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Registration: 01-22-11 11:33 AM (4890 days ago)
Last Activity: 11-03-16 11:13 AM

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Times Played1
Scored On03:58 pm 08-04-2011

TheGilsterMan's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril does anyone know how to use game genie on the plugin?
Bad Street Brawler God, I hate this game!!!
Arkanoid - Doh It Again The best way to summarize this game is: gridbreaker with enemies and power-ups. awesome and hard!!!
Castlevania sparrow, nobody cares about score, unless it's Atari
Castlevania II - Simon\'s Quest i beat this game with a walkthrough
Lester the Unlikely this is the worst video game character evar!!!
Bubble Bobble i got to round 8 before game over!!
Super Mario Bros can someone plz tell me how to input game genie codes?!
Pac-Man (Tengen) 13,810 pts. that's not so bad, is it?

TheGilsterMan's Last Game Reviews
Devil May Cry 2
09-21-13 02:23 PM
Mediocrity at its finest, but is it really?
Devil May Cry 2 is regarded as the worst game in the franchise by fans and critics alike, for numerous reasons. And you know what? I agree. I didn't like this game as much as any of the other ones (and before you even ask, yes, I like DmC), but I still think it's an okay game, albeit very, very flawed. I would normally say something like, "Let's rock, baby!", but I feel this game just doesn't have that sense of cool. So let's begin.

The story of Devil May Cry 2 isn't much to talk about, because it's not very memorable. It takes place in some sort of European country which kind of reminds me of Venice, and involves the main character Dante trying to take down the corporate demon Arius before he can conquer the world...or at least, that's what I got out of it. I don't really remember it that well. Sorry :/ 

Well, now that you know how the story is, you're probably wondering, how's the rest of the game? Now, there I have a lot to talk about. Let's start with the graphics. They're pretty good. The character models are nicely rendered, the cut scenes are decent to look at, and the game runs very smoothly, which is fundamental in an action game like this. The only problems are that the backgrounds are pretty bland without that much variety, and the lighting is darker than Black Ops at night *crosses Call of Duty reference off to-do list*. The music was also pretty nice, but didn't do much for me.

Now that I've gotten those out of the way, now I can talk about the game play. Why is it that I always have the most to say about the game play? Anyways, to sum it up briefly, it's an improvement over the game play of Devil May Cry 1, though at the cost of being excruciatingly easy. Seriously, you could just smash away at the square button for 5 hours and you'll finish the game, unless you decide to switch it up a bit with melee combat, or replay the game with Lucia.

Ah yes, I almost forgot to mention our leading lady, Lucia. The coo... Read the rest of this Review
Narc (rev 7.00)
07-09-13 05:49 AM
Say no to drugs, and have fun while doing it!
ATTENTION, NARC-1! Oh no, it's the NARC, man! 5-1-1 IN PROGRESS. LET'S GO!

Narc is an arcade game that was released in 1988 by Midway, as somewhat of an anti-drug message. And it is fun!

In this ultra-violent side-scrolling shooter, you play as either Max Force or Hit Man of the NARC forces, and the majority of the game is to defeat the huge army of drug dealers lead by Mr. Big. Original. And that's pretty much the whole story. There IS a clever twist ending at the end, but reviews on this humble website are supposed to be spoiler free, so you'll just have to beat the game yourself.

There isn't a whole lot I can say about the audio and visuals. The graphics were outstanding for the time and were also advanced, with digitized characters and all that, and they still hold up today. I can't say much about music though, as the most you're going to be hearing are bullets firing, things exploding, and the NARC guys spouting generic police lines. Not that that's a bad thing.

Now for the big part: the game play. Oh boy, where do I start? In NARC, you can do four things; jump, crouch, shoot machine guns, and fire rockets that make things explode. You will need to use these skills to either slay or apprehend the vast army of drug dealers and addicts. Arresting these cronies earns you more points, but if you ask me, it's more fun and satisfying to gun 'em all down. Taking down Mr. Big's henchmen leaves their money and other booty for you to steal -- I mean, confiscate. Grab as much as you can, because after all, this is an arcade game, and these games REALLY want your initials on that high score screen. Sure, it does absolutely jack, but it's still fun.

