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    Playing Bubsy aj game

Last Post: 11-25-14 02:33 PM
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cplegogame25's Last Game Comments
MediEvil when are ps1 games gonna be playable
Conker's Bad Fur Day this game needs full screen... how do you get full screen?
Bubsy 3D its gonna be playable soon, im ready for the challenge
Conker's Bad Fur Day IN THE BATHROOM
Superman game iisnt working for MUpen64, i want to see how bad it is,but it wont work

cplegogame25's Last 25 Game Reviews
03-08-14 11:21 AM
Rascal PS1 game review
Story - - -So here is another PS1 game that people say is awful but I don't find that bad, except the story. So the story is only told in the manual of the game, and if you don't have that you won't know anything because the game doesn't tell you anything. So the story of the game is that some evil time traveling time lord named Kronon wants to steal a time machine from some scientist guy who is Rascal's father so he could go back to the past and take over the world... this story makes no sense because if he can teleport back in time, just do it, you don't need a time machine, and he teleported to the scientist's lab to kidnap him, and the manual doesn't say he can't go back by himself.- - -Gameplay/Controls- - -Now the gameplay is way to similar to Bubsy 3D's, but not as stiff, moving around has the same tank controls as Bubsy but it's more loose, turn left and right and move forward and back, but the good thing is you can use the analog stick in this game unlike Bubsy and I suggest you use the analog stick instead of the D-Pad or you will not get anywhere. X button jumps and pressing it again will do a ground pound, just like in Croc, the square button shoots your bubble gun, yes a bubble gun, which i don't understand at all, people who reviewed this game say the gun does nothing, it's not that is does nothing it just takes forever to kill enemies in the game. See there are 3 ways of attacking in the game, jump on them, ground pound, and the gun. You can upgrade the gun finding these pickups in the level, red bubbles are long-range homing bubbles, green bubbles are long range, and blue ones are short range, since you run out of ammo so quick in this game it's pretty much useless. Now time for gameplay, it's a 3-D platformer going around collecting stuff, now since the game tells you nothing, i have to explain it. In each world there are 3 stages that are timed based like past present future. The objective of each level is to find 6 pieces of a golden hourglass. Th... Read the rest of this Review
Bubsy 3D
03-02-14 10:30 AM
Worst Game i've ever played!
Story - - -The story of Bubsy 3D is so stupid you think it was made by a 3 year old, ok so the story is the Woolies from the first game wanting to kidnap Bubsy and keep them on their planet so he doesn't stop the Woolies from taking the yarn from Earth, and the Woolies think that Bubsy will take rockets and atoms found on their planet to go back to Earth, and the Woolies call the rockets and atoms useless and abundent resources on thier planet which is dumb because they kidnapped Bubsy in a rocket powered by atoms. The Woolies make the bad guy from the PS1 Game Rascal seem smart.- - -Controls and Gameplay- - -First the controls and oh my gosh they are awful! To really understand what i'm saying you need to play it for yourself, first up walking, see Bubsy doesn't walk around normally like Mario in Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot, instead he moves like a tank. Bubsy can only move straight forward and straight back, you can turn with left and right but it's so slow, if you run and turn you barely turn, maybe at like a 10 degree angle. Next up is jumping, you jump with the X button, everytime you jump the camera looks at the ground, and when you try to jump on enemies they are hard to land on because the hit detection is poor. You can hop side to side with L2 and R2 but i never use it because it works when it feels like it. You can glide with the triangle button, but they glide is awful to, when you glide you press triangle and you a small jump and start to glide but you fall so heavy you get no distance. You can crouch with the O button, i used it once, on a moving platform avoiding projectiles. Now time for the game play, the gameplay is like any other platformer, jump and collect stuff, the collectables consit of atoms and rockets, atoms are annoying to get, since the hit detection is garbege it's hard to get them, every 50 you get, you get another hitpoint, get 100 get an extra life, only Bubsy game to do that and it's the last one. There are power ups to, they a... Read the rest of this Review
11-30-13 08:41 AM
