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jlh's Last 25 Game Reviews
Fatal Fury Special
11-18-12 10:21 PM
Fatal Fury special, SEGA CD
Fatal Fury Special edition on the SEGA cd system is kind of a let down compared to the other Fatal Fury series. It does however incorporate a different battle field, rather then just a typical back and forth, this game lets you move your character up and down as well as diagonal to battle your enemy. Pretty much the same controls as any other fighting game, holding back blocks enemy attacks, pressing back twice makes your character dash back ( no dash forward ). Although personally I found that it is hard to figure out special attacks.

This game boasts six levels of difficulty, beginner,easy,normal,hard,expert, and mvs( arcade difficulty). With sixteen characters to choose from, each with their own style is one of the few strong points of the game. Here is a short list of fighters to choose from.

Terry Bogard
Andy Bogard
Joe Higashi
Big Bear
Juei Yamada
Billy Cane
Ryu Sakazaki
Ma Sharanui
Wolfgang Keiser
and many more!

Overall: 7.5 ( best thing going for this game is the graphics and a good selection of fighters to choose from).

Graphics: 8 ( really the highest score I gave the game in all the categories, some boards are better then others providing animation in the backgrounds, well detailed and real nice colours).

Sound: 7  ( okay music and some voice effects but nothing special)

Addictiveness: 6 

Story: 7 ( It is a fighting game, the end).

Depth: 7 ( really with sixteen characters the score should be higher but difficulty in using the specials are a real let down). 

Difficulty: 9 ( okay usually when I rate a game this high it is a good thing but with this game a 9 means bad, sometimes slow action and difficulty when trying to use the specials sometimes results in jumping or rolling across the board).

Reviewers note: I made this review short and sweet because really it is nothing to brag about, their are be... Read the rest of this Review
Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A)
11-16-12 03:18 PM
Golden Ax arcade
Sega's 1989 Golden Ax has five levels of sword or ax slash em up action! Pick between three heroes each having different magic abilities and strengths, plus each character has a special attack. Plenty of enemies and bosses, plus creatures that you can ride on, such as a red dragon that hurls fire balls across the screen, a blue dragon that breathes fire on the ground and a wingless bird type creature that whips its tail at enemies.

Depth: 8
Having only five levels and it is a pretty straight forward game, I still rated the depth pretty high because the three heroes have different magic and strengths. The girl warrior has the most powerful magic (fire) and is pretty fast but is weaker then the others. The dwarf has the lowest magic (lightning) but he has the strongest regular attack. The barbarian has medium level magic (earth) and medium strength and speed.Character attacks include a running attack, two different jumping attacks and a special attack that is different with two characters. So after beating this game with one character it is fun to play as the other two as well, adding to the depth of the game.

Overall: 8
A great game, if you like beat em up games then I definitely recommend playing this one. The music is cool, player control is good and the graphics and boards are nice, so yea I gave it an 8.

Graphics: 9
The enemies and boards are well drawn or pixelated. Plenty of different enemies, some are the same but different levels of the same enemy are coloured different according to their strength level. The different types and levels of magic each hero possesses are fun to watch. Some of the boards are pretty unique adding to the graphics and the overall score of this games rating.
Sound: 8
The only thing missing is voice affects, other then that this game has cool barbarian song tracks that fit the game nicely. Other sound effects included in&nbs... Read the rest of this Review
Gun.Smoke (World)
11-14-12 07:41 PM
Gun Smoke arcade
Gun Smoke, a classic arcade game from 1985 is really a fun game to play. Although I rated the overall category a little low this game is worth the time to try at least once. Set in the days of the wild west you are a cowboy bounty hunter that uses duel pistols, upgrades and a horse to take down the bad guys. Fast action, innovative cont rolls and good player control makes this game enjoyable to play. Each of the bosses has a bounty that ranges from 10000 to 80000 dollars. Here is a list of the bosses you will encounter.

Master Winchester. The first boss, he isn't that tuff but the extra bad guys and his pistol makes it a little challenging.

Roy Knife. Yup, you guessed it he throws knifes at you and again the multiple enemies is what makes it difficult to take him down.

Ninja Darts. This guy throws stars, jump around and will disappear in a cloud of smoke!

Cutter Boomerang: Are you seeing a pattern here with the names of these guys ha ha, this one uses multiple boomerangs to attack you, don't stay still.

