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datiel12's Last 25 Game Reviews
Madness Cubed
02-04-18 09:01 PM
Madness Cubed|Mini-Review|

Madness Cubed is an action game developed by Nobodyshot (Who I work for) and was released on May 12'th 2016

Madness cubed is a pretty good attempt at a zombie shooter sandbox game but falls short in many ways i'll talk about in this short review.

Firstly lets start with the basics. Madness cubed offers a WIDE variety of game modes. You have Missions, Building, TDM, CTF, Zombie Survival and hunger games! There is a really big variety of modes! And with that I'll be reviewing each one so lets start with


The missions in Madness Cubed are incredibly basic. Firstly you have 7 chapters to choose from, each one harder than the last. However most of the levels consist of finding documents and items.. Which isn't really that fun. But once you get into the later chapters the game becomes a blast! And whats best is that you can do these with friends!

The missions can sometimes be unimaginative and boring. But there are some really great missions! And what makes it better is the ability to ride and drive alot of the vehicles and mechs offered!


Capture the flag is a pretty basic mode. You capture the flag and bring it to your base! What makes this one different is the vehicles in the maps! There are mechs you can get into during fights and you can still kill them and take the flag!


Free For all is the games deathmatch mode. You kill whoever you see!

Hunger Games

Weapons are scattered across the map and you must find them to kill others and be the last one standing!

Zombie Survival

Its as basic as it gets. Zombie survival...

And of course building.

Madness cubed offers custom maps created by the community! in which you can play with friends in! Its really nice actually and is quick to find a map you haven't been to yet!

You also have a HUGE arsenal of weapons to use!

Read the rest of this Review
Cortex Command
02-04-18 08:24 PM
Cortex Command|Review|

Cortex Command is a side-scrolling action game developed by Data Realms. Cortex Command has received negative reviews from critics and Mixed reviews from users.GameplayCortex Command's gameplay can be.. Confusing at times. Its controls are okay but its mission structure can be all over the place sometimes. However! You will get used to it after a couple of hours of playing. You may even consider it to be quite fun.

The game has certain missions. The one i'll talk about here is Skirmish mode. Skirmish/Scenario mode is a game type where you can choose which level/style a mission can take. There are prison breaks, defense , zombies and more.

Scenario mode is basically a free mode and for newer players I recommend fooling around there as its very very fun! You get to feel the mechanics a little and it can help you out later on!

There is a campaign mode However that consists of guarding or controlling a brain. The brain is you and if the brain dies or is destroyed then the mission is a failure. But thats the short way of explaining it.

The campaign is a turn based type and is really good! You see, First you find the place to want to scan. Scanning will allow you to build your base there. Then you wait for an ingame day and this is where the fun starts. Designing your base in this game is really good and very fun! You get to place soldiers and equip them with weapons! even add vehicles and gas for explosions! maybe even have a weapons locker!

Then to start you simply must have a brain soldier and you're set! On the next day you're able to attack the enemy base. And if you do so successfully then you get the base! And if you failed (like me) then you wont.. Anyway then after you attack the enemy base its time for you to defend your base from attackers! which I successfully did! And it was a blast to do! and whats better is that you can keep going until you have lots of bases captured or if you run out of gold. Which is also... Read the rest of this Review
01-07-18 12:10 AM

Overgrowth is an action-platformer game created by Wolfire Games and was released on October 16th 2017. Overgrowth is the sequel to the 2005 action game Lugaru.

NOTE: This game contains gore and is not for the faint hearted

Overgrowths gameplay is simple to use, hard to master. In Overgrowth and Lugaru rather than clicking to do fighting combos you hold the action button and use direction keys to fight! Overgrowth combat is dependant on your characters stance and direction.

Overgrowths combat is really unique and is smooth and fluid. So is its platformer sections! Overgrowth is also built around parkour and the games parkour is very very smooth and fluid.

Much like Lugaru there were many platformer sections but Overgrowth takes them up a whole lot. In overgrowth you have your standard Jump and Climb obstacles, but you also have your Wall-run obstacles! (Which wasn't in Lugaru) and whats great is that you can incorporate these parkour in combat! So you can wall-run and jump off and then do a power kick and send the enemy flying.

There are also multiple modes too. You have 3 stories. Wolfire/Overgrowth campagin, Lugaru Campaign and Therium 2 campaign. You also have the arena and 2 player modes!

