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Last Post: 02-23-15 10:32 PM
    in Ristar Game Gear, quickie review (Game Reviews)
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noobpwner59's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Back to the Future Part III This game is ridiculous, I never realized how good AVGN was at games, but the fact he can play this for more than 5 seconds makes him an awesome gamer
Link: The Faces of Evil This game has some pretty serious audio and lag issues, also the mouse controls are kinda weird, although this is a good start, hopefully some staff can work on this emulator
Flappy Cheep Cheep A flappy bird clone on virtual boy game, that is the most terrible and awesome idea I have heard, I want a psychical release
Disney\'s Tarzan one emulator has no sound, the other has no control
Action 52 Its good for Action 52, still a piece of crap
Bakugan Battle Brawlers What do you mean most? they all can't
Cheetahmen 2 - Bugfixed Version wow, did this cost 60,000$? No, but Greg Pabich says it did.
SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C) I wanna play!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I don't notice a big difference between the turtles cept don, pretty decent, but extremley hard, same company as contra, just as difficult.
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World and don't say i forgot nescafe, i don't like that one.

noobpwner59's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
02-23-15 10:32 PM
Ristar Game Gear, quickie review
  *This is a new type of review I wanted to try out, instead of playing a long game through, I'll play the first few levels of a simple games and judge the gameplay, graphics and sound. This allows me to make reviews easier and faster and will avoid spoilers, hope it turns out good.

    I am starting the review by saying I love Ristar on the Genesis, it is one of my all time favourite Genesis games. So when I heard there was an 8-bit Game-Gear version, I had to see it. I wanted to see if it still could keep the fun and charm of the orginal, or if the downgrade would ruin this fantastic game, fortunately for me, the developers knew what they were doing.
     First thing that I noticed is the graphics, while they did lose some detail from the Genesis version, they look very good for the Game-Gear. The sprites are well done and detailed, the backgrounds look great, the animations on the sprites look good, and it is one of the best looking games on the systems. The graphics are a little blurry and pixelated, but this is still one of the best looking 8-bit remake of a 16-bit game. The game is a 2d platformer where you use your stretching arms to climb, swing and attack, it's pretty simple but it sure is fun. The levels all have their own gimmicks and obstacles, it helps keep the game feeling fresh and sets it apart from many other platformers from its time. There are some things that can be found in almost every level however, these are the treasure chests and the swinging poles. The treasure chests are pretty simple, they give health, lives and bonus points, nothing too special. The swinging poles allow you to spin around the pole and launch yourself at high speeds, this is one of the more important items and it is found at the end of every level to earn bonus points, and it can also be found at other locations throughout the game as well. Now everything I described about gameplay can be said about the Genesis ... Read the rest of this Review
Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Sacred Cards
08-01-14 09:25 PM
A great Yu-Gi-Oh game for all fans
  As a kid, I loved the Yu-Gi-Oh TV show, it was very fun to watch, and I loved to see the monsters pop out of the cards. Now as an adult I discovered the depth and fun that comes from playing the card game, and as a fan of both the card game and the cartoon, I can say that this is a great game made for anyone who enjoys any aspect  of Yu-Gi-Oh.

   The game plays like a RPG type game, where you explore a RPG hub world, and grow stronger from each battle. This works for Yu-Gi-Oh, you start off with incredibly weak cards, fighting pathetic opponents, but next thing you know you have a Jinzo and you are battling Kaiba in a fierce battle. As for how the actual duels play, they play like any other Yu-Gi-Oh game, you just play the cards in your hands, and you attack until the life points drain, there is lots of strategy, however since everything in this game is automatic, (such as traps activating) it does take some of the strategy away. However the automatic battle system does make it more accessible to the younger Yu-Gi-Oh fans, and I think that it was a necessary sacrifice to make this game appeal to all fans, although a feature to limit the amount of what is automatic might be nice. It still feels great and I can get into a battle really easily and enjoy myself very much. The story in this game is based off of the Battle City story-line from the show, and it adds your own character into the story, fans of the show will probably love to be part of the story and it does it in a way that works very well. Its not a deep story by any means, and it doesn't follow the show 100%, but it works well in this game and is great for fans of the show. The music and graphics aren't quite as well made as the rest of the game, the music is boring and forgettable, and the graphics aren't really very good. Some character photos look pretty good for GBA, and the sprites are ok, but the backgrounds looks blurry, and can sometimes make the sprites look out of pl... Read the rest of this Review
Drill Dozer
01-11-13 08:44 PM
A fun game that came a little to late in the life cycle
   Drill Dozer is a game that came near the end of the GBA's life cycle and was over looked by many people, not many people played and they missed out. Its a great game that is fun to play on the go or on the couch in a huge gaming session, its a fun game and feels pretty unique.

