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Ms. Pac-Man Plus   Rank 6/10 : 27,630
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Pac-Man (Tengen)   Rank 59/142 : 24,680
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1sam234's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Activision Classics Yay, we get to play 30 games that are already on Vizzed! XD
Action 52 Fortunately, the 52nd game, The Cheetahmen, is actually good!
Asterix NEScafe has the same problems!
WCW Nitro I used to play this game on PlayStation 1. lost it, though.
Nicktoons - Attack of the Toybots This game isn't exactly retro, is it?
Zig Zag Cat - Ostrich Club mo Oosawagi da This would be good for Netplay when it comes out.
Doom (E) Also, the SNES has more levels. The only thing it lacks is the graphics, they're horrible. On the 32X they're better, but really, everything should be better!
Zig Zag Cat - Ostrich Club mo Oosawagi da Test comment
Godzilla 2 - War of the Monsters yeah, might as well call it "Simzilla" than a sequel.

1sam234's Last 25 Game Reviews
Animorphs: Shattered Reality
12-07-16 11:28 PM
Morphing into something underwhelming
"Animorphs" was one of Scholastic's longer lasting book series, written by K.A. Applegate. The completed series had 54 main books over 5 years(June 1996-May 2001), depicting a war between 5 human youths and an evil, body-snatching race called the Yeerks, as well as many other alien races in the middle. Each book told a story from a specific character's point of view, either from Jake, Marco, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias and eventually Ax, their Andalite ally that tries to adapt to Earth's customs. All 6 of them have the power to acquire animal forms and morph into them at will with a simple thought, talking through thought-speak and harnessing their morphs' abilities, strengths and weaknesses... For about two hours at a time though, along with keeping their identities a secret from their Yeerk foes as well as their friends and family to avoid them becoming targets.

So with 54 books plus 10 more companion books, there should be some other decent media about them, right? Like a TV show, or games even? Well there was a 2-season show on Nickelodeon that was mostly decent, an potentially upcoming film, but only a couple of games. One was a platformer game, "Animorphs: Shattered Reality" for the PlayStation 1, released on September 6th, 2000. It was developer SingleTrac's final game before their studio closed down shortly after the game's release in the very same year. The game has 8 levels to go through, letting you pick between Jake, Marco, Rachel and Cassie, each with their own morphs to use in each level. Tobias and Ax aren't playable, and are only seen in cutscenes and the Game Over scene.

