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Suikoden this is a real great game to bad i'm way to pooor to play it

rebelyell's Last 25 Game Reviews
03-28-15 06:03 PM
If you like Tony Hawks you'll love this action packed skating game.

GRAPHICS: The graphics are good for the times but not with out so problems. One being every one looks the same with just a clothes change. And the cars it almost like some one got tired and got lazy in the middle point being some cars have great detail while others remind me of a 5th grade drawing of a car. the one thing I did notice is the back ground some times is out of scale you'll be as big as a house some times then smaller then a sign but it does not effect game play.

Sound: I had to give this extra point for the fact it has a cd changer that allows you to pick the music. And the music is great for Sega giving every one some thing to listen to. Has for sound effects the punching and kicking sounds are okay.

Story: Will it's simple Punch, kick, Grab a  car what ever it takes to make it to the end of the race.

Depth: It has a lot of modes like 2 player, split screen head to head. In side the game it self besides some extra tracks nothing really special to it.

Difficulty: I find it around a 8 a lot of things can take you out of the race wheel off of . Gear wears out some one knocks you out . And when the moneys gone so are your hopes of winning.
Pirates! Gold
03-28-15 03:11 PM
Graphics: I gave this a 10 they are so sharp and shows how Sega was ahead of it's time. It's so far past Nintendo at this time.

Sound: I gave this a 6 I didn't really care for the tune that play over and over. But to be honest it did go with the theme of the game.

Story: You sail the seas taking on tasks as you please. Do you want to take on all of Spain, or search for your sister? It's all up to you. This game could go on for ever if you want. You can even get marriage if you wanna go down that road. Picking a girl from hot to well lets just say not so hot.

Difficulty: Will whats great about this game is you choice how hard it is. Keep it easy and laid back. Or go as hard as you want.

Over all I think you'll lose yourself in this game having hours of fun>
Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants
12-24-14 06:20 PM
GRAPHICS: I GAVE THIS A 7.  I thought this was fair do to most of the games on Nintendo. You can tell who every one is and besides some small things like Bart's nose coming off and showing up again. Which I took some points away for but a 7 is pretty  good.

SOUND: : I gave this a 6 I just could not get over how they just did the theme song over and over. Know matter how good it's done. It does use Barts voice when dying but it just doesn't fit in to the game it's loud and cracks.

ADDICTIVENESS: Ok just for the phone calls to Moe it's worth playing more then once. It's a fun game and you just want to beat those space pukes.  So with that said this game gets a easy 7.

STORY: Gets a 9 I thought it was a page out of the show.  Space mutants are trying to take over Springfield and it's up to Bart to save the day.Which with know weapons and some xray vision. It's not going top be a walk in the park.

DEPTH:It's just average  a scroll game with nothing amazing to offer. If it had a few side games it would be more rounded game.

DIFFICULTY: This is a hard 9, from every thing even the controls. My god who makes the a button jump and run. Was the programmers drinking. But besides that just the game alone is a whole new level of hard. You get two hits done and a save point is like so far and in between. You get no weapons that I can tell so you jump and dodge ever thing which isn't as easy as you my think. The further you get the more things come at you. And there is parts like jumping on to a platform is like a one in a million shoot. Which my not be bad if you didn't waste a dozen men to do it.
Wall Street Kid
12-22-14 10:36 PM
                                                                                             WALL STREET KID
GRAPHIC'S: I gave them a 6 do to the fact that it takes place mostly in a office. With A couple of cut since here and there. Such as a car shop a pet shop. They are ok but not enough for a big number.

SOUND:I also gave this a 6 nothing fancy but it doesn't drive you crazy ether. I only wished they had more then the same two tunes.

ADDICTIVENESS: This is a game you'll have fun with for hours. One time you'll ride a stock forever the next play you can't make a dime off of it. So the play always changes.