Pig Joe: Uses Dynamite and lots of it, wait shouldn't his name be "dynamite Joe" haha

Wolf Chief. This Indian chief uses a shotgun, another one that makes you move a lot to avoid the spread of his weapon.

Gold Smith. This guy uses duel rifles, faster then the shot gun but without the spread.

Los Pubro. This Latino bully uses double pistols like the ones you use and uses them good.

Fat man. Machine gun, wait did they have machine guns back then? Ha ha anyways like the others movement is the key.

Wingate Family. These three are the last bounty. Two dudes using rifles and a machine gun, stop them quick and then take out the last Wingate brother.

Overall: 7.5 Really a fun game, it is just the low scores on the story, sound and addictiveness that took away from the score.
Graphics: 8  I feel that the graphics could have been bett... Read the rest of this Review
11-05-12 10:11 PM
Punch Out Arcade!
Punch Out! The original arcade game is somewhat similar to Mike Tyson punch out but with some big differences. Some of the fighters are the same, which I will list them shortly. The referee is the same as in the console version (Mario). The punches are like the ones for Super Punch Out on the SNES, hold up and hit either right or left buttons for a high hook or cross, hold down and hit either right or left buttons for a low body shot. Same way with your guard, hold up to block high punches and down to block the other fighter's body shots. Of course you can dodge left or right just like in the console series. Another difference between Mike Tyson's punch out and the arcade version is that your punches won't tire you out so you can swing away all day! Also in this version their is a knock out meter that lights up when you hit the other fighter a bunch of times without getting hit. Sorry I haven't found the uppercut in this game if their is one at all.

Glass Joe. Not too much to describe here, just punch away and you will soon shatter his glass jaw. ( sorry for the pun their haha )

Piston Hurricane: A fighter that made his way too Super Punch Out, he is a little more challenging then Glass Joe but not by much.

Bald Bull: Here is when the game starts to get a little more difficult, just like the nes console version Bald Bull does his bull rush uppercut so be sure to avoid that and the victory should be yours.

Kid Quick: The name says Quick but really his power is in his body blows, so cover the old bread basket up and knock this one out quick.

Pizza Pasta: You thought I was going to say Don Flamenco? Sorry no cigar, this version has Pizza Pasta, a feisty Italian ready to rumble. This fighter is quick and will jab relentlessly at your dome, cover up or dodge and strike when you can.

Mr. Sandman: The World champ! Sandman has some of the attacks from the nes console seri... Read the rest of this Review
Black Tiger
11-03-12 04:18 PM
Black Tiger
Capcom's 1987 arcade game Black Tiger is an awesome plat former with upgrades on your weapons,armor,life and a time limit to complete a level. Your weapon is basically some kind of mace that shoots out and a spread of fire shots for long distance enemies. Throughout the boards you can find or buy upgrades to your weapon as well as buy different levels of armor. Your money comes from Zenny coins that are found in chests magic pots or by defeating enemies. To find the store you have to locate an old man that is usually frozen, just touch him to free him up and he will either give you Zenny coins, more time or a store to buy items.

Overall: 8.5  Great player control, cool weapon,good graphics and some sneaky enemies makes this game enjoyable to play.

Graphics: 8  Multiply enemies and different boards of this game are nicely pixelated and drawn plus your character looks pretty cool, along with the arcade graphics it's no wonder Black Tiger gets a high review from me.

Sound: 7  Okay music themes and sound effects are just okay, like most games, Black Tiger has background music and the sounds of your weapon destroying your enemies to enjoy. I rated the sound category a little low because sometimes the arcade games have more voice effects or better then the home consoles.

Addictiveness: 7  Black Tiger can get pretty addicting until you beat the game and find a lot of the secret rooms and stuff in the game, although I rated the addictiveness a little low their is lots to do in this game with all the secrets to find and great game play value.

Story: 7  For such a great game I rated the story a little low. Black Tiger is a full filling game to play or master but I felt their could have been a deeper story to the game. Basically you are to conquer three dragons that came and decimated the earth, the end. I understand that it is an arcade game but I am hard to please with the story... Read the rest of this Review
Justice League Task Force
11-01-12 10:57 PM
Justice League Task Force.
Justice League task force for the Sega Genesis. Overall I rated this game a 7.6. Play as Superman,Batman,WonderWoman,Flash,Aquaman,Green Arrow,Cheeta,Despero and Darkseid! All characters are playable in the V's mode, either V's the computer or a friend. Only the super heroes are playable in the story mode.

