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    in Shaqtin' a Fool (Game Reviews)
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benis's Last 25 Game Reviews
Final Fantasy Tactics
02-28-15 08:12 AM
Final Fantasy at its Finest
Overall: 9.9. Final Fantasy Tactics is a polarizing game. While is it regarded by critics as being one of the best PS1 games, it is viewed by some as the black sheet of the Final Fantasy Series. You need to realize that this game isn't like the rest of the FF universe. On it's face, it's not like them at all. However, if you give the game a chance, you'd start seeing so many reminders that this is part of one of the greatest video game series of all time. It has a different style but it's such a GREAT game. I've beaten about 2/3 of the FF games out there but Tactics is the only one that I've beaten more than twice. It's one of those games that just doesn't get old. It just sticks in your mind and and you think about it and say "aww man I haven't played that game in awhile, I need to give it another run".

This is a strategy RPG and for those who don't know what that means, it's nothing like other FF games. To enjoy this game, don't go into this thinking it's going to be the same experience as FF7 because it's not going to meet those expectations. The thing that a strategy game is all about is... wait for it... gasp! Strategy. Simply overpowering an enemy won't work most of the time and you need to use different tactics (pun intended) to overcome their strengths and expose their weaknesses. This takes a little bit of getting used to in the beginning but once you figure out what's going on, you'll be so immersed in the game that you'll feel like you're living there. This is such an awesome game!

I've recently played through the PSP port of Tactics and that is a fantastic addition. It includes a couple extra job classes and introduces cut scenes with voice acting. If you can get your hands on that, check it out in addition to the PS1 version. I've also played the GBA Tactics game and while I don't want to focus my review on bashing those games, they pale in comparison to the original Tactics. I've read some other reviews saying that they preferred... Read the rest of this Review
02-28-15 06:36 AM
Old School Classic Shooter
Overall: 9.8. This is a game that everyone knows and loves. At the time, it was such a great blend of action and strategy. The co-op mode was revolutionary since it allowed you to grab a buddy (or in my case, my older brother) and just shoot baddies for hours.

The concept is simple. Run from left to right shooting enemies and collecting weapon powerups. Each time you got shot you died. Run out of lives and it's game over. Pretty damn simple, right? Well if it was so simple then why is it so beloved? In my opinion, it's the controls. They are TIGHT. No other platformer allowed you to escape danger like Contra. No other platformer had the powerups like Contra - two words: Spread Gun.

Graphics: 7. The graphics were decent but nothing special. You experience some flickering and slow down in some areas on some enemies. You see this especially when you're trying to fill the screen with Spread Gun bullets. But, this doesn't take away too much from the game and can be overlooked easily.

Sound: 8. This game just blasts good tunes throughout the game. It pumps you full of energy while you're jumping from platform to platform, just trying to stay alive. The sound effects are solid, if a bit underwhelming. I can't really say the gunfire is realistic but what do you want from an NES game.

Addictiveness: 10. If anyone rates this game under 10, is nuts. Even though you'll die a lot (sometimes on the first level when learning), you'll keep coming back for more. You always want to keep playing trying to beat the next level. It's one of those games where you just don't want to give up. It's such a blast to play.

Story: 6. I don't know what's going on here. Something about two commandos fighting bad guys in a jungle. Okay got it. All right, now I'm fighting some aliens. Huh? Yeah, spoiler alert, you fight aliens at the end. But I guess that's all right, it all kind of works and makes sense to a little kid. Of course I liked shooti... Read the rest of this Review
Shaq Fu
02-27-15 05:57 PM
Shaqtin' a Fool
I saw a segment of "Shaqtin' a Fool" earlier today and was inspired to revisit one of the most infamous SNES games in existence.

Shaq-Fu is universally known as the worst SNES games and one of the worst video games of ALL TIME. Is this the game really that bad? Nah, I don't think so. Is it actually pretty good? No, it's pretty bad. Does it have at least some redeeming qualities that make it special? Nah, not really. It's just a poor, poor game.

My video game collection growing up was pretty small. Outside of Mario and Donkey Kong games, I owned WWF The Arcade Game, Lamborghini and Shaq-Fu. Yes, I owned this slop. Why did I purchase this game one might ask. Well just like all the other suckers out there, I was a huge Shaq fan. I wasn't a huge NBA fan as a kid but I really liked Shaq when he played for the Magic. He was simply THE MAN. So I purchased this game so I could play as Shaq in video game form.

But not only did I own this game, I played the hell out of this game. That how slim my pickings were back then. I played Shaq-Fu for HOURS. I haven't played it since so I'm doing this entire review from memory as I have no desire to play it again at this moment.