STORY: The story is pretty good I gave it a 8. You start of with 500'000 in seed money which you buy stock and try to by all items on the Benedict family's list.which include A boat castle and a dog buts that's more for your girl. As you do this you need to keep up on your heath an keeping your lady happy.
Read the rest of this Review
Karate Kid, The
12-22-14 02:13 PM
GRAPHICS: I gave the graphics a 5. They could have been better. With in the mini games they are good but during the bulk of the game. They are below par even for the Nintendo days.

SOUND: The sound was just bad and I forced myself to give it a 3. But by level 2 I had the sound off and was listening to Howard stern. I didn't hear one song from the movie which you think they would but at least one in.

ADDICTIVENESS: Well this was pretty low as well a3. I played it about three times and just got bored which is sad as I'm a big fan of all the movies. I just felt the game was rushed and made just to make money.

STORY: If you seen the movie the story is great. But besides a couple of place's in the levels They didn't show one clip from the film. And missed out on a lot of game plots. It seemed like the just said everyone has seen the movie no reason to go in to detail about it.

DEPTH Again it's a low one 3  The only fun is the few mini  games they have. Which are more fun then the game it self. But they where so far and in between that it couldn't save this game.

DIFFICULTY:  This was the only high number I gave the game a 9. It's hard do to the flaws of the game and not the play. Enemy's fall in place's where you can't get to them. The controls are hard a jumping is forget about it.  It's feels like it's more of luck then skill.

My thoughts are they just rushed this game. I had hoped it would have been better. They put all there eggs in one basket in the hopes that the movie would sale the game for them.
Three Stooges
12-21-14 03:09 PM
                                                                                         THE THREE STOOGES
GRAPHICS; I rated the graphics a 7 even for a Nintendo game. I thought they could have been a little better. But if you seen the show you'll know who each person is suppose to be.

SOUND: I rated the sound a 7 also even know it plays all the music on the game is right from the show. I felt like it was missing some thing. And I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. But that being said I do love the slap and punching sounds.

ADDICTIVENESS: I RATED THIS A 8 I found myself losing hours and enjoying it. Once you start you just wanna play all the mini games they have which are fun.

STORY: The story is right off one of the many miss adventures from the movies and weekly show they used to do. Basically your trying to save a oprahage from being shut down by the evil landlord. And you take on all these crazy jobs to do so. Your time is limited so try and make the money quick as you can.

Depth: I gave it 7 Just because of all the fun mini games they offer.

DIFFICULTY: Ok the rating is a 8. It is hard to make the money on the time limit. And some of the games are hard to play control wise and just to play.
Sewer Shark
12-15-14 12:15 PM
                                                                                                SEWER SHARKS

GRAPHICS- I Gave the graphics a  9. You are basicly The star of a short film. As it should be as it's a Full-motion video game.

SOUND-  I gave the sound a 8 .The back and fourth between the players is  wonderful. 

ADDICTIVENESS- This was diffently a 9. I could not stop playing this game. I had a couple off red bull nights shooting the bats in the sewer.And even now it stands up to the games of today.

STORY- It's a easy 9 for sure. You make your way threw the sewers. As you go you earn point by killing rats,bats,and scorpions. The more you kill the closer you get to solar city. Which is fun on the beach which every sewer guy hopes to make it to. If not for any other reason the story is worth playing the game for.

DEPTH- I also give the depth a 9. This game offers so much it as great story. Great game play and easy to learn the controls.

DIFFICULTY- I had to give it a 8. As you go catfish yells out directions to you miss one and you crash and burn. If you get low kill numbers they blow you up. So it will make you mad at times but you'll have fun passing levels.
12-14-14 10:10 PM

GRAPHICS- This is a interactive movie game. Which means the graphics are great some of the best I have ever seen. It's like taking control of the main person in a movie and making all the choices for them. I always loved Sega cd for making these kind of games. And always wondered why Sony can't make games using real people.

SOUND- It  has the sound of a to show. Good music good sound effect's.

ADDICTIVENESS-   I found myself losing hours on this game. Not for the game play but for the story which I had to see the ending to.