The Graphics are nice with detailed backgrounds and character art. I gave it a rating of an 8. For me personally i like the Justice League charactures so i had no problem giving this game a high score in the graphic department.

I liked the style of music to this game, it has some good beats in the music, also the music changes with the different scenes on the game and fighter stages. In the intro Darkseid talks to you and I thought that was pretty cool so I gave a rating of an 8.

The addictiveness of this game to me is around a 7. Really depends on how much someone likes fighting games. I always liked the Justice League cartoons so naturaly i enjoy playing this game. I enjoy fighting games too and have no problem with playing this game again, good controll and nice special attacks, yea i'm glad i found this one. 

The story on this game kind of let me down but what can you expect from older games? haha. Anyways, I won't reveal any spoilers as to the end of the game but I rated it as a 7 so don't get your hopes up on a great story.

I rated the depth of this game a 7. Although Justice League task force has two modes ( story/ V's ) I felt the game could have had some more characters in the story.

I rated the difficulty a score of an 8. The difficulty of this game depends on the settings you use, on normal mode this game seems kind of difficult for me so I rated it high on the review. The attack buttons are set up well and the special attacks are easy to perform so I had no trouble with the game play. I found it easy on the lower levels.

09-10-12 12:21 PM
1988 Shinobi Arcade version
                                                                                       A review by JLH

 One of the many great 1980's arcade games the original shinobi is one of my favorites. Challenging, simple, good music and player control makes this game a real gem. Plus with a lot of sequels usually means the first in the series is usually something good. If you like playing as a ninja, throwing ninja stars and a good challenge then definitely play this game! In the late eighties when I was a little kid their was this gas station / restaurant that had the arcade game. I would take my money and go watch the older kids try to beat the game then when they left I would continue where they left off, usually starting over after a couple continues because of the difficulty of the game. Anyways on to the review.

I Rated this game pretty high up for a scrolling/ platform game. The graphics are fair on the Sega system,&n... Read the rest of this Review
Turok - Dinosaur Hunter
09-05-12 08:11 PM
Turok! A review by JLH, Gain vizz comment : )
                                                                                                 A review by JLH.

I like the graphics and character art in this game. It reminds me of an old cartoon called "herculoids",anyways you get to shoot some soldiers,small dinosaurs,robots with heavy guns and big dinosaurs with guns! How cool is that? Turok is a first person shooter in a 3D lush environment. Their are bushes and plants to kind of hide in, their are old ruins here and their in the outside or wide open areas. The caves and tunnels can get dark so that is something I didn't like. The boss characters are well drawn or pixelated and I just love the concept, did I say dinosaurs with guns mounted on them!

Warning: I feel this game is played best with a cheat code. It made the game so much more enjoyable for me, without it I wouldn't ... Read the rest of this Review
05-15-12 07:47 PM
Pit fall for Atari 2600! A review.

 Pitfall for the Atari 2600 is a good game for it's time. Definitely worth checking out if you get bored from new games or if you want to see how far video games have progressed. For being an old game the play controls are good, the music is okay, and the replay value is high if you like Atari games.

 Overall: I gave this game a high score of a 9 overall because it was a popular game in it's time. It is definitely one of my favorites from the Atari system.
 Graphics: The graphics get a really high score of an 8 from me just because of the good looking boards and all the obstacle's and enemies in the game. While the graphics cannot compare to the newer systems, Pitfall  looked better then some of the other games from this system. Nice colors and different boards make it enjoyable to play considering it's an Atari game.

 Sound: I rated the sound as a 7. I actually should have rated it higher since it had a lot of sound effects especially when you start swinging on a vine the Tarzan music theme kicks in, very nice. Some Atari games didn't have any music at all so compared to the other games I gave it a high score.

 Addictiveness: Another high score of an 8! While a lot of Atari games are fairly simple, Pitfall can be a hard game and if you like Atari games this one can take a while to figure out the maze ( I still haven't finished it). To me this game can get addicting if you are extremely bored.

 Story: I gave the story a 5 because You are playing as pitfall Harry trying to make it through the jungle maze avoiding pitfalls, enemies and traps. The end. Not a great story line but okay for it's time.

 Depth: I gave the depth a score of a 7. Pitfall has a lot of different enemies and traps, plus figuring out the maze can be pretty hard. There are lots of ways to go. That's why I gave it a high score.