Story: The story is about some wizard guy that mixes two potions wrong and everything goes haywire, the wizard turns into stone, the crystals keeping the kingdom colorful are gone and one of his magical gloves turn evil named Cross-Stitch, and you are the nice glove named Glover.- - -Gameplay:The gameplay is a platformer, you can control Glover with or without his ball, controlling Glover by himself is fine, you can double jump, ground pound, and use a cartwheel, the weird thing is the cartwheel is not in the PS1 version which i own. Controlling Glover with the ball is a bit annoying sometimes, escpically when he slides around everywhere, you can dribble the ball but it's delayed a bit, you can throw the ball which throws it up high but not reach, you can slap it with gets a better reach but no height. You can transform your ball to, one is a Bowling ball which is use to break glass or walls, it can sink in water but you can't dribble it, even though in the PS1 version you can... i don't get it. You can also turn it into a marble, it moves faster than the bowling ball, you can dribble it and it can sink, it's also used to put on magnets to activate switches. You can also turn it into one of the cyrstals, you can use it to collecting these ticket things along the ground for double points, but if you dribble or throw the cyrstal it will break and you lose a life. Speaking of those tickets you can find collectables around the worlds. One of the items are tickets, there's usually 80 in each world, collect 80 to get an extra life. There are also extra lives everywhere since the platforming is hard to do, well with the ball, the ball is annoying to get across platforms because the ball might bounce around everywhere so you want to be careful. Also the camera sucks, well in the PS1 version at least, the camera can get stuck on some areas and it's annoying to turn it around fully, escpically in the haunted house stages where there are walls everywhere. There are 6 worlds in... Read the rest of this Review
Donkey Kong Country
11-29-13 11:59 AM
Story: The story is about D.K and Diddy Kong's banana horde has been stolen by King K. Rool, and it's their job to get it back.- - -Gameplay:The game is a side scrolling platformer, you can play as Diddy or D.K, i like playing as Diddy because he is a lot faster, you can jump with B, run by clicking Y and roll by clicking A, you can also pick up barrels and boxes with A. click X to swap characters. You will be fighting enemies called kritters, some will walk back and forth, some will jump, some will walk and jump. You only have 2 hits but your in luck because there are barrels that say D.K on it so you can back one of the kongs you lost. You can swing on vines and climb up trees to find collectables. The collectables consist of bananas, if you get 100 you get an extra life. A D.K ballon which gives you an extra life, and gold statues that if you collect 3 of the same you play as another animal to collect a ton of bananas. Oh yeah you can also ride animals in this game, the first one is a rhino that charges through enemies and can break through breakable walls, another one is an ostrich which runs really fast and jumps high, and one is a swordfish which you ride underwater, and it works perfectly because swimming under water is perfect, the controls work great and riding on the swordfish, you can atually fight off the enemies. The levels consist of Jungle, Temples, Underground Mines and in the water. The jungle areas are basic platform levels with vines to swing on and annoying wasp enemies, you cant kill the wasp enemies without a barrel. The temples have giant wheels that chase you around and try to squish you, i would use Diddy to run away from them quickly. The Mines are the worst, most of the mine stages suck, some make you ride on a minecart where you need perfect accuracy for jumps. And the other mine levels are dark trying to avoid light changing kritters that are annoying to dodge. The water levels are actually great, the controls underwater aren't swaped, a... Read the rest of this Review
Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures
11-29-13 11:00 AM
I'm so confused
Story: The story is about Pac-Man doing chores for his wife, yes that's the story, or at least what i gathered.- - -Gameplay:The gameplay is not like the original Pac-Man, it's more of a point and click. You control Pac-Man and no wait, you don't control Pac-Man, you control a cursor on a screen which is a slingshot. Shoot the slingshot at something and Pac-Man will go towards it and examine it, only problem is he won't listen sometimes, it's either he's being to proud of himself or to depressed to listen to you, the more depressed the less he listens to you. Plus Pac-Man is a real jerk in this game, he attacks a farmer and is mean to a construction worker and tips him over, and when he's to proud of himself, he walks along and become unlikable from that point on. There are only four levels in the game, but each level takes forever to go through if Pac-Man is to depressed, to make him not depressed to happy stuff like pet his dog, or eat something, but it's hard to do because you have to click on the food and if he's to depressed he will ignore you and not pick up the food, so it's impossible to make him happy. I coulden't get pass the first level because Pac-Man never listens, even if he is happy. The first mission you have to get a gift for your baby, but your not told where to go or what to do, you get a 5 second explanation on where to go and boom kicked out to go find something, RAAAAGGGGGE! I hate this game so much!