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  Views: 3,255,504,670     06-01-24 08:16 AM  

Main Profile PhilipDraco's Profile Game Profile : Collection

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Age / Birthday:
    33 / 12-05-90

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CP: 1112.6 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 20
Position: Member

Registration: 04-21-14 01:17 PM (3693 days ago)
Last Activity: 12-29-16 02:59 PM

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Last Post: 11-27-14 12:10 PM
    in .....Well this is interesting... (Game Discussion)
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PhilipDraco's Last Game Comments
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon Problem solved. turns out the recorder doesn't like CDI, which is why it crashes. :( Also, The cutscenes are missing when you talk to townsfolk.
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon Weeeelllllll it works for a BIT.... the game crashes at certian points. Usually around when the king's making his speech about going to Gamelon and some point while exploring the desert area.

PhilipDraco's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Egg Mania
11-27-14 11:20 AM
A tragic tale, of towers, eggs, dinosaurs, an-...wait...
What do you get when you mix eggs with tetris, blimps, a combo system, high explosives,  and one hundred thousand gallons of rising water?


....Sorry, I really can't think of a better way to describe it.

Developed by "Hotgen", Egg Mania has a simple premise: 2 eggs try to build a tower to a floating blimp before the opponent does. Winner moves to the next level.
This is actually an upgraded version of the Game Boy Advance game of the same name, so you can give it a shot over here. ([url][/url]

Crates with blocks fall from the sky to accomplish this, ranging from single blocks, to the Z, I, +, and C shaped blocks.  Use these to make rows of the tower, and eventually build the tower to the point you can get to the blimp and bolt.
Sounds a bit like inverse tetris, but there's...complications.

Namely the water/lava and the stuff that lives in it.

See,the water has a nasty habit of ruining your work if you leave gaps in the tower. A slight gap in a tower will destroy the entire row, and if the water overtakes the tower completely, you kinda instantly lose.
It's also full of things that like to eat eggs. Turtles, Skeleton fish, Dinos, Bubbles, and more keep you on your toes as you attempt to get out of the area in one piece.

If you fall into the water, there's usually a friendly dolphin who'll give you a ride to the top of your tower, so all you have to worry about is the number of explosives that your opponent's throwing at your tower.
....Speaking of which....
 your opponent's going to be trying to.... interfere.. with your escape.
Bombs, lightning, and hammers will be thrown between the two towers in an attempt to destroy them. Lightning knocks the Egg off the tower, Hammers destroy EVERY row that has a gap, and bombs are hot potatoes (KAABOOOOOM).
Actually, "des... Read the rest of this Review
Universal Soldier
10-12-14 11:45 PM
Turrican 2: The Movie Game.
You know how, every now and then, you stumble upon something truly awesome?

Something that only you seem to know about, but would be worthy of the title "Top of the line"?

That's what we have here. A truly incredible game for the good ol' game boy.

Universal Soldier is a movie gam-(DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUNNN)
The movie was horrible. 20% approval on rotten tomatoes horrible. It was rated R, horrifically violent, and fairly popular for a bit.
So, they made a game about it!

....Or rather, took a game called "Turrican II", ripped the whole game off, and switched a couple enemies here and there.

So... why am I reviewing this?

Cause it's trigger-happy, Samus inspired, laser shooting AWESOME!

Interesting weapons,  cool mechanics, Screen clearing blasts, and a power-rolling version of morph ball mode make this one of the funnest game boy games I have ever seen.
Not as much as wario land II or Links Awakening, but those are hard to beat.

So: let's break it down, shall we?

You play as Luc Deveraux, a solider who died in the Vietnam war, resurrected with science to be an ultimate warrior.
He finds out his bosses are corrupt, turns on his comrades, and goes to beat them up.
.....I'm pretty sure that's robo-cop. OH WELL DOESN'T MATTER GO BLOW STUFF UP.


So, as I said earlier, "cool mechanics, Screen clearing blasts". Let me elaborate:

The weaponry system works like r-type: You use a weapon until you pick up another one.

Your choices are Rapid fire good luck dodging this spread shot, Spherical blasts that rebound all over the screen, or all-powerful plasma blaster.

