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realplayer109's Last 25 Game Reviews
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time
10-15-17 05:42 PM
An outstanding puzzle-adventure, fit for all ages!
A game is indefinitely a piece of art, created to immerse the player in a bit of experience, deaths, and a sensible story. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time does all three. Released in 2003 near the end of the GBA's life cycle this was a masterpiece containing not only fluid gameplay, however, empowering visuals and sounds unimaginable for the specifications the system upheld. 


Please note that my reviews contain three categories: which are Graphics, Sound, Gameplay. If you need extra information on any of the scores given above please let me know and I'd be happy to give you more detail.


Firstly, we will discuss the graphics. They are outstanding, and the animations are completely smooth and show by frame by frame detail of the character itself. Speaking of which, the animations allow for fluid gameplay making the jump cues safe and reliable.

It definitely shows aspects of great delight throughout the entire game. All sprites, including the backgrounds, have some sort of detail visible and generally look interesting enough, though it doesn't divert, or distract your eyes from focusing.

Adding to this: GUI elements have a gracious style to them and often aren't derelict, looking abstract and meaningful and contains subtle differences depending on the character you are playing as. It is a great, and ambiguous feat and it shows that a lot of energy went into the game as a whole.

However, as with all categories, there are flaws. Personally, I believe that the title screen and inventory menus are plain, only showing bare fundamentals with some sprites not even appearing correctly. It looks rushed and rigged. It doesn't seem smooth like sand at all. 

Even though that is true, the presentation also matters in this case, and it is clear that the game blows it out of the park. It is very clean and subtle... Read the rest of this Review
Psychic Detective
05-01-17 04:20 PM
Once, yet never again.
The old Full Motion Video format, a genre used in a variety of games on the Sega CD itself, utilized not only the omniscient nature and specifications of the console itself, but also using it to its fullest advantage.

Then came Psychic Detective, the only game deemed worthy of bringing the format to various other consoles, including the PlayStation, where it promptly, might I add, fell flats on its face with the execution.

The graphics start shallow, with pixilated and low-quality graphics spread all over the screen as the first clip plays. This can be very defiant and takes from the realism of the drama / comedy, not that is was very real to begin with.

What makes the graphics so horrible in the game especially however, is the huge border planted around the slow moving, rickety screen in the middle of the gameplay. This is infuriating, as the game simply doesn't want to give enough space. Though this may be tolerable due to the lack of game play shown in later acts.

I can safely say though this is very annoying, the item sprites for different interactions are very pleasing to look at and can be modest on the eye, these include but are not limited to; cigarettes, lighters, notes etc. Overall due to their small size, they are very easy and pleasing to see.

The story is.. well, another story, ironic, right? Psychic Detective portrays itself as a mere mystery game. Eric, the psychic, works in a nightclub / lounge where he performs certain acts to different people. As the game develops, the initial goal of Eric is to find the murderer of Lana's grandfather, though this quickly dilates into other objectives, including religious cults, tombs, and even a game of Black Diamond for a boss fight at the end of tour 45 minute journey.

Though this story seems interesting enough, none of this is explained in detail at all and it quickly becomes a mess of, "Go to X Point, do something.". The mystery aspect also coun... Read the rest of this Review
Trauma Center: New Blood
12-09-15 03:18 PM
The patients gone into cardiac arrest! Doctor?
The patient has gone into cardiac arrest!
Truama Center New Blood Review

Note: This review does have a few spoilers, but I don't
think it'll affect you players too much that it'll
spoil your game.

Truama Center New Blood is a classic on the wii but me,
personally, Truama Team is the best! I'm getting off track

The game is basically a surgery game much like the adult swim
ameatuer surgeon games. Made by Altus, it's a good game.
The controlls are easy to master, even when they require
the full wiimote and nunchuck combo. The player must
operate on patient after patient while also dealing
with the game's disease, Stigma, (which leads into
GUILT in the second game.)

As always, let's move on to the review.