Graphics: 6. This is the best part of the game. They aren't bad at all for the time. Sure the characters are unimaginative and there's not exactly a whole lot to the environment/arenas. But they look pretty nice for the most part. The 'level select' area where you control a mini Shaq traveling to the next opponent looks pretty darn rough though. But the most important question is "how does Shaq look?". Well he looks like a very large black man. So pretty much spot on!

Sound: 5. I dunno. I just guessed. I can't remember a thing about the sound but I'm sure it was mediocre at best.

Addictiveness. 2. Okay, for me, this is probably higher because I played this game so much. But honestly, I have no idea why. It's not addictive at all. The only thing ... Read the rest of this Review
Twisted Metal 2
02-26-15 06:38 PM
Best Car Combat Ever
Overall: 9.8. Twisted Metal 2. A car combat game that took a relatively simple formula from TM1 and just blew it up into something that still remains one the greatest and most influential games in gaming history.

The concept is simple. Drive around picking up weapons such as missles, bombs, napalm, etc and destroy your enemy before they blow you away. Man, what a genius idea. Drive around blowing stuff up? Who doesn't love that! TM2 took that basic idea from TM1 and added more interesting characters/vehicles, more diverse and bigger environments (all of which had destructible elements) and smoother controls (always a plus!).

Tack on a multiplayer mode and this game is just flat out fun to play with friends and can easily consumer hours upon hours of your time.

Graphics: 10. TM2's graphics are AWESOME. Now I'm including the destructible environments when talking about this. Whether it's blowing up the Eiffel Tower or escaping from the collapsing ground in the Arctic, you're always interacting with the environment. Not only are these features unique but they are pulled off fantastically. Explosions look great and realistic. Your vehicle appearance changes as it obtains damage. It all comes together to look just beautiful.

I think full motion video of the various endings would have looked better than the still images but I think the art style looks great and definitely enhances the experience in some aspects.

Sound: 10. Boom. You'll be hearing a variation of that word A LOT. The music is pretty good but the sound effects of explosions and weapons is fantastic. The voice acting is also very, very good. You don't get to hear a lot of it except for the intro and then the endings so you might not notice it much but it's rock solid.

Addictiveness: 10. I wish I could crank this number up to 11. This is such an easy game to pick up and play. Whether you're alone or with friends, it just never gets old. Since ... Read the rest of this Review
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
02-26-15 05:52 PM
You're a Claustrophobic!
One of my favorite lines from any movie is from the first Ninja Turtles movie. The exchange is between Donny and Casey Jones

Donny - "You're a claustrophobic!"
Casey - "Want a fist in the mouth? I've never even looked at another guy before"

On to the game!

If you had an NES growing up then you've played this game. It's a fun but frustrating experience. Some of the features (or lack of) are hard to overlook but for the time they weren't too crazy. Some of the features in the game were pretty progressive.

Graphics: 6. The graphics are actually pretty decent most of the time but the slow down and blurry enemies are hard things to overlook. I hate that! But the heroes and enemy characters are recognizable. The environments are mostly pretty bright and detailed. But I can't get over the slow down and blurry enemies.

Sound: 7. Spoiler alert. There's not a single 'cowabunga' in the game. However, despite this, the sound is solid. Music is somewhat repetitive (like most NES titles) but each area has it's own beat so it's a good change of pace. The sound when you hit something is strange. It's like you're always hearing swords clanging together.

Story: 9. Who doesn't love the turtle story?? Shredder is trying to hurt innocent people. April gets kidnapped. Splinter gets kidnapped. As a kid, you understood this story. You knew who you were fighting. There's a reason every kid under 10 LOVED the turtles. The story kicked ass.

Depth: 7. This might be generous. I'll give it a 7 because of the ability to switch characters on a fly. This allowed you to keep a Turtle alive a little longer but it also enabled you to use different characters for different situations. Each weapon had it's strengths and weaknesses. Donny's Bo Staff is way overpowered since it's powerful and has a long range. But this was something unique to TMNT and added a little strategy to the game.

Difficulty: 9. All right... Read the rest of this Review
Mega Man Legends
02-23-15 07:04 PM
My Favorite Mega Man Game
Overall: 9.9 (aka my highest score possible) Oh man, why oh why did I wait to review this game? Truth be told, this is only my 3rd review so I guess I'm getting to it pretty quickly.