Arena is your standard survival--like mode you know see how long you can survive and such.

You have a selection of stages; Waterfall Arena, Magma Arena, Rocky arena and 1 more arena I don't remember the name of unfortunately

Arena isn't anything special. Unless you do something special which I will touch on later.

Now the stories are quite cool actually. I will cover that later though. I do wanna talk about a few more unique things.

Unlike most games (and its predecessor)  Overgrowth doesn't use regular health mechanics. Overgrowth's health system is Skeletal based - This is what makes the combat you unique, you... Read the rest of this Review
11-17-16 06:14 PM
Blockstorm is a First person shooter game developed by Ghostshark Games and Published By Indiegala

Lets Get Riiiight into this review! not Drama But a Review.
GameplayThe gameplay in blockstorm is pretty "strategic" i guess you can say. When you begin a Match you have a Skin selector (I will get into that later)
and a Loadout.

The loadout will allow you to select what weapon you want to use and play with it! (duh)

With each weapon comes with a scale of its weight if you carry too much weight on you then you will be slow but have heavy weapons to deal more damage. However if you equip light weapons you will be able to move faster, but have weapons that deal less damage. So you have to find that Perfect loadout to fit Juust Right. Thats. Now for general gameplay its your run up the mill FPS. Except with some more gamemodes. Since the community is NOT alive at ALL I could only get in Team Deathmatch servers so thats what i'll be reviewing.

Of course TDM is basic, you kill people to gain more points for your team. the team with most points wins. Pretty Standard Right? Yeah.

There is a Capture the Flag mode but it is filled with hackers.

CTF Is also a basic gamemode. You grab the opposite teams flag and take it to your "Holder" the team with the most flags win.

Yeah, the gameplay is basic and smooth as silk and i love it! Now, you do die way to fast and at times can be a bit fast paced.

But, what really makes this game good is!

Its destructible enviroment and Level editors!

Its destructible environment allows for more strategy and tactical gameplay.

So, if someone is taking cover behind something. Just blow it up! and the physics aren't like Minecraft where the blocks don't fall down. in this game they do. and they kill too.

This game can be compared to Ace of spades. But the difference is that the game wasn't bought out by Jag... Read the rest of this Review
11-17-16 03:42 PM
Kuboom is a First Person Cross-Platform 3D Hurricane shooter Developed and Published by my friends at Nobodyshot!

Hello and welcome to my Kuboom Review! If ya Like i- Forget the introduction lets just get into the review!

And Yes I am friends with one of the devs but that doesn't mean that i wont point out the cons or say anything negative.
GameplayThe Gameplay is really simple and straight forward. You have a gun, you gotta shoot people and kill them to get a higher score and win! atleast for deathmatch mode. For Bomb/Elimination mode which is like Counter Strike you either kill or be killed. Or plant the bomb, because there are no respawns.

Those are at the moment the only game modes. in the future will be Way More!

So, where is the is the variety?

the variety are the players! players can have different weapons and it makes the game more difficult. Which IMO is really good.

and also there are a few maps to play on too!

Bridge - A Large bridge. One side is the red spawn, the other side is the blue spawn.

Assault - the classic map from the Counter Strike Series

Arena - An Arena! It has a Battle Ground for on the boots fighting and a "Top" area for snipers to snipe people!

Dust - A Classic Map from The Counter Strike Series

Dust 2 - A Classic Map from The Counter Strike Series

Port - A Classic Map from The Counter Strike Series

Inferno - Umm, Its like a Graveyard, but with alot of fire.

Sontar - Its like a futuristic version of port but instead in a spaceship or something..

Pool - A Classic Map from the counter strike series

Mansion - A Classic Map from The Counter Strike Series

and about 3 or 4 more maps that i forgot the name of..

The gameplay is like i said earlier basic. And thats not a bad thing!

So gameplay gets an 7/10!
The Sound effect in the game are "Ok" a... Read the rest of this Review
10-18-16 07:51 PM
PAYDAY 2|Review|
Payday 2 Is a First Person Co-Op Game Developed By Overkill Software and Published By 505 Games. Payday 2 Is Also a Sequel to

Payday: The Heist.
In Payday 2 the Game starts off in a Selection screen to select your heist that you want to do (Named

Once You Select a Heist you will be briefed and then a Planning Screen Will come up.

You Have Some Options to choose from.

