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  Views: 3,267,286,543     06-10-24 09:40 PM  

Main Profile wierdooooooooooo's Profile Game Profile : Collection

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    David Barrera
Age / Birthday:
    25 / 07-28-98

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Registration: 01-07-11 07:54 PM (4903 days ago)
Last Activity: 03-10-22 06:53 PM

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Last Post: 07-07-17 03:46 PM
    in Bad Mario Hack (Game Discussion)
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Jovial Race   Rank 2/2 : 21,000
Incantation   Rank 2/2 : 7,900
Street Fighter III   Rank 2/3 : 6,000
Mortal Kombat V1996 Turbo 30   Rank 3/4 : 378,730
He-Man   Rank 3/3 : 26,600
Kart Fighter   Rank 3/4 : 18,350
Contra   Rank 3/3 : 3,300
Mortal Kombat 4   Rank 5/5 : 19,240
Kiri5 Star   Rank 9/9 : 24,250
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wierdooooooooooo's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Nazo no Murasamejou (english translation) i agree Donkey_Mario :D
Mega Man - AVGN vs Dr. Wily i am and im here to say wat an awesome game
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link I Am Error
Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu this game is like a game i reviewed called downtown nekketsu mongatari
Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari me too
Mario vs. Donkey Kong mmmm bananas ^_^
Double Dragon Improved whats the improvemant
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus is the arcade game on this
Namco Classics NAMCOT
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo good puzzel game

wierdooooooooooo's Last 25 Game Reviews
Tetris Mario Bros
07-07-17 03:46 PM
Bad Mario Hack
What kind of a hack is this? You can't even get past the first level. When I first saw this, I thought it was going to be another decent and fun Mario hack. But it turns out the game play is impossible. The only thing positive about this is the music and graphics. I recommend avoiding this one unless you're up for the challenge of trying to beat it. 
06-17-14 12:14 PM
Ikki Review
Ikki,or Farmers Rebellion outside of Japan,is game made by Sunsoft.

Graphics:The graphics for this game are good for the nes.Each level has a different color scheme and its pretty colorful for a game based on killing.

Sound:The same song repeats through all the levels,but there's a small fragment of music when you die.

Addictiveness:This game is pretty addicting.After you die,you just want to keep playing and improving each time and you just fell like finishing the game.And it's even better with 2 players.

Story:Your a poor farmer in medieval Japan who is trying to overthrow the overlords by defeating his army of ninjas with a sickle.You must also pick up the coins in order to beat the level.

Depth:It offers a variety of levels,power ups,and enemies. Among the power ups are some that make you faster and invincible for a couple seconds.The black ninjas,red ninjas(which are faster),and some lady who comes and takes your weapon for a couple seconds are some of the enemies you will be facing.

Difficulty:It depends how good you are.The level difficulty will get harder as you progress,but there is no doubt that if you keep playing it will be much easier.