Graphics: 6/10
The graphics compared to other games on the console aren't
bad, their TERRIBLE! Especially in the first few operations.
They look cartoony and have a bit of a anime feel to them.
I wasn't expecting the graphics to be really real. But
I think they can be a little more authentic. As for menus,
they look bland and boring but at the same time give
lots of info without cluttering the player with
a load of objects. The HUD around the operation view is
the nicest out of all the graphics.

Gameplay: 9/10
But what makes me forgive graphics is the Gameplay.
It's unique, and its absolutely amazing and intense
at the same time! Your hands will wobble, your pointer
will scream and shout, don't fail the operation! The
controls are slick, use the thumb stick on the
nunchuck to select your tool, and use the A (maybe B)
to use it on the patient, even with these simple
controls, Altus made (most) operations fun and
engaging, even on Easy, this game can give a hard
challenge. Altus also has a way of making a twist
throughout the operation, so you ... Read the rest of this Review
Rock N' Roll Racing
12-08-15 12:08 PM
I've got 99 problems but this game ain't one.
I've got 99 problems but this game ain't one.
Rock and Roll Racing Review

Note before we start: This is a review for the SNES version
of the game. Somethings may be diffrent in other versions!

Released in 1993 by Blizzard Entertainment, Rock and Roll Racing
is the tip top of the top down racing genre. Even though the
game is really good. It is really underrated. There was also
a port to the Game Boy Advance. (Which I may cover in a later review)

For those who don't know, a top down racer is where you play the game
on a birds eye view, and you race! Pretty simple? The controls usually
take a bit getting used to especially if you play any of the Mario
Kart series and that's also the same with this game.

Anyways, let's start with the review.

Sound : 9/10
The songs in this game are your typical rock and roll songs.
But with this game they create a feeling that gets you so pumped up!
Seriously, I don't think the game would create the same atmosphere
without it. The sound effects are also on par with the music.
I think they make it easier to play the game, knowing whether
your driving or not and if you picked up a powerup. Of course,
this is standard with all racing games, but I think this game
makes it a little extra special. Just, be warned though, I have
occasional pauses within the music on emulators if you want
to play it yourself.

Graphics: 7/10
The graphics are nice to look at, but are not the best out of all the games
on the Super Nintendo. Tracks are bland, and they look the same in a world.
powerups look like typical lasers stolen from a another game. But the
worst is an armour powerup, they just look like stacks of bricks.
Contary to this, the menus look simplistic and effective, and the
planet textures and backgrounds on the level select screen (and
sometimes in t... Read the rest of this Review
Five Nights at Freddy\'s 2
07-12-15 02:42 PM
There are good games, but this is not one.
I really don't know why you praise this game.

I really don't.

Five Nights at Freddy's is a horror game released by Scott Cawthon in 2014, the game
went viral and it soon became the most popular game in the world.

This game is awful.

The story goes that the Fredbear Entertainment is a place for children and adults
can enjoy entertainment and food in the day, but in the night the animatronics come
out and like to stuff humans into suits. You, Jeremy, have to work the night shifts and
watch over the animatronics from 12 - 6 PM. That's basically how the first two games
roll. The Bite of 87 is mentioned briefly, but really, who wants to hear a story about a kid
who's frontal lobe was bitten off? It was a stupid plot line that was only there to extend the
story just a little so it makes the game actually scary. Overall, the story isn't bad, it's unique
at its best, but extra plot lines like that (and some of the others too!) don't make the
story great, they just cause chaos for the player actually trying to play the game who is thinking,
"Ummm, okay? I don't get this story!". But still, the overall basic storyline is unique and it is quite
pleasing that he tries to differ from other games.