- - -Graphics:The graphics look ok, the animations on Pac-Man's face are fun to watch until you realize he's a jerk, but i can't help to feel that Pac-Man and his family are out of place in this world. Everyone else around is like a real person or a real animal. Nothing seems in place, kinda like Sonic 2006's art design. But i guess for what it looks like, it's ok.- - -Music/Sound:Personally, i do not like the music, the whistling in some of the tracks are annoying and i don't think they fit, for this type of game, the music sounds like someone is i... Read the rest of this Review
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
11-29-13 10:31 AM
Story: The story is about a Bobcat named Bubsy that is trying to fight off an alien race called the Woolies from taking all of the yarn on Earth.- - -Gameplay:The gameplay is a standard platformer, the controls... are stupid. A,B,X,Y all jump, no joke, click the jump button again to glide, yes a bobcat can glide, if you can describe how that works, imform me please i kinda want to know my self. The enemies you fight are the Wooly aliens that sneeze on you, also other stuff like gumball machines, water, cars, plates, roller coasters, etc. In order to kill the enemies you need to jump on their head but i swear everytime you do that you shift slightly to the right, it also happens when you go on a spring. You can run really fast like Sonic but if you hit something you die in one hit ALWAYS! For something copying Sonic they didn't get anything right, you can collect yarn balls which are like rings in sonic but they do nothing except a good high score. You start the game with 9 lives, get it he's a cat huh huh, anyways you will use like 5 for the first level. There are a lot of enemies everywhere, and since you run so fast you can't see whats ahead because the screen is to close up, also for a character that runs fast, the level desgin is bad for that, the levels are built like Mario stages. Other collectables you can find are t-shirts with a number on it, there extra lives. you can get other powerups like invisability and an extra hit. When jumping from platform to platform better not drop to far or else you will die, yes there is fall damage in this game, who came up with that? I've never seen any 2-d side scroller with fall damage. If you glide you won't die, but that still doesn't change the fact that is the dumbest thing ever programed in a platformer. There are 15 levels in this game but i only got to level 5 because the game gets unfair later. Each section has 2 levels then a boss, there are checkpoints throughout the stage which are giant !-marks. but since every... Read the rest of this Review
11-29-13 09:05 AM
Not too bad
Story: Pac-man doesn't have a story, just eating ghosts.- - -Gameplay:The gameplay plays like the original Pac-Man, go around collecting Tic-Tacs and eating ghosts, the way to eat ghosts is getting the super Tic-Tac which glows. There are suppose to be 4 ghosts that chase after you but i could only see 2 of them. Honestly there is nothing left to say, it's a basic Pac-Man game. The controls are fine, you move around with the joystick and eat the Tic-Tacs through a maze like structure. The difficulty is sorta hard, the original game was hard because there are more enemies to avoid and the maze changes. The mazes in this game don't change much, they just have a differnet backround color.- - -Graphics:The graphics a primitative, it doesn't look like Pac-Man but it is atari after all, you can tell what everything is, the only annoying graphic thing is the ghost, they just flicker and it's annoying to concentrate.- - -Music/Sound:The music is only present when you start and when you end. The sound effects don't sound like a Pac-Man game, the original sounds like a wakka sound and this one is more of a boing sound.- - -Final Verdict:The game is not as bad as people say it is. The gameplay is good, graphics are decent, sound is annoying, the difficulty is standard.
Ikari Warriors
11-29-13 08:49 AM
A hard Game