Loadout: This is where you customize your Loadout For the Heist.

Assets: This is for special things you'll be looking for in the heist. for example a briefcase you will need in a heist. if you dont look at the assets then its kind of like going in blind. you wont know what briefcase you are looking for. if you used the assets it will show a picture of the briefcase. and since you can only look at the assets once. it makes it a bit challenging.

Soundtrack: (Not Shown in image above) Lets you choose the soundtrack of your heist.
When you enter a heist then you are greeted one more time of your mission briefing then you are set to do the heist.
Upon Starting you are given a set of instructions. (Get the thermal Drill, Sabotage the EMP, Disable Anti-Aircraft device, etc..) and you also start in "Casing Mode"

Casing Mode is when you check out the place before you start to do the heist. its like staking it out. knowing where the guards are and everything. if you didn't plan in the lobby then you can plan one final time in casing mode.
In the Heist example I'm doing (Bank Job) You must grab the thermal drill to get started. So you must put on your mask.
Putting your mask on starts the heist. so you have 2 options. Stealth, or Loud.

If you go with stealth, you will have to avoid guards and cameras to complete the heist.

If you go with loud, you will have to well, go loud! Shoot all your guns and Kill all the guards.

Also, if... Read the rest of this Review
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
08-15-16 09:48 PM
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory|Review|

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is a stealth, action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft. The game focuses as the Third Echelon Splinter Cell field agent Sam Fisher as he races to prevent the next World War between the Chinese, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan as tensions run high. Like it's predecessors, the game has heavy influences of stealth but with some added new capabilities and features that helped make this universally beloved by critics and fans alike. It's hard to believe that there was a time where both critics and fans alike could actually get along. This was a game that was worth of such attention.

SynopsisOnce more, you take control of Sam Fisher as mentioned above, him and Third Echelon are caught in between the rising tensions of the aforementioned factions. It is up to Sam and Third Echelon to find out the real threat causing tensions between those factions and put a stop to it before the tensions and outside interference cause another World War III. Filled with betrayal, double-crosses, and all that you expect in a espionage game.
Game play

Chaos Theory takes the player in a stealth-like game setting, typical of the previous games and within it's genres. But before even starting the game, you get to select your load outs. While stealth-oriented approach dominates, there's certain times you can easily use brute force to move in and the game gives you those options. These sets of load outs, called "Kits", are one of the new mechanics within the game. A great addition, as you can choose how to approach the missions. Although a bit limited since you're still going to do more stealth, a nice addition and a way to give the player more freedom.

The actual game is played in third-person and you move around and sneak your way though the levels completing whatever objective that comes up along with some bonus, optional ones. As you play, you have several gadgets to use depending on the l... Read the rest of this Review
Hotline Miami
08-15-16 02:08 PM
Hotline Miami|Review|

Hotline Miami is a Fast Paced Top Down Action Game Developed By Dennaton Games and Published by Devolver Digital.

Hello Everyone! This is the Hotline Miami 1 Review! if You Liked it. Click Like! if You Disliked it! Click Dislike! and Maybe Leave a Reply!

On To the Review!

GameplayLets Start with the gameplay!

Alright so, Hotline Miami 1 Is Fast paced, So It requires you to think sometimes about your Move. Upon Starting a level you are given a Mask Selection screen. Where You Of course Select a mask to wear. Each Mask Gives you an ability (Except for 1) For Example

The Dennis Mask, When Selected You Will Spawn With a Knife. Or

The Brandon Mask, That will make you run faster, Best for Speedrunners.

The Unique Mask abilities are Really Cool! And Offer a Challenge for when you want to unlock some!

They are really for how the player is and how he/she will play.

Anyways in HLM1 (Hotline Miami 1) It is way more Fast paced (As i mentioned earlier) and Way More Challenging.Executions are Faster, Melee Weapons are Faster, Weapons Have More Ammo. and Also, Weapons are Unlockable! No, You Dont Select the weapons like masks That's not what i meant, Once you unlock a weapon in some levels The unlocked weapon will spawn!

I Wish they kept the Unlockable weapons feature in HLM2

Time For Another Part! Boss Fights!