STORY- You play as Ned a man with a wire in his head. He is wanted by some bad guys and must run for his life from kidnappers.And you get to take control of his body.  As you pick which way to go on your journey it gets better and better. You'll find yourself fighting bears, jumping from a plane, to riding a skateboard.

DEPTH- The game has many different choice's  And all are funny with a short story to tell. As you play you'll find yourself laughing, getting mad and some times sad.

DIFFICULTY-  I found this game hard but fun to play. It's not going to be a quick run threw but the journey will be fun.
Super Dodge Ball
07-01-14 05:55 AM
Super dodge Ball
Back ground- released in Japan as High school dodge ball club in 1989.

Graphics-  If you ever played river city ransom you will see a lot of the same people  or look a likes  in this game.As you should being it was made by the same company. For NES it's better then most of the sports games at least graphic wise of it's time.

Sound- The music is pretty bad even for a 80's game.  Playing the same tune over and over half way threw I had to turn it down an listen to my own music.

Addictiveness- Playing this game on all levels from easy to hard is half the fun.  And once that's done call a  bud and start it all over.  So you'll have hours and hours of fun with this game.

Story- It's simple take the USA to the end and become dodge ball world champs. And you'll travel all over to get this done. From Russia to even playing a shadow team.

Difficulty- sorry to say even on hard most gamers will beat this game fairly easy. But you'll still have fun doing it.

Double Switch
05-22-14 03:46 PM
This game will test your finger speed. Get ready to be sucked in to a teenage Cory Heins B movie. The cast is great with actors like R Lee Emrey as the goofy handyman.  Brook McCarter, who you might have seen as a teenage vampire on Lost boys. OK enough of the cast  your job is to help Eddie defend his home. As you sit traps and spring them on the bad guys.  The further you get the more and faster they will come.

GRAPHICS-   It's like a teenager took over your computer and asked for help. It's clear and movie quality.

SOUND- The sound is like watching a cartoon with bangs and screams, put in at the right time it's perfectly put  together for the scene.

ADDICTIVENESS- This game will have you going back for more. You will lose hours trying to trap the bad guys. Ever time you think you remember where they break in from they change up. So if your going to play this game grab the red bull, and make it a weekend.

STORY- it's a good story  a boy named Eddie is trapped he hacks your computer for help,[ see he has all these traps sit up that you now control. You need to find the code to get Eddie out and sit off the traps to get the bad guys.

DIFFICULTY-  This games hard from the start and just gets harder.  It will take you forever to pass lv 1 but you'll love ever second of it. As you get better sitting and springing traps and passing boards you'll feel like your on top of the world. This is one of sega cd games you'll ever play.
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage
05-20-14 03:58 PM
GRAPHICS-  I found them very well done. The colors where bright and gave the whole game a comic book fill.

SOUND-  The sound is very basic,  And the music while trying to sound main stream just gets old and tired.

ADDICTIVENESS- While looking cool. I found when I died which was very quick. That I moved on to the next game very quickly.

STORY- Some one trying to take over the world I found it boring.

DIFFICULTY- I found it hard and I mean hard. You lose poor way to quick. Even know they do give health threw out the game its far an in

MY THOUGHTS- Being a spider man  fan I love the look of this game. And he does do some cool web attacks. But besides that it's way to hard to really get into it.
05-20-14 10:11 AM
Graphics-   Are pretty good. In the cut senses they used real film making it seem like your in the movie.

Sound-  You'll the rocky theme which is cool.  Until it's played over and over which then I turned down the sound.

Addictiveness-  This game had me yelling and screaming at times. But I kept going back until I beat it.

Story- Any one who watched the Rocky movie's will like this story.  A under dog who becomes the best then loses it all.  It's like a rags to riches back to rags story.

Difficulty-  It starts out easy you'll fly threw your first couple of boxers like there standing still. Then you'll meet the one who rocks your world. And you'll spend the fighting that bully to you finally knock him out.