Story: The story is about some guy named Ralf trying to get to a village called Ikari so the Blue Ninja people don't destroy it.- - - Gameplay:The gameplay is a scrolling shooter, press A to shoot your gun and B to throw gernades, the problem with these weapons they don't go very far, the gernade i can understand but the gun goes like 3 feet in front of you, but the enemy projectiles go all the way across the screen. Since you die in one hit it will be very hard to beat the first level,but the code ABBA will bring you back, get used to it. The enemies considt of these blue ninjas that shoot you, tanks, and pink ninjas that expload. You can also get a tank yourself, but it only lasts for 15 seconds before it exploads when it runs out of gas... it exploads when it runs out of gas... how does that even work. By the way your character walks so slow. A snail can probably move faster, and the way the screen moves is when you move up, and using ABBA brings you back to the bottom of the screen, so if the screen didn't move, you made no progress. Also these levels go on forever, theres only four levels and they go for like 10 minutes, sure you get bosses in between like tanks but the level still goes. Also in level 3 you can get a helicopter but it's still slow and will run out if you're hit to much. also going back down doesn't move the screen, so if you got stuck in a dead end you have to restart the level or the whole game. By the way this game is hard, like really hard. since you move so slow and your weapons have no reach you will die, the enemies move so fast to and take a lot of hits to defeat. There is a 2 player option to get a little help but it's still going to be hard and tedious.- - -Graphics:The raphics look ok but some of the animations get cut like the explosion where pi ces of it don't appear. Your main character looks like Rambo, it was based on it, but the enemys wear pink and blue and the tanks you drive are pink, great camoflauge right there.- - -Mu... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Kart
11-29-13 08:27 AM
Petty Good
Story: Well it's Mario kart, there is no story- - -Gameplay:The game play is simple with acceleration working well, drifting and using items. You accelrate by pressing the B button (it's been awhile since i played so it might no be right). You use items with the Y button, these items consist of a green shell witch goes anywhere, a red shell witch homes in on an enemy, the star witch gives you invincablity, and the blue shell witch hits the person in first place. There are 8 players to play as that include Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Koopa, Yoshi, Bowser, and D.K. Each character has there own stats like Toad being a lightweight and going fast and Bowser being a heavyweight and going slow. When you start a race you have to go around it 3 times, which is fine but only half of the screen shows the race and the other half shows the map, i personally think this is annoying, i wish there was just a small map in the corner like in the GBA version or Gamecube, There are 4 cups with 4 races inside, the first one usually having the easy tracks mostly starting with Luigi's Circuit, and then to the harder ones like Rainbow Road with no guard rails and thwomps everywhere. I should mention the A.I, the A.I is weird in this game, they always get the same item everytime like Luigi getting the star, the A.I isn't rubber band like in MK64. While racing you will find coins along the ground to, collecting these coins gives you a lot more speed than normal, get 10 and you will go fast. There's a bunch of hazords and obstacles like penguins that slide along the ground, lava which burns you, and ramps that give you access to a secret area, but you probably want the mushroom item to give you more speed.- - -Graphics:The graphics look great for an early SNES games with no sprite flickering and vibrant colors for the characters, except D.K because he's wearing a shirt instead of his tie for some reason. All the levels look nice like Bowser's Castle looking like a castle and filled with lava an... Read the rest of this Review
Beat\' Em and Eat \'Em
11-28-13 10:51 AM
Story: Ok this story is so weird i don't even want to say it, some unclothed guy sits on a building shooting his cream down a building where 2 unclothed women are there catching it in there mouth... oh god i'm gonna barf... BLEK!- - -Gameplay:The gameplay is basic, you move the women around and you catch the cream the guy squirts out and try to get it in the womens mouth, if you miss 3 you lose and start over. you move left and right trying to catch the cream, this game is so disturbing i don't want to talk about anymore but i have to, but there's nothing else to the gameplay but that.- - -Graphics:The graphics look bad, escpically when the guy on the roofs "gun" is bigger than his body and has no legs, the models are i guess ok for the women on the bottom.- - - Music/Sound:The music is non existant in most of the game, the sound effects are ear rencthingly bad, it sounds like an 8-bit bird got crushed and filled with helium.- - -Final Verdict:This game is terrible and disgusting, no one should play this game ever in a million years!