There are Boss Fights in this game! Not gonna Name any, but the Boss Fights are amazing! and Very Very Fun! and are Kinda Hard But, are still fair! Sadly There are only 4 Boss Fights in the game. And None in HLM2 (Unless You Wanna Count The Final Part)

Anyway The Developers did a Great Job With The Gameplay Styles

SoundThe Sound in this game isn't Much Just Regular Gunshots and Melee A... Read the rest of this Review
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
08-08-16 10:12 PM
Hotline Miami 2|Review|

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a violent ending to 2012's Hotline Miami. Which was Developed By Denation Games and Published By Delvolver Digital

Hello Everyone! This is a Review Of Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number! if you Enjoy this review, like it! if you disliked it, Dislike it! leave an

Honest Opinion. Also Leave Tips/Suggestions on what I should do for my next review!


Hotline Miami's Gameplay is a top-down style with smooth combat and fast-paced action. Its also extremely difficult to complete some levels and require a good memory to complete.

So, Heres how it is. You have different animal masks, those masks Have abilities for the characters. For Example

Corey Is One Of the playable characters and she has a Zebra Masks. Most of us know that zebras are fast and have lots of endurance.

Corey Has a Rolling ability due to her being agile

Another One is Mark (A.K.A The Bear)

Mark Has a Two Guns Ability which allows him to Aim both weapons In a certain way

Anyways, I think that the gameplay styles with different and unlockable masks are Pretty Cool!

Gameplay Gets a 8.9/10


Okay, if you looked at any other Hotline Miami review, you would know that the soundtrack for this game is AMAZING! Like, Seriously go on

Youtube And type "Hotline Miami 2 Soundtrack" and Click a playlist. You'll Thank Me If you do it.

Just Do it.

You Owe it to yourself.


Listen to It


The Music in Hotline Miami is more techno and hardstyle(?)

Sound/Soundtrack Gets a 10/10!


The difficulty in this game is like Dark Souls While D... Read the rest of this Review
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
08-04-16 12:33 AM
Splinter Cell: Conviction|Review|

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction is the action-adventure stealth video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal as well as the fifth installment of the series. Much like it's predecessors, much of the game revolves around stealth. However, this installment introduces newer mechanics and skills as well as virtually changing the approach compared to the previous games.

The game revolves around it's protagonist, Sam Fisher, as he leaves Third Echelon, a intelligence organization that employ special agents called "Splinter Cell", after the events of Double Agent and investigates his daughter's death. Along the way, he meets one of his former colleague, Anna Grimsdottir, and uncovers a plot against the United States.

Game play

(Mark and Execution)
While like the previous games, the game is mostly stealth oriented as you make your way though enemies with the usage of gadgets, Sam's incredible agility, or a combination of both as you either attack or evade and pass through your enemies. However, while the previous game mechanics made for a slower pace, this game introduces new skills that help make for a far faster pace then any of the previous installments.
Some of these new features is the "Mark and Execute" feature that allows a player to mark specific targets (objects, enemies) for the purpose of tracking or shooting in rapid succession. Another is known as "Last Known Position", which creates a visual silhouette of where the AI enemies will think Sam is. While this kind of mechanic was somewhat present in previous game, this allows the player to think of more tactical plans to taking out enemies. Like the previous games, Sam gains various gadgetry and weaponry. Like Chaos Theory: there's a level of customization of the weaponry to choose although it's much more immerse in comparison. This allows players freedom to choose weaponry suited for their game style unlike previous games, which catered to th... Read the rest of this Review
Amazing Frog
07-15-16 06:34 PM
Amazing Frog|Review|

Amazing Frog Is a Open World Adventure Game Developed By FayjuHi everyone and today i will be reviewing Amazing Frog! if you like it click the like button under my Profile Avatar! if you dislike it! Click Dislike! Leave an Honest opinion!

On to the Review!
GameplayThe gameplay in amazing frog is more of Physics-Play and the controls are fluid and feel good! You Have 2 Modes On-Foot Mode, And Car Mode! On-Foot Mode is well, on foot! run around and bump into pedestrians! Car Mode is when you are obviously in a car! So hit pedestrians!

You can also interact with things!

Or Open the Swindon Wall!

You can sit ontop of another frogs head!

Or Shoot Guns!

And! Umm.... Dance?

Oh Snap! Wrong Thing!

(You actually can preform actions like Dancing)

Gameplay gets a 9/10! (I Guess i'm easily impressed :))
Amazing Frogs graphics are a simple cartoonish style. Think of simpsons hit and Run! the game is also very colorful and looks Pretty good!


Looks alright doesn't it?