Overall:I recommend this game for a good time.If you plan having an even better time,play it with a friend. 
04-22-14 01:01 PM
15 in 1 more like 3 in 1
15 in 1 is a pirated multi-cart.And if you've ever played a pirated game,most are bad.But this one is ok,I guess.It could have been better if only games 4-15 of the same game but in different levels.The 3,yes 3,games are TMNT 3 The Manhattan Project,which is the game that is repeated multiple times in this cart but its an amazing beat em up.Mighty Final Fight,another amazing game.And finally Lethal Weapon ,which is an ok shooter.So all in all,it's ok but they should have added more games from 4-15.
Formation Z
07-20-12 09:38 PM
Formation Z review
Formation Z was  not released in America until it hit the pirated multi game system,and in my opinion I think its an ok title.Lets start off by rating its difficulty,which in this case players of any skill can play.Its depth really doesn't have much to offer but a really cool feature of being able to turn into a plane or robot human thing.There isn't really a story other than to shoot and get a high score.I really found this game to be addicting even though it has a lack of music other than the really cool intro song.The graphics are ok because its on the NES.So  overall its a pretty recommendable title.
P.O.W. - Prisoners of War
11-24-11 10:57 AM
P.O.W. Prisoners Of War review
The game P.O.W. Prisoners Of War is port of the arcade game to the NES and WOW is it good.Its like a mix of Contra and Double Dragon which are two of my favorite games.The difficulty not is to hard or not to easy but just perfect but it will eventually get hard passing through levels.The depth is really cool because it offers a variety of weapons such as guns,knifes,and grenades.The story is about a guy,or if you play with a friend its guys,escapes from a prison filled with tons of soldiers to battle with,EPIC.The addictiveness is the type that you will no longer let this game go and consider it one of your many favorite games.The music and sound is just cool.The graphics are cool and since its just the NES.So overall,I liked this game and I hope you like too.
Space Invaders
10-07-11 07:31 PM
Space Invaders on the NES review
What can I say about this game,ARCADE MASTERPIECE!!!The difficulty is not hard nor easy just perfect.Depth is not much because its just shoot and explode but is always fun.For the story I found nothing other than to get the high score.Do I need to say anything about addictiveness,this is very addicting.The sound is cool,its just that awesome 8 bit shoot sound and music.Graphics could have done a little better but I still like them.Overall,if you see any version of this game,don't mind playing it,ITS AWESOME!
Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari
08-09-11 01:48 PM
Nekketsu Monogatari Review
Nekketsu Mongatari is a beat em up that was known in the west as River City Ransom.And in my words what a great job did they do releasing game over to the west.This game is fun and very addicting.Difficulty is quite even and fair.The depth is ok,it bares a resemblance to Double Dragon and Mighty Final Fight.I couldn't figure out the story cause I cant read Japanese but still with the game play I think its just about bashing your way to the final boss.The sound are great and the music is killer awesome.Graphics have a anime style art.In conclusion.this game is up there with other great beat em ups such as Final Fight,Double Dragon,and Battle toads.
Fist of the North Star
07-29-11 05:12 PM
Fist of the north star review
This game is an abomination of all games ever.Its still better than cheetah men but it still sucks.Difficulty in this game is worst than all hell.There are knifes and other objects trying to kill you.The depth in this game is weird and sucks.Whwn you hit an enemy he screams and blows into chunks and level just repeat over and over.No story found for this waste.No addictiveness,trust me.The music loops the same song for the whole game.The graphics are horrible because its depressing and the characters have no faces.In conclusion,I would love to see a fight between this game and the cheetah men.But the real conclusion is never waste your time on this huge piece and play other games.
Double Strike
07-29-11 03:52 PM
Double Strike Areial Attack Force review
This game is quite a dull game that should not be in The Nintendo library but should be in a Atari game system.The difficulty is quite challenging cause there are many enemies in the screen and it makes it hard to move.The depth of this is got NOTHING to offer its just shoot the airplanes and collect items.Story,no comments.Its got so little addictiveness to me cause its boring shooting the same things over and over again.Sound does not do great in my opinion.Graphics are mediocre once again you soot the airplanes numerous of times and the shoot has the same sound.Overall,play a good shooter like Life Force or Gradius and try to avoid this one.
Kamen no Ninja - Akakage
07-27-11 08:49 PM
Kamen No Ninja review