Mega Man 2
11-28-13 10:32 AM
Story: The story is about Dr. Wily wanted to get revenge on Mega Man for beating him in the last game and made 8 new robot masters to try and stop him, so it's up to mega man to stop him and save his family, or Dr. Light.- - -Gameplay:The gameplay is like the first, mega man jumps and he shoots but the controls are a lot smoother in this game than the first, Mega Man doesn't slide around as much like he did in the first game and he's no slow going up ladders. The mega Buster witch is Mega Man first weapon when you push the B button works well and responds well, jumping is the same but you don't slide everywhere when landing, you still drop like a rock though. Now the new 8 robot masters, first up is Bubble Man with a very trippy backround, the backround hurts my eyes a bit but not painfully bad, the first enemy you face is a frog that shoots mini frogs that hop on you. But the worst part about the stage is the underwater section when spikey balls are everywhere and there annoying to dodge carefully because jumping in the water makes you jump higher, so don't jump to high. Bubble Man just shoots bubbles at you, the ability you get after beating him is the bubble shooter witch shoots bubbles and travels along the ground. Air Man's stage has platforms that look like a Head with enemies and drills, plus clouds are in the way of some platforms make screw you over. Air Man shoots mini tornados at you witch are sorta annoying to dodge and they blow you back to, the ability you get when you beat him is a tornado witch shoots straight and then goes up. Quick Man's stage is the worst stage in my opinion, if you have Flash man's ability it shoulden't be to bad, but the worst part is during the middle of the stage where giant fast moving rectangle things kill you in one hit so if you mess up you're done, Quick man is annoying to hit because he moves to fast, get Flash Man's ability then take him down with the mega buster. The ability you get is a quick boomerang witch doesn't h... Read the rest of this Review
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
11-28-13 09:24 AM
So annyoing
Story: The story is about Dr.Jekell make a potion in his lab which he then drinks and at night he turns in Mr. Hyde, but the real story is just Jekell trying to get to his wedding but everyone is trying to stop him.- - -Gameplay:The gameplay is boring as Jekell, all you do is jump and hit stuff with your cane, it doesn't work. See using your cane hurts no one, if you trying stabbing someone with it, it does nothing, except for the bees they actually die from the cane. Jumping is used to just jump over then enemies which briongs up the enemies, everyone doesn't want you around, no reason why except for one guy with a slingshot who is in love with Jekell's fiance and doesn't want him to go to the wedding (it was in the manual). One enemy throws a bomb on the ground and there annoying to avoid, they have a blast radius so unfair it makes Din's fire from Super Smash Bros Brawl seem fair. If you get hit by the bomb you fly all the way to the left, even if you pass it you still will get hit. The other enemies aren't special like dogs they charge into you. The most annoying enemy is the spiders you go up and down on a tree but they go so fast it's immpossible not to get hit, see if they cane attack worked it woulden't be so bad. Now if you die as Jekell you will become Mr. Hyde and it actually turns into a game. Hyde has 2 attacks, punching witch works but sucks, and a fireball that moves in a 8 pattern and you use it by hitting up and B, or down and B, it's been awhile since i played. You fight brains with feet that hop around, flying heads and other unidentified enemies. Then a LIGHTING STRIKE HITS YOU! and you die. Now you might be saying what the heck just happened. Well i'm glad you asked, you went to far as Hyde, if you stay in the Hyde section for to long you will die game over, in order to not make this happen you need to kill a bunch of enemies to relieve your stress meter and go back with your daily boring walk where everyone is trying to kill you. Ugh Hyde is so... Read the rest of this Review
Cheetahmen 2
11-27-13 04:23 PM