Graphics: This game has some nice 2d graphics with good detail. The sprites are well done and look very nice and animations during certain scenes like the truck coming in looks really pretty for the GBA, some of the artwork looks really high quality for a GBA game, its really pretty and uses the GBA's graphical capabilities well. 9/10

Sound: The game has a fun soundtrack with high energy tunes like those in Megaman, although they are not as catchy as Megaman they are still enjoyable to listen to and they fit levels well, the greatest ost ever, you will enjoy the soundtrack. The sound effects are really well done, from the sound of the drill, the clanking of the machine, the ring of the phone, this is where the sound really shines, these are great sound effects and makes it easier to get into the game. While not the best sounding game on the GBA, the music is still very enjoyable and the sound effects are great. 8/10

Addictiveness, Gameplay, and Design: This game can be very fun to play, its a 2d platformer that involves using a robot that has drills for arms and plows through everything. The game uses the drill for everything except jumping, the drill is used to solve some puzzles and for platforming. There are also times in the game where you swim and fly with the drill, but these are the only parts I did not like, the controls did not work well in these parts and it feels like the game was designed to frustrate you during those parts by getting you stuck because of the controls, however these parts of the game are very few, and the rest of the game is extremely fun and well designed and there will be many moments... Read the rest of this Review
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
11-07-12 05:37 PM
One of the best fighting games
   Super Smash Bros Brawl is a sequel to the highly successful game Super Smash Bros Melee. That game was the best selling game on the Gamecube and was loved by critics and fans, when a sequel was announced, people knew that Nintendo would have to work hard to top Melee. They delivered and exceeded the fans high expectations, and made one of the best fighting games of all time.

Graphics:   Graphically the game looks good. The characters models look great and the stage backgrounds are high detail and often have a lot going on in them. The animations of the characters are really smooth and the cutscenes of the story mode look fantastic. However even though they are really good looking graphics, they aren't quite as stunning as other games on the system like Mario Galaxy or Sonic Colors. While not the best on the system they are still great and work well for the game. 8/10

Sound:   This game has one of the best soundtracks I ever heard. It has rips of some of the best songs in video game history, and if you want to hear something new, this game offers plenty of that to. It has fully orchestrated remixes of some of the greatest gaming songs, making the greatest even greater, the remixes sound fantastic and are very well made. The original soundtrack is also great, the main theme of the game is absolutely beautiful. The rest of the original songs are also great, even though many of them are just remixes of the main theme. It is a amazing soundtrack with a great mix of all sorts of music ranging from opera to metal. 10/10

Gameplay, Design, and Addictiveness:   The game plays just like the previous installments, but if you haven't played them, it is a 2d fighting game, but with a twist, it controls must more smoothly and is much more fast paced then other fighting games, and instead of trying to drain the opponent's health, you are trying to weaken... Read the rest of this Review
Rayman Origins
10-31-12 05:26 PM
Rayman ditches the Rabbids and returns to platforming
   In 2006 Ubisoft decided to make a spin-off to the Rayman series called Raving Rabbids and it sold fairly well. Ubisoft saw how well it sold and made sequel after sequel to this game for many years, and Rayman, a series known for its great platformers, had stopped making platformers in favor of party games. But when to sales of Raving Rabbids started dropping, Ubisoft decided to go back to what made Rayman so great, a 2d platformer. And I think it turned out pretty well.

Graphics-   How many of you bought Wii games and found out that they were a different game or had weaker graphics than the PS3 and 360 versions. Not this time, the graphics are the same as on the 360 and PS3, and they are gorgeous. The art style is really colorful and fun, the animations are great, the backgrounds are all really good looking and the whole game is pure eye candy. It is one of the best 2d art styles I've seen. 10/10

Sound-   The soundtrack for this game is great. The music always fits the level and is very catchy. The style of music can also change depending on whats going on in the game, for example, you can be swimming in a water level with calm and peaceful music in the background, then a giant fish come and the music becomes faster and more intense. But not only is the soundtrack great, so is the sound effects. You can often hear small noises in the backgrounds like animals, and sounds for running and jumping sound great. 9/10

Addictiveness, gameplay, and design-   The game is a very simple 2d platformer. The game is mostly running, jumping, and punching. The boomerang punch  (as I call it) from Rayman 1 has been replaced with a faster punch that hits right away. This is a change for the better since it keeps the game fast paced. There are also other abilities in the game like swimming and running on walls, all of which control great and are easy to use. The game will occasionally change ... Read the rest of this Review

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