Kamen no ninja.Right away its sounds like a Japanese title.(I think it means masked ninja thanks to Google translator)The difficulty in this game is raging hell there are ninjas flying every were attacking with swords and stars.You think it sounds like an epic game but you have no defense.Depth in this game is awkward because in some time in the game the ninjas turn into ninja bears.I found no story in this cause its all about fighting your way through each level.If you have nothing to do and want to play not so good game,which is pretty weird if you do that,than this game will be kind of ok for that reason but I am meaning that its not addictive.Sound is ok for me cause its just 8 bit so it got lucky.Graphics get a 7 because of the ninjas turning into bears.So overall it gets a 5.9.(Note I gave it this score because I am generous)
Tekken III Special
07-02-11 01:02 PM
Tekken III Special
The word special doesn't answer my question on why a Tekken game is ported to the Sega Genesis and why is it in 2D.Its already obvious this is a pirated hack of Virtua Fighter 2 for the Sega Genesis,so I am going to rate this game in my opinion.Lets start of with the graphics.When I saw the word Special, I thought the graphics would be superior,but instead we get hacked and horrible graphics,what a let down.The sound just ear rapes you and causes bleeding from the eyes, nose and mouth.For the addictiveness,I am not going to say much because when you start playing the game,you will immediately stop playing the game.The story,NO COMMENTS.( that means there is no story)It offers nothing like the original Tekken.The difficulty is hard.It doesn't matter if your on easy,your opponent strikes at you every second with out time to even breath.So overall,like always, play the original non hacked versions of the games.
Sonic Jam VI
07-01-11 03:29 PM
Sonic vs Somari
Have you ever played Somari for the Nintendo Entertainment System ,then this game is a respond to that game.This game is called Sonic Jam IV(trust me its got nothing to do with the Sega Saturn version).The only thing in common between Sonic Jam IV and Somari is that they both will kill you!I am not going to talk about the difficulty,depth,story,not even the addictiveness,sound, and graphics,I will just go ahead and finish this off by saying...............THIS GAME DOESNT EVEN DESERVE TO BE PORTED TO ANY CONSOLE!In other words, the over all result is go and play the original versions of Mario and Sonic.
Mega Man
06-29-11 08:20 PM
Wow,a mega man game for the game gear.I expected the game to have lousy controllers and bad graphics but,I was surprised and I love this game.The difficulty is an option whether you want it hard or normal.This game doesn't offer much but ,for the game gear its enough to satisfy anyone.The story is just the same fun plot on destroying Dr Wily.I played this game and let me tell you I am addicted to this game ITS GREAT!The sound is great for the game gear and the graphics are just fantastic and bright.So overall if you want play a good game gear game on vizzed or if you own a game gear,then this title wont disappoint.
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 4
06-26-11 04:35 PM
What can I say about this game.IT SUCKS!The only good thing,yes I said GOOD THING,is the graphics.Its got good graphics for an Nintendo Entertainment System game,but the rest of this game is a whole pile of bad gaming experience.The sound and the music beg for Apocalypse.Addiactiveness ,what addictiveness!?After playing one minute of this piece of garbage(not that you would)immediately you will stop playing and start having mental problems.Again,What story!?More like crappy Mortal Kombat logo.So overall I don't recommend this game because it doesn't have anything to offer.Difficulty is medium cause you have the option of changing the.In conclusion,If you played this game already,GO TO YOUR NEAREST HOSPITAL AND GET CHECKED FOR ANY MENTAL ISSUES!
Mortal Kombat 4
02-27-11 06:20 PM
mortal mistake
This is game not worth getting for a famicom console but its got some pluses to it.Ya right it just plain sucks.Some examples of its suckiness is its 8 bit monstrasity music,charachters,and gameplay.Who ever pirated MORTAL KOMBAT for famicom,then they made the most horrid mistake.Some pirated games arent as bad but they jus want to make you play the original version.
Fantasy Fighter
02-12-11 06:19 PM
cool hack
i think this game is fun but this is more like a mario game.although thats the whole point of the game i still think this makes no sense also in my opinion its cool.with this game ther will be hours of fun playing threw every level.
Street Fighter II Black Belt Edition
01-29-11 12:41 PM
Cool game but the only thing was that its has some errors like you get stuck on the sreen or on the bottom of the screnn but all in all its a great game.This game offers alot when you do a power like with ryu and ken there is unlmited shoryuken and also its easier o do way more damage to your apponent.My conclusion to this game is that if you want an easier,cheater,and more funner street fighter then this is for you.

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wierdooooooooooo's Game History
168 in 1 New Contra Function 16 (nes),   Sonic Adventure (dc),   Mortal Kombat 6 28 People (gen),   Mortal Kombat 6 28 People (gen),   Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors\' Dreams (Euro 950727) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   Kaizo Sonic the Hedgehog - The RAGE Game (gen),   Kaizo Sonic the Hedgehog - The RAGE Game (gen),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (gba),   Super Mario 64 (n64),   Super Mario 64 (n64),   Tetris Mario Bros (nes),   X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) (mame),   Rival Schools (USA 971117) (mame),  
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