My Thoughts- I found this game pretty fun. But it does need some fine tuning to hit a 10 of 10.  But if you like the movie and like a video game where you bust some heads. You could do a lot worse then this one.
Phred's Cool Punch Out 2 - Turbo!!
05-19-14 11:22 AM
punch out 2
GRAPHICS-  I f you played punch out 1. You will find the graphics on this hacked one a little lacking.

SOUND- The punches sound about the same as any other punch out. But the music is a lot better in this version.

ADDICITIVENESS-  This game will keep you coming back to put a end to your  opponents smack talk as most will laugh as you hit the mat.

STORY- The story is simple fight your way to the top. To be come the world champ.

Depth- Once you learn the other guys moves and you get the timing down it's easy street from there.

DIFFICULTY-  This all depends on how fast you see the patterns of the other box.

MY THOUGHTS- All an all this game is a good one to pass the time. It has some cute parts in it which are worth playing to see.
05-19-14 01:10 AM
Your sailing the water is claim. You hit some thing your in the water. Sting rays jelly fish try to kill you . Collect sea shells and power ups. And get ready to take on Jaws the means shark in the water. It's up to you to shoot ram and hunt him down to make the water safe again. In this game you'll have it all planes, subs, and your trusty boat. It's not going to be easy take your time and make sure you have enough power to stop him.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
05-18-14 08:53 PM
This is the first of many TMNT games. It might just be the best of them thou. This game has it all the foot clan, A dam that's rigged with bombs and a rat who turns human. From the start this game is hard, and only gets harder as you go. It's easy to lose a turtle from the start by getting ran over by a tank , then you have to get pass the foot clan. As you fight a man with a chain saw who might be the crazy Mr. Jones but that's just a guess . And if you save April The story just gets harder, This game is fun and will give you hours of game play.
Super Punch-Out!!
05-16-14 05:54 PM
Get ready to step in to the ring with some cheating boxers, .Tha'ts right you'll have balls thrown at you, hair in your face and even spit. This game well have you coming back over an over to learn the movies of the monsters your going to fight. This is a great second punch out just as good as the first might even be better. I found my self getting mad at the game even yelling you cheaters, but I keep going back to it. This is a game your going to play until you beat it. The story is simple win fights be the champ. Easy right? Wrong!!! The other guys will stop at nothing to make sure you lose. Difficulty it get harder as you go as in most games. Addictiveness is worse then crack. As for the sound when you get hit you hear it bad. So get ready for a great day of super Nintendo.
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Vol. 1
05-09-14 11:35 AM
Sherlock holmes
Sherlock Holmes any one who plays this game is in for a treat. This is a great family game that will keep you and your family talking over for hours on who did it. From the start it keeps you guessing as you and your partner try an track down the killer or killers. You have a lot of things to go over from a bunch of kids who help, to the London times which is kind of hard to found what your looking for.  But if you want some advice make sure your day is cleared as once you start you'll find it hard to stop. Also make sure you talk to every one you never know what some one well tell you. The story is as good as any old Holmes show that use to play. Even the actors for a game aint half bad.
Who Shot Johnny Rock
05-06-14 08:38 PM
who shot johnny rock
Who shot Johnny Rock on Sega cd. Over all I give this game a 5.5 losing points for difficulty of controls and addictiveness. As for the graphics they use real people which is a great change from the cartoon actors they use with todays games. Sound is great as good as any tv movie. the story starts out fast and almost reminds you of a 1930 detive movie done with bad actors but enough to keep you watching on a Sunday when nothing else is to be found on the old boob tube.AS for the depth of the game its not so good with out the lazer gun it's pretty much point less to play as you can't move the cross hairs fast enough to kill must of your enemys. An this is why I give the difficulty a 9 . But if you have good finger speed then you might do all right on this game. And if you think your going to rember the order an play by memory. Your way off as the game does change patterns to keep you on your toes.

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