If you can tell by my other reviews of Zelda 2 and Kid Icarus (shameless plug), I'm a little weird when it comes to games. There are some games that I just can't explain it, I just really, really like them. So it should probably come as no surprise to me that just like the often criticized Zelda 2 game, Mega Man Legends is the odd ball of a historic series that I happen to like most of all.

Now, I'd like to point something out to everyone and try to get you to realize when I say Mega Man Legends is my favorite Mega Man game that I'm not too young to have experienced the series during the glory days of NES. I was born in '86 so when I was young, we (my older brother and I) played Mega Man all the time. We didn't have much money so our video game collection was pretty small and outside of the Mario series we didn't really own many games. But we rented the hell out of Mega Man 1, 2 and 3. I have recently played through the entire NES series and beaten all of them except for 6. But I never beat them as a child. Maybe they were too difficult, maybe we didn't have enough time because they were rentals or maybe I was just too young, I'm not sure.

As I got older, I did the same thing with the Mega Man X series. What an awesome series btw! But again, I never owned a single one of them and would just rent it over and over. I was definitely a big, big fan of the Mega Man series even though I never physically owned them.

I know this is a long winded introduction and I haven't even talked about the game yet but I think the backstory is important for the reader to realize that I'm not exaggerating about how good this game is. It is so fricken awesome, I'll blow your mind!

MML was the first MM I actually ever owned. Why I asked for this game for ... Read the rest of this Review
Kid Icarus
02-21-15 02:57 PM
One of the best NES games
I just played through this game again and decided to do a review for it while the memory was fresh in my mind.

Speaking of memory, this is one of the games I remember playing the most when I was very young. I remember playing Kid Icarus with my mom was I was a toddler and probably the thing I remember most are those damn Eggplant Wizards. I even remember my mom explaining what eggplant even was.

Because this was one of our favorite games to play when growing up, I think I might be overrating the game a bit in my mind. But you can't deny that it was one of the best that the NES had to offer when it launched.

Now, this game is not without its flaws by any means. The controls take some getting used to, the difficulty is extremely uneven and it's a pretty short game.

Controls: They aren't the tightest controls out there and you'll find yourself dying because you hit up instead of right or left (and then subsequently plummeting to your doom).

Difficulty: Overall, the game really isn't that difficult, just the beginning is. By having a vertical scrolling level, where you get an instant death if you fall off the screen, as the first level is pretty unfair. While it immediately separates itself from other side scrolling games like Mario, it makes it difficult to get into the game because you'll die so many times. What makes things weirder is that the 2-1 and 2-2 are all so much easier than the first level. Not only are you stronger but the jumps required are less precise and you'll live long. Additionally, all of the bosses are a joke. You're supposed to build up to the big boss fight where you need to work at learning his pattern, finding the weakspot and then after trial and error, finally defeat it. Way too easy, especially the final boss. If you can make it past the first two levels, you're golden. Throw in the fact you get unlimited continues and you can see why I say this game isn't all that difficult.
Read the rest of this Review
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link
02-21-15 07:28 AM
The Best Zelda Game (IMO)
All right here goes. This is my first game review ever on any site. So be kind with ratings please :)

I will say before I begin, that my ratings are probably much higher than just about anyone. I may be looking at this game through an extreme set of nostalgia goggles but I just love this game. I've replayed it a few times in the past couple years (including some hacks) and it never gets old for me.

Let's rewind to 1990ish and I was 4 years old. My mother was a stay at home mom and I remember playing Nintendo with her frequently. My girlfriend refused to believe it but I remember beating Super Mario 3 when I was 5. She claims "I didn't have the motor skills" at that age. She's a cynical lady...

Along with the Mario series and Kid Icarus, I played Zelda 2 frequently. We never owned the game and would just rent it from the video store constantly. Now, I was only 4 or 5 years old but I still have vivid memories of playing this game. It's crazy to think about but it really is true.

Now, we all know the difficulty between Mario and Zelda 2 isn't even close so to be honest; I'm not sure how much I was playing or how much I was watching my mom play. In those 20 year old memories, it almost doesn't even matter to me. The thing I remember most is the game itself and all the great moments that came with it. I remember crossing the falling bridge in the first dungeon. Using the hammer to smash the rocks. Walking across water. And YES, I remember fighting shadow Link. How we made it that far on a rental in 1990 still blows my mind.

For all these reasons and more as I will discuss in the rest of the review, this is not only my favorite Zelda game, it's probably top 3 in all games of all time. I played so many games in my life where I get bored halfway through and never finish. But for some reason that I can't quite explain, this game doesn't get old to me and I just can't get enough. It gets the highest possible score I... Read the rest of this Review

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