The game's story is that Visser Three, the Yeerk leader in an Andalite body with its own set of morphs, has created a device that can alter and shatter reality, to which the Animorphs need to collect pieces of a crystal to stop it and the Visser from destroying their reality, hence the game title. Each level has various sections of jumping, puzzles and morph combat ... Read the rest of this Review
Pinky and The Brain - The Master Plan
08-22-15 02:14 PM
Bonus: Okay try, but some things missing to keep it from being fully enjoyable
As a bonus, let's take a look at Pinky and the Brain: The Master Plan on Game Boy Advance, a platformer made in 2002 by Warthog Sweden again. This game was released in Europe only like "The Great Edgar Hunt" for the PS2, and never had an American release. When the title screen comes up, it's almost jarring to see and hear, as the theme is rather generic and doesn't even sound like Pinky and the Brain at all. There's no options either, so you can't tweak anything to make the game more comfy to play.
The plot this time is that the two lab mice are planning to take over the world again. They hear that a "weather space station" will be launching in a week, and Brain gets the idea to alter the computers of the three stations on the ground all over the world. Then by going into the station itself to alter the weather, he would bring the world to its knees. But then two other brown rats, Doofus and Roofus, see the plans drawn up by Pinky and the Brain, take it and decide to do it themselves. Now it's up to the two titular lab mice to get to the stations first and stop the other two from taking over the world before they do.
The cutscene and images here actually look pretty well done, they look like themselves and their dialogue is what you'd expect them to say. The other two mice, however, I just feel a bit unsure about.
Then the game goes into a tutorial, on a blueprint to explain the game, its powerups in the form of cheeses, etc. You start with 2 lives and you can collect lots of things like a blaster, cheese, speed up boots, pages, and each mouse's respective letters for help and to play minigames for bonuses. You can run, double jump, push and pull blocks, slide down angled ramps, etc. as well. The graphics are passable but again feel a bit off, like it's a bit too pixelated on the characters even for GBA standards. The control feels a bit slow too.
The music, again, is way off. Even though it sounds okay, it sounds noth... Read the rest of this Review
Animaniacs Game Pack
08-22-15 02:00 PM
Game Pack offers many time killers and one rather big and standout game that makes it worth it
Now for our main PC attraction, "Animaniacs: Game Pack" for the PC. Made in 1997 by Funnybone Productions, It's a collection of games rather than just one game. You get to hear a redone intro and explaining of the game, like the Genesis version but with their original voices as well, so that's pretty cool and it's done well too. After that, you get to the main menu.
There's 5 games to choose from in the menu in five different objects. First up is Prop Shop Drop. The cutscenes are actually well done and decently animated for the most part, you could tell they tried to make it flowing with the writing and animation.
The game begins and you control Yakko Warner riding the bike, collecting movie props. The goal is to collect as many as you can and get to the end without dying. There doesn't seem to be a minimum requirement of props to collect nor a time limit to beat the level, you just get bonuses on how fast you complete it. It's a top-down driving game and seems simple enough to control: Spacebar jumps and the arrow keys move you around. Hitting anything that doesn't have a glow around it takes away from your damage/health meter, to which you can only take five hits before gaming over. That's right, you have no lives here at all, you have to go through the game in one clean sweep. The music does sound a bit nice for MIDI though.
Each level throws more and more obstacles your way, sometimes the enemies move around, sometimes they toss projectiles at you from snowballs to full blown, giant fireballs, and some of them can hone in on you. The game thinks that challenge equals pack everything into the screen at once. By the later levels, you're pretty much jumping 24-7! The good news is that you can restore your health by collecting other vehicles, which can improve your speed too. Lose all your damage in another vehicle, then you go back to your bike, and if you take another hit past that then that's it, you're done. The controls are r... Read the rest of this Review
Animaniacs Splat Ball
08-22-15 01:47 PM
Neat distraction if stories take backseat to fun
Going to the PC, we have "Animaniacs: Splat Ball!", made by Southpeak in 1999. This is a bit different from the platformers before, but now in a good way. It's an overhead shooter, with the Warners vs. Ralph, Plotz and Scratchnsniff in a fight for the Splatball crown.
It's a more fun game than the last ones, no big plot or story this time around, just good ol' versus action. The goal here is to beat the different leagues with differing AI skill levels and game modes. The control is again slow, but it feels a bit better, and the graphics are nice and appealing. The music is really weird though, instead of quirky and silly, it's a bit orchestral and actiony instead. It's a bit interesting though, and makes things more intense.
The main objective, as the Warners, is to beat the other three on your opponent's team without getting splatted yourselves, along with other objectives and game modes like "Capture the Balloon". You can take up to 6 hits, then you switch to another Warner while they recover, to which all three play the same and can use the same powerups and weapons. If all three Warners are beaten, it's game over. The good news though, is that given enough time, the defeated Warner sibling can be revived to full health. But again, if all three are defeated before they can be revived, it's all over.
There's not really a whole lot to say, it's a fun game with some of the same voices from the show, you could even say it was like a predecessor to Splatoon in a way. If you like splatting Plotz, Scratchnsniff and Ralph in a good game of Splatball for a crown showing how awesome you are, then this is for you. It's one of the better, albeit shorter games than most, if you prefer a fun Animaniacs game with no plot this time. Multiplayer has some of the same game modes, but it's online and you can pick your characters, but that's about it.

There wasn't really too much to say, but this next one has a lot more to it.
Read the rest of this Review
Animaniacs - Lights, Camera Action!
08-22-15 01:40 PM
Final Animaniacs video game goes off with a whimper. What happened?
Next, the second Animaniacs game released after the show and movie, and the supposedly final one: "Animaniacs: Lights, Camera, Action", released on the Game Boy Advance on November 13th, 2005, and the DS version released one day later.