 Difficult... Read the rest of this Review
Castlevania II - Simon\'s Quest
05-11-12 10:40 PM
Castle Vainia two for the nes
                                                           Castle Vainia two: Simone's quest.

 Castle vainia two is a good step up from the first one. Unlike the original this game has some twists and turns to it as well as a couple of different items that you will have to buy or find to beat the game. The addition of day and night modes in the game as well it's non linear path through the game makes it a lot different from the previous version. It has pretty much the same controller's as the first game but in my opinion this game offers a lot more and it is pretty fun to play.
 Graphics:7  The graphics could have been better but I gave it a higher score because it has new enemies, the day and night mode addition and the background's and boards are drawn with detail, plus the details in the overall game is a step up from the first one in the series. The graphics to me look a lot cleaner then the previous version, and that's why it gets a 7 from me.

 Sound:8  The sound effects and music seem to fit the game well. I have always liked the music in The Castle Vainia series. The sound effects let you know if your doing damage to the enemy, which is important to me. There are plenty of sound effects throughout the game weather you are attacking enemies or buying and items. I gave it a high score really because of the music.

 Addictiveness: In this category I gave this game a lower score. While it can be addictive the first time around, once you been through the whole game you should remember all the paths to different towns fairly easy as well as the secrets in the game. Even though it is a l... Read the rest of this Review
Mega Man 3
04-25-12 08:55 PM
Mega man 3 for nes!
                                                                           Mega man 3: A review by jlh.

 Mega man three, this game gets nothing but high reviews from me. Over all the game gets a 9. The story is interesting with a shadow character hiding in the midst waiting to attack mega! The graphics are colorful and clean, especially for the nes. This game can be highly addictive and fun to play. It is not too easy to beat, it is a good thing. Nice fast paced music with a long game make it enjoyable to play. No wonder this game is a long running and popular series. 

 Graphics: I have to say like all the mega man games before this one has excellent graphics and this installment is no exception. All the levels are different with lots of colors and are drawn with detail. Like in other mega man series your character changes color when you change your weapon, very cool! The enemy robots are plenty different with every board and the boss characters are drawn well too. I give the graphics a high score of a 9.

Sound: I gave the sound of this game a score of an 8. Simply because most of the music is fast paced and is different with each board. Plus the sound effects let you know whether you are doing damage or not. From charging up your blaster to exploding enemies the sounds of the game helps with the enjoyment factor.

Addictiveness: Nothing but good scores on this game! I gave it a score of an 8 for the addictiveness factor. Highly addictive? Yes. In this game like the others every boss has a weak spot with certain weapons, you just have... Read the rest of this Review
King Salmon - The Big Catch
04-24-12 11:30 PM
King salmon fishing.
Let's fish for king salmon! Here is my review, I hope you enjoy. Overall this game gets a score of an 8. Despite the low scores I gave for the game, to me it is a fun game to play with nice colors and good fishing action.

 The graphics are okay but the makers could have done better in my opinion. The best graphics of the game is the over view map and the snap shot of the fish you caught at the end of the day. Other then that your fishing character is not realistic and the fish in the water could have had more detail.

 The sound was not all that great but the music fit well with the game. I gave this game a low score of a 6. Besides a couple sound effects here and there, like when your line snaps or a whistle at the end of the day and the music changing when you catch a fish, I was not all that impressed.

 The addictiveness gets a high score of an 8. Despite some of the lower scores this game can be fun to play. You really do not know what you got on the line until you catch it, so it just adds to the play value of the game.

 The story is not that great. It is just a fishing contest with the point being to catch certain fish to proceed to the next level. In the end the goal is to find and catch a world record king salmon. That is why this game gets a low score of a 5.

 Depth of the game gets a better score of a 7. You can change your lures and catch different types of fish, even sharks! You can basically fish where you want to on the map. Some spots are good and some places are bad when your looking for a certain fish.

 I gave this game a score of an 8 for their difficulty. This game has a time limit, You have to catch the right fish and they have to weigh to proceed to the next level

 Final note: even though I gave this game some low scores it is definitely worth playing and I would not say it is a complete failure,it really is a pretty good fis... Read the rest of this Review
Mortal Kombat
04-23-12 07:26 PM
Mortal combat 1 for super nes.
 I wrote this review because I actually played and beat this game. First time I seen Mortal combat was in the arcade and there were usually a lot of people watching and playing the game. When I seen someone used a fatality for the first time I knew this game was too cool. I enjoy fighting games and that is why I gave this game an overall score of 9.

