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  Views: 3,259,824,689     06-05-24 02:18 AM  

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Real Name:
    Matthew Nixon
    United Kingdom
Age / Birthday:
    31 / 05-12-93

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Registration: 07-27-10 06:49 AM (5061 days ago)
Last Activity: 04-06-24 07:26 AM

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Last Post: 10-25-17 12:36 PM
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Sonic - Into The Void (v2.5)   Rank 1/1 : 549,790
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BlueBlur93's Last Game Comments
Sonic - Into The Void (v4.0-b2) Ha, don't worry, come for the Sonic hacking Contest, the definitive 4th version (v4.1) the bosses will be possible!
Sonic - Into The Void (v4.0-b2) Note: Ignore the zone card for "Sunset Road Zone", I forgot to change it to another name.
Sonic - Into The Void (v2.5) Thank you :D
Sonic - Into The Void (v2.4) No worries check out V2.5 if haven't done already! ITS COMPLETABLE :D

BlueBlur93's Last 25 Game Reviews
Sonic Chaos Quest
07-27-15 07:42 PM
Chaos! Chaos! And More Chaos!
Chaos! Chaos! And More Chaos!

Sonic Chaos Quest Review

Hi there, it is I BlueBlur93 and I shall be reviewing "Sonic Chaos Quest".
"Sonic Chaos Quest" is a  fairly recent Sonic 1 hack developed by Narcologer, which features many new additions from the original game, such as a complete graphic overhaul, re-invented bosses, new music (some of which (I THINK) is original), modified badniks in terms of mechanics and tons of custom sprites.


Overall the graphics look really nice, however it feels like there's something missing, and that something is shading/shadowing.

If you look at the first zone "Aberdeen Land Zone", as I said, the scenery looks really nice, but it lacks at least shadowing, which makes it look so 2D, and that's not said in a positive manner. However, that said, I really do like the background, it looks so original and refined. The palette for that zone hasn't changed all that much, I think the sky is a lighter shade of blue compared to the blue, but the palette fits in with the tile art.

The next zone "Dangerous Pit Zone" is a overhaul of the original "Labyrinth Zone". The tile art in this has shadowing. YAAAAAY! But it looks quite basic, yet fitting. What gets me about the zone's art, is the background. I really don't know what it supposed to be or represent, but all I can presume is that it's a machine of sorts with flashing lights, of which can be quite distracting when underwater. However, I must admit it does look cool, but I don't personally think it fits in with this zone, unless it is supposed to be an underwater machine zone like... thing. :P

Zone 3 is "Border Fort Zone" which replaces "Marble Zone". Okay the graphics have gone back to the way it was in Zone 1, by that I mean lack of shadowing. It looks too cartoon-like, which again doesn't fit with the custom Sonic sprite (which by the way, I really like the custom Sonic Sprite, it looks really... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic Erazor (v4.0)
03-28-14 07:58 AM
BlueBlur93 Review: The Rubber Thing at the End of a Pencil
BlueBlur score = 57/60
Rank = S
Overall Rating = 9.5/10

Hi all,

It is I BlueBlur93, and today I'm going to re-review the game, Sonic Erazor which is created by Selbi. Yes I said RE-review because I have done a previous review of the game, and I'm not proud of it, so here is the new one.

1 minute play-through 9/10

Well, you know that you can get a first impression of someone within 7 seconds, so I thought that I could get a first impression of a hack within 1 minute, and it works!

So, from playing Sonic Erazor for 1 minute, I can say that the 1st minute was worth while, because of the intense cut-scene, the moves that are available for Sonic from the start, and the Night Hill Zone. So from the 1 minute play-through I 100% say that  I can award a massively super awesome 9/10.

Now for the in depth stuff.

Graphics and Levels 9/10

Night Hill Place (act 1/8) 8/10

Despite the actual level's graphics to be palette changes, the wall below the grass seems to have had a nice makeover with a nice shading
effect to give it a bit of a bevel look. The palette is also quite good which gives sense of darkness within the level, without having saturated
colours. The level layout, despite it being too short for my liking, it's a really good layout to speed through for the first half of the act, then for the second half of it, there's very precise platforming that needs to be dealt with to progress. I particularly like the intro custscene to the act, like the run up to the starting point, where it's your turn to get brutally punished. I also like the boss for this act with the super killer Crabmeat. So for this act I'd lie to give it a nice 8/10.

Green Hill Place (act 2/8) 7/10

I can't give this zone high marks for the level layout and palette, in fact non at all, however, it's the boss that won the points for this act. It takes on the original style of the E... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic 2 - Retro Remix
06-25-13 01:25 PM
Retro Review Zone
mnixon's BlueBlur score = 40/60
Rank = B-
Overall Rating = 6.7/10

Sonic 2 Retro Remix, made by Thorn and DNXdelta, is a hack from the 1992 game Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which includes new original levels, lost levels from Sonic 2, and beta version of levels. It also includes a Special Stage but of the creators own design with a whole new palette and level layout. The aim is to complete all acts, and defeat the boss at the end of act 2, also finding hidden chaos emeralds in all acts, which you need to collect a certain amount to progress to the next zone. There are also hidden levels throughout the game, but I'm not going to go in any more detail about that as it is a SPOILER! 