If you're keeping track, that means this game was released only ONE TO TWO MONTHS after "The Great Edgar Hunt", depending on what console version of it you got. And if that's not confusing enough as to why they'd do that, the DS version apparently released first on August 4th for the PAL format, but the Game Boy Advance version was released first in North America on August 12th. Scheduling, what's that?

This is [i][b]completely[/i][/b] different from the platformers before, this time it plays a bit like an isometric puzzle game. For a portable game, it definitely runs fine on both systems, but the gameplay is so drastically different from before, it's almost jarring if you've just gotten off of the retro games or even "The Great Edgar Hunt".
The plot here during this "Newsreel of the Stars" intro is that the WB studio is in major, 1 zillion-dollar debt thanks to the Warner Brothers' and Sister's destructive attitudes. Now Plotz needs to make 3 movies to get the money back, and gives Yakko, Wakko and Dot, along with Pinky and the Brain's help, one last chance to prove they can do it or else the Warners'll be locked in the water tower forever. Again. Because that totally stopped them before, right?
There's 15 levels here this time, a thankful refresher from the constant 4-5 levels before, and there's 5 parts to each movie for adventure, sci-fi and horror, each level played in that order. The game plays on an isometric plane this time as opposed to 2-D and 3-D, so we get something like a 2.5 D game here.
The game's graphics are passable, the two guys watching at the bottom of the screen is a nice touch(Along with Yakko lounging and looking up from the bottom screen on the DS ver... Read the rest of this Review
Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt
08-22-15 01:23 PM
Very good try to bring back nostalgic magic
The Animaniacs didn't stop at that however. Several years after the show got cancelled and the movie, "Wakko's Wish" was made; they picked up a little steam again and surprisingly made 2 more games for them outside of the PC: One for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS, and one for the home consoles.
Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt was the first of them released after the movie and show in 2005, as a Gamecube game in September, then later as an Xbox game in October. The PlayStation 2 version that was also made earlier in June is Europe-only. After some more research, it was found that it was supposed to another game called "Animaniacs: Hollywood Hijinx", with similar levels and gameplay, even the same antagonist, but with a different publisher: SWING Entertainment. A gallery of pictures of the game I found looked like a beta version of it, but eventually it was said that that game had been supposedly cancelled due to the company going bankrupt in 2003. But Warthog didn't give up, they remade/finished it, found a different publisher, "Ignition Entertainment", and the name was changed to "The Great Edgar Hunt".
From what I've seen from other reviews, the Gamecube version is said to be superior, but from what I can see in gameplay videos, they're all pretty much the same game, and the PS2 version just has different language options to choose. It features the original voice actors as well, so that's a bonus too. Unlike Home Alone for the PS2, it's actually relevant to the show it's based off of, so that's good to know.
The plot here revolves around an overlooked and jealous director named C.C. Deville who threatens Thaddeus Plotz that if he doesn't get to make his movies, he'll melt down all of the "Edgars" he stole, which is a parody of the Oscars, even though in the Genesis version it was called a "Felix", and in the show I think they called it a "Schloscar", but whatever. His assistant crashes the blimp into the Water Tower,... Read the rest of this Review
08-22-15 01:05 PM
SNES version gives much needed energy back into Animaniacs
Now let's get to the main attraction of the 90s era: Animaniacs on the SNES. This game is drastically different from the Genesis version, and was made by the same company, Konami, and people have said that it's a vast improvement, but let's take a look and see.
The title screen pops up and immediately looks way better than the Genesis, due to the much wider color palette in the 10,000s, and bigger resolution of the Super Nintendo, allowing more detail through. Despite there being no intro this time by the Warners before the title screen, the Animaniacs theme is there again in this version like you'd expect, proudly playing, which is a nice bonus as it's sounds like a better 16-bit rendition.