Not really specific assets or anything to it. I Would like it if they added outlines though (With an option to turn it on or off!)

Anyways, graphics are simple, nice and good looking!

so graphics get a 8/10!
Amazing Frog offers many things to do! Even playing on a giant chessboard!


You can also play Deathmatch.. With Frogs! (local Multiplayer) - You're friends and you battle it out using guns!

And Look For Costumes! - Similar to secrers you do things around swindon to get costumes!

And Make Up Your Own Gamemodes! (I made Up Trampoline Fight!)

And Ragdoll around with your friends!

Put Criminals in their place!

Goto the Fart Gym!

Do Parkour!

And Hang Out with... Read the rest of this Review
07-05-16 09:00 PM
Toribash is a Turn-Based Physics Martial Arts Fighting Game in which you fight your opponents using the laws of physics to push your body about and Fight!

Hello and Welcome to another Review and today or tonight or whatever i will be reviewing Toribash! if you like the review Like it and Leave a suggestion/tip on what i should do next!

Oh and also 1 like = one Gnome Child (A.K.A Slayer)
The gameplay in Toribash is physics base and you Use Physics to attack! Sounds Wierd huh? Let me show you instead

Those Body Parts "Knee's, Thigh's, Abs, Etc..." are called joints and when ever you click a joint you set it into a state! (States are on the left)
Say you click on the knee joint 2 times and you set it into an Extending state. Your leg will be lifted into the air! you set joints into different states then you end your turn and do another combination of states! People have done some incredible things too!

The gameplay in this game is very unique so i give it a 9/10!
The community in this game is (I know i said this in my blockland review and my GMod review) the bomb! this game has load of community made mods and skins! and the servers are nice to so you can battle it all out with your friends and or family! it can make you rage tho.. the game is super fun with mods and online mode! and the best part. Its free to play! so no paying.

Unless you count the microtransactions..

Community Gets a 9/10!
Thank you all so much for reading this Toribash review!

I know its short and its because theres not much to get into depth with.

Anyways Goodbye!

07-05-16 08:09 PM
Blockland is a Sandbox game in which you build structures with lego like bricks and was built on the Torque Engine|
Hello Again! and Welcome to another Review! in which this time we are reviewing Blockland! a Lego Game! or something... Anyways if you enjoy the review then like and i will send you a monkey with a cake taped to its finger!GameplayMuch Like Garry's Mod theres not Much to gameplay! There is a simple switch from First Person to Third Person View, Mouse Scroll to switch weapons. The Game Moves and Feels a bit like an FPS combined as an RPG Style (Think Deus Ex)

Not Much to Gameplay so 7/10!
GraphicsThe Graphics in this game aren't much to be all excited for like


If you were expecting the graphics to be that good....

Your gonna be dissapointed...

The graphics are okay at best...

BUT, Keep in mind that this was made in 2007 (2005 is the Beta)

So graphics get a 6/10
Ah.. The divining community!

The community is the core of Blockland. Similar to Garry's mod this is Community Driven!

There are tons of mods for this game. Like ENB's To improve the "Lackluster (Lol) Graphics", or Weapons,Bricks,NPC's,Gamemodes,Maps,Creations,Vehicles and MUCH MUCH More!!!

Ah Man The community is wonderful!

The people there are supportive and nice!

the Forums are fun! (Just Like This website!)

The Community Gets a 10/10!

The Community revived this dead game! and are actively making mods as you read! they kept it alive!

It also makes it addicting!

They have Servers that you can goto and also RP Gamemodes!
Thank you for reading this review if you like it Press Like! and Leave Suggestions/Tips for what i should do!

Garry\'s Mod
06-19-16 10:50 PM
Garrys Mod Review
Garrys Mod is a Sandbox Game Where you spawn Ragdolls and NPC's Or Build! You Can Do Anything!     |
                         |  |
Garry's  Mod   |  |
___________|  |
Part 1: Gameplay|

The Gameplay in Garrys Mod is Like Any Other source game (HL2, CSS, TF2, HLS, Etc...)
Except with the spawn menu and the Physics gun! Not the Gravity Gun!

The Physics Gun Allows you to manipulate objects and ragdolls to whatever and where ever you like them!

And Allows You To Do Uh..

Questionable Things With Ragdolls...

Like Hanging them, attaching them to cars or machinery! or Attach objects to them!
 Like attaching a Barrel to their head!