Each weapon starts off weak (cept the plasma blaster. That one's always stupidly broken), but as  you collect the symbols of the weapons, the power of each increases dramatically. Furthermore, you don't have to lose the upgrades whe... Read the rest of this Review
Wallie goes to Rhymeland
09-29-14 05:56 PM
Warning: Pac-monster lose!
Browsing the end of the retro game room, I come across a game called "Wallie goes to Rhymeland"

Being the unfortunate, curious person I am, I decide to give it a shot, What could go wrong, right?

The title screen brags that this game was completed in 3 weeks.
.....Oh dear...

The game in question was created by Interceptor Micros, and one of the first games they produced. Over time, The company became fairly successful, renamed "Pandora", but eventually folded.

Wallie.... is one of those "Let's see if this works" game.
The levels work as follows: You steer Wallie as he runs across the landscape to get to sector 16. Once there, the game switches to a poor-mans "Donkey Kong" as you climb ladders while avoiding arrows and... whatever humpty dumpty throws, trying to reach humpty. Without touching him. Cause that will kill you.

Then you go back to the "sector 16" thing, which is [i]100% identical[/i] to the first one, then proceed to a different donkey kong stage... repeat until done.

The floor of the race area really seems like someone's vandalizing it . "Get ready to die", "Buy Wheelin' Wallie", "Jason is a Sugerball Eater", "RPJ+RJ".... I'm guess the programmer figured out scrolling text and is really excited about it.

Graphics: 7
It's... not exactly a high quality drawing, but it's good for the time... I guess....
Okay, the main character's a pac-man oval with legs and teeth that changes color every other stage, and humpty dumpty literally an oval with legs, but the other stuff's somewhat..decent.....

....Ignoring... the occasionally flashing background which doesn't move with th- FINE 5,
Sound: 6
The title screen's "entertainer" song is the only reason it gets this score. The sound effects are generic, but they usually match up with the situation.

Addictiveness: 4
I'm one of those people who gets really mad when things get the best of me. Namely, ridicul... Read the rest of this Review
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
07-19-14 02:58 PM
"I'm going to Gamelon to Aid Him."~ The King:Wand of Gamelon
"I wonder what's for dinner...."

In 1991, Philip's released a game system called the Philip's CD-I, a multi-purpose CD player that played both CD's and specially made interactive disks (CD-i)

As part of a deal to develop a CD player for the SNES, Philip's was allowed to use some of Nintendo's I.P.'s in games of there own.
The CD player for the Snes never saw the light of day. However, the deal was still valid, and Philip's created a monster....

In 1993, The infamous Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil where released into the world. Featuring Animated cutscenes and an odd hybrid of Zelda's 1-2, the games were intriguing, but ultimately forgotten.

So. Are these REALLY as bad as everyone claims?
Avalable for Beta Testing, I'm about to find out.
(Spoiler alert: Yes, but with exceptions)

Graphics: 8

Yes, the cutscenes never stop moving, most the characters are really weird, and the king's mustache looks like nosehair at certain angles, but remember: This is 1993.
These are fully voiced, animated cutscenes in a ZELDA game. This was revolutionary! (at the time, anyway)
The outerworld sprites arn't bad. They show some details to the characters that where nothing but bits and pixels for most players, and the human characters show a lot of detail.

Music: 10
The soundtrack is of surprising quality. It's upbeat, catchy, and usually fits the area very well.

Sound effects: 7
The sounds MOSTLY match the item. The main issues are the cutscenes, where "boings" and "brrwwww"s are somewhat common. Still, not bad overall

Voice Acting:
Good for the time, I suppose....Maybe?
....okay, 2.

overall, Sounds: 8 .

Gameplay: 0.01
And, hheeeerrrreeeeesss the breaker.
Bad controls, horrible platform placement,?continuously and rapidly spawning enemies, a LABYRINTH of unexplained paths...
....Oiii... Read the rest of this Review
Reality Tennis
07-01-14 11:25 PM
Mortal Kombat meets Tennis, and it is NOT pretty..
Today, I thought I'd go to the very last page of viz, without hacks, and review whatever the last game was.

Annnnnddd quickly found out WHY it was the last game on the page.