Story: The story is abour Doctor Morbis using his new ape man to destroy the cheetahmen once and for all, and that's about it for the story.- - -Graphics:The graphics look exactly the same as the Action 52 Version of cheetahmen, seriously no improvements. All the sprite flickering is bad and still annoying as usual.- - -Gameplay:The first level you play as i think apollo who uses a crossbow to kill enemies, it sucks, see most of the enemies are on the ground or to short to hit, you cannot crouch so its impossible to hit ground enemies. Jumping is annoying, it's the same in Action 52 where you tap B and then push right. if you jump off a block floating in the air air you will die from fall damage, if you don't jump you're fine. The first boss is Doctor Morbis who just runs to the right and doesn't stop until he dies. I didn't bother to play anymore, i got so bored.- - -Sound/Music:The music is the same theme from the Action 52 version. the sound effects are the same to with the jump sounding like a hum by a cricket and punching something that sounds like a pigeon being punched- - -Final Verdict:This game sucks, bad graphics, bad sound, bad controls, bad glitches. 
Wild Woody
11-27-13 03:55 PM
Pretty Good
Graphics: The graphics are standard for the genesis, you can tell what everything is perfectly except some of the floors you need to erase, but the CGI looks horrible, it doesn't look natural, everything moves in a rubber fashion and like glued to the ground.Story:The story is about Woody... WIIIIIILLLLLLDDDDD WOOODY!!!! Who is brought to life by some head type thing wanted to get the other parts of his body.Gameplay:The gameplay is jumping around and eraseing people with your butt. The controls are kinda weird, moving around is fine but jumping is weird. You jump with the B button, when you tap it you go like 2 inches in the air, if you hold it you will go higher up. That's dumb in my opinion, no other game does that unless you do it one purpose, unless it's Sonic. Attack enemies is weird to, you're suppose to jump on them, but the hitboxes to hit them are small, you have to be dead on with your jump or you will get hurt but still kill the enemy. The A button activates a sketch pad when you collect paper turning you into an airplane, tornado, or kangarooSound/Music:The sound effects are basic hop and hit sounds, the voices are really annoying with the sound. The music is done by Bumblefoot from Guns n' Roses (at least that's what i heard) The music is just EPIC ROCK music, it sounds great but doesn't fit in with the game that well.Final Verdict:Wild Woody is a pretty good game with good graphics, good music, ok controls, but the bad things are the CGI and voices, also i forgot the level design, it's not that good. It's confusing on some levels like the MT. Zeus where if you fall you backtrack a lot
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
11-27-13 12:00 PM
Eh, not to bad but bad
Story: The story of the game is E.T trying to get home by collecting Pieces to a phone and riding a ship to the next level.Graphics:The graphics are dull, this game was made in 3 months i believe, E.T on the title screen looks pretty good though but no in game, he just looks like a square with 2 rectangles sticking out of his head, i know it's Atari but come on at least put some effort. Also there's to much greenGameplay:The game play is simple, go around into pits and find pieces to a phone and leave. I know some people have problems with the pits and such but it's so easy to get out of, just hold the fly button, get out, keep flying over the pit and land safely. The enemies are pretty annoying, one of them takes your phone pieces away and the other brings you to a museum or something. Your health is about 9,000 steps, run out and you die, but a kid will come by and revive you with 2,000 health. you can teleport by tapping the button and run by moving and holding the button, and it worksFinal Verdict:It's not as bad as i thought it would be, i mean it's still bad  with lame graphics and annoying enemies and pits, but the controls are fine and the title screen of E.T looks good.
Action 52
11-27-13 11:46 AM
Ok i'm gonna try and make a real review this time. Graphics:The graphics in the game are meh, this game came out in 1992, the same year the SNES came out. There is to many sprite flickering and the color sceam is just dull with mostly green, black, and dark blue.Sound:The sound makes my ears numb, it sounds like someone is just scratching a chalkboard and screaming at the same time. The only song I like is the Dam Busters theme, at least that one doesn't hurt my there is no story in this game, except in cheetahmen but it's so dumb, a gamemaster gets sucked in his tv and finds 3 cheetahmen and they will fight for him... so dumb!Gameplay:This game has platformers, shooters, puzzles, and yeah thats it. They all suffer from glitches, bad controls, and crashing. I'll describe a few games. A game called Ooze is a platformer where you jump with the B button, if you press B and right at the same time you will lock in a vertical jump until you let go of B... WHY????? A game called Alfredo doesn't even work, another game like that doesn't work is called Jigsaw. Most of the games are space shooters i believe 14 of them, their all the same except with differnt graphics.Final Verdict:This game is bad, bad controls, no story, bad glitches, games that don't work, games that crash, games that suck, and bad graphics. Also they charged $200 dollars for the game