As the game starts, it goes to a tutorial level like the last game, this time in the Studio HQ, which seems more complicated and longer. Immediately noticeable is the fact that they tried to make the movement on a three-dimensional field than just a simple one-lane side-scrolling game. You can move to different lanes up and down with the D-Pad to avoid different obstacles and go to more places, which is nice, and the game DOES take advantage of that with putting in jumping puzzles that involve it, but you can only jump one lane across and if you're in the air, it can get confusing at what lane you're in before you land, either landing on a platform or looking like you fall right through it. Also, the movement's been improved a lot over the Genesis version. You can move a lot faster, jump higher, there's a dash function that serves as an attack, and you can stack up the Warners to reach higher places.
The goal of this game is to find pieces of a movie script Pinky and the Brain stole to make their own movie, 24 in all in the form of books. You need to get them in secret areas or completing levels and boss stages, among other ways like collecting chains of coins without even missing one of them. The graphics are very colorful, more detaile... Read the rest of this Review
08-22-15 12:53 PM
Animaniacs Game Boy port excludes too much to make it as enjoyable
The Genesis version was a really good first attempt to bring the Animaniacs to the home consoles, but unfortunately everything's got to have a bad seed. This bad seed is the Game Boy port. Yes, Nintendo ported a Genesis game onto the Game Boy, with the help of a company named Factor 5 in July of 1995. It's the exact same game, but with cosmetic differences outside of the obvious. Let's see what it's got.
The Game Boy version is the same game as the Genesis version, but had to be changed in a lot of aspects to make it fit. The music in this game is all bit-crushed, the graphics, while good for Game Boy standards, are really downgraded from 16 bits to borderline 4 bits; and it feels even slower. Many parts of the game are missing or were omitted completely from the Genesis version, like two whole levels worth. Both the "Science Fiction/Space Opera" and "Space Wars (Space Trucking)" levels and nearly all of the final "Action Movie - Once There Was A Man Named Oscar" level except for the final boss fight there had been removed to keep within the space limitations of the cartridge, including the introduction and even explaining the plot of the game.
There's only three normal levels here this time, 4 if you count the final Pinky and the Brain fight, and they've all been shrunk or butchered. The levels feel a lot smaller, and not because it's on a portable system, the Warners feel like they walk even slower and the game feels very choppy as well, which can make it more difficult to control and move around. It makes sense due to it being on Game Boy instead of a console, but it'll feel jarring if you've just come off of it. The story and plot is the same as the Genesis version it ported from, to get all of the movie props for the Warners' pop-culture shop at the end of each level. They luckily kept the cutscenes in the beginnings of levels. so that's a nice touch, you don't really see that on the Game Boy in general.
Your health indic... Read the rest of this Review
08-22-15 12:34 PM
Animaniacs' first video game foray goes swimmingly well
Animaniacs was one of, if not the best and purest form of a cartoon, ever to hit the airwaves, on September 13th, 1993. I don't think anything has spread so wide in popularity that it still gets awards to this very day. But with the show canceled and a rebooted future looking bleaker by the year, it seems that we may not ever see the lovable trio of toons and their friends again. They keep doing reruns every so often then stop after a while, it's kind of a stupid pattern to say the least. The show had a very balanced mix of child and adult humor, where both kids and adults could get it and laugh without having to change the channel, and challenged the censors to try and rid them of their jokes. We've not only got Yakko the ladies' man leader, Wakko the hungry younger brother, and Dot the cute sister, there's loads of characters to enjoy in this show, like Pinky and the Brain(which got not one, but two spinoff shows), Slappy and Skippy Squirrel, Rita and Runt, the Hip Hippos, Randy Beaman, the Mime, the Good Idea/Bad Idea family, Minerva Mink, the Goodfeathers, and so forth in their multitude of skits as the show went on past its SIXTY-FIVE-episode first season. It went on to help Warner Bros. Animation win more Emmys than they ever had before as well, more than any other animation studio at the time, and is currently part of the top 100 animated shows of all time, at a very high and respectful number 17. Unfortunately, with the fanbase growing in adult size as well as kid size, despite 1 million plus kids watching it too, the advertisers put pressure on the WB network, making them dissatisfied in their most popular show. *COUGHFRIENDSHIPISMAGICCOUGH*