Created by a company with initials TCH. I couldn't find anything about them,but it appears they made 6 arcade games from 1993 to 1995. This one seems to be one of there first attempts at an arcade sports game, possibly there first attempt at all. [s]And it shows.[/s]

One coin buys 539 counts (about 9 minutes) of gameplay. It resets every match if you win, and kicks you out if you lose.
Choose one of 8 character's on the main screen, and then choose the opponent you wish to play against.

I'm not sure if it's the emulator's speed, but it seems to give you less then 5 seconds to choose who you want to play as/against.

Once the tennis players are chosen, they go to the field (where, they apparently have both scored 4 games), and play tennis for a 3 game, one set match. (thouuuggh the scorecard shows 3 sets)

Win the first game to go to the semi final, then that to go to the final.

This is, assuming, that you can get there.


Graphics: 1
Reality tennis is a game that tried to use "motion capture" to create a vivid, realistic tennis game!
Unfortunately, the end result was less then attractive. ?The graphics are basically pictures taken from various angles to make the characters move and the audience clap. Most everything bounces around randomly, and looks a little pixelated when up close.
The programmer must of done something incredibly odd, because things/people keep popping out of nowhere, then disappear just as quickly. That might be the emulator, again, but the fact I can't tell doesn't help it's case.
On the plus side, the server slides around like Michael Jackson if you move before serving the ball, so that's something.

Sounds:? 5
Okay,... Read the rest of this Review

PhilipDraco's Last Game screenshots (91 total)

Level: 1

Level: 1

Level: 1

World Map:

Level: 2

Level: 1

Adventure - Only The Fittest Shall Survi
Character Profile: Naming screen

Math Quiz
Misc: Right answer!

Math Quiz
Misc: Score

Barnyard Blaster

Elevator Action
Level: 1

Elevator Action
Level: 1

Mine Sweeper

Mine Sweeper

Level: 1


Level: 2

Level: 1




Level: Level 1

Level: Level 1

Space Jam

Space Jam

Space Jam

Space Jam

Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
Location: Sakado

Location: Ward


Jerry Boy
Level: 4

Jerry Boy

Jerry Boy
Level Select:

Jerry Boy
Level: 2-a

Jerry Boy

Jerry Boy

PhilipDraco's Last 7 Game Videos (15 total) (view last 250)

PhilipDraco's Game History
Goof Troop (snes),   Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3 (gen),   Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3 (gen),   Super Mario 64 - Chaos Edition (n64),   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (snes),   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (snes),   Lord Monarch (snes),   Lord Monarch (snes),   Final Fantasy VII (psx),   Final Fantasy VII (psx),   Super Baseball Simulator 1000 (snes),   Super Baseball Simulator 1000 (snes),   Super Baseball Simulator 1000 (snes),   Super Baseball Simulator 1000 (snes),   Shenmue (dc),   Super Baseball Simulator 1000 (snes),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite! (gbc),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Pokemon Emerald (gba),   Shenmue (dc),   Shenmue (dc),   Egg Mania (gba),   Shenmue (dc),   Shenmue (dc),   Shenmue (dc),   Shenmue (dc),   Aztec Challenge (c64),   Aztec Challenge (c64),   Aztec Challenge (c64),   Wizball (c64),   Monty on the Run (c64),   Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (appleii),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA) (mame),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),   Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (gba),  
Game Boy Advance Games PhilipDraco owns (16)

Super Nintendo Games PhilipDraco owns (39)

Nintendo 64 Games PhilipDraco owns (18)

Nintendo NES Games PhilipDraco owns (18)

Game Boy Color Games PhilipDraco owns (3)

Arcade Games PhilipDraco owns (17)

Sega Genesis Games PhilipDraco owns (5)

Game Boy Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Commodore 64 Games PhilipDraco owns (12)

Atari 2600 Games PhilipDraco owns (3)

Apple II Games PhilipDraco owns (3)

Sega Game Gear Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Sega Dreamcast Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Turbo Grafx Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

MSX Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Sega Saturn Games PhilipDraco owns (4)

Famicom Disk System Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Turbo Grafx CD Games PhilipDraco owns (3)

CD-i Games PhilipDraco owns (2)

MSX 2 Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Atari 7800 Games PhilipDraco owns (2)

Atari Jaguar Games PhilipDraco owns (3)

PocketStation Games PhilipDraco owns (3)

SG-1000 Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

Pokemon Mini Games PhilipDraco owns (1)

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