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Registration: 04-10-11 10:12 PM (4801 days ago)
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dekker101's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Jet Moto 2 on second thought how is this even possible! I thought it would cause server strain.
Castlevania farmboy8, more like zelda II is like castlevania -_-
Super Smash Bros. HD lol thanks for copying what just said reaper13342
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619) Why does every one keep calling the Drow night elves, this is forgotten realms(Dungeons and Dragons) NOT warcraft
House of the Dead please fix this game 2nd
Super Smash Bros. HD Every one who says this is not H.D. is wrong the textures are high res then the original and it looks sharp as well, H.D. does not mean they completely remasterd the game look, it just means they fixed it up
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past & Four Swords Why is there no netplay for this game yet! :(
Dragon\'s Lair 1000 vizzed to play! i just got the beta test ticket for 10,000. this is not cool
Castlevania - Dracula X deepspace5d, I am thankful they got rid of that because that made the game too easy

dekker101's Last 25 Game Reviews
Dark Souls
07-18-12 09:25 PM
Dark Souls
Dark Souls

Yeah we are going to talk about Dark Souls, If you played Daemon Souls you should know that there is a lot in common with these 2 games in fact there both made by from softwere. Dark Souls is about its Difficulty, they intended  this game to be really hard so if your not hard core don't buy this game but if you love a good Difficulty then get this game. The Depth this game is pretty good, it has good  role playing it really lets you build your player and there some really cool loot but exploring is a little small, yes it is open world( at least at the Lordran) its cool but it could have been bigger. The game has a good base lore but the story is kinda just there, you are the chosen undead and you must re link the flame(bond fires) by going to the kiln of the first flame, you must also succeed Gywn Lord of Cinder because he I think became a undead  but you can choose to kill him and not lite the bond fire and become the new Dark Lord of Lordran aka Evil ending. The game will have keep coming back for more, Why because 1 there are so many builds you can make and new game +  which will let you play the game over again but with all the stuff you had at end game, the bad thing is your going to need it because it just got a whole lot harder. The game Hardly has music so I cant rate it very high for sound but there is music in boss fights and some place like the firelink shrine the boss music not that great but the music when you fight Gywn is magical( it made me cry) for a only console game it looks really good for and Xbox360/PS3 game and not too long ago they started making the PC port. Over all you should really buy this game because it is really awesome.