Duck Tales
11-24-13 06:02 AM
Nice job Capcom
Finally a good game based on a tv show or movie. Usually games based on that suck but this one doesn't. The game is about Scrooge McDuck going to 5 different places finding a special treasure located there, in order to find these you have to venture through the level and find jewels and keys, then you fight a boss with that special treasure. The music in the game is epic, all of the themes fir in with the level there in, especially the moon theme, you just need to listen to it once and know it's awesome. In conclusion this a great game to play anytime, the only problem i have it is to short and sometimes confusing where you have to go.
Pokemon Fire Red
11-23-13 05:31 PM
Cool remake
I remember playing this game when I was 6 and all I used to beat the game was a Charizard level 73 and Articuno level 58. I didn't know how to play the game at all. But everything is improved from the original red and blue. Everything is balanced, no crazy glitches and better sprite design. Everything is just so swesome about the game, but doesn't get a full 10/10 because there is no huge story to follow, it's just go to gym to gym, fight team rocket, elilte four and win. You can also got to 1-6 island when you're done with the game and find 2nd gen pokemon and Moltres. But I will always keep this game close to me at all times, until i lose it in a mess or something like that. I'm sorry i'm dragging this out, i didn't mean to.
Dragon\'s Lair
11-23-13 05:19 PM
The game is really hard to play, Dirk moves so slow and all of his actions are delayed by half a second, i could only get past the first screen, since you die in one hit you'll be rageing a lot. You have to kill the dragon under the bridge in order to past the first screen. if you try  throwing the knife at it wont hit because you're to high up. if you duck, the dragon ducks. So what you have to do is go back to the beginning of the screen is duck, stand up and throw knifes, duck, stand up and throw knifes, duck, throw more knives and you win, or at least the first screen. I just stopped after that it was so tedious and dying in one hit is pretty bad programming.
11-23-13 05:06 PM
The game is like trying to control the wind, it's impossible. The characters in the game look horrible, escpecially in 1998. Banjo-Kazooie came out the same year and it looks great. The draw distance is one foot and glitches everywhere. I should describe the controls, tilting the control stick a little bit makes him spaz out and lose control. When you start the game you get a 20 second intro and the game begins with no control list and set on a time limit, ON THE FIRST LEVEL!!!!!! I coulden't get past the 4th level because it was rediculous. I hate it, i wish every copy would blow up.
Shaq Fu
11-23-13 04:59 PM
The game is impossible to play. Shaq moves as fast as Ganondorf walking in Super Smash Bros. The A.I doesn't seem to have a problem moving and they can beat you in 10 seconds. It's hard to even pull off a move and make it hit. This game shoulden't have existed. I rather have a Shaq rapping game then a fighting game... on second thought maybe not.
Pokemon Emerald
11-23-13 04:53 PM
The best
The game is a pretty good, I do enjoy a lot of the content in the game. the battle system is much improved over the last game. Smoother animations and graphics, the music and sound is good to, the difficulty is your basic pokemon game, not to hard but not to easy. I like all of the new pokemon in the game but some of them suck like luvdisc ( at least i think its 3rd generation pokemon). anyways all im saying is that this is one of the best pokemon games and the best GBA game of all time

cplegogame25's Last 7 Game screenshots (10 total) (view last 250)

cplegogame25's Last 7 Game Videos (9 total) (view last 250)

cplegogame25's Game History
Bubsy (aj),   Bubsy (aj),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Sonic CD (scd),   Bubsy 3D (psx),   Pokemon Emerald (gba),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Action 52 (gen),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   Wild Woody (scd),   M&Ms - Shell Shocked (psx),  
Game Boy Advance Games cplegogame25 owns (3)

Super Nintendo Games cplegogame25 owns (4)

Nintendo 64 Games cplegogame25 owns (18)

Nintendo NES Games cplegogame25 owns (9)

Game Boy Color Games cplegogame25 owns (1)

Arcade Games cplegogame25 owns (1)

Sega Genesis Games cplegogame25 owns (2)

Atari 2600 Games cplegogame25 owns (3)

Sega Master System Games cplegogame25 owns (1)

Sega CD Games cplegogame25 owns (2)

Sega 32X Games cplegogame25 owns (1)

Atari Jaguar Games cplegogame25 owns (1)

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