Relying on leftover scripts and storyboards by the time the 4th and 5th seasons rolled in, the show slowly faded, and thanks to Jamie Kellner, was cancelled at 99 episodes on November 14th, 1998, but managed to make one last movie, essentially the closest thing to its "episode 100", a direct-to-video movie c... Read the rest of this Review
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories
07-03-13 01:16 AM
Innovation... Doesn't always work.
Kingdom Hearts has always been a great teller of stories and has sometimes been innovative when it comes to their games. BBS has the command decks, KH2 has Reaction Commands, etc. All of them also forwards their story and gives good transitions to the next sequels and midquels, and even make prequels that tie in well with the present story, even though sometimes, it can be confusing to follow if you don't follow EVERY game's story. This one is no different, the story is very well done and makes a good transition to KH2 and through 358/2 Days. But the rest of the game... Well, let's just take a look.

The graphics, while kinda well done for GBA standards, look a little bit wonky to me. I don't know why, but I always feel like there's something a little bit... Well, off. It's not the worst looking, and I can stand seeing these kinds of sprites, but they could've done a little better with it, including some of the animations. I know it's KH's first foray into the portable gaming systems, so they're bound to not get it perfect right off the bat, and the real-time cutscenes are also well-done. So, I'll give them a slight pass for that, for trying to be ambitious. But sometimes, the game just slows down so much when there's too many enemies on the screen and it flickers a lot too. To be expected, but it happens a bit too often, especially when there's so many of those flying, "named after music" Heartless. It cuts the speed and framerate practically in half and gets very slow and annoying. Other than that, it still worked out after some getting used to it. In Re:CoM, there are spots where the framerate actually is very high(World selecting, etc.) and looked even more fluid than the rest of the game, like it jumped to 60 FPS over the usual 30. I found that impressive, but that's that game, not this one.

The sound is a different story. They recycled the sounds from the original Kingdom Hearts, which should be both a neat and quick way to get the game do... Read the rest of this Review
Avatar: The Game
06-28-13 07:28 PM
Could it be worse? Well, for a movie-game, yeah.
"Avatar"(Not "The Last Airbender") was one of the biggest hit recent movies made be returning director James Cameron, the director of the "Aliens" and "Terminator" series in the 80's and 90's. It had spectacular imagery and great action, and it used the CG to its advantage as well, and it melded well when the real people were on screen too. The story however was less than original, with it sending a subtle environmental message to its viewers. Then we have the game. Created by Ubisoft Montreal, the same company behind the Assassin's Creed and Tom Clancy series, this... Rather less than spectacular game doesn't really deliver. Why? Well, strap on the O2 masks and prepare the AMP Suits, this is gonna be a doozy.

The graphics, while not the worst I've seen and I can look at them without hurting my eyes, don't really reflect the console's rendering power. The environments, from the Pandorian forests to the human bases are vast and huge, though. The character animations are also fluent and well done, but it's the appearance of the characters that bothered me a bit, plus some of the forest elements. Nothing too bad, other than some screen tear if things move too fast, but I think they could've done better and fixed some of the clipping issues if they wanted it to look really amazing. "Avatar" was already a big hit, so there was no rush to make even more money. More time and effort could've easily been put in to fix the issues it had, but they didn't cause of the movie to game syndrome: Movie makes money, game must be made ASAP to make more. Doesn't matter if the movie was a big hit or not, gotta push it out with laughable effort put into it for even more cash.

The sound effects are cool to listen to and have some kick to them when you shoot or slash an enemy, and the death grunts are also realistic. The voices however, are less than convincing at times, and feel like they're just reading off the script rather than putting emotion into their lines. T... Read the rest of this Review
06-26-13 10:38 PM
Possibly the best mature game out there?!
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. Literally, those words can be said and are true in this game. This game I recently bought from PSN is just... I can't even... You might think I'm saying it because it sucks, but far from it guys. "Bayonetta" may be one of the best PS3 games I've ever played in my life. Developed by Platinum Games and Nex Entertainment, the latter having developed the "Time Crisis" sequels 3 and 4 for the arcade and PS3, and the former having been a part of developing "Metal Gear Rising: Revengence" years after this game's release; this unique game with a very unique concept is simply jaw-dropping in more ways than one. I don't mean her attire, guys. Keep your blushes to a minimum at least until this is done.