As previously mentioned, this game has been classified as "ultra-violent" and I have added it to my mental list of games you don't want to play while your parents are around. Realistic blood and gore abound in this mission, and there is a small dose of woman and animal violence. ... Read the rest of this Review
Rockman 3 Endless
07-08-13 03:30 PM
Mega Man 3, but MORE ADDICTIVE
Rockman 3 Endless is an interesting mod. Anybody who has played either Mega Man 9 or Mega Man 10  would know of a certain game mode for both games called "Endless Attack" where you have one life, all weapons, and the stages are slammed together and repeat in an endless loop. The goal in those modes is to see how far you can get through the loop before dying, like trying to earn the highest score possible. It is a very addictive mode and interesting change of pace from the standard game. So my guess is the creator of this mod took that mode and Mega Man 3 -- oh, excuse me, "Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo?!" -- and just threw the two into a computerized blender. The result is an addictive, challenging, and entertaining experience, and a must play if you love Mega Man and Atari arcade games.

Game play wise, this is the same classic Mega Man game you've come to love. You got the standard lemon blaster (yeah, lemons!), you have the slide which is very efficient and useful, and you have EVERY SINGLE WEAPON IN THE GAME. All down to the Rush thingies. And while most of the weapons are rather useless, you will learn from facing one of the bosses (which is a very rare, by the way) that the best way to fight Needles is with Needles! Get the gist? Good. Moving on.

On the audio-video side of things, the graphics and music are just like you would expect - awesome! The enemies and stages are all bright and colorful, and offer plenty of variety. The music is...well, if I told you, I'd just be stating the obvious, but I'll tell you anyway - it's catchy as heck, gets you pumped for some action, and is one of the best OST's of the entire franchise, if not THE best.

And now we get to my favorite part...the difficulty. This game is quite hard, and is a true test of skill and how well you respond to the level design and environment around you. There's frustrating obstacles (teleporting blocks), tricky jumps and enemies that are, for  unexplained reasons... Read the rest of this Review
Mega Man 2
06-04-11 08:39 AM
Mega Man 2 Review
Mega Man 2. One of the best video games created for the NES, and probably THE best of the original Mega Man series. But before I can start this review, lets take a little history lesson of how the Blue Bomber was going so far.The first Mega Man (or Rockman for Japan) was released for the NES/Famicom in December 1987 under development of the well-known creator, Keiji Inafune. It was a classic for most people, but, unfortunately, it didn't sell like hotcakes in North America (GEE, I WONDER WHY!!!) So, they gave Inafune and his crew another chance, and so, Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo was released for the Famicom in 1988, and the renamed Mega Man 2 was brought to the NES a year later. Alright, now that I have that out of the way, onto the review.Let's start with the first thing you notice: the back story. It's nothing too special: Dr. Wily was defeated by Mega Man a first time, escaped, built 8 Robot Masters and plans to take over the world, blah blah blah, heard it a million times already, WHO CARES?!! Let's just play the game!!Then the title screen pops up, with that ever-so-memorable theme song. Don't you just love that music? One thing that's really nice is the ability to switch between Normal and Hard difficulties. The only other NES game I know that does that is the Japanese version of the original Castlevania. Anyway, once you pick a difficulty, it's time to start the game.So you start of by selecting one of 8 Robot Master stages. These enemies are: Metal Man, Bubble Man, Air Man, Heat Man, Wood Man, Crash Man (a fan favourite!), Flash Man, and Quick Man. You don't have to beat these guys in order, you can do it in any order you wish.After selection, you are then transported into the Robot Masters level. Here, you must run around and shoot any robots who dare to stand in your path, picking up anything they leave behind (either health or ammo or, sometimes, 1-ups) The levels are big, so be prepared for a huge button-masher. Nevertheless, you'll eventually get... Read the rest of this Review
Super Castlevania IV
03-17-11 02:37 PM
Super Castlevania IV
Ah, Super Castlevania IV. Like most people, after seeing the AVGN review, I decided to give this game a try. It was AWESOME!!!