My 1st impressions of the game from playing the 1st zone are, nice clear background, retro looking tileset, well chosen music, sleek level design. So let's get this in a bit more detail. :P

Graphics 8/10

Zone 1 Mystic Woods Zone  9/10

Wow, this looks amazing, the tileset and background both fit really well and does live up to the zone's name. It looks and feels like a dark mystical woods. The grass looks well shaded, and looks very realistic and professional for a 16 BIT system. The ground beneath the grass is also well shaded and well coloured. The whole palette of the zone is very true to the original classics and creates a well represented atmosphere.The creators haven't over done it or under done the job, it looks good as it is, so in future builds I hope they don't alter the graphics. The level layout as well is very smooth and well thought out, ramps, loops and floating platforms don't seem randomly placed. So overall I give this zone a score of a very impressive 9/10.

Zone 2 Cascade Valley Zone  10/10

This looks even better than Mystic Woods Zone and that was impressive. Lots of colours, but not horribly clashing, advanced looking scenery, again not overly decorated. In my own opinion, this is one of... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic in Chaotix
06-24-13 07:02 PM
Chaos in Chaotix
mnixon's BlueBlur score = 34/60
Rank = C
Overall Rating = 5.6/10

This time I am reviewing Knuckles' Chaotix, and first impressions were not too bad game play, neat graphics, smooth fps, professional looking, music isn't the best. OK down to business!

Graphics 9/10

The graphics are highly detailed in all zones and looks like a next generation (classic 2) sonic style game. However the layouts of the zones aren't very well thought out. There are 5 zones, with 5 acts per zone, and for each act of a zone it seems like you're playing the same act 5 times with minor changes, like palette changes, difficulty, subtle layout changes, and it can get rather boring as it seems rather repetitive.

Sound and Music  6/10

The music isn't as catchy and memorable as previous sonic games, and on 4/5 zones the music just does not quite fit the atmosphere. Amazing Arena's music does actually fit the atmosphere with like a clockwork style theme, also the Special Stage theme may not be catchy but it fits quite well.

Addictiveness 6/10

This is game is like Marmite, you love it or hate it, for quite a lot of people, for me it's quite good in some perspectives, and is good to play once I have played / completed it several months ago, but I can not keep on playing it on such a short duration.

Story 4/10

There is a form story line, not very noticeable but you know it's there (if that makes sense ). Eggman and Metal Sonic have captured the 6 Chaos Rings and have taken over the Chaotix machine. Knuckles and friends must collect all the rings, and defeat Eggman and Metal Sonic.

Depth 4/10

This game is a large game for a sonic game, but it's not necessarily a good thing, as I have mentioned, this game includes 5 zones, 5 acts per zone, 6 Special Stages, and also a Bonus Stage. There may be 5 acts per zone, but again I have mentioned that the acts seem very repetiti... Read the rest of this Review
Metal Sonic Hyperdrive (Beta 2)
06-24-13 04:53 PM
The metal rival of sonic
mnixon's BlueBlur score = 35/60
Rank = C
Overall Rating = 5.8/10

Metal Sonic Hyperdrive is a spin-off fan game of the classic Sonic the Hedgehog game series created by Darkon360. This is the latest and final version, hence "v2.0 final". 

My first impressions of the game from playing the 1st zone are that, the layout of the levels are well thought out, the music is enjoyable to listen and suits the levels, the boss in act 3 is quite unique, with the fact of the ability to wall jump is the only way to defeat the 1st boss, while avoiding the swinging pendulum.

Graphics = 5/10  

Zone 1 Resort Isle = 7/10

I like the custom level graphics of this zone, with the difference of the colours being not as bright and seem more "real" colours, however the background in my opinion seems a bit uninspired, e.g. the bottom half of the background being very plain looking grass. Maybe the creators could have added some kind of river, lake, trees, even some kind of background level layout, just enough to remove the bland half of the background. Otherwise the colours between the 3 acts seem to link well to create a daytime to sunset to night time effect. 

Zone 2 Techno Brain = 6/10

The art of the zone does give a techno / machine / mechanical feeling, but again it all just seems uninspired, the colour scheme is a bit dull, which makes certain gimmicks such as doors seem out of place with colour contrast. mainly in act 1. Act 2 has the best colour scheme in the zone, the colours don't clash, which enhances the feeling of a mechanical zone. Act 3's colour scheme is also better than act 1, giving the effect of dawn. The background in my opinion seems very "blocky" and I'm not really sure what it's meant to be, it seems like a well drawn background being heavily "pixelated". So overall for this zone I give a high average 6/10 giving a decent techno feeling but let down for being uninspired.