The first impression I got from the graphics is that it was pretty detailed and most of the cutscenes were in a film strip style. It was okay and wasn't bad, but I could do without those. The graphics of the game were just... Simply awe-inspiring. The environments of Paradiso, the angel world; the European city of Vigrid, etc. are incredibly detailed and intricate. There are also plenty of discreet secret areas peppered in the environment to find chests and items again, like Angel LPs to get new weapons, witch hearts to increase max health, magic pearls to increase your magic meter, etc. The character models and animations, from Bayonetta to the angel enemies and bosses, are epic and are pure eye candy, and the censoring on her during an Infernal attack (Summoning a beast from Hell to finish off a boss) is indeed effective. Keep mind that the blood in this game is immense, so that's not for faint-hearted people. The bad news is that sometimes it can slow down and cause some screen-tearing if there's too much going on at once, but it's to be expected with other games having a ton of fast-moving action to it, so it's not that bad an issue.

The sound effects in the game have plenty of kick to them, from the epic fights to the subtlety of th... Read the rest of this Review
Dragon\'s Dogma
06-09-13 11:30 PM
Dragon's Dogma review
Oh. My. GOD. This game is utterly amazing in nearly every single aspect. Word's can't describe how awesome this game is how unique it is, and how... Weird it is? Why do the party members never shut up? Why did this turn into a fairy tale? Why am I able to make my character look like either myself or someone like Scarface or my little brother or anyone else I want to put through this? Let's take a look at the recent PS3 game called Dragon's Dogma, Capcom's latest breakthrough in games that doesn't have anything to do with Megaman. XD

The first impression I got was that it was gonna be a good RPG, the beginning of it cemented the fact, if it didn't look like the end of the game right off the bat, but it wasn't. But when I got through the tutorial and arrived at the character creation screen? Holy crap, there were so many features I could put on my character! The creation process took quite a time before I decided to have him look like me. Like Dragon Quest IX for the Nintendo DS, you can make your own hero, along with creating one and recruiting 2 others, called pawns, to join you, making your personal pawn also look like darn near anyone you want. I made mine look like my little brother, and made him a mage. The pawns, when you're online, can be traded between users, and kinda remind me of "Pokemon".

The graphics are amazing and very appealing to the eye. The scenery is amazing and has many secrets to find, the characters look sleek with their armor on and their animation is fluent, and using your character's skills look appealing and epic as well when you use them.

The sound? Man, the soundtrack is awe-inspiring to listen to, and the sound effects sound like they indeed have some kick to them. But... The pawns when they shout hints and strategies? Ugh, they are what kill the experience somewhat. They never shut up, and there's no option to turn down their volume. I don't really have a lot of good things to say about that, they're ann... Read the rest of this Review
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
12-19-09 01:16 PM
Is E.T. really that bad?
Good God, this is just... awful. just... plain... awful. I felt raped playing this game. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on NES looks like God compared to this. The creators were probably rushed into making this thing, but that is just no excuse. Spielberg was an a-hole if he was thinking this could be GOOD. But no, his requirements were just impossible to meet, so it was Spielberg's fault for asking for WAY too much of Atari. Only if you paid me 350,000 Viz could you convince me to play this again.

The gameplay is very boring and tedious for one thing. All that you are doing is collecting telephone pieces. But you happen to be practically walking on swiss cheese because the ground is littered with holes, and the detection with those holes is broken. Every time you get 3 inches near a hole, it counts as falling into the hole, and it is nearly impossible to get out.

The sound quality is par with Atari standards, but it's too quiet, and there's barely any variety with them.

The control is responsive, but the holes plus the glitchy detection make your fingers take gymnastics school to maneuver around them.

Due to the glitches, the 2 persistent enemies (being the scientist and FBI agent), the holes, and the effort it takes to get out of and around them, the difficulty is extreme.

The worst part about the game is the part where you get all 3 telephone pieces. You have to go to the field and wait for a few seconds for your ship. But at the last second, the scientist comes out of nowhere and takes you away if you don't move quick enough. If she catches you, you have to START OVER THE SEARCH FOR THE PIECES ALL OVER AGAIN, because she'll take all your telephone pieces if you let her catch you.

That alone would make a game impossible to beat. This also goes back to the controls I mentioned earlier.

I just think that E.T. could've been better if Steve didn't set the super high expectations for Atari. I thoug... Read the rest of this Review

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