 For the graphics I gave this game a high score of a 9. Simply because of all the fatalities and secret blood codes. The characters are nicely drawn and colorful. As well the boards are all unique some having to do with the fatalities, very cool.
 The sound on this game is really cool. From the music to scorpions voice "get over here" and also sheng shun's voice at the end of the battle "finish him", the sounds of the game make it enjoyable to play. Did I mention the music is epic and to me fits the game nicely.

 Addictiveness gets a good score from me coming in at a 9. It is a high score but with all of the difficulty settings and figuring out the fatalities, someone can play for a while without getting bored. Not to mention the basic attacks and special attacks each character has and some secret stages and enemies this game has. Besides the one player mode the two player adds a lot more to the fun and addictiveness of the game.

 The story is okay with just a score of 7 from me. Don't get me wrong the story is good but to me it is fairly typical of good guys V's bad for the domination of earth or the outer realm, which is why the combat takes place. The story has been able to through out a movie and lots of sequel's to the game, I'm just hard to please with the story on most games.

 I only gave this games depth a 7 because all though it has a lot of attacks and endings, to me it is just a fighting game and the point is to beat all the characters and main boss,the end.

 On the difficulty of this game I rated... Read the rest of this Review
Final Fantasy
04-17-12 07:09 PM
Final fantasy
 Another review by JLH !  I decided to do a review on this game because I recently played and beat this game, I never played this game when it came out, when I first seen this game last year I had to buy it. I knew it was going to be a fairly long game. With all the characters, magic, enemies and levels it has, it takes a while to finish the game.Thats why I give this game a score of 9 overall.

 The graphics were okay at the time. Cool enemies, colorful main bosses and magic,  to the map board and inside the towns looked  nicely drawn. If you make it to a certain level some of the main graphics will change.( I won't tell you which graphics change you will have to play)That really why I gave this game a high score on graphics. 9

  This game has some good melodies for the background. Comparable to Legend of Zelda or other genres of RPGs in terms of music, which I like. Pretty much all the actions in the game has a sound to it. The map and battle music changes so that's a makes it a pleasure to play. I give it a 9.

Addictiveness is on the high side of 8, just because of the replay value it has.  This game might take a little time to get building your experience, but it worth it if you like RPGs. Sometimes you have to search for your next level but it's not to hard, it adds a little bit to the replay. 

 The story was typical of 4 characters saving the world. A lot of reading through out the game made it enjoyable to play.That's why this game gets a 9 from me. Although typical, the story of good V's evil, save the world, the story has a lot of content to it and is interesting.

  Like I sayed earlier with all the characters, enemies, main bosses, building your magic and experience there a lot to do in this game. Plus you can search for ... Read the rest of this Review
04-12-12 11:02 PM
Metroid on nes
Overall: I gave this game a 9.5 because of the all around good things too offer from this platform. Nicely drawn characters, detailed graphics and interesting bosses. This game got all around good views from me. It is a fun game and to me has good replay value.

Graphics: 8, the graphics are okay for an older game, the colors and the characters are nice because they change with different levels. The back ground has nice detail. The ending has nice graphics and all types of enemies or different colors.

Sound: Metroid gets a 9 for the sound, a high score, I think the music set the mood for the game. The sounds fx are good , you  know when you get to a different level and you can tell by shooting something if your doing damage or not. 

Addictiveness: Another high score! With the items you have to find or the battles you must fight to beat the game it has a fun replay value. Plus it's a jump around shooting platform game blasting aliens.

Story: Story gets an eight, original characters and bosses is what makes this game great. I would have gave it a stronger rating, it has a typical good guy or er... anyways bad aliens theme.

Depth: The depth of this game gets a 9. Takes a while for the begginer to figure out it can be a maze some times and what item to get to proceed in the game. Plus with the multiple endings you might want to play more than once!

Difficulty: This game is pretty difficult for beginners. Having to build your energy and figure out enemy patterns can get difficult. The end can get frustrating but it is beatable if you are prepared.