Gameplay? What, you call pressing a few buttons gameplay? Come on Scott, you can do better
than that! Anyways, the goal is to avoid the animatronics and try to survive the night, it sounds
simple, but the way it's laid out means that it's more of a challenge than it actually is, oh, and you
have better read or seen a tutorial online before hand, because they throw you straight into the action,
Phone Guy's attempt at explaining the game are laughably horrific, and you might not even survive til
1AM without re-trying 100s of times. Back to the gameplay, the main thing is the torch and the monitor,
the torch you can use to flash in the hallway to see... Read the rest of this Review
Crime Patrol
01-25-15 02:05 PM
Crime Patrol Gamers Review
Welcome to FMV week, the week where I review the FMV games on any system. Today, we'll take a look at Crime Patrol. Let's start!

Gameplay - 8
This is one of those typical FMV shooters but Crime Patrol nails it this time,
first of all, the cursor is a bit more sensitive than other games on the Sega CD,
it would have been nice if there were a few variations to the missions like
deactivating a bomb or having a showdown. This is a little thing that could've
made the game a best seller, well, for the Sega CD of course.

Graphics - 3
The images in the game can be flat out annoying, especially when
you are try to hit an enemy, and all your actually hitting is damn
car that is in the foreground, and it can be frustrating to the player.
They do not impress, especially for the Sega CD.

Sound - 7
Ok, so, this was just one of those things that every FMV game has,
brilliant sound, I mean it doesn't sound great, but at least it's
a breath of fresh air from all those Pac-Man sound effects you've
been hearing.

Story - 4!
Seriously, I thought they would have learn't from Mad Dog Mcree never too use
a stupid story, well, this isn't as bad, and it kinda fits into the same genre
as the shooter, but I thought you don't shoot at criminals straight away, I
thought you interrogate them, and then you judge, only a minor thing, but this
game is so questionable I just had to bring it up.

Overall - 8 (Rent)
This game is a 8, and if you have a good 30 minutes to spare, you should
definatley rent this game, otherwise, skip it, it's not worth playing, there's
no other gamemodes, nothing, that's all you get. And what you get is what you get.
Sewer Shark
11-03-14 10:25 AM
Sewer Shark Gamers Review
Welcome to the Gamers Review! Where I review these old games and see if they live up to today games. We are kicking off this Bonfire Month with a review of the cult classic Sewer Shark, let's find it's strong points and weak points! As a side note, I am reviewing the Sega CD version, some things may be different on other version!

Graphics :
If you can actually call them graphics, it's a poor quality fmv video with you interacting with it all the time,
they look like they came back from a time machine from 1700! It's very awful, even worse than other games on
the system, the costumes that they use to create the effect of 'Going through the sewers' look outstanding
compared to other games. But it still doesn't change the fact that the quality is awful and makes a portion
of the game unplayable
Score : 1.5

This game is very complicated with the way it functions. With all the shooting and stuff like
that there's no real problem, but when it comes to following the directions it gets very confusing,
on the top of the screen, there is some arrows that light up where your supposed to go, when
a arrow lights up, you hold B and the direction that lit up. But this is not what your supposed to
do, instead, Catfish (Yes, that's his name! :P) will tell you some directions at the beginning of the
game, remember these! When the arrow that Catfish told you lights up, you have to take that
direction! This info is from Retrospective Perspective's youtube channel!
Score : 6.1

This game has a very unique but self-explanatory story, basically your trying to get to Solar City while occasionally seeing
messages from your boss! Very self-explanatory!
Score : 8

Depth :
It's quite a big game for a Sega CD game! You go through different kind of stages, (Ghost gives you names
throughout the games which is basically levels) There is no rep... Read the rest of this Review
Dragon\'s Lair
07-26-14 06:13 PM
Dragon's Lair Gamer Review
Phew.... haven't done any reviews in a white :(

Better do start off again with a review of the classic game Dragon's Lair!

Gameplay : 9/10
Well, I have to say this game compared to other games on the system,
is just plain awesome! This game is unique in the style that you have
to react quick, punch buttons, and die a few times to learn. What you
have to do, is that you must press a button at the right time to advance in
the game. If you fail to react quick, you will have to start from the checkpoint!
One major flaw with this game is that it doesn't give you enough time to think
"What am I doing next?". I mean, the second you lose focus, you already died!

