SacraRain - 8/10

Doritos Crash Course... Worth it, or not?
Now, from first appearances under the indie games... you may be thinking "Wow, this game obviously has to be boring and pathetic if it is absolutely FREE." Well, if you don't mind me saying... it's not that boring and it's not that pathetic, but yes... it is 100% free. Every single game that Doritos has made for the Xbox 360 (Doritos Crash Course, Doritos Crash Course 2, and Harms Way) are completely free and generally found under the "indie games" section.

Now, why would this game be found there... it's simple really, it's an indie game. Now, if you don't know what an indie game is, then you probably don't know what an Xbox 360 is... but, since I'm here to enlighten you some of whether or not you should play this game, let me inform you of what an indie game is. In short perspective, an indie game is a game designed by a company that hasn't received the help of video game publishers, but instead... all the work belongs to them, it's their own unique idea. Even to this day, one of our most popular indie games is known as "Minecraft"... created by the now famous Mojang and hosted on Xbox 360 as well as on the PC.

But enough of that, we're here to learn about why Doritos Crash Course (both 1 & 2) should be played or shouldn't be played... so, let's get down to the basics.

Graphics- 8/10
Much like many indie games such as "Avatar War" and "Avatar RPG", you are literally your avatar in this game. You are the person you have created on your xbox 360 to represent you. Remember when you had to create a small person that looked like you, or a small person that you wanted to look completely insane by putting on random clothes and make-up and whatever you could possibly imagine. Well, that's what this game is... you take your "character" that you have designed on the Xbox 360, and you have them go through various obstacle courses, and even you can go head-to-head with other players. The graphics are in what I would say... "xbox proficient", it's specifically designed around the Xbox avatar idea, and thus making it very smooth and basic in shape most of the time. But in an overall feeling of it, I'd have to say the graphics are very good for the game that it is... and I have even managed to spend about, 20 hours or more playing this game because my friends kept on beating my top speed.

Sound- 7/10
Now, this game has had some minor flaws here and there when it game to the soundtrack of the game. At times, the game would go completely quiet, or would become extremely loud... but this was often a minor flaw, but most of the time... it was me unable to stabilize my TVs audio. Naturally, when playing the game... you'll often hear more "human-like" sounds, such as people yelling and chanting... people booing you and saying words like "no" and "yes" for long periods of time. It's basically as if you were at the Olympics, but on your computer. Your character has an opportunity to get the gold, the silver, or the bronze (which has been replaced with a rubber chicken). As much as I would like to down talk this game, I honestly can't say anything bad about it... it's been one of the better games I have played on the Xbox 360. The sound for this game is both exciting and even mesmerizing if have it set at the right volume and you have a small crowd of people watching you play.

Addictiveness- 5/10
The reason why this game is only a 5 out of 10 rating on the addictiveness part, is a rather simple explanation really. This game, much like many other sports games designed around the Olympics, don't offer much to keep you playing for hours and hours on end. When it comes to a game such as this, the only reason why you would want to play this sort of game is if you're playing head-to-head with other people, otherwise... it's not exactly something that is "eye-catching". Sure, this game is a little fun when playing on your own... just to test to see how far you can go or to see how challenging the game really is, but in all fairness... this game is best played when you are playing against other people. I for one, I've enjoyed going against so many people online... that I think I may have worn the game out all together. Sure, it's not a game that requires a CD or anything, but what I mean in general is... I may have just worked out so much on that game, that even my brain needs to take a break from exercise now.

Story- 0/10
Like many games I will be reviewing, most (if not all) of them will have NO storyline in the game... or the story is just a basic "outline". For this game, there is NO story behind the game... so why not create one behind your character and why he/she is in the Olympics.

Depth- 3/10
Like I have said before... this game is really fun, when you're not playing by yourself. Naturally, when on your own... it can only last until you finally beat all the levels and then there really isn't anything else left to do, except beat your high speed or play online against other people. The other bad thing about this, is that many people don't know about it... probably, since Doritos Crash Course 2 came out (I think about a month ago... some time in March 2013) it has received a little more attention, but overall... it's not a game that appeals to many. It's a fun game, don't kid me wrong on that... but the game just doesn't seem to have the ability to keep someone playing for months and months on end like "Minecraft" or "Black Ops 2" has done.

Difficulty- 5/10
As your progress further into the game, it will become a little more difficult and I'm sure with the new Doritos Crash Course, it's even harder than before... but at the same time, they have made it easier by allowing your character to now grab onto ledges and other things of that sort. In the first Doritos Crash Course, you are unable to grab onto a ledge... so if you fall next to something you can grab onto, you cannot grab... you will just fall straight down. Most of the time, this game is fairly easy... with the right timing, but if you time your jumps, slides and runs incorrectly... then the game will be a little more challenging than you would expect. When I came to play the game, it was easy at first... but as I progressed through the levels, the difficulty became almost rage inducing. After a while of constantly being smacked around in circles, I finally made it through the last level... but although playing on my own was a little amusing (I had the most fun watching my character fail and get smacked around repeatedly), once I have managed to play online... the amusement was raised highly. After playing online, it's a test to see who can dodge the best, who can run without stopping and who can strategically go through the entire level without getting knocked off the course.

In short perspective, if you play this game by yourself... its not as fun as it would be playing online against other people, so feel free to tell others about this game and maybe you and a friend can go head-to-head. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy running until your ankles are absolutely sore.

Note: This game only requires a controller and nothing more, you don't need any fancy Xbox equipment to play this game.
  Graphics 8   Sound 7   Addictive 5   Depth 3   Difficulty 5

Doritos Crash Course Reviews

Overall 7.1    Graphics 8    Sound 7    Addictive 5    Depth 3    Difficulty 5

Doritos Crash Course... Worth it, or not?   SacraRain
Now, from first appearances under the indie games... you may be thinking "Wow, this game obviously h...
  Graphics 8   Sound 7   Addictive 5   Depth 3   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 05-17-13     Review Replies: 1

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