Wonder Boy
04-10-12 09:37 PM
Overall: I gave this game an overall score of nine point five. Kind of a high score but I like fighting games and this one is good!
Graphics: The background scenery in this game changes with every character and is okay with nice collars. The characters are well drawn with some detail for the time it was made.  I did not see blood in this game like in Mortal combat, since this game will not work for me I am doing this out of memory. The graphics does not compare to mortal combat in my opinion . That is why I gave a lower score on graphics, a seven flat.
Sound: I thought the sound and the music were okay. Once again the sound changes with each characters boards or levels. Really why I gave this game a higher score of eight was because when I was at the end of the game and fighting the last boss I swear the sound graphics glitched and made a sound because I was beating the game and pissed the game off lol. I gave this an eight.
 Addictiveness: The addictiveness of this game is a nine straight up. Just because of the difficulty of the game, the smooth game play and the number of attacks the characters have.
Story: The story on this game... Well I really can't remember about the details but it's something typical of good characters and some shady ones, then there is the main villain at the end with extraordinary powers. All the characters have a different background and end story. I gave this game a story rating of seven, pretty low because it is pretty common theme.
 Depth: This game is getting great reviews from me with this nine depth rating. I gave it a good score simply based on character attachs.The avatars all had unique fighting moves and weapons.
Difficulty: For me the difficulty was high at an eight. The boss at the end was so hard to beat. Plus all the avatars and their moves are different, like a mortal combat game. I only beat this game with the vampire. Your ... Read the rest of this Review
Command & Conquer
04-01-12 02:26 AM
Comand and conquer
Well here is my first review.I gave this game a 7.6 on overall because it has a lot of free play creativity,such as building bases where you choose and attacking whatever part of the enemy with whatever you choose to attack them with.It does have repetive voices such as 'yes sir' and 'moving out' over and over,witch get anoying.The ending is not that great so that is why I only gave it a 7.6.I gave addictiveness an 8 because you can play as the good guys or the bad guys,plus with the thirteen or so missions it has a lot of replay value.I gave the difficulty a seven.It is not that hard when you figure out what to do but some of the missions can be difficult. The A.I on this game is pretty good, the enemy will come and attack you if it thinks you are weak!There is also a plus to the game, you can pick special ops at the beginning that allows you to have the ability to build the higher type buildings witch if you did not have this option you would have to be almost to the end of the game before you could build helicopters or laser towers. So I will end this short but sweet review with good replay value,good depth and great addictiveness if you like war games that you can choose what to build and who to control.

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Punch-Out!! (mame),   Fatal Fury Special (scd),   Golden Axe III (gen),   Golden Axe III (gen),   Golden Axe III (gen),   Black Tiger (mame),   Golden Axe III (gen),   Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (nes),   Golden Axe III (gen),   Double Dragon (Japan) (mame),   Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619) (mame),   Road Avenger (scd),   Black Tiger (mame),   Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A) (mame),   Gun.Smoke (World) (mame),   Terminator, The (scd),   Terminator, The (scd),   Eternal Champions - Challenge from the Dark Side (scd),   Star Strike (scd),   Space Adventure Cobra (scd),   5 in 1 Sega Arcade Classics (scd),   Terminator, The (scd),   Phoenix (Amstar) (mame),   Darius (World) (mame),   Gun.Smoke (World) (mame),   Phoenix (Amstar) (mame),   Shining Soul II (gba),   Gun.Smoke (World) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Metal Slug 3 (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Xybots (rev 2) (mame),   Hippodrome (US) (mame),   Rastan (World) (mame),   Phoenix (Amstar) (mame),   Phoenix (Amstar) (mame),   G.I. Joe (World, EAB, set 1) (mame),   G.I. Joe (World, EAB, set 1) (mame),   Metal Slug 3 (mame),   Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902) (mame),   Gun.Smoke (World) (mame),   Ghouls \'N Ghosts (World) (mame),   Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03-19-93) (mame),   Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (mame),   Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994-09-19) (mame),   Black Tiger (mame),   Phoenix (Amstar) (mame),  
Game Boy Advance Games jlh owns (40)

Super Nintendo Games jlh owns (42)

Nintendo 64 Games jlh owns (28)

Nintendo NES Games jlh owns (51)

Game Boy Color Games jlh owns (7)

Sega Genesis Games jlh owns (54)

Game Boy Games jlh owns (2)

Commodore 64 Games jlh owns (5)

Atari 2600 Games jlh owns (10)

Sega Master System Games jlh owns (4)

Apple II Games jlh owns (5)

Sega Game Gear Games jlh owns (3)

Turbo Grafx Games jlh owns (3)

Sega CD Games jlh owns (8)

Sega 32X Games jlh owns (9)

Wonderswan Color Games jlh owns (1)

Atari Lynx Games jlh owns (2)

SuperGrafx Games jlh owns (2)

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