Graphics : 10/10
Comparing this game to every other game on the system, this game flies
over the graphics barrier, it's just extraordinary! This game puts Double Switch
to shame! It looks so good.... for the Sega CD. Comparing it to a modern game,
it's nothing special.

Sound : 10/10
Again, compared to games on the console, this actually sounds
more realistic! Of course, it's good for the Sega CD, nothing special

Story : 5/10
The thing that holds the game down is... the story.
I mean, come on! Dirk has to save the princess?
Is that it? But one thing that is hiding the story is the
gameplay. Because the gameplay is so fast you can't even
listen to the story!

Addictiveness, Depth, and Difficulty are the same to Double Switch and Night Trap! Which I have reviewed already!

Overall : 9.9
Overall, 9.9 is nearly a perfect score for this game, although it does
have some story issues. For modern times, this game isn't have bad!
You should definitely check it out if you have enough viz!

That's all folks for today! Check back tommorow for another exciting review!

Double Switch
05-28-14 12:41 PM
Double Switch Gamer Review
Double Switch will have you tapping every second of the game, and fast timing is needed! 

Gameplay 8/10 (Not rated by Viz zed)
It's like watching a movie and interacting at times. Trapping is nearly
impossible until you know how to do it! Unlike Night Trap, you have to
trap almost every enemy to win, which is a BIG downfall with this game.
The game is split up into 3 stages and has a save point which makes up for the downfall, each
stage becomes harder than the last one. Like I said with Night Trap, get
out a pen and paper and dot the times down. This game is one of the hardest
to beat games on the Sega CD and all time. Beating this game would be very

Graphics 10/10
I don't know what to say, these graphics are awesome! A nice, clear movie. Even in
standard definition! The trap power levels look a lot better than Night Trap's colour
codes. It even says the trap names under the power levels, which makes catching
the crooks a lot easier! The house layout is what a house should look like unklike
Night Trap with the house layout being quite big for the game. But bigger is better,

Sound 9/10
I mean, the voices in this game are very high quality, it doubles other Sega CD's game
sounds. Even Eddie screaming at you when you lose is quite funny. I would plug in headphones
for this game. But then the music doesn't sound right, because there's not a LOT of it. This game
could do with some in game music when you are about to lose, and when your playing the game,
this game could do a lot better in that category.

Note : This game has the same addictiveness as Night Trap, 
this is why I'm not including it here. 

Story 10/10
(Correct the story in the comments if I'm wrong on some bits! Not sure about the story!)
The story is that Eddie is trapped in his basement because he forgot his code for the ... Read the rest of this Review
Night Trap
05-24-14 04:39 PM
Night Trap Gamer Review
Well, you have to start somewhere. And being in a house with some crazy people isn't a good
place to start!

Gameplay 6/10 (NOT RATED BY Viz-zed!)
Well, basically the game play is that you are trying to trap these crazy people called
augers. Which are trying to steel blood. At many points in the game, you will have to
trap certain vampires as well. I like this idea because this is played in real time, and
you have to think fast to trap all the augers. It's a good concept, but not executed just
well. You have to be in the room at the EXACT time to trap that person. Which makes 
it more challenging, which is good, but sometimes going for the perfect run is impossible!

Graphics 8/10
The only reason this is rated high is because there is no graphics! (Excluding the buttons at the bottom)
It's played using a video that is recorded and displayed on the screen. I also like the textures of the borders
at the edges of the screen, and the textures of the buttons. The design of the house isn't bad either, but it just
seems too big. The only complaint that I have with the graphics is that sometimes the video will glich out a bit.

Sound and Voices 10/10
The main song in this is Night Trap, and it's awesome! My favorite part in the game is when they all
gather together and get crazy with the song. Voices in this game are so emotional and you can't tell if they
are acting it! Sega done a good job with these voices. Sound Effects were alright for the time, like when
you entered a code it would bleep. That sought of thing!