PS : Lost in blight-town better praise the Sun!
Sonic Battle
05-16-11 01:18 AM
Sonic Battle...
OK here is a review on Sonic battle... like really "Sonic Battle" could they have come up with a better name. Any way this is a Fighting game you enter stages and walk on 3D places in a 2d world like Doom but in this game its really bad like if go behind a block then some one could beat you up and you would not know so yeah your getting to what i am saying here.... right, i am saying this game is B...A....D yes this game is bad. the game has ok graphics but thats not that big of a surprise what was is how complex this game was your robot thing guy collects moves from people and show there stats you can equip these so its like getting armor a weapons well other then that this game is bad the sounds were good and the voices where stupid but understandable but the music for this game is horrible this high pitch noise just keeps playing i don't know if its a guitar or any thing it just sounds like some guy is screaming into a mike. the game feel to this game is boring it looks fun but all it is pressing the B button over and over and over again so yeah it gets repetitive and boring and no fun at all well the story is more then this but well doc egg or mister Robotnick made a robot that learns people moves so he was suppose to get sonics move and become just like sonic but they...i guess made friends with it and now they have to go on a quest or some thing together(you can tell i never beat the full game) i know kinda stupid but not that stupid. this game has ok amount to offer but theres not much to say so yeah. it may look Difficult but all it is just jumping and pressing the B button yeah this game gets boring. sorry for this being kinda short but theres not much to tell well play the game just to see how boring it really is i would give a one but you got to give credit for some things OTHER THEN THE MUSIC!!! ok play or don't ok well thats all P.S. I can't get that music out of my head!!! UGH!!!.......this game sucks....
Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness
04-27-11 01:35 AM
ugh Castlevania 64
Castlevania 64 this game to me sucks i am sorry if you like this game but Castlevania 2 was better, why was game so bad, lets get into it. 1 graphics, i know it was at a new age of game were they became 3d for the first and led on with 3d games but 3d kinda looked bad i know its old but woulds SNES had better graphics i would stick to that mainly but the plus side is that later on they would have better 3d game systems like what we know now wii xbox360 and ps3 but i did not like the look for this game. 2 sound, sound for game was OK the music for game OK but the remix of the songs were not that good except for "Vampire Killer". 3 Addictiveness, why would want to play this game again i mean there not that much fun things about this game jumps were annoying monsters were stupid and were easy(i think its in the other 64 game where there are skeletons on motorcycles lol) and there was stupid puzzles and a bad camera so theres no way i am playing this game again. 4 Story, the story is epic fleshed out and awesome i did not wright it down but check this link out on story [url][/url] it tells you a lot. 5 Depth, level are short but stuff always takes long but there are a lot of levels but there lifeless and boring. 6 Difficulty, this game was easy all just have too do is just hit the them till they fall but the big factor thats part of it is the game its self or you could say camera always goes in back rocks etc and one time but i don't think it will again but it got stuck in a wall camera just ruined the game for me. Over all this game is a mess but can try it out and see what i am saying you wont like because i am sorry but all of these kinda personal so try it but saying i don't like and i have no P.S for this one.
Castlevania II - Simon\'s Quest
04-25-11 10:12 PM
Castlevania 2 is not that all bad!
OK guys this game is OK its not bad i know AVGN review was harsh and you all trust in that guy but come on give it some slack.OK at the time there were trying some thing new at the time.OK 1 Graphics its was better than the first and things had good detail but the pallet was just lazy i mean making one town gray was just dumb. 2 Sounds for this game the sounds were great the whip sound was better death sounds were better and the music was awesome this was the first game to have bloody tears witch was awesome. 3 Addictiveness OK sure you beat the game but theres no way that your going to play this game again but thing is the game long and it was OK not bad OK. 4 story the story is now more complex now, the wounds that Dracula has done now gave you a cures and only way to get rid of it is bring back Dracula and kill him again if you beat the game slowly then Simon dies in the end if you beat it fast Simon lives, thats a cool story, 5 Depth oh this game is big REALLY BIG!!! and miss on thing your going to back track a lot talking to towns folk does not help its all hard to understand and some of them lie to you like that one guys who said the women at the lake likes garlic thats a lie and when you do find out what to do its not in proper grammar like words in the game are miss spelled so play this game with walk thur, even so you have to read the same old thing every 15 mins "What a horrible night to have a cures" and you cant skip it but the thing is it tried to make you sacred . 6 OK other than not knowing where to go, all the enemys were easy and some places don't have bosses and when they do you can just walk right past them but the big flying face guy you need to beat him and Dracula theres a easy way to beat him. over this games OK this game theme was horror and fear not action so its OK play or not don't matter. PS the morning sun has vanquished the horrible night.
04-17-11 03:38 PM
Castlevania is awesome
Are you a worthy Belmont.In this game all have is your skill and your whip(yes you get sub weapons)as you go into the castle called CastleVania the epic songs play demons try to stop you but passed them then you fight Dracula himself. kill him you won game and you see the castle crumble.things you should know jumps are stiff and your weapon delays but it changeling. Simon is the best Belmont. you fight death the grim reaper . truly a classic i am a big fan of Castlevania. this game is HARD!!! this game is Awesome OK lets get deeper in this game this game is great why because it has good enemy placement but some time it can just get you in a crappy mood just playing the because its so HARD! the in some game extra weapons are just useless but some there needed like in Metroid well in Castlevania you don't need sub weapons but oh yeah they will come in handy like your going to holy water fighting Frankenstein and need the ax fighting bat so your going too need them a lot well the story the story is simple but then it was Gothic for a NES game Belmont clan trying to stop Dracula but later on the in the other game it gets more complex. Well this game was not big but Hey it kept you busy with the difficulty. sound NES game did not have that good sound but it was fun just those monsters die but i hate the holy water noise its so annoying. For graphics other game had better graphics but you can still tell what things are. over all this game is awesome and i love this game but if you are casual gamer then don't play this game if your hard core then yeah you should try out...Oh i forgot the music, the music for this game is great i love that song called "Vampire killer". Just play this game! P.S the chicken is really a pork chop lol
04-17-11 03:20 PM
This game is not just a game its hell on Mars yes you go to deepest pits hell and tare demons gut out you can shoot or beat them up with hand till there just a mound of flesh and gore as blood drips down your face you feel nothing if you play this on easy you have not gone to the deepest pits hell yet play on the hardest level CAN YOU LIVE TO SEE THE DAY! you can run but oh no you got no where to hide. OK lets get deeper this game,1 the graphics this game graphics were bad OK but this game was old and stuff but still on the PC Doom the graphics were better things look sharper on the SNES its was hard to tell what things are unlike the PC one. 2 sound well the PC music and sound were better but the music is awesome in the SNES sounds too unlike the Sega where music was terrible so yes the sound is good. 3 Addictiveness yes play all of the Difficulty levels and the you have played all of Doom but after that you don't want to really want to play the game again unless you have nothing other to do but the game was long and it was good while it lasted. 4 Story well its a good game but the story was.... bad yeah uh its just demons came to a base on Mars i mean what kinda story is that? 5 well the game not huge but the size of the level combine yeah it big and if you just plow thought this game you would indeed die so take a look at whats around you before you just charge in. 6 Difficulty, on easy come on you got to be a noob if your playing the game on easy, normal well your a new but you have played shooters before so yeah its cool,hard oh man its hard so your going take cover a lot, Hardest oh my gosh its hard in fact i never beat it on hardest so this is where hell is your going to need that BFG a lot over all this game is a fun shoot and can get hard so watch out, any one can play this game so try out but remember this game is rated M but its not a big deal i mean its has bad graphics so you cant really tell if its a corps or not! PS the BFG is awesome!!!

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dekker101's Game History
Metal Slug 5 (mame),   Metal Slug 5 (mame),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Seiken Densetsu 3 (English translation) (snes),   Metroid (nes),   Metroid (fds),   Duke Nukem (gbc),   Final Fantasy (nes),   Legend of Zelda, The (nes),   Castlevania (nes),   Super Mario Bros (nes),   Super Mario Bros (nes),   Super Mario Bros (nes),   Super Mario Bros (nes),   Duke Nukem (gbc),   Duke Nukem (gbc),   Super Bonk (snes),   Final Fantasy (nes),   Bonk's Adventure (tg),   Final Fantasy III (english translation) (nes),   Final Fantasy III (english translation) (nes),   Final Fantasy III (english translation) (nes),   Mike Tyson\'s Punch Out!! (nes),   Super Mario Bros 3 (nes),   Mike Tyson\'s Punch Out!! (nes),   Mike Tyson\'s Punch Out!! (nes),   Mike Tyson\'s Punch Out!! (nes),   Mike Tyson\'s Punch Out!! (nes),   Kirby Super Star (snes),   Castlevania (nes),   Metal Gear (nes),   Metal Gear (nes),   Castlevania (nes),   Contra (nes),   Contra (nes),   Super Castlevania IV (snes),   Metal Gear Solid (psx),   Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (psx),   Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (psx),  
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