And On To The Spawn Menu!

The Spawn Menu does what it says!

Spawns Things!

You Can Spawn Dolls, Bananas, Toys, Poop (what?), Spiders, Legos, Cars, Ragdolls, Npc's And Way More!

Gameplay Gets a 8.8/10!

Okay, There is No Vanilla story in Gmod (Garry's Mod) But! there are community made maps which have their own storys.

So, For the lack of story i would give Story an

Community Made Stories/10

It Really depends on which story you pick on a community made map... Read the rest of this Review
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
06-11-16 10:00 AM
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Review
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Is a 2.D Action-Platform-Adventure Game Developed By Ratloop Asia
The Story Of Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Follows A Chicken By The Name of "Hardboiled" Trying to Assassinate the Dictator of "Albatropolis" named "Putzki" And Find Secrets To Hardboiled's Past And Uncovering the Real Enemies Of Albatropolis.
The Gameplay of Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Is Simple, But Very Entertaining and Fun. In This Game You Can't aim up or down (with an Exception of One Level) But instead you can only aim straight Which seems like a step back, But surprisingly its not bad! And it makes it more challenging for puzzle, However since you can only aim straight in most of the levels you can't For example aim and shoot a crate onto a Button instead you can only goto the platform its on then shoot it, which will get annoying sometimes. Now for the next part of the gameplay is the "Jetpacktion" levels. Jetpacktion levels are levels which you are controlling hardboiled in a different way, instead of being on the ground you are in the open air shooting with a jet pack on your back. Which is done AMAZINGLY well! And in these levels you can actually aim in 360 degrees! And on the hardest difficulty can give you a challenge! So One Button (Space bar) is held to accelerate while the Left Mouse Click is to shoot. Pretty simple and Fun!

Gameplay Gets a 7/10. Its basic and fun but could use work.
Sound Design/Actor Voices
The Sound in this game isn't anything special. There aren't even voices (Except for the cutscenes) The gun sound in the game isn't bad or good its in the middle so "Meh" but the game has One Funny dialogue. Which isn't anything so save the sound design so
The Sound Gets a ... Read the rest of this Review
Nintendo Land
06-11-15 01:41 PM
Nintendo Land
Ah, Nintendo Land. Wait! Wouldn't Nintendo remove this post if I mention them? |

Okay So Lets Start With How We Get Into The Game. On The Wii U You will have to play as a Selected User Profile Then Launch Nintendo land. Once you do you will be greeted with a Mario Question Box With a Voice Saying 'Hello? Cant you please let me out?' Then you tap the box and then a Guide Comes out the box! She will give you a tour around Your Land, There are various activities Like Luigi's Ghost mansion,Legend of Zelda (I forgot the actual name of the activity), Metroid Blast and more. I will try to go over all the ones I know there are 12 activities however I haven't played all of them. Some of them require Co-Op and I don't have the Wii Motion + Controller.

Lets start With Donkey Kong's Crash Course

In this attraction You Have to tilt you Course Car and get to the end of the course and Save
Jumpman's Girlfriend (I think) What makes this game interesting is how its executed you don't just tilt until you get to the end, You use other
things around you to help you and to get to the end, Like you rotate the Right stick to make and elevator move and you can use the ZL Buttons lift your car. The Graphics in this activity aren't really so great but does it really matter that much? overall i give this activity a 7.5/10 its decent
if your a fan of donkey kong its just that the levels are hard and short.

Alright! Now lets Goto The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest!

in this activity you have to find all of the tri-forces and the experience is awesome.
You use the wii u gamepad to look and reload your bow and use The left stick to shoot and the ZL... Read the rest of this Review
04-10-15 08:09 PM
Ah Terraria, I Finally have time to get to this Amazing game And Its Free For XBOX 360!!

I will try to cover Game play Because I Don't Play Online Often And when I do its for a small amount of time

Lets Get Started

Terraria Dig,Fight,Mine And Explore! 4 things you will do in this game. People say its like minecraft. I Will Tell You Why It Isn't Like Minecraft.

You Start Making your character then you spawn In A World and a guide is with you, You first have to gather wood Then Build a house to get the Guide to move in With You.
So Afterwards its Up to you. What makes this game different from minecraft Varies. Anyway like I said I will focus on gameplay anyway the game is a 2D 8-bit like game With more than you would expect, you still mine and stuff but with extensions like Bosses Underground and the ability to goto Hell,Corrupted,Desert,Wind And more!