Addictiveness 8/10
Seriously, you will have to play this game again and again. You will have to start over lots of times,
timing counts in this game, if you are one second late, you lose. No saves, No lives, nothing. To do
a perfect run would take about a day to complete to learn all the timings and traps. I recommend if you
do play this game, dot th... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Bros
05-23-14 12:57 PM
Super Mario Bros Gamer Review
Super Mario Bros is a good game, but how good can it be?

Graphics 5/10
Well... compared to today's game graphics there really not much to say about this category. The graphics are only one solid color for each sprite, mostly because hardware capabilities were very bad back in the day. But this game could have done a lot better. Look at Contra, the graphics on that game was awesome!

Sound 8/10
The sound is the easiest to rate. The soundtrack in Super Mario Bros is very old school, making it sound awesome! But to be honest, every stage in a world has the SAME music. It's nice to hear, but really it's a 2 minute loop! Thank GOD Nintendo put different music on most worlds! I thought Nintendo would learn from the mistakes!

Addictiveness 10/10
A very addictive game, even if you have beaten the game already, it can still be very fun in many ways! Like most games, Super Mario Bros has a LOT of secrets. Most of them I couldn't find on my first try! Like the warp pipe! So many things to discover!

Story 1/10
I can't believe they didn't come up with something better! Start up the game, and what do you get? Straight into the game, no storyline or tutorial. Nothing! The only part that gives you a storyline is when you meet the toads in the castle, that's it nothing else (Except the end, but I'm not including that!) Even the badder games had a bit of storyline!

(My other reviews will include the Depth review!)

Overall 7/10
Overall, this game isn't bad. It does have a few flaws, but I can understand that when this is so old. There is a lot of replay value in this game though, so do check it out and let me know what you think of Super Mario Bros!

realplayer109's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)
Double Switch
11-09-14 03:53 PM
The Game Genie : Double Switch
Do I have to do this one?

Introduction :
Double Switch is very similar to Night Trap in the way that
you are trapping people. In this strategy guide, I'm going
to put down some tips and tricks to help you not to mess

Act I:
Here are the instructions for Act I, this is where the game
will teach you all the basic mechanics like arming and
disarming, most of the stuff in here is optional so don't worry
if you mess up! Where you most need to be careful here
is when the thugs try to switch the power off.

Act II :
Here's where things get hard, make sure your timing
Is absolutely perfect when dealing with these bad guys,
disarming is the key to getting this right! Another tip
is when Brutus is running from the mummy, disarm the
trap quickly, as soon as Brutus is off the trigger, quick
re-arm it!

Act III :
This act is quite short but requires perfection to beat it,
Eddie, you main companion, is ready to pull the plug at the
end of this act! Also make sure to keep an eye on the thugs
that try to pull the switch, literally

Tips and Warnings!
When in Brutus's and the Janitors scene, make sure
to not switch between them otherwise you cannot
save Brutus, and thus, cannot continue Act II! When
the intruder appears in Brutus' room, don't go there! Instead,
wait till the cage appears in your trap bar and then go there!

Ghosts 'N Goblins
11-05-14 01:00 PM
The Game Genie : Ghosts N Goblins
It's spooky halloween! What? Bonfire night already! Ughhhh!
Well, we could still do another Game Genie guide!

This is a very hard and a confusing game especially for the NES,
luckily, there are unlimited continues. It doesn't help that
much, but is a nice touch to the game.

Level 1
This is the easiest level... wait what am I saying? This game
generally ramps up the difficulty straight away on the very first level.
Zombies with barrels on them can drop a weapon, or some armour
that gives you points. You have to look if they drop the knife, if
they do, get it! It is one of the best weapons in the game, in addition to
this, most people struggle with the first boss.

Levels 2-5
These levels are pretty much your average side scrolling
levels, just avoid any Red Devils you may encounter, you can end
up losing a life from them 80% more than other enemies.