The graphics really demonstrate what the Super Nintendo can do, and were really kickass for their time. The music was so catchy (Simon's theme was great) and the sound was good, but can get a little annoying.

Of course, you have to talk about the improvement of the controls. Now you can whip in all eight directions, instead of strictly left and right. You can also hold down the button and mess around with the D-Pad, causing Simon to just swing it around like an idiot. And, finally, you can use your whip for a grappling hook for those hard-to-reach jumps.

Now, Super Castlevania IV is a little easier than the Castlevania games on the NES, but this one is still hard! Thanks to a password, I managed to get to Dracula right away, but, holy damn, was that hard! His fireballs were so damn annoying!!! So, I would recommend cheat codes. They helped me see anything past level 3!

So, Overall, Super Castlevania IV is a great game. A little difficult, but if the Nerd can beat it, so can you! Definitely give this one a try!

TheGilsterMan's Last Game screenshots (14 total)

TheGilsterMan's Game History
Super Mario Bros for Sega Genesis (gen),   Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions (psx),   Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (psx),   Mortal Kombat Trilogy (psx),   Mega Man X (snes),   Mega Man X (snes),   Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (nes),   Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril (nes),   Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (nes),   Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (nes),   Street Fighter Alpha 2 (snes),   Castlevania (nes),   Castlevania Chronicles (psx),   Contra (nes),   Arkanoid (nes),   Adventure Island (nes),   Super Mario Bros 2 (fds),   Super Mario Bros 2 (fds),   Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (psx),   Metroid - Zero Mission (gba),   Arkanoid (nes),   Arkanoid (nes),   Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos (nes),   Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (snes),   Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (snes),   Contra (nes),   Super Mario World (snes),   Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (snes),   F-ZERO (snes),   Ghouls \'N Ghosts (gen),   Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (snes),   Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (snes),   Ninja Gaiden (nes),   Ghosts \'N Goblins (nes),   Ghosts \'N Goblins (nes),   Ninja Gaiden (nes),   Ghosts \'N Goblins (nes),   Ghosts \'N Goblins (nes),   Ghosts \'N Goblins (nes),   Tony Hawk\'s Pro Skater 2 (psx),   Street Fighter II Turbo - Hyper Fighting (snes),   Mega Man X (snes),   Mega Man X (snes),   Tekken 2 Ver.B (US, TES3+VER.D) (mame),   Tekken 3 (Japan, TET1-VER.E1) (mame),   Tekken 3 (Japan, TET1-VER.E1) (mame),   Tekken 3 (Japan, TET1-VER.E1) (mame),   Mega Man X (snes),   Tekken 3 (Japan, TET1-VER.E1) (mame),   Tekken 2 Ver.B (US, TES3+VER.D) (mame),  
Game Boy Advance Games TheGilsterMan owns (12)

Super Nintendo Games TheGilsterMan owns (52)

Nintendo 64 Games TheGilsterMan owns (17)

Nintendo NES Games TheGilsterMan owns (83)

Game Boy Color Games TheGilsterMan owns (1)

Arcade Games TheGilsterMan owns (37)

Sega Genesis Games TheGilsterMan owns (29)

Game Boy Games TheGilsterMan owns (1)

Atari 2600 Games TheGilsterMan owns (4)

Sega Master System Games TheGilsterMan owns (1)

Turbo Grafx Games TheGilsterMan owns (3)

Sega Saturn Games TheGilsterMan owns (1)

Famicom Disk System Games TheGilsterMan owns (2)

Turbo Grafx CD Games TheGilsterMan owns (1)

MSX 2 Games TheGilsterMan owns (2)

SuperGrafx Games TheGilsterMan owns (1)

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