Zone 3 ... Read the rest of this Review
Sonic Erazor (v3.0)
11-17-12 10:30 AM
How awesome Sonic Erazor is!! :D
Sonic Erazor, well, just the title explains how awesome and difficult this hack can get. In my opinion this hack is probably one of the best sonic hacks out there, definitely one of my favorites, because even though the levels have the same textures for backgrounds and platforms, it has had a mass of palette changes compared to the base game, and the level layouts I think have been well thought out, mainly for the fact that the whole point is that this hack is a hard game. I also like the sprite changes too, especially the enemy sprites, because the sprites for them have been changed to make them so evil and that they seriously want to kill sonic. Also linked to enemies, when they fire, everything explodes, when they are destroyed, everything explodes, so this game can also get crazy, which makes the game so unique and addictive!! Also, the fact that this game has cut scenes also makes this game very likable, especially the opening cut scene, you have a fly chasing after sonic at high speed, and its like OMG!! AWESOME!!

Overall, I think this is very good game, and it should be played by everyone!!

BlueBlur93's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)
Sonic - Into The Void (v2.4)
09-08-13 01:51 PM
Well this is the sonic hack I've created, and I think I've made it remarkably harder, yet fair.
So I thought I'd give you some hints and tips into how to survive the game.


OK here's a whole bunch of hints and tips:

#1) On your 1st amount of points gained you receive a life! NEAT :D

#2) Every 50,000 points gained you receive a life!

#3) Try to get to the end of an act within 1:00.00 to get 50,000 points for Time Bonus.

#4) If you are a speed freak, get to the end of an act within 0:30.00 seconds to get 75,000 points

#5) There is a Special Stage ring at the end of every act including act 3, except for Death Gadget Zone, so make sure you get 50 rings! YOU'RE GONNA NEED THEM!

#6) Not only do you need 50 rings to get to the special stages, you have until the act's signpost to stop spinning to find or conquer the challenge I have set.

But because some of the challenges are hard to do here's a hint per act:

Dark Plains Act 1: Simple jump on the upper platform. :D
Act 2: Climb the falling platforms, or do a mega spin to go really high and homing attack.
Act 3: Easy get 50 rings, only challenge is DR EGGMAN! Which is harder. :P

Magma Ruin Act 1: Keep calm and try to find the spring and bounce directly up and quickly climb the stairs.
Act 2: Same idea as act 1.
Act 3: Don't jump too high or too low.

Pinball Pike Act 1: There is a hidden spring at the end, find it, use it, and weave you way through the bumpers.
Act 2: Take the upper route at the end of the level.
Act 3: Go on take on the Egg Spike.

Hydroruin Act 1: Hinty Hinty Hint, don't drown, or spiked. :P
Act 2: Just don't drown or hurt! Same idea but even harder.
Act 3: Just get to the exit of Hydroruin. :P

Neggalopolis Act 1 and Act 2: Always take the upper route.
Act 3: Don't break the b... Read the rest of this Guide

BlueBlur93's Last 7 Game screenshots (24 total) (view last 250)

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: The Infinite Zone

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: Abyss Core

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: Starlight Road

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: Abyss Core

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: Pinball Pike

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: Ember Relic

Sonic - Beyond Infinity
Level: Sapphire Sanctum

BlueBlur93's Last 7 Game Videos (72 total) (view last 250)

BlueBlur93's Game History
Phoenix (Amstar) (mame),   Sonic 1 - Master Edition IV (Final Phase) (gen),   Sonic 1 - Master Edition IV (Final Phase) (gen),   Sonic TG (gen),   Ghostbusters (c64),   Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (c64),   Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (c64),   Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (c64),   Die Hard Trilogy (psx),   Die Hard Trilogy (psx),   Die Hard Trilogy (psx),   Contra III - The Alien Wars (snes),   Contra III - The Alien Wars (snes),   Contra III - The Alien Wars (snes),   Contra III - The Alien Wars (snes),   Super Castlevania IV (snes),   Super Castlevania IV (snes),   Super Castlevania IV (snes),   Donkey Kong Country (snes),   Donkey Kong Country (snes),   Donkey Kong Country (snes),   Donkey Kong Country (snes),   Mario Kart Arcade GP (mame),   Mario Kart Arcade GP (mame),   Mario Kart - Super Circuit (gba),   Super Mario Kart (snes),   Splitz (gb),   Grand Prix (gb),   Sonic vs. Camera (PoC) (gen),   Sonic The Hedgehog 2.0 (gen),   Sonic The Hedgehog 2.0 (gen),   Sonic The Hedgehog 2.0 (gen),   Sonic the Hedgehog (NES) Improved (nes),   Sonic in Jurassic Boy 2 (nes),   Sonic Chaos Quest (gen),   The S Factor - Sonia and Silver (v2.0) (gen),   The S Factor - Sonia and Silver (v2.0) (gen),   Sonic - Beyond Infinity (gen),   Sonic - Beyond Infinity (gen),   Sonic - Beyond Infinity (gen),   Sonic 2 Reversed Frequencies (gen),   Sonic 3 Reversed Frequencies (gen),   Sonic and Knuckles - Reversed Frequencies (gen),   Sonic 1 Reversed Frequencies (gen),   Sonic Adventure (dc),   Sonic - Beyond Infinity (gen),   Sonic - Beyond Infinity (gen),   Sonic - Beyond Infinity (gen),  
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