Level 6
This is the last level gamers will encounter. it is insanely difficult,
even for a skilled gamer. Remember to grab the shield before
fighting the final boss otherwise it will send you back a few levels!
There is also a flame thrower that appears on the last floor of the
tower, avoid it, it's the best you can do to stand a chance vs level 6.

Tips and Warnings :
Do not lose any armour in the final stage! It's worth it!
Use only the knife for all the bosses with the exception
of level 6.

Night Trap
11-04-14 11:32 AM
The Game Genie : Night Trap
Welcome to the next Game Genie Guide, this time I might as well do the the other cult classic
that is Night Trap.

Night Trap is a very fast paced game especially when your aiming for the
best ending. It is considered one of the best games for the Sega CD,
but this is also why we have the age rating system today.

As you can probably tell, trapping is the main point in the game,
well, this is all you do in the game! You press B to trap the
augers and some 'vampires' throughout the game. It must
be the access code that the characters have specified,
otherwise the traps won't work. When dealing with people
you have to trap, aka The Martins, try and get the augers
first if their are any, then switch immediately to the room
they are in and carry on with what's happening.

There are 5 main endings to the game, 3 are the bad ones,
the others are the best endings.

Bad Ending #1 and 2
Since their basically the same thing, I'll explain both in this
category, once you get to the bedroom in the final showdown,
you can trap either of the Martins, but do not trap the other one
once you have done so, then switch to Hall 2 and trap Sarah,
then you will experience ending 1 and 2.

Bad Ending #3
Once you get to the bedroom in the final showdown, make
sure to trap both of the Martins, but do not trap Sarah,
this will lead into Bad Ending #3

Good Ending
Before the final showdown, miss more than one auger. In the
final showdown, trap all of them, then Kelly will lecture that you
could of done better, but done the job correct.

Best Ending
Capture all the augers, then switch to the Bedroom and
capture all of the Martins, then Kelly will say that nobody
has ever capture all of the augers, this ending lets you trap
Kelly when she's ... Read the rest of this Guide
Sewer Shark
11-03-14 11:33 AM
The Game Genie
The Game Genie is back, and is giving you tips and tricks on retro gaming, instead of giving you stupid cheat codes!

I'm going to give you some tips and tricks on one of the cult classics for the Sega CD, Sewer Shark.


Sewer Shark is a game about shooting your way through the sewers and taking directions

here and there, it's a very fast paced game, but when you finish reading this, you'll be a pro!

Directions :

This is what will confuse you if it's your first time playing, if you want to succeed in the game,

you need to know 2 things. Now the first one is the easiest, when a direction lights up,

hold the B button and the direction listed, this will make your ship go in that direction. The next

thing is complicated, at the beginning of the game, Catfish will list all directions you have to go,

(Note: Every sequence are in trios) Ignore all directions after except the ones Catfish listed.

The only time you can miss these directions is when you find a recharge station.

Energy and Health

You cannot miss a recharge station in this game! Whenever your given the chance, take it.

Your energy depletes even if you avoid everything. Health operates in the same

way but cannot be healed! So be careful!


Ghost : Your backseat driver in case things go wrong..

Falcon/???: I forgot her name. Anyway, one of the other ship drivers

Mayor/President : Your arch nemesis, he is trying to slow you down!

Catfish : Your direction instructor.

Tips and Warnings!

In the last stage of the game, the bird that Falcon was following will come into your view,

as so, you can ignore Catfish's directions and follow the bird.

Sometimes, if you don't have a high enough score your boss will feel... Read the rest of this Guide

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Game Boy Color Games realplayer109 owns (2)

Arcade Games realplayer109 owns (8)

Sega Genesis Games realplayer109 owns (2)

Sega Master System Games realplayer109 owns (1)

Sega Game Gear Games realplayer109 owns (1)

Sega Dreamcast Games realplayer109 owns (2)

Turbo Grafx Games realplayer109 owns (3)

Turbo Grafx CD Games realplayer109 owns (1)

PocketStation Games realplayer109 owns (1)

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