Now Does the game have an end? I think.

What makes the game really fun? Is the multiple ores and The BOSSES Like  Skeleton (which is a giant skeleton) The Eye Of Cthulu (a Giant eye with Sharp teeth).

Now There are Quest like Freeing people from curses and more. There are also NPC's That Sell you things and my favorite npc is the Gunsmith! He is hard to get.

Now to the good bits. There are A VAST COLLECTION OF WEAPONS,TOOLS,AND ARMOR! Like Hell stone Armor! And My favorite! JETBOOTS!!

Its way funner when you have a friend or someone to play with! Especially on local multiplayer! theres even a PVP Mode!

But the Best part of the game is going into cave without know WTF You are doing. But do it with a friend.

The Building Controls take a couple minutes to get used to but the building is very very good.
Also Expirimenting with random potions is also hilarious. now is this game Like Minecraft... Read the rest of this Review
Grand Theft Auto V
04-10-15 01:01 AM
Grand Theft Auto V is A 3rd Person Open World Sandbox Game Where you Can Murder,Steal,Buy Weapons,Fly helicopters,B*tch Slap

People And So Much More, But Like Any Other Game It Has Its Pros And Cons.

Lets Start With Pros. The Game is amazing You Can do whatever you like in the Large City of Los Santos, Just Like any GTA Game You Can
Do Missions Now The Game is about 2-3 Days Long Which is pretty good the game also has side quest and to do them all it takes another 2 days so thats 5 days of completing missions (for me) The Missions Were awesome You play as 3 Protagonist

Franklin: A 3-Bit Gangster Who you start out as first He's. Well. Aggressive Sometimes.

Michael: A Family Man Who Has Problems With Alot Of things. Especially His Family.

Trevor: A Crazy Psychopath who Loves Strippers And Acts Crazy Killing people and throwing things off roofs and People. But He does these
things because he wants to be Loved.

Anyway The Gameplay Is Simple And A New Added feature of first person! which was kinda cool made it seem like COD But Gta Version COD But in GTA.

Now The story is basically. Michael Pulls Some guys house down then you have to get more money to replace it But You end up Doing Things Wrong.

The Game itself if amazing and fun especially the Long Awaited Online Heist!

Now To Online.

Online Itself It FUN!!!!!!!!

But Other players ruin it. Luckily there is a Private Lobby/Solo Session.
Anyway If You Port your character over to Next-Gen From Last-gen You Goto Jail Then Get out. But For X360 And PS3 Users you start with a side character Named Lamar And You Participate in a Race. Afterwards you are able to roam in the city. Instead of GTA Online Being a Playground its more serious unlike GTA IV Where everything was free and a chaotic City.

You Make Money By Doing Survival,Packages,Drug Deliveries,Flight School,Heists and More. And Once you do you can ... Read the rest of this Review
Battlefield Hardline
04-02-15 12:55 PM
To Start Off the Single Player Campaign is SHORT.   The Sound Design is  perfect 10/10  Graphics Are Great Like Any Battlefield Game Game Was Too Easy Even On The Hardest Mode.    The Game Offers a new arresting mechanic that gets repetitive after some missions to the point the non-playable-characters Are making the same Grunt sound.     The levels have been renamed episodes and when you quit during a mission it says "Next Time On Hardline" Then Previews the next Level Or "Episode".    and it treats the "Episodes" As If You Are watching It on Netflix they have a play and preview button and everything.     Now lets get into Multiplayer. Its Not Better They Have VERY Limited Weapons The game modes get repetitive and boring.     the heist mode is the only fun mode though. and there's this mode where you drive and get free XP So Everybody picks that one and the game gets repetitive Battlefield 4 actually has more weapons than Battlefield Hardline. There Are a Couple Of other fun modes but There are NO MAPS for them!     In Fact Battlefield Hardline is a RESKIN of Battlefield 4 but with less content! and another thing Maybe the last but There is NO DESTRUCTION!     THAT WAS ONE OF THE MAIN ASPECTS OF BATTLEFIELD THAT MADE THE GAME UNIQUE AND IT MADE IT FUN THERE IS ONLY ONE MAP WITH DESTRUCTION (not gonna Say because it might spoil)      Anyway that's my review on battlefield hardline i will give it a 4/10 terrible.

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